Saturday, July 30, 2016

Four cups of coffee a day protects against diabetes

Celebrated today in the world of World Diabetes Day was marked by the publication of the report of the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee from Switzerland. Its authors claim that drinking four cups of the drink lowers risk of developing Type II diabetes by 25%.

 Four cups of coffee a day protects against diabetes  Drinking coffee

Risk of diabetes can be reduced by one quarter when drinking every day for 4 cups of coffee. Swiss researchers found that filtered coffee decaffeinated, as used at lunchtime, It has the most significant effect in diabetes prevention . The authors of the study have shown that coffee consumption does not increase the risk of cancer or stroke.

However, other experts argue that the best method of diabetes prevention It is to maintain a healthy weight. Swiss researchers found that risk of diabetes is reduced by 7-8% with each subsequent increase daily dose of coffee per cup. The report says that such Preventive strength coffee has several possible explanations.

So, coffee affects insulin sensitivity. Research in 2014 showed, Japanese men with the highest consumption of coffee are protected from development insulin resistance, if of normal weight. Another reason for preventive power of coffee is the fact that this drink people usually drink instead of the calorie alternatives containing sugar, which lead to weight gain. Note that excessive doses of coffee are harmful to the body, since having an excessive tonic effect. (READ MORE)

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How to give up coffee in a short time

Coffee is a person the same addictive as sugar and some other products. But sometimes we required to give up drinking coffee, especially if required by state health. Here are some simple ways on how to achieve this.

 How to give up coffee in a short time  Refusal of coffee

Try to mix traditional coffee and coffee drinks that do not contain caffeine. Eat this cocktail in proportion 50 to 50 for two days. What can change the proportion of 30 to 70 and adhere to this composition for two more days. After that reduce the content coffee 20 to 80 and 10 to 90. Each embodiment requires several days addiction. And a couple of weeks you can completely get rid of coffee.

Another embodiment non-coffee   - Drinking espresso. Despite its "strong" reputation, the drink contains all only half-doses of caffeine compared to a conventional coffee. The next step It will transition to the US, which is the boiling water added to Espresso. Thus, caffeine load will decrease by half, and Gradually you will be able to do refuse coffee .

Do not despair if you do not know what the US, where to find it and how to do it. In any modern City coffee house offers to try this drink. If you want to cook it with their hands, look at videos on the site Youtube, where It contains many recipes for American and other beverages containing caffeine. Both strategy, repeatedly tested by American nutritionist allow in short time to completely abandon the coffee without causing characteristic breaking. (READ MORE)

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Friday, July 29, 2016

Experts have called the little-known properties of eggs

Probably many of you know, that chicken eggs is a dietary product - they are not only well saturated, but also It does not cause risk of stout. But it turns out that the eggs have such useful properties, which are known only to a narrow circle of specialists in nutrition.

 Experts have called the little-known properties of eggs  omelette

  For example, few people know that eggs are very good for the functions of the organs of vision. As such, they are not concede in use carrots. People who eat eggs every day, very rare cataract that several studies have shown.
  It was spotted and the other effect the daily presence of eggs in the diet. It turned out that the most passionate fans of this dish is much faster growing hair. So on hairline choline affects the action contained in the egg yolk. AT One contains 300 mg of choline. The recommended daily intake of this substance - 425 grams for women and 550 grams for men.
  I favor the use of special eggs brings to women's health. The researchers found that women who eat six eggs a week reduces the risk of developing breast cancer themselves by 44%. "Eggs contain vitamin D and thereby help to prevent breast cancer, "- Experts comment. (READ MORE)

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Spouses useful to drink together

Quite an unusual recipe for family happiness offered by New Zealand scientists of the University of Otago. Having completed a number research, experts have decided that the key to successful marriage can be drinking together the two spouses.

 Spouses useful to drink together  couple drinking wine

  After analyzing the family life and a half thousand couples, the researchers (by the way, to the surprise themselves) stated that the happiest feel men and women, which together consume alcohol or drink in one company. Thus, for example, women who drink with their pious at least once a week, appeared four times happier than their sober friends. Men - in three times happier than non-drinkers. This effect is explained by the fact that the partners, relaxing with alcohol, get more pleasure from mutual communication.
  However, this conclusion Scientists accompanied by reservations. For example, they indicate that the amount of alcohol drunk spouses should be about the same. Unless someone in the pair often goes through, forcing a partner to put up with this habit, happiness is not exactly bring.
  In addition, experts indicate a relationship between the time allocated to the joint wife drinking alcohol, and their chances to find happiness in marriage. Most satisfied with their relationships (about 91% of couples) were those Partners that enable each other once a week to relax with a glass of wine or cognac. In the group of people who drank with his half in a couple of times month, the figure was lower, although it is also a significant - 88%.
Thus, the stress researchers, the beneficial effect of alcohol drinking occurs only at a moderate its hand. Statistics echoed this: every fifth family breaks up due alcohol heads of families. (READ MORE)

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Cherry juice relieves gout for several hours

British scientists have found that cherry juice can be used effectively in the treatment of gout. It turned out that this drink makes it possible in a short time to clear the body of uric acid.

 Cherry juice relieves gout for several hours  Cherry juice

Cause excruciating pain Gout, which affects every 14th man and every 35th woman It is formed due to accumulation of crystallized uric acid in the joints, and especially in the fingers. Attacks of gout, which has long been considered an aristocratic disease, knock a man out of a rut - he can not live a full life, work and relax.

 Cherry juice relieves gout for several hours  Cherry juice

Conducted by researchers from Northumbria University study showed that the use of the concentrate Montmorency tart cherries lets you clear the body of excess uric acid just a few hours. Furthermore, these cherries have anti- properties and is a powerful antioxidant. Experiments showed that enough to eat concentrate cherry juice twice a day to achieve noticeable effect in treatment of gout .

