Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Infections, sexually transmitted infections

August 22, 2012

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 Infections, sexually transmitted infections  Diseases, sexually transmitted It is common today especially well. However, there are medical statistics show only on official data. After all, often enough people in no hurry to go to health institutions, as it may simply not know about the existence of certain diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact. Very often trichomoniasis . Chlamydia . mycoplasmosis . gardnerellez   develop in women without pronounced symptoms.

Some sexually transmitted diseases are dangerous due to the probability of the existence of intrauterine transmission to the fetus. Moreover, such an infection can also be transmitted by saliva, breast milk, in the course of blood transfusions.

The prevalence of sexually transmitted infections

STI transmission occurs from person to person, in most cases it happens during sexual intercourse. Currently, more than three dozen stands of various viruses, bacteria and parasites that are transmitted through sexual contact. Some infections are also transferred from mother to baby during pregnancy, at birth, in the process of blood transfusion patients.

Infections, sexually transmitted infections, enter the body against viruses, bacteria and parasites. Bacterial infections are the pathogens that cause gonorrhea . syphilis . chlamydial infections . chancroid . inguinal granuloma .

Viral infections are the following viruses: herpes simplex virus . human immunodeficiency virus . human papilloma virus . hepatitis B virus . Cytomegalovirus .

Under the influence of the parasite develops balanoposthitis   in men and vulvovaginitis , and   vaginal trichomoniasis   women.

To catch this infection can be not only in the genital sexual intercourse, but also through oral or anal sex. Depending on the disease until the first signs of the disease passes three days to two weeks.

Causes Infections

It is undeniable that diseases, sexually transmitted diseases are primarily a consequence of too low sexual culture of the people. In particular, we are talking about promiscuous sexual relations, multiple sexual partners, as well as ignoring the diagnosis after a random and risky sex.

Equally important condition to prevent the spread of STIs is necessarily need to be surveyed and the person who suspects the development of this disease, and his sexual partner.


 Infections, sexually transmitted infections  Speaking of the signs and symptoms of these diseases, it should be noted that patients often do not feel the changes in their own state, or the symptoms are very weak. But in this case we are talking about so-called oligosymptomatic and asymptomatic forms of ailments.

The main symptoms of STIs are directly dependent on whether it was the causative agent of the human body, as well as on the state of the organism as a whole.

However, in most cases, after the end incubation period Diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, a number of similar symptoms occur. The patient has a discharge from the genital organs, which eventually become more and more intense. Gradually also a growing feeling of itching and burning sensation in the genital area and on the skin in the genital area may appear small spots or sores. During urination or during sexual contact of the infected person sometimes feels pain. In addition, it can significantly increase The lymph nodes .

Complications of infections, sexually transmitted infections

If the treatment of the disease will not be made promptly, the infection, sexually transmitted infections, can provoke not only the symptoms that relate to the state of sexual organs, but also the total defeat of the body. One of the serious complications over time, resulting in the development of STI is infertility .

Current ascending infections (which always happens if timely treatment was not provided), leads to the development of inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system. With the progression of ureoplazmoz   and Chlamydia   sometimes develops in men prostatitis And women with such illnesses as a result of ill inflammation of the uterus and appendages . Furthermore, the development of venereal disease leads to a strong reduction immunity   rights and, as a consequence of such adverse changes may occur diseases of internal organs.

Infections, sexually transmitted infections and women's health

Such infections very negative impact on a woman's body. Unpleasant consequences may occur in relation to the reproductive capacity of a young woman. Besides STDs can be transmitted from the mother and the baby. In women who have had some inflammatory diseases caused by sexually transmitted infections significantly more likely to develop ectopic pregnancy . Some types of HPV rapidly increase the risk of Cancer cervical disease   the woman.

When pregnancy in women with syphilis, about 40% of cases pregnancy ends stillbirth. Approximately the same situation is repeated in pregnant women gonococcal infection . Children who are born to mothers with untreated chlamydial infection and   gonorrhea , Often immediately after birth suffer from a serious eye infection (also called neonatal ophthalmia). If untreated, the child ozhzhet completely blind.

Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections

 Infections, sexually transmitted infections  For the correct diagnosis in the case of a suspected STI patient must necessarily have a full laboratory testing. But in view of the possibility of the presence of a diagnosis using the syndromic approach, doctors pay special attention to the existing symptoms. Certain sexual infections are clear signs that easy to recognize. The syndromic approach to the diagnosis of diseases that are sexually transmitted, based on the use of specially designed schemes that experts use for the diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Hence, such diagnosis is more accurate.

But the most important point in the diagnosis of these diseases is still timely recourse. If the disease is detected early, thanks to the proper treatment of severe consequences can be avoided completely.

When you see any signs or symptoms of the patient should not be guided by the hope that they will disappear on their own, or feel fear or embarrassment. Lost time can be decisive, and ultimately the disease enters the chronic form, and cure it completely would be much more difficult.

Hidden genital infections

So-called razed genital infections are transmitted from person to person in the process of sexual intercourse. However, these infections are difficult to diagnose and, and treatment.

Among the most common sexually transmitted infections of this type should be noted Chlamydia . This disease manifests as a consequence of infection with chlamydia human body. These organisms are considered to be intermediate between bacteria and viruses. Infection occurs during sexual intercourse, but in rare cases, the infection can be transmitted for the sauna or swimming pool, air-borne, as well as in other ways. To determine the presence of this pathogen in the body, a person should undergo a special study using the method of DNA diagnostics.

