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 Aphasia  Logaphasia   ( Broca's aphasia .   afferent motor aphasia ) - A condition in which a person loses the ability to use words to express their own thoughts, that is it. Formation of the speech in the left hemisphere determines human brain. As a result of stroke   or severe traumatic brain injury its functions can be broken, and the result is a complete or partial loss of speech.

How does motor aphasia?

Full   or partial aphasia   - It is a symptom of a neurological nature. Development of aphasia occurs when the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere of the brain affected by the disease process. The reasons for this phenomenon - severe injury . strokes   and others. When motor aphasia speech activity of the patient can be inhibited . unsaturated . In humans, there is a very bad articulation Because it understands that surrounding bad. Weight motor aphasia Broca   sometimes it leads to the fact that the patient is difficult to pronounce and match sounds. Some people are able to publish only the absolutely incomprehensible surrounding sounds. Restoring speech at the motor aphasia depends on the severity and characteristics of the disease, which triggered the symptom. Sometimes it is enough to do special exercises regularly.

A person who has a relatively light afferent motor aphasia often utters sentences that consist only of verbs   and nouns , Without using the function word. The proposals drawn up by them often violated the order of words, the very words used in the wrong form, do not correlate with standing next word. It is often informative, but it seems a complete illiteracy. A person can be inserted into the proposal the words just heard, repeating the same words. Besides speech impaired reading . letter , The patient is often unable to name objects.

In severe illness a person can utter only unintelligible noises or communicate solely with words " Yes "And" no ". He understands spoken language, addressed to him.

Patients sometimes show aphasia and changes in emotional state. They can indulge in depression Often cry, despair. If other forms of aphasia may lead to the fact that people are not aware of their own state, then the motor aphasia patient understands what is happening to him. Therefore, these patients are mainly reluctant to talk.

Among the neurological manifestations that accompany motor aphasia, it should be noted weakness of the facial muscles on one side, sometimes the muscles can be completely paralyzed. The patient in this condition may not be available with certain movements facial muscles . throat . mouth . The field of view of the patient can differ from the usual boundaries.

Besides motor aphasia in medicine defines the following types of aphasia: touch . amnestic . Semantic and dynamic .

 Aphasia  With dynamic aphasia   there is the so-called speech defect initiative. There is a pronounced speech disorders initiative, a spontaneous narrative speech. Man often silent, although we understand the people around them.

Acoustic gnostic sensory aphasia   It occurs in lesions of the posterior third of the left hemisphere. This disorder can also occur in patients after stroke . When sensory aphasia there is a lack of differentiation of phonemes audible speech. Man does not control its own it does not understand what other people say. People with the disorder may be perceived as mentally ill.

Anomia manifest violation of the ability to name objects clearly. At the same time the patient is the ability to describe the items. Not disturbed reading and understanding speech.

Semantic aphasia   manifestations of violations of speech understanding, which is related to spatial relations. Man can not understand logically and grammatically complex speech patterns.

Thus, in patients with aphasia can occur a number of difficulties associated with this symptom. It is difficult to understand what others say, to express their desires and aspirations, writing, reading. Therefore, in everyday life, such people may suffer from loneliness and isolation.

Why manifested motor aphasia?

In most cases, a person is shown total aphasia   after stroke . As a result of ischemic stroke affects the upper parts of the central artery of the brain. This, in turn, defines a violation of speech activity.

Motor aphasia manifests as a result of a variety of brain lesions. Trigger the development of this symptom may Education Brain . brain abscesses . intracranial hemorrhage   and others. In more rare cases, motor aphasia is manifested in encephalitis . leykoentsefalitah . Pick's disease .

Comprehensive Aphasia occurs when severe injuries of the human brain.

How to cure a motor aphasia?

 Aphasia  Fully restored it in aphasia, which provoked stroke   any serious traumatic brain injury In most cases difficult. However, proper treatment of aphasia after a stroke and subsequent rehabilitation in many cases to return communication skills .

If the patient manifests the symptom, it should undertake a comprehensive initial examination of aphasia, to determine what was the cause of the manifestation of this symptom. Generally, to restore the patient's speech with aphasia impossible in a short period of time. Sometimes it takes a few years. The effectiveness of the recovery depends on a number of factors. First of all, the important reasons that led to the manifestation of symptoms, and the severity of the damage . the location of the area of ​​the brain That has been damaged, overall health   and his age .

If the motor aphasia develops due to a stroke, then a week later after a stroke, provided a favorable development of the situation must begin to talk with the man. But it is always necessary to remember that the patient is in a state extremely weakened. Therefore, you need to talk to him every day for no more five minutes . Gradually, these sessions are becoming longer.

If a person says slight speech disorder Then you need to talk to him clearly, clearly, but at the same time raising only those topics that cause human positive emotions. It is not necessary to encourage the patient, if he tries to use to communicate only gestures and facial expressions instead of speech. It should do everything to encourage the patient to the pronunciation of words.

When more severe aphasia   this type of patient is not always able to utter even a syllable. In this case, the most effective training is considered speech   sequence by . singing , That is, the speech activity, which is the most automated. Initially, the patient should be regularly sing a familiar song, and later - to promote and encourage all his attempts at singing or the repetition of the text, even if they are not too articulate.

There are many practical exercises By which a person suffering from motor aphasia can gradually recover it. You should never force things, ensuring the purity and clarity of pronunciation of sounds. Therefore, constantly correcting all the words spoken by the patient, is not necessary.

When communicating with a person who suffers from aphasia, it is necessary to exercise tolerance   and tolerance . Never need to equate problems with speech activity to mental retardation and talk with the patient as a child to innocent or mentally ill.

People close to the patient as much as possible is recommended to simplify the proposals that are addressed to the person, if necessary several times to repeat important phrases. It is important to always try to bring a sick person to talk and encourage him to talk.

Modern physicians commonly practiced methods based on the use of capabilities of computers That allows you to engage in exercises to restore speech to maximum effect.

Ectopic pregnancy, symptoms and consequences

July 28, 2012

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 Ectopic pregnancy, symptoms and consequences  An ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy   quite justified is considered one of the most dangerous pathologies in the field of gynecology. After all, with untimely diagnosis, wrong diagnosis and therefore, without adequate treatment, a woman who develops an ectopic pregnancy, can die as a result of blood loss and painful shock. The incidence of ectopic pregnancy is about 2% of all pregnancies .

There are two stages of ectopic pregnancy: progressive   and Interrupted . Once the fertilized egg is implanted at ectopic pregnancy mostly in the fallopian tube, in pregnant there are changes that are typical of normal pregnancy. Further egg increases, thus there is a stretching of the pipe wall. Gradually, it is destroyed, and there is termination of pregnancy. This often happens pipe rupture and internal bleeding that threatens a woman's life.

Causes of ectopic pregnancy

To distinguish three types of ectopic pregnancy: it is abdominal . ovarian . Pipe . The main difference in this case is exactly where localized fertilized egg. In the normal development of the process of conception and subsequent implantation of fertilized egg in the end into the wall of the uterus. However, if there are some constraints, it may not reach the target, and the implantation takes place in an adjacent organ. The most common tubal ectopic pregnancy happens. However, each of the above types of ectopic pregnancy occurs due to the same reasons. The most common reason for this becomes the presence of women obstruction of the fallopian tubes or one pipe. As a result, it becomes impossible to achieve the goal of a fertilized egg, and it develops outside the uterus.

Fallopian tubes, in turn, occurs in women as a consequence of certain diseases and disorders. In particular, the pipe may become impassable due to the development chronic salpingitis . This disease manifests as a consequence of infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, the treatment of which was not conducted in a timely manner. It is also the cause of the disease may be surgery on the tubes, inflammation provoked held abortion   or exposure to a long stay in the uterus spiral.

Pathology of the fallopian tubes in women can also be congenital. Sometimes tubes are initially aborted, otherwise they appear in them additional openings. Such phenomena may be caused as a consequence of genetic factors and the result of changes that have occurred because of the harmful effects of external factors. It is therefore essential to plan a pregnancy, to avoid such effects.

Decided to allocate certain categories of women who are at risk of increased likelihood of ectopic pregnancy. These are the women whose birth occurred with the use of IVF ; women using intrauterine systems as a means of contraception; Women taking birth control as minipill , Reducing the motility of the fallopian tubes. Ectopic pregnancy may occur in women who suffer from various disorders of the reproductive glands, as well as those who have symptoms of undeveloped sexual apparatus. A higher risk of ectopic pregnancy is present in those women who had already experienced ectopic pregnancy and have not figured out exactly what the reason was the predisposing to its development. In addition, ectopic pregnancy is more common in smokers, leading unhealthy lifestyle of women. Increasing the chances of ectopic pregnancy in women who were diagnosed with a variety of tumor   in the pelvis. Such education may mechanically compress the fallopian tubes.

