Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Gynecologist for girls

 Gynecologist for girls  The child - it's not a small copy of an adult. Urogenital girls and adult women are fundamentally different. Gynecological examination of the child should hold a specially trained physician. In addition, the doctor should be familiar with child psychology, to find an approach to the little girl.

Examination of a healthy child

For the first time the girl inspects pediatric gynecologist   shortly after birth - at the hospital. Scheduled Scans Children's gynecologist predusmtreny:
- Six or seven years, when the child is made to the school
- Eleven or twelve years old, when most girls begin to menstruate
- 14 years old girl is recommended to visit the doctor once a year.

Possible health problems girls

Newborn girls can grow breasts, there are bleeding from the genital tract. This is due to the arrival of female hormones (estrogen) levels, which are obtained from the mother. This phenomenon is normal and soon extends itself.

Girls up to 2 years   there may be so-called adhesions   (fusion of the labia minora). There are difficulties with urination, genital tract is easily infected.
Causes adhesions   is unclear. But doctors have learned to deal with them with the help of therapeutic treatments and only rarely resorted to operational.

First signs adhesions : Severe redness of the strip from the clitoris to the coccyx, and then (if you do not treat the child) - stick the edges of the labia minora.

Girls 6-7 years   most often colpitis   (inflammation of the mucosa of the vagina), vulvitis   (inflammation of the external genital organs)   vulvovaginitis   (an inflammatory disease of the vulva and vaginal walls).
They can be caused by parasitic infestation, be a manifestation of allergic reaction or weakened immunity. There are times when the baby themselves administered small foreign objects (toys, nuts), not only in the ear, but also in the vagina, infecting pathogens themselves. Rarely, but there are congenital tumors and malformations of the sexual organs.

Complaints child: a burning sensation, itching, painful and frequent urination. There are selection (with or without odor) from the genital tract.

Girls under 14 years It meets sluggish inflammation of the appendages, which in the future is fraught with infertility.

Complaints child: not strong, but often recurrent abdominal pain. It may be dull or oppressive, but always gentle and seemingly not a concern.

Girls between the ages of about 12 to 14 years (when normal menstruation occurs) may be signs of abnormal development of sex organs, chronic inflammation of the appendages, tuberculosis, genital endometriosis.

The child complains of pain in the abdomen during menstruation and menstrual disorder: prolonged periods, irregular, accompanied by a large loss of blood.

A premature or late appearance of menstruation should also cause anxiety in the mother.

This can be caused by organic and endocrine disorders, mental illness, low birth weight baby (ie when she "sat" on a diet and lost 10% over the last month or more of the initial weight). We can not exclude early pregnancy.

If the mother notices that her daughter, first-grader growing pubic hair and armpits, breasts grow (ie were secondary sexual characteristics), or there is no such a girl reaches the age of 14, it should immediately see a doctor. Such a state is under severe endocrine disorders and diversified.

What to teach her daughter Mom

1. Daily hygiene of the external genital organs.

2. Protect from traumatic situations: use the bike only "ladies' saddle, neatly out of the bathroom, and if in the forest little girl wanted to sit down, it has to look around, so as not to" land "on a twig sticking out.

3. After a swim in the river or the swimming pool must be perodetsya in a dry and clean underwear

4. Keep a diary of their own menstruation. Girls should know that normal "monthly" come in 20-30 days. They have to go from 3 to 7 days and be normal almost painless. Separately, talk about hygiene during menstruation.

5. Mom - the best friend and the baby to trust his mother and rasskzyvat about the most intimate problems.

How is a visit to the children's gynecologist

1. Mom baby should be properly set up and be very quiet. Explain girl that doctor visit perfectly natural event, the doctor did not hurt.

2. The doctor conducts a visual inspection of the genital organs only with complaints. The girl in this moment can be a mother on her knees on the couch as her own convenience. With the city offer the child lie on his back or take Bozeman's position.

3. Only in case of serious damage to health inspection carried out internal genital organs. But the doctor uses special children's instruments. They do not hurt and did not break the hymen.

4. If a mother with a child came to the consultation is about specific complaints, ie rinse cabinet able to finish a check, Mom should make preliminary daughter enema.

Healthy Child

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