Friday, November 25, 2016

The seventh month of pregnancy

June 17, 2012

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 The seventh month of pregnancy  The seventh month of pregnancy   - A period of relative peace and calm for the expectant mother. A woman at this stage, carrying a child is already fully accustomed to their own state, she has passed all the tests and can be safely and gradually prepare for the pending birth of her. 7 month pregnancy - A time when you can attend special courses for pregnant women, or go swimming under the supervision of a trainer. During this period, expectant mother says that her breasts much heavier, gradually darken nipples. With each passing day the pregnancy, 25 weeks which followed marked increase in the abdomen, delivers more inconvenience: difficulty breathing woman, uncomfortable bed, sometimes there is a great weakness as a result of compression of the uterus large veins.

The development of the child in the seventh month of pregnancy

During this period, the most important event in the development of the unborn child is to establish strong ties with the adrenal cortex of the brain. Because this process involves the production of those hormones Which are essential for normal development of the child after its birth. Gradually evolving pituitary : From this time there is a development of growth hormone, regardless of the mother's body.

Gestation 25-26 weeks, which is already behind us, every day is becoming more visible to others. After all, the child at this stage of development is already fully occupies the cavity of the uterus. However, the situation can still change it. Fruit still richly covered with vellus hair, he already appeared marigolds, visible eyebrows. Since the baby fat layer increases with each passing day, his previous wrinkled skin gradually smoothed. The baby is almost completely formed, but still not all systems can fully operate. At this stage, we can only speak about the full development of the intestines and stomach. The kid has even distinguish taste. In addition, he can hear the music in response to certain styles of its positive or negative. Also, the child distinguishes the sound of the voices of their parents.

In this month, the fetus has grown and developed so much that can already hiccup. At hiccups   baby pregnant woman feels a slight abdominal cramps. Hiccups in different children occurs with varying frequency. But the worry is too long even if hiccups are not necessary, as a child, she does not cause inconvenience.

However, pregnancy 28 weeks, which completes premature birth, is not always beneficial ends. After the fruit at this stage of development can not exist independently, as his lungs are still underdeveloped. But with the right approach to the nursing baby and the use of modern equipment to save a child can sometimes be.

When the ends 28 week gestation fetus has a size of 35 cm and its weight may be from 1 to 1 kg, 3 kg.

Outside a woman in the seventh month of pregnancy

 The seventh month of pregnancy  At this time, changes in the appearance of future mother continues to manifest itself. Intensively increases the size of the abdomen, resulting in the skin may be formed striae . The impressive size of the stomach affects the changes in the gait of women: changes posture Movements become more awkward and measured.

In the seventh month of pregnancy may appear on the skin rash . This rash does not have a negative impact on the fetus, also after birth these changes on the skin disappear. If a rash appears very strong in different areas of the body and causes significant discomfort, you can receive antihistamines Prescribed by your doctor.

The psychological state of women at this stage of pregnancy is characterized by anxiety and constant thoughts about the future of the child. In addition, a woman can tear fears relating to a variety of things related to her condition, and upcoming birth of the future baby.

Women's Health in the seventh month of pregnancy

7 month of pregnancy - a time when women had a lot of changes in health status. First of all, almost all expectant mothers notice that every day is shown increasing fatigue. This is due to many factors: rapid weight gain, insomnia as a result of experience, a woman trying to make as much as possible until the baby. Doctors strongly recommend not to ignore the signal from the rest of the body and always enough time. But if after a long vacation woman feels weakness, in this case, to see a specialist and donate blood to determine anemia .

Very often, pregnancy, 26 weeks is coming to an end, affects the gastrointestinal tract of women. The frequency of periodic shown heartburn due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach contents, which falls into the lower esophagus. Basically, these unpleasant sensations disturb a woman after eating, with heartburn can last a few minutes or hours. Such a condition often occurs when a woman leans forward. If heartburn delivers strong discomfort, you should consult a specialist gastroenterologist. Furthermore, it is advisable to change the power mode: there are 5-6 times a day, with portions should be small. Reduce the fat content in the diet, spicy food, acid fruits, chocolate. To overcome bouts of heartburn medications are used - nonabsorbable antacids Which effectively neutralize the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. But baking soda drinking is extremely harmful, since pregnant women can celebrate after receiving edema.

 The seventh month of pregnancy  Swelling of the limbs on the seventh month of pregnancy occur in many pregnant women. They become pronounced after prolonged sitting or standing, swelling often occur in the late afternoon. In such a case, you should lie down, having set foot on the platform. Another important point to prevent the onset of edema is to shoes pregnancy was most convenient - it's time to completely abandon the heels.

Also, doctors are advised not to limit drinking fluids: drinking about 8 glasses of water a day allows more actively get rid of excess fluid. However, the drinks should be consumed gradually throughout the day. If the swelling does not go to the face and hands during the day, while a pregnant woman has been a sharp increase in body weight, she should immediately consult your doctor to check your urine for maintenance squirrel .

