Thursday, July 7, 2016

Tea and orange juice to protect against cancer of the female

Drinking tea and orange juice can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by a third. Such a pleasant conclusion researchers from the United Kingdom.

 Tea and orange juice to protect against cancer of the female  Drinking tea

Scientists from the University of East England completed the study, which lasted as long as 30 years. During this period They followed the diets 171,940 women aged 25 to 50 years. It was found those of the fair sex, who ate food, saturated flavonoids It is face the lowest risk tumors.

Scientists have found that eating tea and orange juice significantly reduces the risk of developing Ovarian Cancer . This type of cancer is often called the "silent killer "because most of the victims do not notice symptoms until the very last stage, when nothing can be done. The study authors We discovered that contained in tea, orange juice and other citrus fruit fruits, red wine and apples flavonoids a beneficial effect on the female body and reduce the risk of Ovarian Cancer . This prevention ensured at any age has been observed.

In a group of women who actively use tea, face danger disease decreased by 31%, while those who prefer juices based Citrus, the risk was reduced by 21% (especially effective was the orange juice). Scientists emphasize that although the causes and ovarian cancer risk a lot, a healthy lifestyle and proper diet a sufficient amount of physical activity significantly reduces the risk of developing disease. (READ MORE)

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