Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Dental caries

April 7, 2013

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 Dental caries  The term " caries "Is of Latin origin and means" rot ". Tooth decay is considered one of the most common ailments. Moreover, to treat it learned recently. Previously, the only method of treatment of caries was considered complete removal of a tooth . Modern methods of treatment of the disease allows to save even heavily decayed tooth.

As the WHO, tooth decay teeth hit approximately 98% of adults. It is interesting that in the developed countries caries much more common than in third world countries.

Predisposition to tooth decay

Scientists have long sought to understand why some people have dental caries appears more frequently, while others - much less. Currently it accepted that the carious process depends on the individual resistance to the disease as the tooth structure and the human body as a whole. Caries front teeth often develops in areas where plaque accumulates delayed and - between the teeth on the inner surface. The disease affects all teeth that a man has he will appear on the front teeth, often breaks wisdom tooth In severe cases may be a manifestation of the tooth root caries and tooth decay in children diagnosed with temporary teeth.

Furthermore, the development of the disease depends on the quality of dental enamel, the composition of saliva, the proper functioning of the salivary glands, the characteristics of chewing. On the disposition to decay affects too frequent consumption of modern humans carbohydrates .

In addition, there are several factors influencing the development of the disease. Provided professional . geographical . age-related . sex factors. So, if a person works closely with alkalis, acids and other harmful substances, the disease affects his teeth more often. The geographical factor is manifested in the fact that worldwide incidence of caries is highly variable. Conclusions researchers suggest that this is due to the peculiarities of drinking water, in particular its content of fluorine .

The age factor is expressed by the fact that the activity of the disease increases dramatically after the child turns two years. Studies suggest that the activity decreases caries only after 40 years. It should take into account the gender factor. For women affected by caries teeth more often. Primarily, this is due to pregnancy , and breast-feeding . Also, some experts tend to believe that women consume more sweet that provokes tooth decay.


 Dental caries  Dental caries in humans develops under the influence of certain conditions. His appearance could trigger cariogenic microflora, regular consumption of carbohydrate, neglect oral hygiene failures in the immune system.

Gradually progressing tooth decay in children and adults initially destroys the enamel, dentin further failure occurs, then the decay penetrates the pulp. In such a case becomes deep caries pulpitis Which can later develop into periodontitis .

What is tooth decay, at the first stage of its development can not see the patient as a pathological process in this period passes quickly. But experts easily detects signs of onset of the disease, making it possible to prevent the surface caries. During this period, decalcification of enamel Gradually exposing the dentin, resulting in tooth color changes. It may turn black and become brown or chalky. It was at this time, at the initial stage of the disease is very important prevention of dental caries, can slow its progression.

But if the tooth decay continues to amaze, then later have the patient himself can find his classic signs. The tooth cavity is formed, the person suffers from a high sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet. In more advanced cases, begins to disturb the toothache, gradually becoming more and more intense. The degree of tooth have is that tooth decay can be distinguished by the naked eye, and even seen in the photo. Unfortunately, often the patient thinks, how to get rid of the disease, in the period of pain when at home it is difficult to stop.


 Dental caries  Modern dental caries are classified depending on the location and depth of the cavities defeat.

The initial stage of the disease is   caries in the stage of spot . In this case, there are areas on the teeth which have undergone demineralization. The reasons for this phenomenon - the loss of tooth minerals. In particular, the lost salt and calcium disrupted the structure of enamel. Such changes in the tooth reversible, but the tactics of how to deal with caries at this stage, determined by the physician. At this stage, it is important to restore the quality structure of tooth enamel.

The second stage - superficial and middle caries During the development of which on the side, front teeth appear cavities, i.e. enamel undergoes irreversible changes. If the surface caries process affects only the enamel, when it affects the average and dentin. At this stage, people are complaining of pain arising as a result of exposure to chemical and thermal stimuli. Diagnosed as superficial and middle caries milk tooth in children.

