Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sweeteners cause obesity

Israeli researchers have found that artificial sweeteners cause obesity. And waist person they are even more dangerous than natural sugar.

 Sweeteners cause obesity  Sweeteners

As it was established scientists from Weizmann Institute of Science, common sweeteners act the process of metabolism, causing an increase in blood sugar levels and activating bacteria in the gastro-intestinal tract, which leads to the development of disease. These conclusions were based on observations of mice and humans. In the latter event volunteers received saccharin.

The experiment showed that Characteristic changes in the human body come only four days after the start of the regular use of artificial sweeteners . How to find authors of the study, the prevalence of similar products in the diet food and beverages contributes significantly to the epidemic obesity   and diabetes, which swept the world.

Previously, scientists have found that Sweeteners   made of people "Sweet", forcing them to go for food, containing large amounts of sugar, which leads to weight gain. Yet Israeli scientists have found that artificial sweeteners and of themselves alter metabolism in the body, due to which a person is quickly gaining excess weight.

In an experiment on mice used such popular sweeteners like saccharin, aspartame sukralozai that are added to the water. When the researchers used antibiotics to to get rid of bacteria in rodents, the level of glucose intolerance plummeted. This proves that the culprit was precisely sweeteners. (READ CONT)

Healthy eating

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81-year-old billionaire married 24-year-old Playboy model

Austrian billionaire Richard Laggner in '81 decided to marry 24-year-old model of the magazine Playboy. Recently Laggner unflattering comments about Kim Kardashian and now he gave rise to many jokes.

 81-year-old billionaire married 24-year-old Playboy model  Age gap

In February this year, the construction magnate industry billionaire Richard Laggner accompanied by Kim Kardashian at the ball in Vienna opera, and then said that the American socialite caused him irritation of egocentrism. But now a businessman and he got all "yellow" edition, took down the aisle when 24-year-old model of the magazine Playboy Kathy Schmitz.

 81-year-old billionaire married 24-year-old Playboy model  Age gap

Actually motives of the bride, that goes with the groom difference ages   in 57 years, no one will doubt that the benefit Laggner considered one of the richest residents of Austria. It is not clear why this is you need to billionaire, behind which had four marriages. Actually, Even now, Richard was not sure that doing the right thing, saying reporters about his next wife: "I hope that this time, too, I do not wrong. "

 81-year-old billionaire married 24-year-old Playboy model  Age gap

On the organization of the fifth wedding Langer has not stinted, arrange a holiday for residents and visitors of Vienna, who We watched the cortege luxury suite. The bride and groom ride in a carriage drawn by four horses. Champagne flowed and it seemed that Bride in a wonderful dress came out of a Disney cartoon.

 81-year-old billionaire married 24-year-old Playboy model  Age gap

She was a German national dress, combined with bustiers, ornate jewelry and skirt of purple chiffon. "We were not going to fall in love - said Cathy. - But it happened. Love knows no age difference . "(READ CONT)

 81-year-old billionaire married 24-year-old Playboy model  Age gap


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Happiness depends on her husband's happiness wife

The wife is happier, the more happiness experienced husband and other family members. To this obvious conclusion reached by researchers from the University of Michigan.

 Happiness depends on her husband's happiness wife  The level of happiness

American scientists have found a direct connection between level of happiness   Women married, and level of happiness their husbands. In English, there is even a saying "happy wife - happy life, "the validity of which science is now convinced. When that the scientists focused around older couple, medium older than 60 years.

The average duration of marriage these couples was 39 years old, and the couple asked a variety of issues that can assess their level of happiness. In particular, they were asked how often they quarrel with each other, how good feelings and mutual understanding needs. 24 hours before the meeting with researchers and volunteers began to lead diary, which recorded how happy they were at the time of travel shopping, performing household chores or watching TV.

It was found that in families where wife's happiness level was assessed as high as possible, and consider themselves happy their husbands. Most of the survey participants called themselves happy, considering level of happiness 5 of 6. In this case the men brought the marriage even more satisfaction than women. As authors of the study, happy wife trying to deliver more pleasant emotions to their own husbands, that the beneficial to them affected. But if a man is not very happily married, he prefers an This shut up, so that his wife sometimes does not know about this. (READ MORE)


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Friday, April 28, 2017


February 24, 2012

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 Tachycardia  Tachycardia   - A condition which is characterized by a noticeable heart palpitations. This phenomenon may be of any origin. It is believed that at a heart rate of 100 beats per minute or more, the patient holds a tachycardia. For the state of tachycardia characterized by regular rhythm of the heart: the duration between heartbeats uniform. If tachycardia in humans develops suddenly and later attack ends suddenly at least, in this case, the state is referred to as paroxysmal tachycardia . To understand what a tachycardia, and what the state should be a separation, there is a classification of several types of diseases.

