Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Chocolate - to your health!

 Chocolate - to your health!  In light of the real sweet tooth there who are willing to eat sweets almost continuously, but still many of them. Of course, this is not the most useful food, but from time to time they need to enjoy themselves. And the best choice in this case - a piece of good Chocolate .

The first information about chocolate   Europeans got from the American Indians who have over fifteen hundred years BC, learned to cook from cocoa beans tonics. First European chocolate, too, was only liquid - however, it began to add sugar, sometimes - honey and milk, and drink of the brave soldiers, he turned into a delicacy, uplifting and increase vitality. But how does this happen?

Even a small slice Chocolate   It contains quite a special substance - tryptophan, which promotes the development of our body "pleasure hormone" serotonin. That is why eating chocolate or drinking a cup of cocoa, we have a sense of emotional uplift, joy, peace of mind. This property Chocolate   You should use, especially if you have ahead (or behind) the difficult day. Just sweeten it! The main thing - do not gorge on chocolate as bread. There is a need to treat very slowly and slowly: so you really enjoy the taste and does not get the extra calories (do not forget that all sweets, including chocolate, contain sugar!). Additionally, cocoa in chocolate contains antioxidants that protect cells from free radicals than chocolate darker grade, the more it antioxidants. According to the German doctors from the Institute of Nutrition in Potsdam, just 6 grams of chocolate per day significantly reduces the risk of hypertension, as well as the occurrence of stroke and myocardial infarction. Most likely, this is due to the fact that chocolate contains magnesium, beneficial effects on the nervous and cardiovascular system.

It is important to remember that the total daily sugar content in products shall not exceed 10%. This means that the adult can afford about 50 grams of sugar. Typically, the amount of sugar listed on the package of the product, but you can navigate this table:

1 slice of chocolate milk (12 g) - 6 grams sugar

6 cakes cream (30g) -7 g Sugar

10 fruit gum (20 g) - 8 grams of sugar

1 cup cola (250 ml) - 26 g sugar

1 cup lemonade (250 ml) - 25 g sugar

1 a glass of iced tea (250 ml) - 19 g sugar

Chocolate contains a moderate amount of sugar, which means that it can be incorporated into the daily menu. But let us first learn how to enjoy the taste of chocolate! Before you send in your mouth first piece, look and smell of chocolate. Then place a piece under the tongue. Move to one and the other cheek, sure of their feelings. Do not hurry. No need to gnaw and chew chocolate. Let him gradually melts in the mouth. So you can feel the authentic taste and prolong the pleasure.

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