The subsequent step - it deep caries In which the cavity in the tooth becomes deeper, and the process comes to a pulp already. The pain becomes more intense, it begins sharply when exposed to the stimulus. During the examination the doctor finds a very deep cavity with the softened dentin.

Separately allocated a very heavy caries side or front of the tooth. In this case the tooth is affected along the gingival margin (the so-called root caries ). Sometimes, making a decision to get rid of such a defeat, the doctor has to remove the tooth.

Milk tooth decay affects the milk teeth in children. So-called bottle caries   It develops in the child's front teeth due to improper diet or violations of hygiene.

Separately emit other types of caries: a secondary, multiple, root.

At   secondary (recurrent) caries   re-developing the disease in a previously sealed tooth. Usually, the cause of this phenomenon is becoming substandard removal of affected tissue, wrong install seals . Sometimes secondary caries develops as a result of violations of hygiene, as well as the impact of other factors, has to decay. Such decay develops at the edge of the seal.

Multiple cavities   It develops spontaneously and immediately affects several teeth (sometimes up to 20). At the same time in a single tooth can be detected a few cavities. The disease is considered to be acute and requires immediate intervention of a physician. Otherwise, you can lose your entire set of teeth. This form of the disease occurs as a consequence of violations immunity As well as chronic and infectious diseases.

The root caries striking root of the tooth, which is laid bare. This form of the disease is diagnosed in older patients. The fact that the risk increases with age of periodontitis It decreases gums, reduced salivation. The development of root caries tooth sometimes leads to a complete fracture of the tooth.

Tooth decay in children

 Dental caries  Children caries as milk and permanent teeth, it has a high activity as tooth tissue in this period there is a very low resistance to defeat the disease. That is why the treatment of dental caries in children should be carried out immediately after the detection of a problem.

Caries milk tooth at   developed under the influence of unfavorable conditions - changes in the microflora of the mouth as a result of the eruption of primary teeth in children, lack of fluoride in the body. Sometimes the formation of breast tissue is broken teeth still in utero. Dental caries often develops as a result of the local increase in acidity that helps dissolve the enamel. To prevent this process, the dentist should conduct a thorough examination, and then defines the methods of treatment and prevention.

The most frequently dairy caries affects a child's molars (molars). As the extent of damage are on the incisors, canines. In most dental caries milk appears on their contact surfaces. But the permanent teeth are affected more often in the chewing surfaces.

The main feature of dental caries in children is the speed of its spread. Because the enamel of the child is very delicate, baby teeth are affected very rapidly decay destroys enamel and dentin captures, then manifested complications.

Often children have multiple lesions: caries in early childhood often develop on several teeth. It progresses rapidly, and soon there are only roots of the teeth, as the crown destroyed. In this case, parents need to think seriously about how to treat caries. If you do not cure it in a timely manner, then in 3-4 years, the child may have no teeth. Because the disease often affects the baby teeth of children as the eruption. Therefore, doubt whether to respond to treatment baby teeth, parents should not be. An experienced dentist will not only determine how to treat caries in this defeat, but the baby will recommend to conduct a survey for chronic and infectious diseases. Do not worry about how you hurt the child during treatment. Contacting a qualified help to avoid the inconvenience and stress.

Most babies develop a so-called circular cavities. He strikes the front teeth, which was originally developed on the front surface and progresses very quickly. Next defeat extends around the circumference of the crown, deepened, and crown   It breaks off.

When planar caries in children does not extend deeper into defeat, and on the surface. The process can be either rapid (acute) or chronic.

A very important point is the treatment of deep caries in children. If the early stages of disease development were missed and struck tooth decay too deep, you need an immediate intervention of a physician. Given that this form of both acute and chronic decay rapidly into the stage pulpit.

If your child is already beginning to appear permanent teeth, parents should regularly pay attention to their condition and practicing preventative trip to the dentist. Caries immature permanent teeth due to insufficient mineralization of tissues, as well as reducing the protective function is mostly sharp. Therefore, the child may lose a permanent tooth in half a year after the appearance of caries. When a tooth is formed, the child more likely to develop chronic tooth decay.