Types of tachycardia

First, tachycardia divided into physiological   and pathological . Manifestations physiological tachycardia   can occur in people with cardiovascular system which operates without pathologies. In this case, the appearance of tachycardia predispose to various environmental factors. This can be a drastic change in the position telya, exercise, stay in uncharacteristic weather conditions. Also, heart rate quickens, after eating and drinking stimulating beverages, due to the treatment of certain drugs.

Pathological Tachycardia   It appears as a result of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Also, this condition occurs as a result of the previously transferred acute ailments.

To distinguish two types of tachycardia, directly related to the malfunction of the heart ( Arrhythmia ): Tachycardia supraventricular   and Ventricular .

Supraventricular tachycardia - Either an independent disease that occurs due to abnormalities in the structure of the heart, or a consequence of other diseases for which a negative effect on the heart. In this form of tachycardia heart abnormal rhythm of the heart is not formed above the ventricles, ie at the level of the atria.

With Ventricular tachycardia and   more frequent source of rhythm is already in the ventricles. This condition is considered serious enough violation of the heart.

Ventricular tachycardia is sometimes seen as an anomaly inherent nature and consequence of diseases affecting the heart muscle. Most often this form of tachycardia is a consequence of cardiac ischemia   or cardiomyopathy . Manifestations of ventricular tachycardia pose a risk to the patient because of the potential disruption of the heart rate and, as a consequence, the possibility of sudden cardiac arrest.

Sinus tachycardia

Sinus tachycardia   - A condition in which the acceleration of the heart rate is due to external displays. Thus, it may be strong stress , Physical activity, and others. In this case, it is important to know what is the cause of such a state. That's the reason you need to remove in the first place, so the manifestations of sinus tachycardia requires a comprehensive examination of the body.

If sinus tachycardia heart rate increases from 90 to 150-180 per minute while maintaining the right sinus rhythm.

The cause of this condition - an increase of automatism sinoatrial node, which is the main pacemaker. If a person is completely healthy, the phenomenon may occur as a result of strong physical or emotional stress.

There are several types of sinus tachycardia. Pharmacological sinus tachycardia   arises as a consequence of influence on the sinus node adrenaline . noradrenaline . isoproterenol . alcohol . caffeine . Nicotine   and other substances. Provided as adequate and inadequate forms of abnormal sinus tachycardia. The appropriate form   tachycardia occurs as a consequence of increase in body temperature . hypertension . anemia . hypoxemia . thyrotoxicosis . For an inadequate form of sinus tachycardia is characterized by a persistent increase in the frequency of symptomatic sinus rhythm. The heart rate in this case is more than 100 per minute, both at rest and at least exertion. This state lasts for at least three months without any apparent reason.

Inadequate form   sinus tachycardia is relatively rare and is poorly understood disease. Typically, the disease occurs in young adults, in most cases, manifested in women. Patients complain shortness of breath , Persistent palpitations, a feeling of weakness and constant dizziness .

Treat sinus tachycardia is necessary only in cases of its inadequate form.

Reasons for tachycardia

To understand what a tachycardia, it is important to bear in mind that the heart is manifested tachycardia due to many different reasons. For example, this state can occur as a natural reaction of the human organism to the emotional burden and too much physical labor. Also, tachycardia may be accompanied by fever, smoking, use of high doses of alcohol. The heartbeat becomes more frequent in the case of a sharp decrease Blood Pressure , Anemia and thus reducing the level of Hemoglobin As a consequence of the development of malignant tumors, purulent infections, increased thyroid function. Also tachycardia may occur as a consequence of the treatment of certain medications.

There is also a tachycardia arising due to the presence of disease of the heart muscle or due to irregularities in the electrical conduction of the heart. Tachycardia heart - this is the first sign of cardiac decompensation.

Also, such a state is a result of shock or collapse (which may be fainting, bleeding etc.), As a result of the reflex to the lowering of blood pressure.

The tendency to tachycardia is a common symptom in people with vascular dystonia . Typically, in this case of younger patients. Palpitations observed in patients neuroses .