In most cases, this disease takes no symptoms. However, the men on the background of chlamydia sometimes develop inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, it is now proven that chlamydia can damage the genetic structure of the sperm. This can get chlamydia in the female body is with sperm. Under the influence of chlamydia in women can also develop an inflammatory disease. In addition, it is possible manifestation   obstruction of the fallopian tubes That threatens to infertility and miscarriage in the future.

Furthermore, chlamydia may have adverse effects on other body systems, in particular on the cardiovascular. In the treatment of disease it is very important that the sexual partner of the patient also handed over the analysis on sexually transmitted infections and received adequate treatment. This must be done even to those who have no visible signs of chlamydia.

Another widespread infection of this type is papillomavirus   human. There are about seventy different types of papillomaviruses. However, their clinical manifestations invisible for a very long time. The investigation papillomavirus infection - the appearance of warts and genital warts on the skin of the genitals and other organs. Moreover, papilloma virus can provoke women precancerous changes of the cervix. Transmission of the virus occurs during sexual intercourse, in the home, as well as the passage of the newborn through the birth canal.

The intermediate body between the fungi, bacteria and viruses is a mycoplasma, which develops under the influence mycoplasmosis . This organism parasitizes the mucous membranes of the human body. Because of mycoplasma in women may develop an inflammatory process in the uterus, ovaries, tubes, as well as inflammation of other organs - kidneys, bladder. When aggravation of inflammatory processes appear genital discharge, worried about itching, pain. However, for a long time a person can not feel new discomfort. So, a lot of men who have contracted the infection, only feel some cramps during urination. However, after some time a man can develop chronic prostatitis, or inflammation of the kidneys. Treatment of genital infections produced using antibiotics .

 Infections, sexually transmitted infections  When injected into the human body ureaplasmas that a parasite on the body's cells, developing ureaplasmosis . Most often this disease affects women. The infection can be transmitted both sexually and domestic, drip, liquid, prenatal through. Symptoms appear a few weeks after infection: the patient worried about itching or burning urination, discharge may occur, sometimes slightly increases the body temperature. However, in general insignificant symptoms or none at all. Ureaplasmosis without proper treatments can cause inflammation, leading to infertility, as well as prostatitis in men. Disease therapy performed using drugs, antibiotics.

Genital herpes   It develops as a consequence of the infection of herpes infection. Infection occurs primarily during sexual intercourse. Initially genital appear small bubbles, and after they are broken, are formed in their place red sores. Sometimes the symptoms of herpes does not appear, but the person can still infect a partner. Genital herpes is an incorrect approach to the treatment can cause chronic inflammation of the urogenital tract and cause infertility and problems with potency .

Other common infections that are sexually transmitted

Very often, modern doctors diagnose patients gonorrhea . This infectious disease affects the mucous membranes of different organs. Gonorrhea causes gonococcus That is most often enters the body in a variety of sexual contacts. Much less people become infected in everyday life, through everyday objects. The baby becomes infected by sick mother while passing through the birth canal.

At syphilis   patient affected not only mucosal and skin, internal organs, nervous system, bones, joints. The originator of this dangerous disease - pale treponema . Transfer it most often occurs through sexual contact, much less - in the home. Treatment of syphilis is based on the proper selection of antibiotics, the treatment of infections that develop in parallel, as well as reinforcing the overall therapy.

If a patient develops trichomoniasis , In this case it affected a whole range of different parts of the genitourinary system. The causative agent of this disease is a one-celled parasite Trichomonas , The disease is transmitted mainly through sexual contact.

Trichomoniasis is very dangerous for pregnant women, since this disease is possible rupture of membranes and miscarriage. For the disease characterized by the appearance of itching in the genital area, the release rate.

Virus Hepatitis B It affects a person as a result of a variety of transmission during sexual intercourse, as well as due to the joint use of needles for intravenous injections. Prenatal method of transmission is also relevant.

Acute hepatitis manifests strong slackness , Nausea, rash on the skin. The patient's head and stomach ache. Sometimes symptoms of a particularly acute: severe itching of the skin, jaundice, fever . Around ten percent of hepatitis B becomes chronic, which is characterized by the development of inflammatory processes in the liver. In turn, it is fraught with the development in the future Liver Cancer . cirrhosis That threatens death. The disease can be completely cured if timely diagnose and strictly follow the prescribed treatment regimen.


 Infections, sexually transmitted infections  The most effective method of STI is considered to be complete abstinence from sex or sex with only one uninfected partner. It is important to completely avoid any sexual contact with people infected with STIs.

Some infections, sexually transmitted infections can be prevented by correctly using condoms during sexual intercourse. You need to use a condom in all types of sexual contact, it is important to make sure that the remedy was qualitative and applied correctly.

After unprotected sex, be sure to apply some preventive measures, which to some extent reduce the risk of developing the disease. Genitals can be thoroughly washed with the solution hlorgiksedina   or miramistina . However, this method of prevention is appropriate only during the first hours after contact.

In addition, when applying to the doctor-dermatologist patient may receive an injection of a special preparation with antibacterial action that may prevent the development of a number of sexually transmitted diseases. Such prevention is possible in the first days after the risky contact. However, it is important to take into account that this measure can be applied only in the most extreme cases.

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