Also increases the risk of developing this disease in women who are over 35 years old, and while they have at one time been diagnosed infertility . The fact that the number increases with age adhesions   in the fallopian tubes. But if this approach to planning pregnancy with utmost responsibility, it is possible to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy

 Ectopic pregnancy, symptoms and consequences  To have the most detailed information on how to identify an ectopic pregnancy, it is important to know exactly what kind of symptoms of this condition occur during its development. To diagnose an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages is difficult because the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy is not always clearly expressed. However, doctors distinguish some symptoms that should alert a woman to become a prerequisite for immediate treatment to the doctor.

So signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages include, above all, the presence of negative or weakly positive pregnancy test . Sometimes a woman observes the growing signs of a developing pregnancy: menstruation does not occur, it appears early toxemia . But this test is not yet confirmed that conception has occurred. It is important that in this case were excluded other causes of negative test: too short a period of pregnancy, improper conduct of the test, a low-quality copy of the test. Therefore, you should verify correct execution of all actions and, if necessary, to re-test for ectopic pregnancy.

If, however, after several tests, there are doubts, accurate information about the presence or absence of pregnancy will help get analysis chorionic gonadotropin . Signs of ectopic pregnancy with the help of such an analysis can be determined even in the early stages, as the blood concentration of this hormone increases since 8-10 days after the time when conception occurred.

Around the third week of a delay monthly specialist already defines gestational age during a pelvic exam. If the examination conducted by a doctor with extensive experience, the size of the uterus, he very accurately determine the time of conception. But if it is assumed gestational age did not match the size of the uterus, it requires an additional ultrasound examination.

If a woman's uterus is small size, and the analysis reveals a decreased level of hCG in this case may appear symptoms of ectopic pregnancy and symptoms of non-viable pregnancy. If during ultrasound fertilized egg in the uterus is detected, possible or occurred previously miscarriage Or attachment of the ovum in any other organ. It is extremely important to the immediate treatment of women.

At the same time the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy in the longer term is expressed more clearly. Women are constantly worried about the appearance of vaginal discharge, which are either bloody or anointing character. This may be discomfort or pain in the abdomen, as well as where there is a body in which the fertilized egg implanted. All other displays are no different from the most common signs of pregnancy: can nagrubat breasts, morning sickness, etc. occur. A woman who develops an ectopic pregnancy, can periodically suffer from sudden bouts of nausea, dizziness , Fainting. However, these signs of an ectopic pregnancy during and may be absent. If you can not determine what is the development of an ectopic pregnancy, then the continued growth of the ovum can happen rupture of the body in which it is implanted

If such a phenomenon occurs, then at the time the woman feels very strong and sharp pain in the body. It may fall sharply   arterial pressure That leads to a state of syncope. Lower abdominal pain appears suddenly. In addition, a woman much pale, drenched in cold sweat, her sick. In this case, it is important to immediately seek medical help.

It might appear as a vaginal or internal bleeding. Both of these conditions are very dangerous. It is important to promptly stop the bleeding that can only be achieved by means of surgery. Otherwise likely fatal.

Methods of treatment of ectopic pregnancy

 Ectopic pregnancy, symptoms and consequences  With the development of ectopic pregnancy in women treatment is required only if the pregnancy has ceased to evolve independently. It is relatively rare. If you were diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg and continues to grow, it is important to begin treatment immediately.

To date, there is a possibility of suspension of development of the embryo by receiving medicament. The preparation Methotrexate Used for this purpose is an antagonist folic acid . This is a rather toxic drug, so its reception is possible only if the woman is fully confident that the ectopic pregnancy. After his admission should not become pregnant over the next three months. It is important that the size of the gestational sac was small - no more than 3, 5 cm. The drug is contraindicated in women who suffer ulcer . kidney or liver failure . leukopenia and other diseases. The drug can not be used mothers who feed the baby breast milk.

But the conservative therapy for an ectopic pregnancy is now used relatively rarely. Most often, this pathology is eliminated by surgery. Surgical intervention may be in different cases suggest a different approach to the treatment of ectopic pregnancy. Thus, the possibility of salpingectomy   - Removal of the fallopian tubes; sometimes suitable salpingostomy   - Removal of the ovum; In some cases, surgery is the removal of the pipe segment in which was implanted fertilized egg.

As a rule, women spend laparoscopy   or laparotomy   At laparoscopy, the abdominal wall is not opened, therefore, the operation is less traumatic for a woman .  Performing such an operation is carried out with the help of special tools, which are administered through small punctures .  Laparoscopy allows you to save the fallopian tube where there is a development of the ovum .  Yet there is often a risk of subsequent adhesion formation in the operated tunnel .  So sometimes the doctor makes the decision about the removal of the pipe .  After the operation carried out in the fallopian tubes, women should not be sexually active for two months .  In the process of rehabilitation after surgery is supposed purpose of the course of antibiotic treatment to prevent possible inflammation .  It is also fully justified the appointment of physiotherapy, which contribute to the prevention of occurrence of pelvic adhesions .  Also in the complex treatment includes reception vitamins . iron supplementation .

Depending on exactly how and where the fruit is, ectopic pregnancy can be donoshen to different terms. In rare cases, ovarian, cervical or abdominal location of the fetus shows signs of pregnancy or there is an interruption, even in the second or third trimester. When tubal pregnancy which occurs most frequently interrupt occurs 6-8 weeks.

It is important to realize that the sooner a woman is diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy, the more likely that the termination of her body will suffer minimal damage.

Implications of ectopic pregnancy

 Ectopic pregnancy, symptoms and consequences  The most serious consequences of ectopic pregnancy - is an increased risk of recurrence of a similar situation in the future. Thus, according to medical statistics, women who have undergone removal of a fallopian tube may have an ectopic pregnancy again in 5% of cases. If the pipe has been saved, then this risk has increased to 20%. Therefore, every woman, at one time had suffered an ectopic pregnancy, should work with your doctor to determine how you can minimize all existing risk factors. Only then can plan the next attempt to get pregnant.

Furthermore, as a consequence of ectopic pregnancy can occur inflammation in the pelvis, abdomen. It is also possible the development of adhesions. Sometimes an ectopic pregnancy leads to the development of infertility in women.

Prevention of ectopic pregnancy

To prevent this disease, a woman must, above all, to minimize the possibility of the factors that provoke ectopic pregnancy. So, there is an obstruction of the fallopian tubes as a consequence of gynecological diseases and infections that are sexually transmitted. When planning the conception and the presence of an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy should be screened tubal patency. In performing this procedure, which is called hysterosalpingography Also can detect the presence of adhesions in the tubes. They can be removed by a simple surgical procedure.

In the absence of fallopian tubes woman recommended IVF.

General preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of an ectopic pregnancy include the careful attitude to health, the right way of life, the absence of frequent change of sexual partners, early conception and birth of the baby.

 Ectopic pregnancy, symptoms and consequences  Before you plan a pregnancy, a woman should be screened for the presence of mycoplasmas . Chlamydia . ureplazmu and promptly cure all diseases detected. Future father is also being examined.

Another important preventive measure - the right approach to Contraception As ectopic pregnancy is often a consequence of an abortion performed in the past.

If a woman has gone through surgery for ectopic pregnancy, after its implementation is very important to fully rehabilitated before making an attempt to get pregnant the next time. According to doctors, optimally plan conception a year after surgery on the fallopian tubes.


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 Tripe  Scars   It appears on the skin as a result of injury or surgery. Scars are human cosmetic problem, but if the scar is very large, it may cause discomfort and interfere with the normal life of a person.

How does the scars?

Even small scars on the body can be a very serious problem. Very often people expressed his concern about how to remove a scar on the face. To learn how to get rid of scars, can be obtained from a specialist dermatologist, because in modern medicine, there are many ways to get rid of scars.

Scars are due to violation of the integrity of the skin and its subsequent healing. The physiological structure of the skin is broken due to the mechanical nature of the injury, burns , Skin diseases. As a consequence, the skin is replaced by connective tissue. Scars are formed not only on the skin but also under the skin, that is, the internal organs.

If physiological scarring occurs gradually and without any violations, the skin gradually decrease defects. As a result, the place of defeat fades, and on the skin appear white scars. But not always the process occurs without scarring pathologies. The scar gradually becomes purple hue, and formed a human red welts that can be completely removed only after skin grafting.

During the formation of the scar goes through four stages that follow each other. In a first step epithelialization and inflammation, which lasts about 10 days of injury, swelling and inflammation decreases gradually. At the site of injury is the formation of granulation tissue, wound edges gradually converging. In the absence of infection the wound is healing slowly, there is a thin, barely visible scar.