Symptoms of tachycardia

Symptoms of tachycardia manifested primarily by a sharp quickening heartbeat rhythm wearing paroxysmal in nature. At the same rhythm of the heart is clear and correct. A similar phenomenon can be started very strongly, and then all of a sudden pause. In addition, the manifestation of symptoms of tachycardia include general weakness, dizzy spells. A person can feel the rush of nausea and a feeling of lack of air. During the attack, all the symptoms of tachycardia expressed clearly, with sometimes patients have a distinct sense of fear. In view of the sudden manifestation of marked signs should take all measures to relax and calm down.

Diagnosis of tachycardia

 Tachycardia  In the diagnosis of tachycardia is important to start working with the patient to his thorough survey. The doctor listens to the patient is required to with a stethoscope, determining the presence of a heart murmur. For proper diagnosis of a specialist is important to determine, in connection with which there is tachycardia, how long it lasts attack, he suddenly appears.

The next important step in the diagnostic process is electrocardiography. By using this method, you can record the electric fields are generated during operation of the heart. To attack tachycardia in a patient was registered, it is sometimes used ECG monitoring. This study is a permanent record of the electrocardiogram, which lasts throughout the day. At the same time the patient is engaged in the usual chores and is a special portable device. To determine the reason for the patient manifested tachycardia, doctors often prescribe blood tests, echocardiography, Chest X-ray with.

Treatment of tachycardia

When treating tachycardia important to consider the reasons for developing this condition, as well as the type of tachycardia. There are a number of states for which treatment is required at all tachycardia. To normalize the heartbeat, you need a good rest, a change of lifestyle on a more regular. Often a person just need to calm down.

However, drug therapy is often tachycardia is still necessary. Make decisions about taking any medications should be exclusively specialist after thorough examination of the patient take place. Therefore, if a tachycardia is manifested without a specific reason, you should immediately consult your doctor.

Treatment of tachycardia therapy is aimed at diseases that can become a cause of its occurrence. In most cases, the tachycardia - a consequence of disturbances in endocrine system, autonomic nervous system, as well as a number of cardiovascular diseases.

To prevent an attack of tachycardia, often used anti-arrhythmic drugs. However, such means can cause a variety of side effects.

If the patient is shown a pronounced attack of tachycardia, it is recommended immediately stop exercise. You can use sedatives anti-anxiety drugs that are appointed doctor. There are also some techniques that help eliminate seizures tachycardia own. So, there is a special technique of breath in which the patient must slightly press fingers on the eyeball. In some cases, effective non-traditional methods, such as the respiratory system by the method of Ayurveda.

When treating tachycardia and heart using folk remedies, namely, decoctions of calendula, cornflower blue, lemon balm, motherwort . Valerian , Vinca, and other herbs and herbal remedies.

Tachycardia in pregnancy

Often, women who have previously had problems with the work of the cardiovascular system, tachycardia attacks occur during pregnancy . Tachycardia in pregnancy is the result of changes in the female body. To understand what is tachycardia, in this case, it is important to consider that in the process of carrying a child the whole body is functioning with a double load.

However, the direct causes of tachycardia are diverse enough and still exposed to the study of specialists. Thus, a major factor in provoking heart palpitations should be considered a high level of hormones that exhibit sympathomimetic activity and, as a consequence, increase the heart rate. Among other factors, because of which tachycardia occurs during pregnancy, it should be noted pregnant weight gain, high levels of metabolism, lack of important organism for minerals and vitamins, anemia, drop in pressure. The consequence of the heavy toxemia   often negative changes in water and electrolyte balance, which also can cause recurrent bouts of tachycardia. Displacement of the heart due to anatomical changes in the body, the use of some medicines may affect the heart muscle and cause tachycardia.

Tachycardia in pregnancy called state when resting heart rate is above 90 beats per minute. This woman does not feel pain. The attack is stopped on their own. However, of the increase in heart rate up to 120 or more hits and the accompanying unpleasant symptoms charming woman should refer to specialists and pass examinations. In this situation, the ECG is assigned to conduct, as additional studies using echocardiography, the study of thyroid hormones.

Tachycardia therapy during pregnancy involves receiving herbal sedatives, as well as vitamins, drugs containing potassium, magnesium. It is important to adjust the water balance, prevent anemia.

Prevention of tachycardia

 Tachycardia  To avoid the appearance of episodes of tachycardia, it is important, first of all, in time to see a doctor and treat diseases that cause this condition. At the first signs of an accelerated heartbeat should ensure an adequate and proper rest. Equally important is to stop the abuse of products containing caffeine, alcohol. Strong coffee and tea can be replaced with herbal teas using herbs that affect sedative way.