Treatment of dental caries and the choice of a particular method is directly dependent on what stage of development of caries is diagnosed. Modern equipment, which is widely used by domestic dentistry can cure even advanced forms of the disease. However, the best option is to treat the surface of dental caries, when complications have not yet arisen. It responds well to treatment, and the average caries and caries of primary teeth in children. But everyone should clearly understand that at the first visible changes or other symptoms should be referred to a specialist, rather than wait and try to do the people's means.

No doubt, the ideal - regular checkups to enable to prevent the development of even superficial injury and do without a drill. Also significant is the fact that the cost of treatment in the first stage of the lesion to be much lower. However, the choice of methods of patients are interested in not only the price, but also efficiency. Modern dentistry allows you to get rid of small lesions without drilling. In the early stages of practice system Icon - treatment with a special gel that allows to suspend the process. It is also used laser treatment and ozone. Ozone is effective for surface caries. Its use allows to disinfect the surface of the tooth and avoid pain. Laser treatment - is a relatively new method, which avoids the use of a drill, and thus treat the tooth efficiently and without pain.

If we are talking about caries in the stage of spot Then it must be initially detected. To do this, use the special crystalline dye having green color and pearlescent coloring only the affected areas of the tooth. The essence of treatment at this stage is saturated tooth mineral tissues. For this purpose, the preparations containing the composition of ions of potassium, calcium, magnesium and other minerals. Pre tooth purified protected from access by saliva and is applied to a remineralizing solution preparation. The course of the treatment lasts 10 days approximately.

Treatment of all other types of caries originally anticipated machining cavity. First you need to remove diseased tissue, and then hold closed cavity and restore the color and shape of a tooth using the seal.

Treatment average caries and deep caries   carried out in stages. Initially held diagnostics to determine the extent of damage. Next, the doctor makes anesthesia and reveals cavities. The subsequent process nekroektomii   It assumes complete purification cavity of carious tissue. Next, the softened dentin removed and the necrotic tissue with boron and other tools. The doctor finally forms a cavity and the tooth is sealed selected material.

The most difficult to treat deep caries, in which the patient is already present constant pain. Acute process destroys the tooth quickly, so it must be treated carefully. In this case, necessarily carried out anesthesia. All subsequent manipulations doctor performs the usual way. A closer look at the process of his work can be phased in the photo.


 Dental caries  Prevention of tooth decay   - It is not only the actions allowing to prevent manifestations of dental caries, and timely treatment of the disease in its earliest stages. Besides prophylactic treatment can prevent further tooth decay. For example, treatment of cervical caries   It makes it possible to halt the advance of the process in depth and actually save the tooth.

Preventive measures are designed to improve the stability of the tooth. It is also important to prevent the appearance of plaque on the teeth.

Despite the fact that most people are accustomed to brush your teeth every day, many people make this procedure properly. It is important to do this so that in any case is not damaged by the edge of the gums. It is necessary to choose the right brush and brush your teeth in a circular motion or make it so that the movement went from the gum to the edge of the tooth.

Brush your teeth every day to twice, in the morning, after meals, and in the evening before bedtime. The process itself should take no less than 4 minutes. Regularly should be used dental floss, with which removes food debris from between the teeth.

After each meal is recommended to rinse your mouth, and it must be done very carefully. Such action to prevent the harmful effects of carbohydrates on the tooth enamel.

The food that people consume may also affect the development of caries. To prevent its development, it is important to constantly eat solid food that can clean teeth and improve blood flow. The diet must necessarily include foods that contain phosphorus, calcium fluorine. Periodically, you need to use toothpaste, which is composed of fluorine.

If all the rules are observed daily prophylaxis, the risk of tooth decay is significantly reduced. Another important item on the list - regular attendance of an experienced dentist who detect the disease in its earliest stages.

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