In the second step Which runs from 10th to 30th day, formed immature, loose scar. It is pink because the blood supply of the amplified portion. Third stage - A period of formation of the "mature" scar. It goes on in a person with 30s on the 90th day. Gradually decreases the blood flow in the rumen, resulting in scar becomes more dense and gradually fades. When, after an injury takes three months, there comes   the fourth stage When the scar is completely transformed. The scar matures to about 12 months. This collagen fibers gradually tightened, scars become more dense and pale. Only after the fourth stage, the doctor can more accurately determine the condition of the scar remains, and what treatments to apply.

The more deeply was struck by the skin, the longer the healing. Accordingly, the scar would be more pronounced.

Why do I get the scars?

 Tripe  Scars on the skin appear a consequence of mechanical injuries, burns, surgical operations, etc..

Doctors have identified a number of different types of scarring in humans. If the scarring process is proceeding normally, without complications, it is formed on the skin normotroficheskie scar . It is flat, the color closest to the color of the surrounding skin. These scars are usually inconspicuous, much discomfort a person they do not deliver.

Atrophic scars   arise after acne or due to poor removal papillomas   and birthmarks . If you have any question of scars how to remove scars on the face is very serious for the person. Scars from acne on the face are below the general level of the skin. Scar tissue loose, as the development of collagen in it is reduced. Accordingly, after the acne on the face may appear conspicuous pits and scars that are a serious cosmetic defect. However, modern medicine has a lot of tools to get rid of the scars of this type. And if a cream or other local means in this case is ineffective, the laser resurfacing of the face and a number of other procedures allow almost completely remove these scars. Atrophic scars are also extensions   (striae).

Hypertrophic scars   protrude above the skin and have a bright pink color. In some cases this type of scars after a few years after injury partially disappear. Yet how to remove the hypertrophic scar, should learn from the expert. If the treatment was correct, then from this scar can be eliminated almost entirely. Addressing to the doctor, the patient can see the before and after photos and to assess how effective a certain procedure. The best result can be obtained by the surgical treatment, which is performed during the removal of scar tissue. If the treatment was carried out correctly, the site of a small hypertrophic scar skin remains the same as after the removal of moles.

Keloids severely restricted and strongly protrude above the surrounding skin. Typically, these are painful scars: keloid scar even earlobes periodically can deliver the pain, burning, itching. Treat these scars are the most difficult. Unlike hypertrophic scars, which coincide precisely with the injured surface of the skin, keloid scars can have a larger area than the damage.

The most common form keloid scars on the ears, in the chest, in more rare cases - on the joints and on the face.

 Tripe  Keloids   result from surgery, burns, vaccination, animal or insect bites, post tattoos. Sometimes the scars of this type appear even without injury. Why the human body there is keloid scars, doctors have not established so far.

Keloids   during the existence of the third month to about five years of age have a red color and a smooth surface, continue to actively grow. Those scars, from the appearance of which has been five years, gradually fade, become wrinkled, and in some cases, the central part of sinks.

Postoperative scars remain after surgery. Their size and characteristics depend on the type of operation, as well as the properties of the human skin. Resorption scars gradually. To evaluate the process of resorption of scar may be compared photo taken a few days after surgery, the scar and the image after a few months. Removal of scars carried out using both surgical and other techniques.

Sometimes the formation of post-operative scar occur pathological processes, slowing resorption. Infiltration may occur postoperative scar after 3-6 days after surgery. It is noted hyperemia edges of the wound, there is a painful seal, developed symptoms of intoxication and inflammation. In addition, complications can develop as a fistula or abscess   postoperative scar. Less common postoperative scar endometriosis anterior abdominal wall.

How to treat scars?

 Tripe  In the process of healing scar affect both local And general   factors. Therefore, immediately after the injury can not say exactly how then will look like a scar.

As local factors should be taken into account is the place that has been injured, as in different areas of the body characteristics of the skin is different. Also important actions of the doctor, who with the right approach to treatment is able to minimize the development of scar in the future. Envy and scar formation of blood supply. The more active perfusion occurs in the zone of injury, the wound best healed. What is important and the nature of the injury. If a person received a burn or equal to the wound, then later the scar is more noticeable than in the healing of incised wounds.

Common factors include the patient's age: young skin regenerates more actively. Equally important, the condition remains the human immune system, since the activity of immune cells determines the production of collagen. Another common factor - a genetic predisposition. Each person has a number of individual characteristics that determine the characteristics of tissue regeneration.

To get rid of scars and prevent their occurrence, immediately following a serious injury to see a doctor. Very often the treatment of scars folk remedies leads to the fact that later on the skin formed a noticeable scar that becomes a person with serious consequences. In no case can not be treated at home severe burns, severe skin damage.

When referring to the doctor treating the injury and the scar which is formed on it, it is carried out depending on whether a particular stage of scar formation occurs.

In the first stage of formation of the scar in order to avoid complications in the future on the scar superimposed atraumatic suture used antiseptics, regular dressings. To the edge of the wound did not disperse, it is recommended to restrict physical activity.

 Tripe  In the second stage scarring if necessary, carry dressings. The patient should avoid another injury wounds. It is also necessary to avoid stress to prevent damage to the injury site. When the formation of scar in the third stage, the limitations of physical activity is not required. But the doctor in this period advises avoiding repeated trauma, as this can cause the formation of keloid or hypertrophic scar.

Therefore, a physician should be handled and at obtaining injury, and if a long time is ill scar after operation. Only a clear implementation of the recommendations the expert speed healing after surgery. Also, note that after surgery and internal scar formed. Therefore, to use any means of scars without prior consultation is not necessary.

Modern medicine offers a lot of very different means and methods of scar removal. However, the answer is clear atrophic scar on the face or how to get rid of the scars of another type, is possible only after examination and medical history.

If a person were formed almost imperceptible scars without pathologies, treatment may be carried out by means of cosmetic preparations. In such funds as part of there retinol . fruit acids As well as other nutrients. Using a cream or ointment on the scars, it is understood that such treatment should be continued for a long period. Only after prolonged use, there will be some results. If a person has more serious scars, their removal should be done by other methods.

Physiotherapy promotes regeneration processes, blood circulation granulation at the site of injury. The most common scar treatment is carried out using ultrasound and phonophoresis of electrostatic massage. During phonophoresis drugs introduced into the dermal layers using ultrasound. Electrostatic massage - this is the effect of the electrostatic field in the human tissue.

Another effective method to destroy scar pigmentation, called fotokorrektsikey. With this method it is possible to significantly improve the appearance of skin with hypertrophic, atrophic red, normotroficheskie scars.

 Tripe  People who have noticeable scars around, experts often prescribe conducting laser resurfacing. Removal of hems on the face of the laser, as well as in other areas of the body involves layering evaporation connective tissue. Laser scar removal ensures accurate and fast removal of scars. The procedure is not particularly painful. With laser resurfacing can be removed from both the scars after the removal of birthmarks. And from more serious scars obtained as a result of injuries. Laser surgery to remove, as a rule, carried out in conjunction with other treatments.

Cryotherapy - the removal of scar tissue using liquid nitrogen and ultra-low temperatures. Most often, this method is indicated for the removal of keloid scars.

In order to make less noticeable keloid scar tissue in its administered via injection corticosteroid hormones . When using this method for a certain time may occur on the skin pigmentation. If you want to get rid of atrophic scars, hyaluronic acid injections are carried out.

Use the peeling removes the top layer of skin cells. Beauticians prescribed exfoliating fruit acids, which accelerate the process of the production of elastin and collagen, aligned skin relief, relieve pigmentation.

Chemical peeling allows to grind scars, eliminating the boundaries and aligning skin. This peel is used for all types of scars. However, to reduce hypertrophic scars need a lot of procedures and staged their application.

If the patient has atrophic scars that have formed recently, the treatment can be carried out using special gels and ointments.

Microdermabrasion is holding a thin skin resurfacing. This method not only allows you to remove scars, but also promotes skin rejuvenation, wound healing.

To remove keloid scars, you can use radiation therapy. However, this method adversely affects the human body as a whole, so it is rarely used.

If you want to reduce the area of ​​the scar tissue, scar excision is practiced surgical method. After surgical removal of the wound edges are fixed cosmetic seam. It is impossible to carry out excision of keloid scars fresh, as subsequently relapse can occur.

To prevent the formation of large and noticeable scar after injury, it is necessary to consult a qualified professional who will do everything necessary for the subsequent process of tissue regeneration.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Scientists have invented a wonderful hat for insomnia

July 29, 2011

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 Scientists have invented a wonderful hat for insomnia  Today, medicine is trying to cover a lot of problems and to find simple solutions. One of the interesting questions - it insomnia . Professional American doctors were able to find a way to cope with this disease. There is a simple solution: insomnia can be overcome by using a plastic cap. Application: Put a cap on his head before going to bed, and you no longer bother insomnia. And most importantly - do not need any medication.