No need to eat a lot of sweets, fatty foods, while at the same time it is important to observe the principles of healthy eating. Parosizmalnaya tachycardia often occurs, and as a consequence of receiving stimulants, diet pills. No less important is the principle of preventive protection against tachycardia constant stress, stable emotional state.

An effective method of preventing heart palpitations is receiving trace element magnesium, which regulates the effects of calcium into the muscle cells of the heart. The consequence of such an impact would be rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle. Another element important for proper operation of the heart is considered potassium.

An active lifestyle and lean reasonable exercise stimulates the heart and increases the body's resistance to the release of excess adrenaline. As a consequence, reduced irritability and stabilize the emotional background.

Attacks of tachycardia rarely occur in people who regularly spend a lot of time outdoors. It is important every day, at least a half-hour walk in the street.

Atrioventricular block

September 18, 2011

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 Atrioventricular block  Atrioventricular block (AVB)   - It is one of the most dangerous cardiac conduction disorders, is to delay the pulse passing through the atrioventricular node, located between the atria and ventricles. It is accompanied by a sudden sharp AVB slow heart rate   to 20-40 beats per minute, loss of consciousness and symptoms of heart failure. According to WHO statistics, 17% of sudden deaths due to sudden heart failure occur on AVB.

AVB is classified in three degrees:

First degree   - Clinically manifested, characterized by a slight delay the passage of pulses and can be detected only during the electrocardiography . On this level no treatment, but in order to avoid escalation occurred in a higher degree, required to comply with the preventive measures consisting in a careful application anti-arrhythmic drugs   et al. Heart medications.

Second degree   characterized in that a portion of electrical pulses to the ventricles passes. There are disruption of the heart, sudden loss of consciousness. For diagnosis requires an electrocardiogram.

Third degree   - Is a complete atrioventricular block, characterized by a complete cessation of the pulse passes into the ventricles, which dramatically slow reduction. The patient may be unconscious in a dangerous condition that can lead to death.

Starting in the second degree, require surgical treatment of atrioventricular block and installation pacemaker .

Symptoms of atrioventricular block

 Atrioventricular block  Violations cross pulses can be caused by organic diseases, such as myocardial infarction . cardiomyopathy . coronary artery disease . heart disease . myocarditis   et al., which can cause an atrioventricular compound weakest link cardiac conduction system. Also, the reasons may be taking certain drugs from the group β-blockers . cardiac glycosides . antiarrhythmics   et al., as well as intense exercise.

In the first step of atrioventricular block noticeable symptoms are absent. When manifestations of cardiac conduction disorders, the patient complains of general weakness, fatigue, dizziness . shortness of breath . With bradycardia , The patient has hot flashes , Darkening of the eyes, a feeling of near unconsciousness, drop in blood pressure.

Diagnosing atrioventricular block

In assessing the presence of history turns endured in the past myocardial infarction and other cardiac pathologies, the fact of receiving drugs that violate the atrioventricular conduction. Held auscultation of the heart rate is determined pulse frequency of neck veins   in comparison with the carotid and radial artery.

Work is also a method of diagnosis of atrioventricular block ECG studies with daily monitoring to assess the extent of the blockade and bradycardia. Determined by a link with the activities of the patient or medication. Held cardiac electrophysiological study (EPS), to determine the indications for pacemaker implantation, and others. If necessary, additional laboratory tests conducted on the presence of comorbidities.

Treatment of atrioventricular block

When one degree does not require treatment, treatment 2 and 3 degree AVB is the implantation of a permanent pacemaker that will restore and maintain a normal heart rate. Thereafter, the disease is eliminated. In critical conditions using a temporary pacemaker.


February 19, 2012

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 Prolapse  Prolapse   (from the Latin word meaning "loss") - a condition in which a certain organ or part protrudes through a natural orifice. In this case, we can talk about the loss of the uterus through the vagina in women, prolapse of the rectum through the anus, and others.

Mitral valve prolapse

In this case, we can talk about the subsidence of one or both mitral valve. It bends in the cavity of the left atrium into the left ventricle during systole. This pathology is today considered to be the most frequently occurring form of disease activity valvular. Mitral valve prolapse   sometimes it manifests itself as an independent pathology, but in some cases this condition can occur in parallel with other minor anomalies of the heart.

