Saturday, July 9, 2016

Flowers in pots: the best atmosphere for the home

 Flowers in pots: the best atmosphere for the home  The fact that humans and plants influence each other, it is known for a long time and a lot of. And not only that flowers in pots provide us with oxygen, pleasing to the eye and decorate the interior: the right kind home flora can change the emotional climate at home.

The first rule, which should begin with the choice potted plants   - Make sure that all the plants that you are pretty, you do not exactly have an allergy. It would be a pre-blood test from a vein, which accurately show what flowers and trees you should avoid - you can do almost any modern clinical laboratory.

Next - examine your home. Where to go out the window? Well-lit rooms there? Is not there drafts? In a very sunny apartment very well feel the plants with small leaves and bright light middle-sized flowers - violets, geraniums, cacti of all kinds, but in the gloomy rooms better to settle ferns, ficus, spiderwort and other plants with thick and dark leaves.

If the house is damp, old - there will be bad almost all traditional plants, but good yields can be beautiful algae: for such "bezrybnyh" aquariums are sold flat even special containers in which water plants look very advantageous.

Now it's time to think about whether it is possible with certain pots of flowers   "Adjust" emotional background in the house. Psychologists claim that single women hoping to arrange his personal life, do not start a home rubber plants, aloes and other succulents. It is better to stop the ever-flowering plants - Geranium different colors, several species of violets and tall palm trees and dratsenu. Those who are prone to prolonged depression, it may be advisable indoor citrus trees, especially lemons and tangerines. Large families, where one living space inhabited by children and grandparents, and siblings, the plants need - "dampers conflicts." This is primarily all kinds of Chinese rose and all the vines, which are better in pots hang on the walls.

The house is saturated with household appliances and other electrical equipment needed absorbers of electromagnetic radiation. First of all - spherical cacti and bonsai, especially conifers, perfect - mini cedar. But cypresses, even beautiful dwarf, in a city apartment is better not to have: it is believed that they "suck" the energy out of the house owners.

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