University of Pittsburgh researchers describe in detail a method for treating insomnia in his report, which is presented on one of the most important conferences. The report contained a lot of useful information. For example, it was said: In what quantities need to appoint cooling prefrontal cortex   before and during sleep to help it cope with insomnia.

This technique - not the progress in medicine. Doctors began to develop it a few years ago after discovering that a high metabolism in the brain of patients affected the poor and falling asleep on the process of sleep. They believe that the activity of the prefrontal cortex can be controlled. It is only necessary to cool the part of the brain to sleep - a guarantee of easy sleep.

A set of experiments to identify insomnia. For example, a recent experiment, which was attended by 12 women showed that 9 of them suffered from primary insomnia. It was found that the violations that lead to insomnia, are associated with violation of sleep   in humans, and permanent emotional disorders stresses . During experiments on women in their plastic caps circulating cooling water. In the near future, doctors will conduct more such experiments, but now men.


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 Namenda  Antiparkinsonian . The main component is memantine hydrochloride . The drug has antiparkinsonian, neuroprotection, antispastic effects. Namenda reduces the severity of symptoms depression , Fatigue, improves the patient's ability to concentrate, improves memory, promotes correction of motor disorders. Memantine hydrochloride after oral administration is rapidly absorbed, the maximum concentration of the basic substance is registered in 2-6 hours. Metabolites are the renal system. In the pathology of renal accumulation of the drug in the body does not occur. Namenda is available in tablet dosage form.


Namenda is used for Parkinson's disease, in violation of the nervous system, fatigue, impaired memory, reduced ability to concentrate, loss of interest in activities, with spastic spinal and cerebral syndromes   (after a stroke, multiple sclerosis , Traumatic brain injury), Parkinsonism, with   dementia : Vascular, Alzheimer's, mixed.


Namenda is not applicable in case of intolerance memantine hydrochloride, severe renal pathology system in confusion . In myocardial infarction, breast feeding, seizures, hyperthyroidism, pregnancy, epilepsy , Heart failure Namenda is used with caution.

Side effect:

Namenda can cause nausea, dizziness, fatigue, irritability, increased intracranial pressure, restlessness, fatigue, anxiety internally.

Mode of application:

The drug Namenda is used during the meal inside. Therapy begins with the minimum doses of 5 mg daily, then weekly dosage is increased by 5 mg. In the pathology of renal minimum prescribed dosage.

Special instructions:

Namenda affect the performance of a complex mental activity, to drive motor vehicles.

Drug Interactions:

Namenda enhances the action anticholinergics , Neuroleptics, barbiturates, bromocriptine . levodopa , Amantadine, dopamine agonists receptors. Can change action baclofen   and dantrolene.

Menstruation after childbirth

June 25, 2012

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 Menstruation after childbirth  After such an ordeal for the woman's body, as the birth of the baby, takes a certain time period in order to return to normal functioning of all organs and systems, which at the time pregnancy   It has undergone changes. In most cases this alteration takes about 6 - 8 weeks. But to restore the functioning of the hormonal system   Women take longer time. The menstrual cycle resumes after childbirth is the restoration of hormonal balance in the body of a young mother.

What happens during pregnancy and lactation?

After the baby is born, the woman gave birth in the body there is a sharp decline in proteins Previously Yields placenta . These proteins provide the regulation of a number of metabolic processes in the female body. After birth, there is a change of the endocrine system of the female body. So, pituitary   produces the hormone prolactin Responsible for milk production. However, another function of this hormone is the production of hormones in the ovaries. Because this process is suspended oocyte maturation, and ovulation . Therefore, most of the women's lack of menstruation observed throughout the period breast-feeding   baby. If a woman after the birth of their baby feeds exclusively breastfed, then the first month after birth only appear after the end of the period Lactation . In mixed feeding (alternating breast-feeding and artificial) restoration of menstruation in young mothers occurs in most cases, about 3-4 months after birth.

However, in this case, it is not without exceptions, therefore, even in mothers who exclusively breast-feed the baby for a year or more, menstruation can occur as 3-4 months after delivery.

This information should become a kind of warning to women that even the absence of menstruation for a certain period after childbirth can not guarantee that pregnancy will not occur. Since this period can occur ovulation, conception, too, probably.

If a woman for some reason do not breastfeeding, ovulation the first time after giving birth has been going for about 10 weeks. Therefore, menstruation after giving birth for the first time comes to 12 weeks.

However, in some cases, the appearance of the first menstruation may already 7-9 weeks after birth. But with the first monthly cycle usually happens anovulatory as egg from the ovary does not come out.

Concerned about the issue when starting month after giving birth, women who have had cesarean section Must be remembered that all the changes taking place in her body as well as after natural childbirth. Therefore, the restoration of menstruation depends on the specific feeding.

Features postpartum discharge

 Menstruation after childbirth  Immediately after birth the woman has genital discharge. This process may take approximately 6-8 weeks after birth. However, not to be confused with menstruation such allocation. Postnatal release called lohiyami . Their origin is different from menstrual. After the placenta is in the process of labor is separated, in its place there is an extensive wound. Initially, immediately after childbirth, a woman appear a few days spotting. Later, the wound heals slowly and with about 4 days these discharge becomes serous-sukrovichnymi. Later, they have become a white-yellow color and occur in smaller amounts.

Establishing menstrual postpartum

Very often the first few monthly cycles after the birth a woman has a regular menstrual period less than in the period before pregnancy. So, menstruation after delivery may be delayed for a few days or begin earlier. It is also possible increase or decrease the number of days duration of the month. However, despite the fact that such phenomena are usually considered normal, women should still consult a doctor because these symptoms may also indicate the beginning of an inflammation of the internal organs of a woman.

The normal menstrual cycle can vary from 21 to 35 days, but on average it lasts 28 days. The duration of menstruation - 4 to 6 days. The most abundant hemorrhage observed in the first and second day of menstruation. During the menstrual cycle, a woman loses approximately 35 ml of blood. If there is more than 80 ml of blood loss, then we are talking about the presence of a particular disease.

Each young mother must understand that the postpartum period may be changes in the duration of the interval between periods, and the duration of menstruation itself. It is important to ensure that all these measures do not exceed the limits of the rules mentioned above.

Often, after the birth of the nature and characteristics of menstruation in women drastically changed. In some cases, irregular menses earlier after childbirth become regular. If earlier the woman during menstruation there is a noticeable pain, after the birth, she can disappear. These changes are explained by changes in the location of organs in the abdomen during pregnancy and labor, which contributes to more physiological position of the uterus.

Menstrual disorders after childbirth

 Menstruation after childbirth  After giving birth, a woman can celebrate the manifestation of certain disorders of the menstrual cycle. One of these disorders may be hyperprolactinemia . Sometimes the secretion of the hormone prolactin, which increases considerably during the childbearing and lactation, a woman does not decrease after the cessation of breastfeeding. In this case, we are talking about a condition called pathological hyperprolactinemia. Because excessive prolactin is able to suppress menstruation, hyperprolactinemia after cessation of breast-feeding provokes amenorrhea in the young mother.

This phenomenon is usually associated with too high a function of pituitary cells that produce prolactin. Furthermore, the reason for this phenomenon may be prolactinoma   - adenoma   the pituitary gland, which also produces the hormone prolactin. Prolactinoma is a benign tumor of the pituitary gland, which appears in women after breast feeding because of insufficiency Thyroid . This condition is easily corrected by treatment with thyroid hormones.

Violation of menstruation can be a symptom of pituitary prolactinoma - a woman can greatly reduce the amount of menstrual blood or a reduced period of bleeding. It is also possible amenorrhea   - Complete cessation of menstruation. Women suffering from such phenomena after childbirth, also concerned about frequent headaches. Even after breastfeeding has been completely phased out of breast milk continues to stand out a bit. Women with this disease may develop later disease of the breast , Appear excess weight .

Treatment of pituitary prolactinoma conducted using oral agents that prescribed by the physician. Most often used in therapy drugs bromocriptine . lisenil . metergolin . abergin and other tools that normalize the amount allocated prolactin. Accordingly, the menstrual cycle is gradually recovering.

Another complication that leads to certain violations of the menstrual cycle in the postpartum period is postpartum apituitarism   (so-called Sheehan's syndrome ). The disease occurs in women as a consequence of necrotic changes in the pituitary. If a young mother developed severe bleeding after childbirth too heavy process, such a state could be their consequences.