Reduce the number of drink uric acid in the blood and the level of inflammation. According to the authors discovery is a new step in the development of dietary practices gout treatment . Currently, with This disease often struggle symptomatically. Applied to the affected area ice applied elastic bandage, and during the attacks, patients drink anti-inflammatory drugs.

In extreme cases, a the use of corticosteroids. They are more efficient, but are not devoid of side effects, including heart problems and stomach, especially during prolonged hand. Finally, in rare cases, the most prescribed medication for suppress the formation of crystals of uric acid, which is even more severe side effects. (READ MORE)

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9-year-old schoolgirl stroke smashed straight into the classroom

The nine-year girl suffered a massive stroke on during school hours. Now she is recovering in the hospital, and half of her body is paralyzed.

 9-year-old schoolgirl stroke smashed straight into the classroom  Stroke the baby

Little Becky of Liddle English Halla felt unwell during class, and even lost consciousness. Ambulance took away the girl to a nearby hospital, where doctors child diagnosed a massive stroke, which is extremely rare It happens to children as young as 9 years old. However, his father had a stroke and Becky 7 years ago, but the parents of the child and could not imagine that the disease could manifest their daughter.

At first, the doctors of the hospital also did not believe it, and even suspected severe migraine attack, in which, turn, could not believe his mother, Becky. Only two days later Stroke the baby   It was finally confirmed. It turned out that cause life-threatening condition became blood clot in the brain. As is the case with many adult survivors of a massive stroke, Becky lost control of half of the body. Now she can not drive right hand and foot, no facial expression and the right side of the face.

According to doctors, the cause Stroke the baby   It becomes a neck injury in which affected and blood vessels feeding the brain. It is noteworthy that parents can not remember when their daughter was such injury. Currently, Becky is in the hospital, where she is a He spent a month on the artificial feeding through a tube before she was allowed to eat a conventional manner. Doctors do not know whether the child ever to regain control over the right part of the body.

Although most strokes occur in people over 65, in theory they can affect a person of any ages, including very young, and even the unborn. Estimated Experts strokes occur in 6 of every 100 000 children. (READ MORE)


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Experts told than useful asparagus

Asparagus must necessarily be part of a healthy diet, experts say. This vegetable is known to mankind for more than two thousand years, it is saturated with a variety of beneficial ingredients useful for the heart bones, and blood vessels.

 Experts told than useful asparagus  Asparagus

Many of us know that Asparagus is useful for health As it is beautiful dietary product, which contains a small number of calories, but It provides continuous saturation. However, these advantages vegetables exhausted. Several scientific studies have confirmed that the asparagus has anti-inflammatory abilities. This is a very valuable quality of the product, which allows it to protect the body from a number of ailments, including diseases heart and various infections.

The asparagus contain vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, zinc, selenium, manganese, and the antioxidant glutathione, consisting of three amino acids: glutamate, glycine and cysteine. All are combined in one molecule. The the composition is very useful for human health.

For example, amino acids function as a diuretic, helping We deduce the fluid and the volume of excess salt from the body. This property asparagus especially useful for victims of high blood pressure or diseases heart. Asparagus good for you . as it strengthens bones - just have this vegetable twice a week.

Asparagus good fights blood clots in the blood, it contains antioxidants that help netralizovyvat free radicals - dangerous molecules that accelerate the aging process. Consequently, the asparagus can be called anti-aging products. Finally, there is this vegetable substance folate, which helps our brain fight the deterioration of cognitive performance. (READ MORE)

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Tea can be hypnotic quality

Residents of big cities often They complain about the bad dream. But it turns out that sleep does not necessarily drink medicines. The role of the superior sleeping pills can play a familiar all tea.

 Tea can be hypnotic quality  black tea

  Scientists from the Medical School Nihon University in Japan have found that drinking tea helps normalization of sleep without any pharmacological agents. The specialists underline: to improve the quality of sleep, it is not necessary to drink tea before how to go to bed. It is sufficient to regularly organize tea drinking throughout the day.
  Experts have established that people who drank more than one cup of tea a day, 50% less likely to happen nightmares. In general, tea lovers fall asleep faster and less likely to complain of sleep disturbances Compared with those who are indifferent to the tea and use it rarely. what Characteristically, the positive effect of tea more often seen in women. To the experiments unpleasant dreams retreated 80% of the fair sex, start drinking tea at the request of scientists. Separately, we note that the panelists were drinking high-grade tea without sugar and without desserts.
  According to Japanese physicians in black tea contains tannin amino acid which has a sedative effect and helps relieve stress - due to its action and noted the positive impact tea on human sleep. It should be noted that recent studies have shown a sleep, that nagging feeling of lack of sleep occurs in people not because of lack of the number of "sleepy" hours, but because of the poor quality of sleep - anxiety and often interrupted. (READ MORE)

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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The true intentions of the man can be recognized by voice

Scottish researchers have found that the real intentions of the men can be recognized by the timbre of his voice. And if the stronger sex to women experiencing any strong feelings, he unconsciously try to talk to her pleasant voice.

 The true intentions of the man can be recognized by voice  men intent

Probably every woman once while tormented by the question of what kind of feelings it experiences one or another man. It turns out that in order to determine men intent No need to pick off the petals from daisies or arrange divination with wax. It is enough to generate interest in the man conversation, which may relate to absolutely any topic to listen to the the intonation of his voice.

Then it must be mentally compared with the usual tone of voice men. When in conversation with a woman he suddenly began to use some sort of modulation, to make your voice more pleasant (for example, less said loudly, a little more gently and with feeling) then this is clearly a man feels for his interlocutor strong feelings. Such the conclusion, scientists from the University of Stirling in Scotland.