Much more often mitral valve prolapse is diagnosed in childhood and adolescence. Most often, this condition manifests itself in people with rheumatism . congenital heart disease As well as connective tissue diseases of hereditary character. Sometimes prolapse detected even in newborns, but often it is diagnosed in children after the age of seven.

Mitral valve prolapse is divided into congenital and acquired form of the disease. It is also customary to distinguish primary and secondary type of prolapse that occurs as a complication of certain diseases, as well as a concomitant condition.

Today it is assumed that this disease occurs as a result of certain anatomical reasons (abnormalities in the structure of the valve unit, pathology, caused by certain inflammatory diseases). Also prolapse can occur due to violations of the autonomic regulation of the valves and subvalvular apparatus, which are due to psycho-vegetative syndrome .

Symptoms of mitral valve prolapse

Very often, patients with mitral valve prolapse does not arise associated symptoms. However, in some cases, people have expressed complaints of fatigue, periodic palpitation, pain in the chest, headaches, migraines, and anxiety states.

Fatigue manifests itself in a patient as a result of abnormalities in the autonomic nervous system, which regulates breathing and heart rate. Consequently, disrupted oxygen supply and the blood is shown a sense of fatigue.

Disturbances in heart rhythm when mitral valve prolapse are not always dangerous. However, the frequent repetition palpitations need treatment of this condition.

Pain in the chest in people with mitral valve prolapse appear, regardless of physical activity. Wherein after receiving nitroglycerin   pain persists.

In rare cases, a complication of this condition can be stroke .

In children with mitral valve prolapse are more likely than the rest of their peers diagnosed sore throat . SARS . chronic tonsillitis . Children diagnosed with isolated mitral valve prolapse, often complain about the occurrence of disruptions in the heart, palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath . dizziness . Such children are prone to fainting, headache.

Patients occur periodically Children cardialgia , Stabbing or aching, lasting a few seconds, in rare cases - a few minutes. These phenomena occur mainly due to the strong emotional stress.

If rapid change in body position, with long breaks in the adoption of food can occur dizziness. As a result of overstrain   a strong emotion is often manifested headache .

Children with mitral valve prolapse often have asthenic body composition and high growth, they have poorly developed muscles, flat chest. There are still some features that are at the time of inspection may draw the attention of a doctor.

In addition, children with this pathology is often a high anxiety, frequent mood swings, tearfulness, a state of excitement, fatigue. Children can suffer from a variety of phobias, depression.

Diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse

To diagnose mitral valve prolapse, used both clinical and instrumental criteria. The main symptoms of the disease are found in the research process auscultation   and Echocardiography-signs . When the diagnosis is often used as medical history, history of the patient, the results of X-ray and ECG. It is also important to differentiate with mitral valve prolapse systolic murmurs Arising from the other minor heart anomalies, failure of the mitral valve. It is also an important step in the diagnosis of the study considered the autonomic nervous system of the patient.

Treatment of mitral valve prolapse

 Prolapse  For children, the treatment of the mitral valve is considered to be the main point of the observance of the special regime, which explains in detail the physician. In some cases, physical education classes are allowed without restrictions, in other embodiments, the question of the possibility of the Exercise doctor cardiorheumatologist decide individually.

Methods of treatment of mitral valve prolapse is directly dependent on how pronounced the symptoms, cardiovascular and autonomic changes. If there is a silent form of prolapse, the treatment is to normalize the status of vegetative and psycho-emotional state of the child. In other forms of prolapse using non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatment of autonomic disorders.

If the patient holds mitral regurgitation accompanied with cardiac decompensation, difficult to treat, and other severe complications can be applied surgical correction of mitral valve prolapse.

It is important that children are diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse, constantly observed in doctor and receive regular survey.


According to statistics, every second woman after forty-five years of age suffering from a certain type prolapse . In gynecology, the term "prolapse" is commonly understood as not only "loss" and "omission." When this state is lowered into the vagina organs located in the pelvic cavity. Also, together with the walls of the vagina may fall out.

The reasons for this state experts determine the severity of the birth. Most often genital prolapse occurs in women who have had two or more births occurring with significant complications, fractures. Such pathology manifests itself as a result of hard work, heavy lifting, chronic constipation or coughing. Contributing factors often becomes obesity .

Often genital prolapse occurs in women in the family have already observed similar disease. Hereditary factors usually associated with some features in the structure of the connective tissue.