Sheehan's syndrome is also evident after sepsis   and peritonitis . preeclampsia   second half of pregnancy. Sheehan's syndrome should be suspected in the case, if a woman has no periods after delivery. The absence of menstruation or reducing the amount allocated to the small allocation of blood smearing the character - one of the manifestations of the syndrome Sheehan. Even before the first period begins after childbirth, the woman in the development of the syndrome Sheehan notes fatigue, weakness, frequent headaches, low blood pressure. It can greatly reduce the weight of the body, it is sometimes seen dry skin and swelling of the extremities. For the treatment of this disease is used hormone replacement therapy.

Heavy menstruation after childbirth

 Menstruation after childbirth  Enough common problem in women are heavy periods after childbirth . Heavy menstruation lead to the fact that a woman's body very quickly running out of gland . Therefore, when such a pathology is necessary to periodically receive drugs that include iron.

In the first months of the female body is subject to changes that are associated with the restoration of the normal structure and function of the uterus. In parallel, there is a normalization of hormonal background. During this period, heavy menstruation occur very often. However, it is important to take into account the fact that as the recovery time of the menstrual cycle, and its character has individual characteristics.

Duration heavy menstruation after childbirth depends on several factors. Very often heavy menstruation occur in young mothers, childbirth which were long and heavy. The menstrual cycle returns to normal more quickly in women who ate full during pregnancy, did not allow aggravation of various chronic diseases, sufficient time allocated for rest and had no physical strain. No less important is the normal psychological state of women during pregnancy and after childbirth.

To determine whether the normal state of women during menstruation, can be guided by the following rules. Considered normal monthly in the first months after the birth of the child in the event that their duration does not exceed seven days, and in those days, when the allocation of the most intense, the woman grabs a pad for 4-5 hours. It is important to monitor and so do not differ whether the discharge from that observed prior to delivery. It is necessary to assess their texture, color and other features. Therefore, sometimes the doctor may ask a woman to show a lining. When heavy menstruation may increase the duration of menstruation. Moreover, there may be failures in the menstrual cycle.

With abundant monthly gynecologist sends a young mother on a pelvic ultrasound to rule out the development of inflammation, the presence of tumors and other abnormalities. Also, an expert assigns supplementation with hemostatic influence and drugs containing iron. It is especially important to consult a doctor promptly to those women who during menstruation there are very copious with red color.

According to the norm, monthly, which lasted more than ten days and are thus abundant, require consultation with a doctor. This is considered to be menstruating and bleeding may indicate specific problems in the body. Therefore it is very important to find and eliminate the cause of the failure. Sometimes women are prescribed holding scraping the uterus, as heavy bleeding occurs in some cases because of the presence of residues of the placenta in the uterus.

For female body plentiful monthly pose a risk in terms of iron deficiency, as the bleeding significantly reduce levels of iron. A similar phenomenon is fraught with the deterioration of the physical condition of the woman: it can disturb the lethargy and weakness, tachycardia , Recurrent shortness of breath. In addition, when iron deficiency anemia   woman becomes more irritable. Appearance is also suffering: pale skin, worsening the condition of nails, hair.

Recovery of iron deficiency involves the appointment of a course of iron-containing products, as well as an introduction to the daily diet of those foods that contain large amounts of this trace element. Because iron is absorbed in the gastro-intestinal tract, drugs optimally take into tablets. Your doctor will recommend the drug, which also contain other minerals that contribute to the formation of Hemoglobin .

Thus, every new mother should clearly follow the recovery features of the menstrual cycle and when there is doubt in the normal process required to apply to a doctor.

In addition, women should not forget that the absence of menstruation for a long period after birth may be a sign of a new pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to consult a gynecologist and about an adequate method of contraception.

Perfectil Platinum

Description overdue on 05/23/2014

  • Latin name: Perfectil Platinum
  • ATC code: A11AA04
  • Active substance: The complex of vitamins and minerals
  • Manufacturer: Ltd. Vitabiotics, UK
Photos of the drug
  • Composition
  • Product form
  • Pharmacological action
  • Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Instructions on Perfectil Platinum (method and dosage)
  • Overdose
  • Cooperation
  • Terms of sale
  • Storage conditions
  • Shelf life
  • Reviews
  • Price, where to buy

 Perfectil Platinum

Composition Perfectil Platinum

One capsule formulation contains:

  • Coenzyme Q-10   - 2, 5 mg;
  • extracts of pine bark, grape seed, blackcurrant and green tea, 4, 7, 25, 10 mg, respectively;
  • e. selenium - 50 g;
  • lipoic acid - 0, 02 g;
  • e. zinc   - 7. 5 mg;
  • e. magnesium   - 50 mg;
  • Vitamins E, D3, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12   25, 6, 4, 2, 9, 5, 4 mg, respectively;
  • e. copper   - 0, 5 mg;
  • Marine Collagen   - 0, 1 gram;
  • e. silicon   -   25 mg;
  • five percent lycopene extract , Tomato - 5 mg;
  • vitamin C   - 45 mg;
  • e. chrome   - 25 g;
  • folic acid   - 0, 2 grams;
  • e. iodine   - 100 g;
  • L-cystine   - 10 mg;
  • e. iron   - 6 mg ;
  • pantothenic acid   - 0 002 g;
  • e. manganese   - 0, 25 mg;
  • natural carotenoids   - 2 mg.

The structure also includes the following excipients: cellulose, red iron oxide, stearic acid, maltodextrin, magnesium stearate, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, titanium dioxide, monoglycerides and diglycerides of fatty acids .

Product form

Powder in a gelatine shell packing of 60 pieces each.

Pharmacological action

Dermatoprotektivnoe , An additional source of vitamins.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Perfectil Platinum contains the necessary skin vitamins . microelements   and antioxidant complex.

Marine Collagen   promotes development elastin   and natural Collagen   and strengthen the skeleton of the skin. The surface epidermis receives the necessary power, it ceases to peel off skin, quickly restored.

The complex of vitamins prevents the formation of wrinkles. Antioxidant Complex accelerates Detoxification Cures free radicals .


  • during dieting in order to maintain the skin, hair and nails;
  • healing burns . abrasions . scratches , Cuts on the skin;
  • the prevention of wrinkles.


  • allergy to the components of the complex;
  • supervitaminosis ;
  • liver and kidney disease;
  • pregnant women, children, breast-feeding.

Side effects

  • possible manifestation allergic reactions   skin;
  • nausea, stomach discomfort, vomiting.

Instructions on Perfectil Platinum (method and dosage)

Orally. After the meal, washed down with water.

At night take one - two tablets of the complex. The approximate course of the month.


If symptoms of overdose occur: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea   - Stop taking the drug. Therapy - according to symptoms.


Before taking to avoid adverse reactions, consult a specialist.

Should not be combined with other biological additives , Vitamins and minerals. Precautions - with   antacids .

Terms of sale

It does not require a prescription.

Storage conditions

Avoid very high temperatures (& gt; 30 degrees).

Shelf life

3 years.

Reviews Perfektile Platinum

Reviews are good doctors. Vitamins help keep youth and elasticity of the skin, prevent premature aging processes. With the help of the complex managed to maintain the natural balance of the cells epidermis .

Price PERFECT Platinum (Where to buy)

Price caps on average 350 UAH for 60 pieces.

Get the best price and buy


Description overdue on 04/18/2013

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 Ginofort  Antifungal drug. The mechanism of action of the active substance butoconazole aimed at blocking the transition into lanosterol ergosterol   in the cell membrane, to enhance membrane permeability, which causes lysis of fungal cells. With respect to fungi of the genus Candida, emidermofiton, and mikrosporum trihofiton   Ginofort acting fungicide. Ginofort cream emulsion is made of the type "water in oil", which gives the carrier an additional butoconazole bioadhesive properties. The active component is retained on the mucous wall of the vagina in intravaginal application, for 4-5 days. Ginofort The drug is available as a vaginal time.


Ginofort cream is prescribed for vaginal candidiasis (pathogen Candida albicans fungi).


Instructions for use of the drug is not recommended for Ginofort drugs in the form of individual intolerance butoconazole. Ginofort administered during pregnancy after consulting the treating doctor and the assessment of the risks and consequences of antifungal therapy. When breastfeeding medication used with caution.

Side effect:

The gel can cause pain Ginofort spasmodic character in the lower abdomen, puffiness , Pain, itching and burning sensation in the lining of the vaginal wall.

Mode of application:

Candles Ginofort administered vaginally. The drug is used 1 time per day, the contents of the applicator (contains 5 grams of active substance butoconazole) must be inserted deep into the vagina.

Special instructions:

While maintaining clinical symptoms after a course of antifungal drug therapy Ginofort recommended that a repeated microbiological examination to identify the main exciter and set the exact diagnosis. When the soreness and irritation of the mucous wall of the vaginal antifungal therapy is stopped. The Medicines Ginofort contained mineral oil Which is able to have a damaging effect on the rubber, latex (intravaginal diaphragm, condoms). Reviews on Ginofort show high efficacy in the treatment of fungal diseases. Price depends on Ginofort pharmacy chain (600 rubles).

