Monday, July 17, 2017

Prevention of erectile dysfunction using the Laysan Utyasheva

 Prevention of erectile dysfunction using the Laysan Utyasheva  September 20 in the capital took charge with urologists. In the area of ​​the Russian Academy of Sciences out of more than 200 doctors from different regions of Russia. Following the famous gymnast they repeated the elementary complex exercise. This social event was held at the XII Congress of the Russian Society of Urologists. Thus, doctors would like to draw attention to the problem of male sexual health.
Erectile dysfunction - a disease common among residents of large cities. He exposed the men who work hard, leading a sedentary lifestyle and are constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"According to our statistics, lish15-17% of patients come to the doctor. Others still do not know that erectile disfunction curable, "- said Kamalov Armais, MD, Professor, Head of the Department of Urology and Andrology Research Institute of the Ministry of Health.

 Prevention of erectile dysfunction using the Laysan Utyasheva

To prevent the disease, doctors advise men to do regular exercises. Laysan Utiasheva   It states that you can deal with just 15 minutes each day. "The main thing is not to relax, and always find time for themselves," - said the world champion in rhythmic gymnastics. She showed a few simple exercises that strengthen the body and spirit. "Assisted" gymnast sports commentator Viktor Nabutov.
Daily charging is necessary not only to prevent disease, but also to prevent its development. Regular exercise should be combined with medication, however, this should first consult a doctor.

 Prevention of erectile dysfunction using the Laysan Utyasheva

Especially for those who are shy to talk about their illness, even the people in white coats, the portal was set up about men's health
Summarizing the events, urologists said that to be healthy - not so difficult. Physical activity, avoiding harmful habits and timely access to a doctor - that's three components is not only a strong body and a healthy mind.

 Prevention of erectile dysfunction using the Laysan Utyasheva

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