Symptoms of genital prolapse

As a rule, the development of this disease is rather slow, although in some cases it is possible and more rapid current. A characteristic feature is the fact that today the disease is sometimes seen in women younger. A woman who develops a similar pathology, often feel heaviness in the abdomen, as well as a sense of presence in the field of foreign body. This feeling intensified when walking. There may be pain symptoms in the vagina, the sacrum and lower back, stand out from the genital tract, or separation from whites blood. The patient can suffer from urologic   and proctologic   violations that often occur incontinence   and constipation .

On the surface of the genitals, which falls frequently observed fractures, the skin becomes dull and dry. Later, perhaps a manifestation of deep ulcers that occur in the process of injury while walking. The woman may change menstrual function Manifest itself hormonal imbalance . Sexual life during genital prolapse is possible only after the fallen bodies will vpravleny.

Experts distinguish between three different degrees of genital prolapse. At the first degree the uterus moves down, but the cervix is ​​located within the vagina. This state gynecologist can determine during the inspection. At the second degree prolapse body of the uterus is the vagina, and the cervix is ​​already in the vestibule. When such a state to talk about a partial loss.

At the third degree the uterus and vaginal wall located below have genital slit (total loss).

Often when manifested deletion hernia vaginal walls, which can get into the bladder, urethra, rectum, at least - part of the intestine.

Diagnosis of genital prolapse

For qualitative diagnosis is important to colposcopy study. The doctor must be sure to evaluate the condition at the moment is the sphincter of the bladder and rectum. In addition, a diagnosis must be conducted urinalysis and its bacteriological examination, urodynamic study, excretory urography. The rectal examination is also one of the elements of a comprehensive survey.

Treatment of genital prolapse

 Prolapse  In most cases, such a state must be treated surgically. However, it is important to bear in mind that the woman should contact a specialist at the first symptoms of this condition, do not tighten. The sooner the patient comes to the expert, the easier it is to return the bodies to their normal anatomical position. Thus, if treatment begins at an early stage, it is possible to prevent the loss with the help of specially designed physical exercises, which patients should be carried out regularly. Also effective in the present case water treatments. As an alternative to surgery, in some cases, the physician applies a treatment with a special overlay pessary, which should keep the cervix and uterus.

However, if the patient turns to a specialist at a later stage, the operation without genital prolapse cure fails.

Prevention of genital prolapse

As preventive measures, it is important to avoid unnecessary injuries pelvic floor muscles and genitals. It is necessary to restore the integrity of the quality of muscles after pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, prevention is important as an active lifestyle and regular performance of a complex exercise.

Women should avoid heavy lifting, and try to avoid too heavy load of a physical nature. Equally important is a complete rest and sleep mode, the observance of the rules of healthy nutrition.

Doctors conducting childbirth Special attention should be paid to a rational strategy of managing them. It is important to maximize the muscles of the pelvic floor to protect against damage. Do not allow prolonged labor. In the case of postpartum perineal injuries should be possible to restore the integrity and implement all the measures of prevention of inflammatory complications.

Angina pectoris

April 19, 2012

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 Angina pectoris  Angina pectoris   - A condition in which a person has manifested paroxysmal pain in the chest. This is due to the acute shortage of blood supply of the myocardium. Thus, the patient's clinical manifestations occur coronary heart disease .

Causes of angina

Angina - is both a disease and a clinical syndrome. If we are talking about a single disease, it is most often occurs as a consequence of angina atherosclerosis coronary artery . This phenomenon provokes a marked narrowing of the arteries, which in turn interferes with normal myocardial perfusion. Very often manifested angina in humans due to the strong tension of physical and emotional. If an artery narrowed by atherosclerosis due to a sharp 75% or more, angina occur in a patient and as a result of moderate mental and physical stress.

Angina usually occurs after blood flow to the mouths of the coronary arteries is reduced. This occurs in patients hypotension   (particularly dangerous in case diastolic hypotension ), With venous hypotension . fall in cardiac output . tachyarrhythmia . Also can provoke an attack of angina reflex influence of the esophagus, bile ducts, spine, if there are concomitant diseases of these organs. The sharp narrowing of the lumen of the coronary artery occurs as a consequence of neobturiruyuschego clot, swelling of the atherosclerotic plaque.

Angina subsides, if the level of the work of the heart muscle is normalized under the influence nitroglycerin   or reduce the load. At the same time the blood flow to the coronary arteries normalized.

Types of angina

In medicine taken to determine several varieties of angina, depending on the frequency and nature. Thus, when new-onset angina   symptoms of angina occur around for months, then regressing disease, or the transition of the disease in the form of stable angina.