Drug Interactions:

Important clinical drug interactions with other medicines Ginofort were not registered.


Description overdue on 06/20/2014

  • Latin name: Fromilid
  • ATC code: J01FA09
  • Active substance: Clarithromycin (Clarithromycin)
  • Manufacturer: KRKA (Slovenia)
Photos of the drug
  • Composition
  • Product form
  • Pharmacological action
  • Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Instructions for use Fromilid (method and dosage)
  • Overdose
  • Cooperation
  • Terms of sale
  • Storage conditions
  • Shelf life
  • Cautions
  • Synonyms
  • Analogs
  • Babies
  • With alcohol
  • During pregnancy (and lactation)
  • Reviews
  • Price, where to buy



Fromilid as tablets It is composed of clarithromycin   (active ingredient), and a number of auxiliary substances: anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, propylene glycol, corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose, talc, pregelatinized corn starch, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, titanium dioxide, quinoline yellow dye, magnesium stearate.

Fromilid granulate for the preparation of oral suspension composition is in clarithromycin   (active ingredient), and a number of excipients: Povidone, carbomer, castor oil, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose phthalate, xanthan gum, talc, citric acid, potassium sorbate, titanium dioxide, sucrose, flavoring, silica, colloidal anhydrous.

Fromilid-Uno , Prolonged exposure to the drug is composed of active substance clarithromycin And a number of auxiliary components: polysorbate 80, talc, povidone, sodium calcium alginate, magnesium stearate, sodium alginate, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, lactose monohydrate, Quinoline yellow dye, titanium dioxide, anhydrous colloidal silica, propylene glycol.

Product form

Available in the form granules Which are used to prepare a suspension, is taken orally. The pellets contained in the vial by 60 mL, which accommodates 125 mg per one dose (5 ml). The bottle is enclosed in a cardboard box, attached to it dispenser.

Tablets Fromilid   It covers film coating. One pack contains 14 tablets.

Tablets Fromilid-Uno   They are oval, yellow, their covers the film coating. The package contains 5, 7 or 14 tablets.

Pharmacological action

Fromilid - this medicine, antibacterial agent that belongs to the macrolide group. It has a bacteriostatic effect on various microorganisms by inhibiting the production of protein in microbial cells. For some agents it has bactericidal effect.

The drug is effective against intracellular infektantami . Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms . It also applies to all mycobacteria   (exception - M. tuberculosis ) For some anaerobic .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Antibiotic Fromilid Uno   and Fromilid   well absorbed after oral upotreleniya. The active ingredient quickly into the tissue, which were hit by inflammation, as well as in body fluids, where it is noted the concentration of which exceeds 10 times the concentration of the substance in the blood plasma.

The main metabolite is 14-hydroxy-clarithromycin . After ingestion metabolized about 20% of the administered dose. If the antibiotic was passed 250 mg clarithromycin Elimination half-life is 4 hours, if the dose was 500 mg, the average half-life is 6 hours. In unchanged form eliminated 20-30% of the material, the remaining amount is allocated as metabolites.


Fromilid Uno   and Fromilid   prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract ( bronchitis . tonzillofaringit . sinusitis   severe, otitis );
  • infectious diseases of the skin and soft tissues ( mug . infections in wounds . boil . carbuncle );
  • mycobacterial diseases;
  • in complex treatment H. pylori infection ;
  • preventive measures in relation to people with AIDS .


Do not take the drug in the following cases:

  • When the manifestation of high sensitivity clarithromycin , Macrolide or other ingredients of medicaments.
  • Can not be combined with reception Fromilid cisapride . terfenadine . pimozide . astemizole .
  • The drug is contraindicated in severe kidney disease At porphyria .

Side effects

In most cases the side effects of the drug is expressed softly, his symptoms quickly disappear.

The following manifestations:

  • The functions of the digestive tract Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, stomatitis, glossitis, taste alteration, elevated liver enzymes, in rare cases - cholestatic jaundice .
  • The functions of the immune system : Displays a high sensitivity ( hives . anaphylactic shock   and etc.).
  • The functions of the nervous system : headache, dizziness . insomnia , Recurrent nightmares.

Instructions for use Fromilid (method and dosage)

The tablets should be swallowed whole Fromilid, drink a little water. Adult patients and children after twelve taking 250 mg twice daily after 12 hours. When treating sinusitis As well as serious infectious diseases to patients assigned to receive 500 mg twice a day every 12 hours. The course of treatment lasts from 1 to 2 weeks.

With H. pylori infection   It assigned a part of complex treatment of 250-500 mg twice in 12 hours per day. The treatment lasts one week.

In the prophylaxis and therapy of diseases which are associated with the bacteria Micobacterium complex avium   means need to be taken every 12 hours for 500 mg, the physician specifies the duration of treatment. If the need exists, the dose may be increased, however, should not be taken per day more than 2000 mg of agent.

For the treatment of children the dosage is calculated based on the fact that 15 mg of funds per each kilogram of body weight. Fromilid daily dose is divided into two doses every 12 hours. Acceptable daily intake facilities for children is 1000 mg.

Fromilid 125 suspension   used to treat children. To prepare a suspension, it is necessary in a bottle with beads add 42 mg of boiled water. Children under the age of 12 shall be appointed at a dose rate of 15 mg agent per kilogram of body weight. The daily dose is divided into two doses every 12 hours. Fromilid slurry 250 is determined if necessary by means of the dispenser. The suspension is necessary to drink water. The day allowed intake of 1,000 mg.

Instructions for use Fromilid Uno 500mg   Next: Tablets should be swallowed during the meal and drink some water. What is the dose should be used, and how much should last a treatment is determined individually.

Instructions on Fromilid Uno   provided that when children 12 years and adults take 500 mg once a day, making it at the same time. In severe infectious diseases, the dosage may be increased to 1000 mg per day. The treatment lasts from 1 to 2 weeks.


In case of overdose may experience those symptoms that are side effects when receiving funds. The person may complain of Headache . pain in the abdomen . vomiting . Sometimes there is confusion. As treatment using gastric lavage, symptomatic treatment is appointed.


When you use both for treatment and Fromilid Warfarin   or other anticoagulants should be carefully conduct the control of prothrombin time.

Fromilid not be appointed concurrently with drugs Pimozide . Terfenadine . Astemizole . Cisapride .

If at the same time being treated with drugs fromilid Theophylline . Carbamazepine . Midazolam . Tacrolimus . Digoxin . Lovastatin . Triazolam . Phenytoin . Simvastatin . Cyclosporine , and ergot alkaloids , It is necessary to strictly control the concentration of active substance in the blood of these means.

At simultaneous reception clarithromycin   and zidovudine reduced absorption of zidovudine. Fromilid-Uno   if the treatment is not recommended to prescribe AZT.

When combined with the reception Fromilid ritonavir   Clarithromycin is significantly increased level in serum, while there is a strong decrease 14-hydroxy-clarithromycin .

Under the influence of clarithromycin not change the blood concentration of hormone components of oral contraceptives.

Terms of sale

For sale in pharmacies by prescription.

Storage conditions

Store medicines in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Protect children from the drug.

Shelf life

Shelf life and Fromilid Fromilid Uno - 3 years.


After treatment fromilid patient may manifest cross-resistance to other antibiotics of microorganisms belonging to the macrolide group. If a person observed minor violations in the kidneys, the dosage of the drug does not change.

With porphyria   agent is not appointed.

During treatment Fromilid to change gut microbiota   and as a result, the appearance of microorganisms resistant to clarithromycin. People who have seen in the treatment of prolonged severe diarrhea, you should go and study excluded pseudomembranous colitis .

Patients with chronic liver disease must be carefully and regularly monitor the blood serum enzymes.

The tool has no effect on psychomotor reaction while driving or working with the precise mechanism.


Aziklar . Klaritrosin . Protex . Binoklar . Klabaks . Klarbakt . Clarithromycin . Klatsid .   Clarithromycin-Verte . Klerimed . Klatsid CP . Lekoklar . Clarithromycin-Health . Klasan .

Analogs Fromilid

Match code ATC 4th level:
  •  Fromilid  Klatsid
  •  Fromilid  Klatsid CP
  •  Fromilid  Rulid
  •  Fromilid  Klabaks
  •  Fromilid  Azitroks
  •  Fromilid  Hemomitsin
  •  Fromilid  Vilprafen
  •  Fromilid  Rovamycinum
  •  Fromilid  Roxithromycin
  •  Fromilid  Clarithromycin
  •  Fromilid  Azithromycin
  •  Fromilid  Midecamycin
  •  Fromilid  Sumamed

In pharmacies sold a number of analogs Fromilid and analogues Fromilid Uno. According to the composition and effects on the human body such analogues considered Erythromycin phosphate . Klatsid . Tetraolean . Klabaks . Kitasamycin . Eriderm . But before you replace any drug Fromilid, it is necessary to consult a doctor.