During this period, as well as in the months of pregnancy is very important to ensure that, in order to prevent falls or other injuries. With each passing day increases the stomach loses stability. If there is any unexpected injuries, a woman must compulsorily inform your doctor. Especially important to immediately seek help for bleeding, uterine spasms, cessation of movement of the child.

What worried woman in the seventh month of pregnancy

During this period, expectant mother, there are many new experiences both physiological and psychological. First of all, every day a woman said that the fetus becomes more active and move more often than before. Pregnancy may disturb periodic pains in underbelly, constipation , Digestive problems, often manifested gas   and heartburn . In addition, they can be confusing and cramping of the leg muscles . headache . nosebleeds . At the time of cleaning teeth woman often notes bleeding gums . That is 7 months pregnant most marked manifestations Varicose veins of the legs And rectum. At this time, there is often insomnia, itching of the skin of the abdomen as a result of its strong stretch, trouble breathing.

Because sometimes the chest periodically released colostrum . In addition, the expectant mother begins to increasingly overcome weakness and clumsiness, growing fears concerning premature birth.

Pregnancy, 7 months, which is behind the woman delivers concern in terms of frequent urination. Every day more and more intensely the uterus compresses the bladder, so go to the toilet expectant mother can several times a night. However, to prevent long-term abstinence is impossible, as it increases the risk of infection of the bladder and subsequent infection of the uterus.

Sex in the seventh month of pregnancy

 The seventh month of pregnancy  In the last months of pregnancy, sexual relations between spouses can, however, approach this issue is necessary with special care. Some experts argue that an active sex life can cause premature labor. So sex life is allowed to lead the women who were observed illnesses and conditions that threaten the life before birth.

If a woman during sexual intercourse orgasm, then the child can respond to it in different ways to be active or, conversely, to calm down. However, any reaction is no evidence that sex has a negative effect on the fetus.

Premature birth in the seventh month of pregnancy

It identifies several reasons that can cause premature birth of a baby in the seventh month of pregnancy. It is premature rupture of membranes and onset of labor, complications that affect the uterus or fetus, a variety of pregnancy complications. Every woman should know about the existence of a number of risk factors that make the risk of premature birth higher.

Most premature births occur in women who did not quit smoking during pregnancy. Also, do not consume even small doses of any alcoholic beverages. It is impossible without first consulting with your doctor to take drugs.

More likely the onset of preterm labor in women who are in the process of pregnancy dramatically gain weight. Before the birth weight is expected to increase by about 12 kg. If weight gain is very different from the norm, the expectant mother should review your diet. Every day should eat foods that contain zinc, which prevents the premature start of labor.

Furthermore, it is important to limit the physical activity and peretruzhdaetsya at work, even if the pregnancy, 27 weeks, which is over, passes without pathologies.

In some cases, for the prevention of preterm labor, women showed eating hormonal agents Prescribed by your doctor.

In addition to these factors can trigger premature labor infectious diseases, high sensitivity of the uterus, placenta previa particularly strong stresses , Chronic diseases, maternal age (less than 17 and more than 35 years). Pay particular attention to their own health should be taken for women who are hatching multiple pregnancy Since in this case the earliest possible delivery. Even with some of these factors of preterm birth can be prevented by carefully monitor the health and status of all the changes mark and uterine contractions.

For timely referral to a specialist woman should know about the symptoms of preterm labor. This is a manifestation of pain in the lower back, the periodic occurrence of spasms, symptoms similar to menstruation, accompanied by indigestion, squeezing sensation in the pelvis. Also changing selection that emerge from the vagina: they are distinguished by watery and pink or brown. In the event of birth prematurely departs mucous plug, from the vagina follows amniotic fluid.

Research on the seventh month of pregnancy

 The seventh month of pregnancy  At this stage of pregnancy a woman takes some surveys, which determine its health, as well as the development of the fetus. It is important to regularly measure blood pressure and weight control, check the fetal heart rate, check what is the level of sugar in the urine, and whether it contains protein. When you visit a doctor, he will measure the height of the uterus, as well as conduct an external examination to determine the size and position of the fetus in the uterus. Due to the high risk of varicose veins   doctor must inspect the patient's limb.

This month conducted laboratory testing of urine, blood chemistry, hemostasiogram. Also it held the second ultrasound, which enables us to determine how the process of development of the child and, in some cases, find out the sex of the baby.

Recommendations woman in the seventh month of pregnancy

Very often this month expectant mothers complain of difficulty breathing: they breathe more and more superficial, as the uterus exerts a lot of pressure on the diaphragm. Therefore, it is vremyaberemennoy need as much time to walk in the fresh and clean air, often try to walk unhurried pace. What is important is a good rest, the normal psychological sotsoyanie and a positive attitude.

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