To test their hypothesis, they attracted 110 heterosexual men and women talking on a English or Czech. It turned out that a man modulated voice more often when talking with women, who were considered attractive. The intonation of their voice becomes less rough and more enjoyable aurally. Fortunately for these men, women also found a similar tone voice sweeter than the voices of those men who did not believe women attractive. (READ MORE)


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Read 7 months

 Read 7 months  In the US, many parents try to teach children to read from the age of seven months! To this end, a special program "Your baby can read" and cards with words. Developer Dr. Bob Titzer claims that this program will develop kids and then do better in school.

It costs just 219 dollars. "Some experts believe that the development of the absurd, as all children can learn to read   and do not necessarily do it at such a young age, "- said The Daily Telegraph.

There is no specific age standards when to start teaching a child to read. Some educators believe that this should be done in 6-7 years when the child is already psychologically ready for the learning process and has formed an arbitrary behavior.
  Many children start   learn to read   in the 4 years. The process of memorizing letters and syllables passes much easier if the child himself takes an interest. There are many techniques and training programs in the form of games. Forcing a child to read is meaningless, since it can be fixed permanently negative attitude to this and at school then it will be difficult.

but there are already positive feedback about the program: our former compatriot Viktoriya Andreeva started teaching her son Artem to read at 2 and a half months. She enjoyed the new program and the child showed videos and pictures with words. Who is it for seven months, and he discerns and says a lot of words.


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City of Women calls for help suitors

The only city in the world, consisting entirely of women alone, appealed to come to visit potential suitors. However, the demand from men ready to live by the rules of women.

 City of Women calls for help suitors  City of Women

In the Brazilian town Noyva de Cordeiro home to more than 600 people, all of them women, most of whom not yet 35. Some of them, however, are already married, but their husbands and adult sons live and work somewhere else. As a result, city ​​women   It is experiencing a huge shortage of men, he I tried to compensate with a special appeal to potential suitors.

 City of Women calls for help suitors  City of Women

However, men are not worth urgently stacked suitcases until they understand the specifics of this city ​​women . All the leading positions it occupied the fair sex, and all the important decisions they take the same - from the beginning of the harvesting and planting to the management and urban infrastructure even religion. The absolute majority of the residents of this Cordeiro de Noyva like, so that their future grooms should default to admit women superiority.

 City of Women calls for help suitors  City of Women

"There are a lot of things, that women do better than men - says 49-year-old resident of de Noyva Cordeiro Rosalie Fernandez. - Our city is more beautiful, organized, and where more harmonious than other cities run by men. When we disputes or problems, we solve them feminine - with the help of the search for consensus, rather than through conflict. We share everything, even the land on which we work. No one here no one to compete, we have one for all and all for one. For example, the world we bought recently LCD TV for our leisure center to watch soap operas together. We always have time to sit and gossip, try on clothes to each other, to help with hairstyles and pedicure. "(Read More)

 City of Women calls for help suitors  City of Women


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The British father's 15 children by 13 mothers

 The British father's 15 children by 13 mothers  Jamie Cumming British journalists have already dubbed the most obsessed with his father in the country. In the near future he will be born the 15th child in a row from the 13th ... mistress.

In the novel, Jack London's "Sea Wolf" protagonist Wolf Larsen said rickety intellectual HUMPHREY Van Weyden, they alone afford to occupy entire continents, as men's health as opposed to the women's stand arbitrarily large number of children. 33-year-old British Jamie Cumming, apparently took Larsen's arguments seriously.

The first time he became a father at 17, but now he is preparing for the birth of their 15th child, living together with the 13th in a row mistress. Thus he never Jamie works and lives on welfare. Most mothers dream that their adult children gave their grandchildren, but my mom Jamie has finally tired of implementation paternal instinct   son. She demands that he ceased to produce children, and finally began to answer for those sons and daughters who have already been born.

55-year-old Lorraine Cumming believes that Jamie must first find a job, and only then let her 19-year-old girlfriend to give birth. Otherwise, everything will take place on the same scenario. She will give birth and begin to receive benefits from the budget, as already father of many children   the child is unemployed and he is not able to keep the baby.

"I love Jamie and I love all of his grandchildren, but someday it must end! - Resents Lorraine. - My son is time to stop to prove their paternal instinct It's time to become a real father, who can take responsibility. "

In recent years, Jamie tried a lot of work - from the guard to the bartender - but never was able to stay longer than a year. Some experts even suspect that this father of many children   It suffers from some kind of psychological aberration, which causes him to have a girlfriend who can bear him children.


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Sunday, July 24, 2016

After a stroke polite pensioner began to swear like a trooper

This 65-year-old woman was always polite, respectable and highly educated, since for many years worked in the service of customer support. But after suffering in January this year a stroke, she began to swear like a trooper, and has nothing to do with it so far.

 After a stroke polite pensioner began to swear like a trooper  after stroke

Doctors and scientists have repeatedly pointed out that the identity of the person after stroke   may vary to some extent. With Englishwoman Pam Preston something similar happened. For many years she worked in customer service Bank where the utmost courtesy and kindness are essential qualities. Now, however, this elderly woman swears by saying that It had not even occurred to her.

Insults sypyatsya and address 66-year-old husband, Michael, and daughter in the face, and his little grandson, in which Pam doted woman recently called obscene word for girls prostitute. The fact is that after stroke   in the brain of the patient is somehow disconnected constraining centers, and she began to pour out all the emotions out.

Today the house is Pam "box of curses," where a woman puts money in an fine for obscene words. As long as the box is replenished punctually, though the pensioner would very much like to prevent this from happening. Pam goes on regular meetings with psychologist. "When all is quiet, then I behave normally, - says Pam. - But if I get excited at the slightest about how I cease to restrain myself and I start to swear. I had no idea, that stroke can thus change the personality of a person. My friends and members families still can not get used to it. "(Read More)


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The bite can kill a spider home

The mother of four children urgently hospitalized after a spider bite home led to the formation of a huge boil on his leg, filled with pus. Now a woman for life formed the arachnophobia - fear of spiders.