If the patient's age less than 12 years, for the treatment appointed Fromilid suspension for children. For the treatment of children under six years of age means not recommended, as the information about its security is not enough.

With alcohol

Simultaneous reception Fromilid and alcohol is not recommended.

During pregnancy and lactation

Not recommended for a treatment for pregnant women. In the first trimester use of agents is contraindicated. If the expected effect of the drug treatment outweigh the possible risks to the fetus and the mother can receive Fromilid in the second and third trimester.

Clarithromycin comes into breast milk, therefore breast-feeding for the treatment of drug should be halted.

Reviews Fromilid

Among those who took a course of treatment, reviews of Fromilid 500 mg   most positive. Notes the fact that the agent is effective in the fight against infectious diseases, and that is assigned Fromilid even in emergency situations when there is no time for more research and the search for specific pathogens. The tool has a wide range of actions, so effective in many diseases. It is important to take it at the statutory scheme and find the right dosage for adults and children. As negative moments indicated very bitter taste of the drug, in some cases become an obstacle for the treatment, in particular pediatric patients.

Reviews on Fromilid Uno 500mg   also mostly cheers. Side effects are rare, mainly treatment tool allows you to quickly get the expected effect.

Price Fromilid where to buy

The antibiotic can be bought at different prices depending on the dosage, the point of sale. Cost Fromilid 500 mg   (14 pieces) in a network of pharmacies on average 560-600 rubles. Fromilid 250 mg   (14 pieces) can be bought at the price of 350 to 400 rubles. Ukraine (Kiev, Kharkov and other cities) the price of the antibiotic is 110-120 UAH.

Cost Fromilid Uno   5 pieces per package. It is 240-260 rubles. Cost Fromilid Uno per pack 7 pcs. It is 270-330 rubles. Drug packaging 14 pcs. It will cost an average of 580-600 rubles.

Get the best price and buy


Description overdue on 19.11.2011

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 Arutimol  Antiglaucoma agent belongs to the group beta-blockers . Main, an active substance - timolol.   The drug reduces the synthesis of aqueous humor, strengthens its outflow, and thus a decrease in intraocular pressure. Effect of the drug does not affect the pupil diameter, the process accommodation , Visual acuity, does not distort the quality of night and color vision. Arutimol begins its action after 20 minutes after instillation, peak efficiency is recorded in 2 hours, the effect lasts for hours. It is produced in the form of eye drops, eye gel.


Arutimol prescribed for elevated intraocular pressure: secondary (afakicheskaya, uveal, posttraumatic) glaucoma, open-angle glaucoma. In addition, used to treat angle-closure glaucoma (with miotikami) the ineffectiveness of therapeutic interventions in congenital glaucoma (acute increase in intraocular pressure, buphthalmos ).


Arutimol not used in degenerative processes in the cornea, allergic to timolol. Be wary appoint patients with bronchial asthma, COPD (severe), sinus bradycardia   (Heart rate less than 55), atrioventricular block grade 2-3, decompensated heart failure, atrophic rhinitis, low blood pressure, severe cerebrovascular disease, pulmonary disease, hypoglycemia, diabetes . myasthenia . thyrotoxicosis . Arutimol not indicated during pregnancy.

Side effect:

Before the drug can Arutimol local reactions: violation of tearing, conjunctival hyperemia Edema of the corneal epithelium,   photophobia , Itchy eyes, burning, blepharitis . keratitis Hyperemia century, keratopathy point (reduction of corneal transparency) ptosis Rarely observed diplopia . Among systemic reactions observed paresthesia , Nasal congestion, rhinitis, drop in blood pressure, bradycardia, collapse, atrioventricular block, decreased myocardial contractility. In the presence of heart failure marked worsening of its manifestations, marked hallucinations . myasthenia , Depression, dizziness, drowsiness, reduced potency, bronchospasm , Shortness of breath, pulmonary failure, chest pain, vomiting, dyspepsia, ringing in the ears, decreased psychomotor speed reactions.

Mode of application:

For children of 10 years and Adults: 1 drop into the conjunctival sac twice a day (0.25% solution). Supportive dosage for normalization of intraocular pressure - 1 time per day, 1 drop 0, 25% solution.
Arutimol infants and children younger than 10 liters: 1 drop twice a day 0, 25% solution.


Characterized obscherezorbtivnymi effects ( nausea , Bronchospasm, bradycardia, arrhythmia, dizziness). First aid: rinsing with a solution of NaCl (0.9%) or water.

Special instructions:

It is recommended to give up driving in the dark, and activities requiring adaptation to low light. Prolonged therapy with Arutimol reduces the efficiency of timolol. Every 6 months, you must check the integrity of the cornea, slezovydelenie, the value of the visual field. Monthly measure the level of intraocular pressure. During treatment it is necessary to abandon the soft contact lenses (since settling them preservative formulation). Hard lenses may be worn in 15 minutes after administration Arutimola.

Drug Interactions:

System beta-blockers, pilocarpine , Epinephrine enhances the effectiveness of timolol. It prohibits the simultaneous reception tranquilizers   (antianxiety drugs) and neuroleptics   (antipsychotic drugs). Arutimol enhances the action of general anesthetics and muscle relaxants . Not recommended intravenous diltiazem . verapamil   (lower blood pressure, develop bradycardia, depress AV conduction). Ethanol in combination with timolol sharply lowers blood pressure. Be wary at the same time used oral hypoglycemic drugs,   insulin , Blockers, corticosteroids, psychoactive drugs.

Monday, November 28, 2016


May 10, 2012

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 Depression  Depression - A depression in which a person is constantly in a depressed and gloomy mood. He feels bad physically inhibited thinking, also reduced the total activity. If symptoms of depression expressed psychosis Then the patients should maintain constant surveillance, given their inclination to suicide. The treatment of depression must always be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist.

Causes of Depression

To understand how to get rid of depression, it is first necessary to determine the reasons for which the patient appears this state. In life there are many periods when he is suffering from certain forms of depression, which occurs as a consequence of stresses   both emotional and physical. Typical stress in some cases create a psychological burden is too strong for the man because of what he can get depressed.

If a person takes place jet or depression situational type, in this case, this state may take some time without any special treatment. A person only needs the support and patience of the people around him. However, if the typical symptoms of depression are very strong and last for a long period of time, in this case, it may require referral to a specialist.

Among these manifestations should be noted a number of symptoms of depression. This constant depressed mood, guilt, helplessness. A person is very difficult to concentrate, make their own decisions, he may lose interest and to communicate with people and to work. Furthermore, in a state of depression in the patient's lack of energy, it headaches, insomnia, and a number of other physical complaints body. All these manifestations, lingering for a long time, are a direct precondition for access to skilled.

There are also other forms of depression, the causes of which are defined more specifically. For example, in women during menopause   very often there are quite serious because of depression hormonal imbalance   in the body.

Symptoms of depression often are found in people in the body which has a deficit vitamin B6   and folic acid . Because of this phenomenon in the human brain is sharply reduced content Serotonin Which it is most important to maintain a positive mood. Positioning to the manifestation of depression may also be a lack of body   vitamins B1, B2, B12 As well as deficit vitamin C .

The emergence of the doldrums and possibly in people who are deficient in iron. It is important to consume a sufficient amount of essential fatty acids, which are crucial in the production of substances that determine the stability of mood - prostaglandins .

Today proved that the symptoms of depression often occur in people who consume a lot of caffeine, and sugary foods. Among the foods that increase depressive symptoms, as noted animal fats. The manifestation of depression provoke severe illness often suffer from it, people who abuse alcohol.

Seasonal Depression

 Depression  Every year a lot of people suffering from the symptoms of so-called seasonal depression . Autumn depression manifests itself in humans as a consequence of changes in nature daylight drastically reduced, a person does not have enough sun and heat. Seasonal depression may be expressed in different ways: some people due to the change of the seasons occurs only hardly noticeable discomfort for other autumn depression is a serious illness.

Symptoms of depression, having a seasonal nature, manifest constant sleepiness man with great difficulty can wake up in the morning, but sometimes it can also suffer from constant insomnia. Autumn depression provokes constant fatigue and weakness: the man is very difficult to fully and quickly do the job in the end he sometimes appears excess weight . This form of depression also leads to a sense of apathy , Helplessness, a desire to escape from the communion expressed laziness. The patient does not feel sexual desire, very hard to perceive any stress. Also for seasonal depression characterized by mood changes.

