The process of hand washing makes us happier as it turned out, researchers from the University of Cologne in Germany. They found that the hygienic ritual boosts self-confidence and allows you to "wash" the failure of the recent sensation.
hand wash
The researchers divided 98 volunteers into two groups. In the first part of the experiment participants in the two groups we had to solve a problem that does not have a solution (which, naturally, they did not know). Having failed, a group of volunteers has washed his hands, and the second did not do that. Members of both groups were optimistic, ready to necessarily solve the following problem. But those who washed his hands, which showed greater optimism.
However, this phenomenon was also one feature. Hand wash really improves mood, but somehow the people of this "pure" groups are less successfully coped with the task, which was obtained in the second part of the experiment. A job was already quite solved, in contrast to the first. According to the scientists, although hand washing after a failure reduces the pressure of negative emotions, and it also reduces the motivation, that is, the desire to work better in a new situation requiring exertion.
This research published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science. Previously, scientists from the University of Michigan have shown that hand washing is the process of not only physical but also emotional cleansing. (READ MORE)
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