 The bite can kill a spider home  spider bite

41-year-old Englishwoman Julie Roberts watched TV in his living room when some spider (the description of women, pale white) bit her ankle. At first the woman did not pay much attention to this incident, all the more so after the bite on her skin was only a tiny black dot. However, after a few days at this place formed a lump the size of a golf ball. Ankle began to hurt badly.

 The bite can kill a spider home  spider bite

Julie went to the doctor who prescribed her antibiotics. But the treatment of this week to no avail - on-site spider bite   began to form sores and abscesses. Then the woman went to the hospital and was hospitalized. A few days doctors fought with poison spider and an abscess in the wound had burst during this time twice.

 The bite can kill a spider home  spider bite

"The doctors told me that I came late, because the case could result in blood poisoning, - says Julie. - The whole story scared me great. I walked with great difficulty, I have already started to panic. On the spot spider bite   It formed a lump, where flowing some yellowish muck. I've never been afraid of spiders and just threw them down, because killing them is considered bad luck. I can not believe that such a small insect can cause such big trouble. I do not live in Africa or Australia. "

 The bite can kill a spider home  spider bite

Since the bite took 3 weeks, doctors have long healed wound on the woman's leg, but she still feels pain. A scar on her ankle, as well as arachnophobia stay with Julie before the end of days. (READ MORE)

Treatment and prevention

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The brilliant physicist to die in space

One of the most eminent physicists Stephen Hawking told the world that he would be happy to die in space. Academic one of the first invited to participate in the passenger flight around the Earth's orbit.

 The brilliant physicist to die in space  Stephen Hawking

The biggest theoretical physicist modernity Stephen Hawking   got an invitation from the company Virgin Galactic billionaire Richard Branson, who arranges space flights for passengers. While the implementation of such Flight is quite risky, Hawking himself has admitted that his perspective Death does not frighten space. On the contrary, he would be happy to die it there is, in fact most of his life spent in the study of physics laws of the universe.

 The brilliant physicist to die in space  Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking
  He was born in 1942, and in the early 1960s, when he studied at Oxford University, future great scientist faced with unexplained symptoms. His body is weakened and refuses to execute the commands of the brain. The research allowed put a terrible diagnosis - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or illness motor neurons. In this disease, the person gradually ceases control his body because of violations of the connection between the brain and muscles.

The disease is incurable, and Most of its victims die within the first 2-3 years after the diagnosis. Only 10% manage to survive more than 7 years. But Stephen Hawking has become the world's first patient ALS, whose condition stabilized, and scientists still can not understand, how to explain it. Currently, however, Hawking can manage only facial muscles cheeks, near which the sensor is attached. With the help of a computer He voiced words of the great scientist.

Despite his illness, Hawking married twice and so lead an active life, as far as possible, constantly moving around the world. With great scientist would expect flight space, as in a state of weightlessness, his body will not be a helpless accumulation of muscle, bone and tissue, and Hawking will be able to experience the feeling free floating. (READ MORE)


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Couples met online increasingly parted

Scientists from the University of Michigan in the US found that the pair met through the Internet more often then fall than lovers, who have chosen a more conservative way to explore. Meanwhile, the World Wide Web has become the main tool for communication strangers.

 Couples met online increasingly parted  dating through the Internet

Yet what some 20-30 years ago single people rushed to clubs and restaurants, go to the so-called "speed dating", met with friends of their friends and relatives, and just trying to tie a chat on the street, if you want find a partner. Almost all of these can require considerable courage and personal communicate face to face.

 Couples met online increasingly parted  dating through the Internet

Dating via the Internet
It was a real salvation for the people restrictive. Online communication, where the sides do not see each other, They have time to think of their sentences and the possibility at any moment to interrupt conversation has now become the main method of communication and dating for people middle-aged and young people. Internet pushes the boundaries of communication, quickly tying together people living in different parts of our planet. And sites Dating continue to record strong influx of lonely hearts looking for his halves.

But US scientists have to the conclusion that the selected acquaintance through the Internet   couples have a higher rate of separations than those who prefer traditional methods of communication. The reasons for this, the authors the study did not know, but suggest that the current partners, whose acquaintance was so easy, less value their union and more determination to destroy it, because they believe that no problems will create a new one.

Among other factors, determining the success of a couple, in addition to the method of dating, the scientists highlighted the quality of sex life and the level of mutual trust. (READ MORE)


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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Games on fresh air will make of the child honors

Children should spend as much time on the street, if parents want them to study well at school. Outdoor Play help children set goals and achieve them, and after that will come in handy decades of life.

 Games on fresh air will make of the child honors  leisure

American scientists from the University of Colorado believe that unordered active holiday increases school performance . The more children spend time outdoors, playing team sports, visit the zoo, or even read a book, the better they learn the ability to put a goal and achieve it without the assistance of the implementation adults. This ability to positively impact on school performance.

 Games on fresh air will make of the child honors  leisure

The above-mentioned types of activity of the child are less structured and orderly. But more structured types of activities, such as music lessons or doing work at home, on the other hand, poorly developed in the child's "self-governing executive function", ie, ability to solve problems on their own. AND school performance   these children reduced, according to the researchers.

"Executive function is extremely important for the child, - Said study author Professor Yuko Munakata. - It helps children in all aspects of the daily life of switching between different types of skills activities to concentrate on any one task. Developed performing the function does not give the children screaming in a fit of anger, improving school performance, enhances mental and physical health. it It affects the child's life, and through the decades, reducing the risk of crime and even increasing material prosperity. "(Read More)

Healthy Child

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General anesthesia experienced in childhood, corrupts memory of a lifetime

In the new issue of the journal Neuropsychopharmacology authoritative published an article describing the negative impact of anesthesia on the brain of the infant. The authors experimentally proved that deep sleep in which there is loss of consciousness and sensitivity, short-term memory blocks baby, the effects of which persist for many years.