Seasonal depression often occurs in people of any age, but it most commonly it affects young people under thirty years. However, autumn depression often occurs in people at an older age, and in children. An interesting fact is that people living in hot countries, more rarely suffer from depression.

It stands out as some physical signs that may indicate that a person develops depression. The patient may look anxious, do not look into the eyes of the other party during a conversation, lose their memory. His hands ached, and sometimes the hair can fall out. There is also confusion or, conversely, a state of excitement. A person can move slowly, sometimes his movements turn into complete immobility or he falls into a state of catatonia. There may also be a constant tearfulness and a sad expression on his face.

It is important that every person who suspects the development autumn depression, necessarily sought help specialist who will recommend the best option to treat depression. Very often for the treatment of this form of depression, light therapy is used, the essence of which is to ensure the person as much as possible the amount of light. For this purpose, a special device. In addition, it is very important as often as possible to stay in the open air, rationally and fully fed, every day to do at least a small charge.

Postpartum Depression

 Depression  Postpartum Depression considered sufficiently serious illness that often occurs in young mothers in the first period after the birth of the baby. Postpartum depression is also seen after the stillbirth or a miscarriage. The woman in this state there is a strong feeling of sadness, loss of pleasure and joy of life, despair. This young mother feels that it is very difficult to care for a child.

Postpartum depression - a very common condition: it is found in approximately 10-15% of women. In this case, it is important to understand the difference between normal fatigue and symptoms of postpartum depression. The feeling of exhaustion after giving birth, many women feel. They may face a broken, bad mood, insomnia. But after a few weeks of field childbirth these symptoms disappear. At the same time, symptoms of depression, occurring after birth, sometimes do not disappear for several months.

In some particularly difficult cases, the young mother can appear complex form of postpartum depression, which is called Postpartum psychosis . In this course of the disease symptoms of depression are expressed in a very strange behavior of the woman, in her presence hallucinations , Possible attempts to harm the child and yourself. In this state, the patient needs urgent assistance of a qualified professional, because the woman's condition may deteriorate further. As a result, her own health and the baby's health is threatened.

Treatment of depression that develops after birth in women, it is necessary. This success and the speed of the treatment depends on how quickly it was launched.

The reasons that determine postpartum depression, experts call a sharp level difference hormones   a woman's body after the baby is born. There are a number of factors directly affecting the possibility of developing the disease. Those women, who in the past have suffered from postpartum depression are more likely to repeat a given state. About half of women suffer from postpartum depression at late pregnancy . Equally important, a direct impact on the development of postpartum depression in women, affects the lack of support from relatives and friends of people very severe stress (illness of a child, the difficulties in the family), the presence of female health problems in the postpartum period. Postpartum depression occurs more frequently at first birth, as this condition more often develops in women
who suffered from depression during childbearing or earlier.

In addition, the important factor is the genetic predisposition to the emergence of postpartum depression. Very often, postpartum depression occurs in women who have suffered from Bipolar Disorder , Also known as manic depression . The highest risk of the disease in this case is seen in those women with a family there were cases of manic depression.

In the process of pregnancy and childbirth in women occur pronounced changes somatic . endocrine . psychological   character. According to the observations of physicians, the most dramatic shift in the mood of women celebrated on the fifth day after the birth that takes place in parallel with the greatest hormonal changes. The sharp reduction of the process in the body of gonadotropins during the postpartum provokes certain affective disorders and dysfunctions of the serotonergic system. In women who have a predisposition to depression, this leads to a depressive state.

Symptoms of depression in the postpartum period are determined, above all, the absolute reluctance of women to turn to specialists for advice on how to get out of depression. In this case, the mother may feel guilty because of the difficulties that it incurs in the course of caring for the baby. Often the expectation that after the birth of a baby woman immediately able to adapt to his new role and without problems to take care of the child, are not met. As a result, there is a young mother guilt, fatigue, exhausting her daily duties.

 Depression  In this state, the woman experiences the following symptoms of depression: it is always in anxiety, feeling of hopelessness and sadness, can not feel normal everyday joy. In the depressed woman may lose appetite and thus weight. The patient is disturbed sleep, she could not concentrate. All these manifestations may occur in the first few days after birth, and a few weeks after the baby was born.

Diagnosis of Depression

Primarily in the diagnosis of depression physician draws attention to the symptoms that occur in a patient. During the diagnosis the doctor will determine what type of depression occurred in patsieta. Today there are special laboratory tests to help establish the correct diagnosis, to determine the general condition of the patient. But still the most effective method of determining the type of disease the patient is considered to be a detailed survey of the manifestations of his illness. Specialist necessarily ask the patient about his lifestyle, behavior and habits. It is important to exclude the presence of human diseases that can trigger the development of depression, to determine whether a patient with relatives instances of depression.

Treating Depression

Once the diagnosis "depression" Dr. appoint an appropriate treatment and assigns the required cure for depression. In each case, the treatment of depression envy of what type of disease occurs in humans. Often acute depression doctor prescribes treatment with Antidepressants . Sometimes the reception means of antidepressant used in parallel with the sessions of psychotherapy. If there is a severe case of depression, the doctor can decide on the treatment of depression through the use of electroconvulsive therapy . This technique is used mainly when traditional treatment is ineffective.

To determine which medication for depression will be the most effective, in some cases, treatment is necessary to try several different drugs-antidepressants and mood stabilizers. Moreover, the action of such tools is shown only after several weeks of treatment.

In the treatment of depression using a number of different types of antidepressants. Among the most common types of antidepressants should be noted tricyclic antidepressants Acting on norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain. With a relatively good results of therapy these drugs, it is important to take into account that they provoke quite serious side effects.

Treatment of patients with depression difficult to therapy performed using monoamine oxidase inhibitors . However, patients who are taking this medication for depression should be very strictly adhered diet . In the treatment of such drugs can not eat cheese, drink wine, and in parallel to take certain medications. That is why these drugs are used very rarely.

A relatively new form of anti-depressants are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor . With their help, it changes the amount of serotonin in the brain. Also relatively new treatment for depression began to use serotonin reuptake inhibitors and noradrenaline .

If the patient develops depression compared to other mental illnesses, along with the antidepressant doctor can sometimes prescribe stimulating   or anti-anxiety   facilities. However, these drugs are effective only in combination with antidepressants.

Psychotherapy in treating depression is used for the patient to get control over their feelings and emotions. This ability will allow it to more effectively cope with everyday stress, strengthen the effect of antidepressants and help you understand how to get out of depression. Psychotherapy is conducted in different ways: it can be group . family . Individual   sessions.

 Depression  If a person is diagnosed with a very severe form of depression, the disease will help to cope with electroconvulsive therapy. This procedure is performed only by an experienced doctor. It consists in passing an electric charge through the skull into the brain. Such exposure causes cramps. This technique is considered to be very effective. However, it is used only when other methods are ineffective, or a person in a state where it can cause harm to yourself or, or others. There are also new treatments for depression. Today this purpose are, for example, magnetic field. In addition, the experts to whom patients turn to learn how to deal with depression, in some cases it is recommended to solve the problem with the help of Acupuncture . Hypnotherapy . Art Therapy . music therapy . Meditation . All these methods are applied in parallel to the pharmacological therapy.

In folk medicine, there is a lot of advice about how to get rid of depression. So, people who are prone to manifestations of this disease every morning are advised to sponge oneself down with water, which added to table salt. For the treatment of depression folk remedies are prepared concoctions of herbs and plants. Effective means - an infusion of crushed oat straw, infusion knotweed, roots and leaves primrose spring. It is also used to treat depression decoctions and infusions of mint, poplar leaves, roots or leaves of ginseng roots aralia, rosemary leaves.

It is also used to treat depression powdered mixture of equal parts of raisins, lemon, nuts, honey, dried apricots, prunes. This mixture should be taken one teaspoon before the first meal. Before the meal is recommended as two times a day take fifteen drops of tincture of Siberian Ginseng.

Another effective remedy - Cathedral otravnyh parts herb Leonurus , Hawthorn, cudweed, camomile. This decoction taken three times a day after meals.

To find out how to get rid of depression, you should always consult a doctor and get his advice on whether to use either of the folk treatments.

In the treatment of depression should try to stick to the diet recommended by physicians. From diet to exclude coffee, alcohol, tea, chocolate, bread, sweets, spicy food. It is important that food containing large amounts of phosphorus, potassium and vitamin C.

Preventing Depression

Methods aimed at the prevention of depression, help to minimize its impact on human life. In order to continue to not worry about how to deal with depression, you must take care of the proper and healthy diet, to lead an active life, playing sports, to establish a regime of work and rest. Experts recommend as much as possible to walk in the fresh air, to fully relax during the holidays.