At intense (stable) angina   attacks occur regularly develop the disease. They arise at this stage as a consequence of various kinds of stress. About this form of angina is referred to as the "purest" form of the disease. This stage of the disease often indicates high risk for the patient myocardial infarction .

At progressive (unstable) angina   patient attacks occur suddenly and unexpectedly. Often they develop and a person who is in a state of rest. In the development of such an attack the person feels a very strong pain in the chest. This type of angina is most dangerous precisely because of the increased risk of myocardial infarction. Very often in unstable angina patients hospitalized.

At variant angina   development of an attack often occurs at night and is a direct consequence of vasospasm. Track this form of angina can be the results of the ECG. In general, it is a rare disease.

The symptoms of angina

 Angina pectoris  Symptoms of angina always clearly defined. So, pain in angina pectoris are paroxysmal in nature, having a clearly defined start and end time attack. Pain is always shown in similar circumstances and conditions. After taking nitroglycerin pain gradually subsides or stops completely.

The basic condition for the existence of an attack of angina in humans is a state of tension. Most often it develops during walking - for example, during acceleration of the lifting up during the shifting of heavy load or when moving immediately after a heavy meal. However, the symptoms of angina can trigger other types of stress and emotional overload. If the physical efforts continue or increase their intensity, the pain in your chest increases. But if the efforts of a person ceases, the angina pain symptoms gradually disappear after a few minutes.

Sometimes the pain of angina is localized behind the breastbone, which is the most common symptom. In more rare cases, the pain radiating to the neck, jaw, teeth, left arm and shoulder blades. Generally pain is crushing, squeezing character, more rarely seen burning, like a heartburn   pain. Sometimes a person feels chest heaviness, discomfort from the sensation of having a foreign body in the chest.

When angina patient is a sharp increase Blood Pressure Manifested sweating, pale man.

All above characteristics are accounted pain in diagnosing disease. They make it possible to distinguish manifestation of angina pain in the heart, which is indicative of other diseases.

Experts note that a similar mechanism of pain in angina pectoris is of great importance, as a result of severe pain man stops and stops exercise, which is not the strength of his heart.

Diagnosis of angina

Diagnosis "angina" often occurs at the first contact person to complain to a specialist. At the same time to reject such a diagnosis should be a long time to observe the condition of the patient, conduct a series of surveys and a thorough survey of the patient.

In the process of diagnosis of angina applied research with the help of an electrocardiogram and stress test, myocardial scintigraphy, two-dimensional echocardiography, radionuclide ventriculography, coronary angiography and other methods. The study of a patient with ECG technician can observe the presence of specific symptoms that indicate that a patient has a place myocardial ischemia . However, during diagnostics should fate of the fact that at rest such symptoms are not observed, however during the standard ECG is not always possible to establish the correct diagnosis.

To detect such features in patients with suspected angina held Holter monitoring . This technique consists in the fact that for a certain time, typically days to produce a continuous ECG recording. The man continues to live his normal life. With this technique it is possible to fix the symptoms of ischemia, to determine how they are dependent on all sorts of stress, find out how effective the treatment is and whether strongly expressed pathological changes.

With the load test, in which simulated a situation where increased myocardial oxygen demand, we can determine a number of points important in the diagnosis process. Such tests are carried out exclusively under the strict supervision of a specialist in the process of registering signs of ischemia. It is important to note that in case of unstable angina and myocardial infarction such tests are not carried out. It is also a contraindication to the use of this method is severe arrhythmia , Choose cardiac and respiratory failure . arterial hypertension   with high blood pressure, severe tachycardia .

To date, three types of applied stress tests: Load the physical character on a bicycle ergometer and treadmill, pharmacological tests, pacing.

 Angina pectoris  Using any of the methods for the registration of ischemia using one of these methods: ECG, scintigraphy, echocardiography .  The most commonly used exercise test on a bicycle ergometer (special exercise bike) or treadmill (treadmill) with ECG monitor .  With the help of special tables that take into account gender and age, calculated load capacity .  Termination of the test takes place after reaching this value .  If symptoms of ischemia does not, then the result of the sample is negative and the person is not sick angina .  If signs of ischemia occurs, it means that the person is sick angina .  If a particular event seems very difficult to specialists, it is possible the use of coronary angiography .  This method is a highly .  In the course of such an investigation is carried out selective opacification and visualization of the coronary arteries using rentgenapparatury .  Coronary angiography to determine the presence of stenotic arteries areas and the degree of their restrictions .