 General anesthesia experienced in childhood, corrupts memory of a lifetime  General anesthesia

To reach this conclusion, researchers conducted a study involving children aged 6 to 11 years. Experts have divided the children into two groups. The first group included those who are under the age of one year made general anesthesia And second, control, - who have never passed through the complex operations and, therefore, never needed anesthesia.

Volunteers have offered to pass a simple test to check the memory, but to cope with this task is not all.
"Children who do general anesthesia showed less ability to memorize and restore the missing parts of drawings, on average, 28% less," - the researchers reported.
The members of the first group are not inferior to their peers in the level of intelligence and did not have any behavioral characteristics.

Exactly the same experiment results shown in laboratory animals. All 33 rodent undergoing general anesthesia in the first weeks of life, had problems with memory, such as forgetting how smell certain products. The problem is they do not disappear with age, scientists guess that confirms that anesthesia is transferred in its infancy, is fraught with memory disorders for life.

For reference:
Short-term memory plays an important role in the formation of memories and learning.
"Unequivocal conclusions about the relationship of anesthesia in violation of the brain we still can not do, but the results of studies cast serious thinking. At least, on this basis we can confidently declare - If general anesthesia is not absolutely necessary, it is not necessary to do so as not to spoil the child future life ", - experts say.

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Enriched with vitamins products are dangerous to children

Enriched with vitamins and minerals food may pose a threat to human health, especially children and pregnant women the elderly. That is the conclusion drawn by researchers from the United States.

 Enriched with vitamins products are dangerous to children  breakfast cereals

Experts Environmental Working Group studied the composition popular cereal for breakfast, as well as chocolate bars manufacturers which they argued that enriched them with additional vitamins and minerals . The 140 species scientists have discovered these products is significant excess vitamins and minerals , Which already may be threat to human health.

This means that almost half of US children Up to 8 years consume potentially harmful amounts of vitamin A, zinc and niacin because of the excess of their content in food products. But parents continue to buy them as advertising keeps telling the exceptional the use of such products.

"Greatly enriched with vitamins and minerals Products are supposed to be good for health, but when it comes to children, pregnant women and the elderly, excessive dose capable of causing short-term or long-term problems with their health, - says Director Research Environmental Working Group, co-author of the report Renee Sharpe. - Manufacturers use vitamins and minerals for the sale of products by adding too many nutrients, and thus trying to earn the trust consumers. Small children consume such products is dangerous. "

In total, it was studied species 1550 cereals for breakfast, enriched with vitamin A, zinc and niacin, as well as more 1000 different chocolate bars. Note that higher doses of vitamin A can cause toxic symptoms, liver failure, and loss of skeletal anomalies hair. Excess zinc influences the absorption of copper, a negative impact on red and white blood cells and the immune system. (READ MORE)

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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

22-year-old mother turned socialite daughters

This woman believes that her daughter should receive all the latest cosmetic procedures, including tanning, pedicures, pierced ears, false nails and capacity hair. However, it is girls that are two and four years old.

 22-year-old mother turned socialite daughters  pamper children

22-year-old Englishwoman Sophie Mae Dixon Children pampers   vengeance, not spare money on designer clothes, cosmetics and beauty treatments for her two daughters. Princess Bliss only four years, and Precious Bell two, but they are already through an artificial tan to look like the most compelling. Girls 40 dresses for two, including the creation of brands Dolce & Gabbana and Ralph Lauren.

 22-year-old mother turned socialite daughters  pamper children

Sophie Mei believes that its daughter should definitely stand out from the crowd. Therefore it is quite possible to as little girls doing pierced ears and ultra-trendy hairstyles and and hair extensions. That they regularly pass through manicures and pedicures, instead of digging into some sandbox next to the other kids.

 22-year-old mother turned socialite daughters  pamper children

It seems that if girls dressed in the usual for their age, shirts and shorts, they will feel a lot more comfortable. But their mother does not think so, and every day dresses daughters as if they have to visit the best casino in Las Vegas. On the side One gets the impression that these girls - a small copy of a popular in the UK reality show The Only Way Is Essex, whose heroes are celebrating life filled with endless beauty treatments, shopping and entertainment. However, since baluyuschaya children   Sophie Mae does not explain how she takes the money for all this, because from single mothers do not have work.

 22-year-old mother turned socialite daughters  pamper children

"I do not want them It looks traditional children - says the woman. - I do not like the usual baby clothes they never wear jeans. People often criticize me, and many concerned about where the money from the students at all this. But I do not drink, do not do drugs and do not smoke. Daughters is a top priority in my life. Of course, they are expensive, but caring for them is my business. "(READ CONT)

 22-year-old mother turned socialite daughters  pamper children

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Chlorine in swimming pools causes asthma in children

Use in swimming pools chlorine is harmful to children, as it gives them asthma. Such an opinion was expressed by Professor of Dermatology University of Bradford in England by Andrew Wright.

 Chlorine in swimming pools causes asthma in children  swimming in the pool

This summer in central Russia is different intense heat, and millions of people flock to the waters. However, in settlements in the vicinity of which are not suitable for swimming lakes, ponds or rivers, the load falls on special pools. 98% to the Russian swimming pools now cleaned with bleach, which is harmful to the lungs, according to scientists.

 Chlorine in swimming pools causes asthma in children  swimming in the pool

"My God, my God, for what purposes we still use chlorine in the pool ? - Surprised Professor Andrew Wright. - This substance is a potential irritant to any person who has eczema. This means that millions of people with this banal skin disorders are unable to engage in a useful and pleasant for human swimming.

