Friday, July 14, 2017

The Pentagon created the world's best fly swatter

 The Pentagon created the world's best fly swatter  US Department of Defense turned to the experts for help in the fight against annoying insects, which do not give plaguing American soldiers stationed in Afghanistan. In response, scientists from the Pentagon developed and assembled an unusual device - a real lethal weapon against the winged pests.

The fact that the climate and natural features of Afghanistan will be for US foreign players a stern test of strength, military analysts warned in advance. But no one could not imagine how dangerous can be normal flies. These insects, there are so many that the rumble of their buzz prevents people from talking, in addition, the flies fly into your mouth, get food and water.

A study by researchers at the Pentagon, to help in solving the problem, showed that the flies are attracted to a certain image, which has played a role in the end deadly bait. It is blue with narrow black lines that visually look like a crack in the wall of the building where insects usually fly.

As a result, the device was designed in blue, dubbed Fly-Baiter. It lures the flies a blue-black palette, and is equipped with a poisoned bait, which includes protein, sugar and sexually attractive to flies substance. According to the authors of the study, had flown into the trap the insects are killed instantly. The "fly swatter» Fly-Baiter already proven highly effective in experimental testing in Florida, as well as a military outpost in Egypt.

Traps are reported to be used not only military, but humanitarian organizations in disaster areas.

Fauna is not the first time are the focus of the Pentagon. At the University of Florida commissioned military bosses, for example, is preparing a special rescue rats, rodents nataskivaya to find survivors under the collapses of people. In this case - the Americans say - give odds rat dogs: tailed crumbs can penetrate into the most inaccessible places. To gear the animals were created by special headphones that send in their brain impulses that cause the rat, detecting the person begins to experience a sense of euphoria. In pursuit of such "high" animal headphones turns into superischeyku ready to dig into the ground nose looking for people from morning till night.


Insects can be a real mortal threat

In the mid-20th century Brazilian entomologist Warwick Kerr has conceived a unique experiment to develop improved breeds of honeybees. The scientist had planned to cross the Italian insects vodivshimsya only one view of bees in Africa, brought to Brazil. The first gave good honey, "Africans" were different energy, and thus, a new breed could be very productive.

However, in hives with African queens one day someone from the staff mistakenly raised the walls, and a few individuals flew out the window. Soon received the first information that the in vivo foreign insects very quickly became "improve the breed" and as a result by the end of the 20th century a new hybrid bees - African offspring spread to two-thirds of South America.

With each generation of these insects are becoming more aggressive .  Attacks bees first on animals and then on people were recorded more often and the number of victims grew steadily .  Fifteen hundred people died from their bites and ruined animals already incalculable .  The rescue measures taken by the Brazilian authorities, led to the fact that the bees began to migrate to the north, was a real scourge for free villages .  Dispose of lethal insects through fire hydrants were useless, and the grass potent chemistry - it is dangerous for environmental reasons .  So much so that the US government is concerned, in the direction to which happens bee migration, announced the development of a whole range of protection against intruders .  Including imprisonment for those who want to smuggle US territory at least larva killer bees .

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