Furthermore, several studies have demonstrated that the use of chlorine in the pool   increases development childhood asthma   six times the! Also grows the risk of hay fever and other types of allergies. It bleach we owe the fact that over the past 50 years, the number of hereditary allergies has increased by at least five times.

Kids particularly strong risk of becoming victims of asthma, because that their lungs are still developing. And the children themselves often swallow water containing bleach, while bathing. I still do not understand why the vast majority of pools disinfected with extremely harmful chlorine bromine. Why not throw them in the trash once and for all, and to purify water Ozone filtration basins, ie much more efficient and practical ozonation harmless to humans? " (READ MORE)

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Height and weight of the child depends on the green spaces in the city

Accommodation in nature or in a city with lots of greenery around a direct impact on the height and weight of children born here. That is the conclusion drawn by researchers from Ben-Gurion University in Israel.

 Height and weight of the child depends on the green spaces in the city  Pregnancy and ecology

It has long been known that health living in the country is more useful than the "concrete jungle". but Israeli scientists have found a direct link between the amount of greenery that It surrounds the future mother during pregnancy, and the size of her baby. Under the phrase "the number of green" refers to all open green spaces, including meadows and forests, and urban spaces.

Tracing 40 thousand births in Tel Aviv, the researchers found out exactly what the distance from the green affects the performance of the spaces growth baby weight . So, for kids born larger, their mothers to live no more than 300 meters from the green, and the area green spaces   It should be no less than 5000 square meters.

It is taken into account not only traditional meadows and forests, which are outside the city, but the city's parks gardens and cemeteries, which are completely or partially surrounded by greenery trees and grass. Any such greens significantly affects the increase weight and height of the child As well as reducing the risk of children born underweight.

Note that green spaces   absorb harmful emissions into the atmosphere and release pure oxygen. That is why experts believe that the area of ​​urban parks, gardens and a number of trees in cities need to constantly gustanaselennyh increase. (READ MORE)

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Sunday, July 17, 2016

In Moscow outbreak of hepatitis A

 In Moscow outbreak of hepatitis A  Moscow has sharply increased the incidence of acute viral hepatitis. An increasing number of cases of hepatitis A and acute intestinal infections.

According to doctors, in the first three months of the year were more than 930 cases. This is two times higher than in the period from January to March of last year. Incidence acute intestinal infections   It increased by almost 50 percent.

As stated in the regional Rospotrebnadzor, the main source of infection - the tap water and its poor quality. This reason is also called, and the World Health Organization as the most frequent during infection   hepatitis   and intestinal infections.

According to Gennady Onishchenko, the transmission of infection by water is related to the poor state of public utilities and a violation of the rules of treatment of water before feeding it to the public. First of all, this situation was in the Khabarovsk Territory, the Republic of Dagestan, the Ryazan region. Now flash Hepatitis A   observed in Moscow.

Hepatitis A   - It is a viral liver disease that can cause mild or severe. The virus is resistant to a changing environment, as well as resistant to heat or disinfectants. Previously it was called Botkin's disease, infectious or epidemic hepatitis, infectious jaundice, epidemic jaundice, catarrhal jaundice, hepatitis by MS-1.

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The disease is treated with cold hands Botox

 The disease is treated with cold hands Botox  Botox can be a cure for cold hands as the researchers found. Many believe this disorder chepuhovym, but in some cases it can even lead to amputation.

According to statistics from the cold hands   most commonly affects women between the ages of 15 to 45 years, while the number of men is twice lower. A disorder in which a person constantly feel cold limbs due to spasm of the small vessels, because of which disrupted the flow of blood. In science, this condition is called Raynaud's disease   - Angiotrofonevrozom mainly affecting the small terminal arteries and arterioles.

During attacks Raynaud's disease the fingers turn white, the oxygen saturation level decreases, the color may change soon and cyanotic. Sensitivity limb decreases. Once warmed his hands, which allows you to restore circulation, the fingers become red and inflamed.

Until recently Raynaud's disease   poorly treatable, and patients are strongly advised to further coddle cold hands   and feet into something warm. But now, doctors have begun to use before seen methods of treatment. For example, Botox Viagra or Prozac. Because Raynaud's disease is often associated with stress response, the effectiveness of Prozac is understandable, because it is an antidepressant.

Viagra is known to stimulate the blood flow. As for Botox , A number of studies have shown its effectiveness in the treatment of real Raynaud's disease . Injections Botox   in the palm provide a stable positive effect that lasts up to several months.

Exactly how Botox works in this case it is not exactly clear. But experts believe that it relaxes the muscles around the blood vessels.

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Gingivitis: fatal for pregnant women!

 Gingivitis: fatal for pregnant women!  35-year-old American, whose name is not called doctors, He lost another unborn child due to gum disease. Doctors talking about this occasion to warn all pregnant women: Do not allow the development of oral diseases, in time, contact your dentist.

The authoritative journal Obstetrics And Gynaecology ("Obstetrics and Gynecology") published a study, the authors found that for the first time a direct link between the bacteria appearing in the mouth as a result of poor hygiene, and the death of an unborn baby.

An unnamed 35-year-old woman from America suffered from the usual gingivitis (inflammation of the gum tissue). After 39 weeks of pregnancy, she gave birth to a stillborn child. Doctors were able to trace the path of oral bacteria in the mouth to the mother's bloodstream child's lungs and stomach.

The autopsy and subsequent laboratory analysis conducted microbiologists of Ohio.

Scientists believe that any "gap" in the amniotic fluid - the liquid that surrounds the unborn child - can become a gateway for infections of the oral cavity. After the tragedy of the child, his mother took the appropriate treatment at the Dentist Which subsequently allowed her second attempt to give birth to a perfectly healthy boy.

"If you are pregnant, it is important to carefully observe oral health , - Stressed the head of the British Fund Dentistry   Dr Nigel Carter. - Moreover, the Ministry of Health of Great Britain provides all pregnant women   completely free treatment up to the first birthday of their child. "

Dentistry News

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Herpes During Pregnancy: avoid tragedy

 Herpes During Pregnancy: avoid tragedy  Herpes during pregnancy can have tragic consequences and result in the loss of a child. But at the same time in medical practice many women with genital herpes has successfully nurture the pregnancy and give birth to healthy babies ..

The primary episode of genital herpes

Pregnancy is a kind of stress for the woman's body, in which there is a serious hormonal changes hormonal and physiological processes. Defense mechanisms thus usually weaker, resulting in a risk pregnancies are often acute latent infections, including herpes genitals.

Doctors distinguish primary episode of genital herpes, as well as recurrent genital herpes during pregnancy . And in fact, and in another case, the disease has certain characteristics and symptoms, and besides - varies by severity of its effects on pregnancy, the health of the woman and the fetus.

On initial episode it comes, if a woman before this case was never relapse Genital herpes and the body has not yet developed protective antibodies to the infection. The problem is that the difference between a primary episode of genital herpes in the first recurrence of the visible symptoms of genital herpes is sometimes very difficult. The fact is that the recurrence of genital herpes can flow virtually asymptomatic, especially if occurs within female genitals. Its manifestations are often perceived as a harmless irritation, and a woman may not even suspect that the ill. but during pregnancy On the background of physiological decline immunity recurrent herpes can manifest itself in the form of well-marked symptoms - for example, visible rash on the labia, clitoris, perineum, accompanied by itching, burning, blistering, crusts, etc.

To distinguish a primary episode of genital herpes in the first recurrence with visible symptoms, a woman should donate blood to check for antibodies to HSV-1 and 2. The index Ig G (immunoglobulin G) will mean that herpes - recurrent. His absence in the analysis is that the woman in case of primary genital herpes.

The primary episode of genital herpes   It carries a great danger to the pregnant woman Because her body is not protecting antibodies. If infection occurs during the first trimester, it is usually a woman loses a child, there is a probability of hitting the developing organs of the fetus. It is also a very high risk of abnormalities when the infection occurs during the third trimester of pregnancy. The infection in this case is fraught with lesions of the nervous system of the fetus, skin, liver, and spleen.

Fortunately, such cases in obstetric practice are extremely rare. And as a prevention for women planning a pregnancy, you should be screened for the presence of virus in the mucous genitals, determine the presence and level of antibodies to a dangerous infection and, if necessary, receive treatment.

 Herpes During Pregnancy: avoid tragedy  For treatment Genital herpes   at pregnant women   used drugs acyclovir   and valacyclovir. According to the Center for Disease Control (USA), the use of women during pregnancy, these antiviral drugs are highly effective in preventing infection of the newborn, and has no negative effect on fetal development.

The preparation acyclovir is the founder of antiherpetic drugs - blockers of viral DNA synthesis. Antiviral action has an active metabolite of acyclovir - acyclovir triphosphate, which is produced in cells infected with the herpes virus. Inhibiting viral DNA-polymerase, acyclovir triphosphate blocks viral DNA synthesis. The drug has a very low toxicity, since no effect on DNA polymerase activity of human cells and healthy cells.

Comparable clinical efficacy to acyclovir and valacyclovir, and give famciclovir . However, the results of valacyclovir and famciclovir during pregnancy are of a preliminary nature and can not be the basis for their regular use. In particular, the use of Famvir in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding is recommended, provided that the possible benefits of treatment to the mother outweighs the potential risk is not to the fetus and child.

Retsidiruyuschy genital herpes during pregnancy

There is an opinion that genital herpes   capable of provoking pathological processes in the body of a pregnant woman, in particular, to cause the placenta and placental insufficiency, which occurs when inflammation of the placenta and the fetus through the placenta does not get the required oxygen and nutrients. This is misleading. Numerous clinical studies have not confirmed the pathogenic action of herpes viruses to cross the placenta in patients with recurrent genital herpes. Following the outbreak of herpes, which happened in the lives of women before pregnancy, her body had developed protective antibodies that are transferred through the placenta from mother to fetus and protects it. Even in cases where there is an infection and rashes on the skin, in the appointment of herpes antiviral drugs can usually be cured and deadly threat to the health of the child is not.

 Herpes During Pregnancy: avoid tragedy  Select the drug, concrete pregnant and safe for her and the unborn child should lead the patient to a gynecologist. In addition to antiviral drugs, he may appoint and preparations strengthening the immune system of a pregnant woman, especially stimulating the production of interferon. Possible to use a human immunoglobulin.

If, during the period of pregnancy and before delivery genital herpes is in remission, and no relapses, the woman can give birth in any observational or obstetric department of any hospital. If, after 36 weeks of pregnancy relapse, it is best to consult a specialist clinic where women will be provided special monitoring.

Worse, if genital herpes during pregnancy   acute and localized lesions on the cervix or in the genital tract. This can lead to infection of the baby during delivery. In such cases, as a rule, delivery is carried out by Caesarean section.

 Herpes During Pregnancy: avoid tragedy

In the last weeks before delivery, it is desirable to carry out follow-up study on herpes. If four weeks before delivery in pregnant cervical mucus is detected twice HSV antigen, delivery should be carried out by Caesarean section routinely, otherwise the risk of having a baby with herpes during passage through the birth canal increases dramatically.

Pregnancy and Gynecology

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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Scents that can cause migraine

Be careful with certain smells, if you regularly encounter headaches. More than 50% of the victims of migraines are very sensitive to certain odors as the researchers found.

 Scents that can cause migraine  migraine

British scientists at the University of Liverpool have found that some of the smells of food and household products can cause the start of a migraine attack. For example, headaches (and not only tears) can cause bow and fatty foods.

 Scents that can cause migraine  migraine

People with severe headaches often marked by dizziness and sensitivity to light. It is caused by changes in the natural brain chemicals that become trigger an attack. In most cases (75, 9%, according to researchers), these "triggers" are undetectable. Among the possible reasons   migraine   elevated levels of the stress hormone levels change, the weather changes, sleep disorders, diet, as well as the flashing light stimuli. More than 50% of the victims of migraines are sensitive to certain smells. This condition is called osmofobiey - pathological fear of certain smells ..

Very often osmofobiya observed in women who suffer from migraines, as 70% of the ladies complain that they attack begins just a few minutes after exposure to a particular odor. So, one 32-year-old lady, overseen by researchers migraine   It started because of the smell of raw onions and garlic.

Odor can influence the trigeminal nerve that leads to inflammation. They also induce the contraction of blood vessels. Among the other "dangerous" in terms of the risk of developing migraine scents, perfumes called odors, sprays, air fresheners, fried foods, cigarette smoke, and cleaners. (READ MORE)

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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Polio - to export

 Polio - to export  Rospotrebnadzor experts will assist the countries of the CIS and the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization). Medical experts are going to help their colleagues in the treatment and prevention of polio.

Rospotrebnadzor It is going to organize domestic supply polio vaccine in these countries. In addition, Russia will provide modern equipment for diagnostics and special test systems. They are used for testing for polio .

Only supplies polio vaccine equipment and assistance to Russia will not be limited. Specialists research institutions Rospotrebnadzor   will train medical professionals from the CIS countries.

Assistance to countries in the CIS and the SCO is due to polio outbreak in the summer of this year. In Tajikistan, it was noted more than 700 cases of infection, about two dozen have died. In Russia it was registered six cases Polio . Patient had visitors from Central Asia. One case of the disease have been fatal. To prevent new outbreaks of the disease, the government intends to carry out a large-scale vaccination Polio .

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Crosswords bring to Alzheimer's

 Crosswords bring to Alzheimer's  One side. various exercises and games for the mind, such as crossword puzzles and help keep your mind sharp in elderly. On the other, they accelerate the development of dementia later, over the years, as scientists have found.

Research shows that a variety of exercises and games that stimulate cerebration Including reading, listening to the radio, crosswords, puzzles, etc., protect the brain from memory loss, increasing reaction and concentration. But, alas, over the years, these load on the brain accelerate the development of such incurable diseases as Alzheimer's disease .

According to Dr. Robert Wilson of the University Medical Center Rush in Chicago, all the benefits of brain training can cost people dearly, when they come at a time of old age. Unfortunately, Dr. Wilson can not explain what it is connected.

"We believe that the increased mental activity softens the first signs of cognitive disorders brain activity And hence Dementia   "late" - said Wilson. - However, if Alzheimer's disease   and similar diseases is still manifest in patients, they will grow much faster than those patients who did not train so hard your brain. "

In the study, researchers evaluated the level of brain activity in the 1 157 people aged 65 years and older, who at the beginning of the observations was not dementia . The total follow-up was 12 years. Then it turned out that people who carefully performed various exercises for the brain, which came   Alzheimer's disease   It developed 52% faster than those who are not fond of crossword puzzles and other exercises.

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Sexual desire enhances placebo

 Sexual desire enhances placebo  Researchers amazed - the sexual desire of women increases sharply, if given the dummy pill. Placebo is effective in 30% of cases.

Approximately one-third of women receiving placebo   as a means of treating low libido , Said the success of the treatment. It is natural that these women are not aware of the treatment dummy, they were convinced that taking an experimental drug. Conducts research scientists amazed such an effect. They believe that it proves powerful and sometimes inexplicably mind-body connection in matters of regulating arousal and desire.

In the late 1990s, in the treatment of male sexual problems occurred drastic upheaval - entered the market Viagra and Cialis. But creating a similar in strength medications that increase sexual desire in women Until occurs. All female analogs of Viagra were either insolvent or very weak.

Then the scientists drew attention to the results of a long-time study of the effects on women Cialis. In the control group, which received placebo About 35% of women said a significant strengthening sexual desire . Women   They reported that their desire grew more frequent orgasms, and during sexual intercourse they observed a greater selection of lubricant, which is also evidenced by the success of the treatment.

That's just this very treatment low libido   conducted phony. Scientists attribute this to several factors. The first comes to mind the suggestion that it is sometimes a very powerful factor in the work of many medicines. Secondly, it is treated more women talking to sexologists, to think more about intimacy and even tried to get more pleasure from sex. That's why placebo   Suddenly helped.


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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Men remain interested in sex in any conditions

Men retain interest in sex is always, even in those moments, when experiencing severe pain. Meanwhile, moderate pain enough to significantly reduce libido in women, it turned out, Canadian researchers.

 Men remain interested in sex in any conditions  interest in sex

The findings of this study are unlikely to surprise representatives the fair sex - men are much less likely to say they "not today, expensive "when it comes to the execution of conjugal duties. As found researchers from McGill University, even experiencing severe pain all men still retain interest in sex   Unlike women whose libido drops and at moderate ailments.

For this reason the reference to "headache" which It allows you to avoid sex is still a typical women's lexicon. In one of the first studies on this topic, scientists have traced how pain perception affects the desire to copulate in mice. Initially, the researchers determined which males and females are interested in each other, and then divided on their cell partitioned.

The walls of the apertures between the bands were too small to that they could climb through the males, but the females are sufficient for penetration. As a result, females spent significantly less time in the "M half "when they felt pain. In this case it was not even enough light pain in the cheeks to interest in sex disappeared.

If the males were allowed half the females, they demanded proximity in any case, even with severe pain when injected special substances in the genital area, causing extreme discomfort. Results of the study published in the journal Journal of Neuroscience. (READ MORE)


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