Complications Angina

Angina is fraught with the development of very serious complications. Among them, the most frequently seen in patients progression cardiosclerosis And subsequent development myocardial infarction . In this case, the first symptom of a heart attack sometimes is a long stroke, which lasts about half an hour in a patient. In addition, symptoms of angina provoke in the individual Arrhythmia .

Treatment of angina pectoris

As the main mechanisms remission angina attack: determined by a rapid drop in the level of work of the heart muscle and the normalization of the adequacy of the inflow. Therefore, the treatment of angina primarily involves mild asthma disease. Patients should be aware that this disease is a dangerous disease, so the treatment should take place only under the supervision of a specialist, and preferably in a hospital.

With adequate treatment of angina pectoris is important to achieve the following results: reduce the risk of symptoms in a patient in the future myocardial infarction, to improve the overall quality of life.

To treatment of the disease has been most effective, it is important to necessarily follow the doctor's recommendations. So, you need to completely stop smoking, balanced daily diet, optimize exercise, constantly monitor the blood pressure.

Dietary   for patients with angina pectoris involves the use of a minimum number fat . It is important to prevent the emergence of overweight And to limit the use of alcohol to 30 g per day.

In order to eliminate the causes that directly influence the display of the person angina attacks, it is important to prevent the situations that increase myocardial oxygen demand. So, it should not be allowed as the physical and emotional stress, which provoke the appearance of pain. If it is difficult to implement, for the prevention should always take antianginal drugs . It is equally important to give up physical activities that are taking place in parallel with other factors causing angina. It's cold, the wind, the condition of the body after a meal and then sleep. Do not take medicines that increase myocardial oxygen demand, for the treatment of other diseases.

As medical treatment of angina appointed by the three main groups of drugs that affect the coronary arteries, expanding them. This products- nitrates in-blockers, calcium channel blockers. To stop an attack of angina pectoris, choose fast preparations: it is, first of all, nitroglycerine   in tablets, sprays, baths, ampoules and pills nifedipine . Most often, these tools take patients sublingual, but to date gain wide popularity and sprays. After nitroglycerin effect is noticeable already after 1-3 minutes later. If the effect after taking the pill is not observed, it can be five minutes later to take another pill of nitroglycerin. In the most severe cases, preparations of nitroglycerin can be administered intravenously.

Long-acting nitrates are medications nitrosorbid . Fort sustak ; Among the drugs-in-blokatoryov most commonly used metoprolol . atenolol . Drugs - a calcium channel blocker diltiazem . verapamil . nifedipine . Typically, at the beginning of treatment used most simple and cheap drugs - nitrates. If the effect of their reception there, or the patient does not tolerate this medicine and other connected groups of drugs.

Prevention of angina

 Angina pectoris  Prevention of angina pectoris is primarily undertaken to prevent atherosclerosis . Therefore, preventive measures should be taken in the middle age - 35-40 years. It is important to note that prevention of angina is especially necessary to those people whose relatives have been cases of angina.

It is important to balance the daily diet so as to limit the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates   and fat That are of animal origin. Parents should ensure that children do not overeat, thus preventing the appearance of their excess weight. In addition, the recommended diet should not contain the fatty meat broth and fish, fried and smoked food, herring, canned foods, fatty meats, condiments and sauces, alcohol, starchy foods, strong tea and coffee. It is impossible to overeat at night, it is important to divide the food into equal doses. Experts recommend regular fasting days: they can be carried out once every two weeks.

From an early age need to provide adequate and constant physical activity. The most suitable load in this case is swimming, leisurely jogging outdoors. Each day to walk at least half an hour. In addition, an important point in the realization of the prevention of angina pectoris is not smoking.

If a person is prone to heart disease, it is important to take all measures aimed at reducing the pressure. People who periodically appears angina should always carry a pill prescribed by your doctor, and take them, and during the attack, and to prevent angina. Thus, the patient can take nitroglycerin to severe physical exertion.

Diseases of the circulatory system

January 14, 2013

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 Diseases of the circulatory system  Currently, the world is circulatory system diseases They are a major cause of mortality. Very often, in the defeat of the circulatory person loses the ability to work. In diseases of this type suffer as different parts of the heart and blood vessels. Government circulation affects both men and women, with such illnesses can be diagnosed in patients of all ages. In view of the large number of diseases related to this group, it is noted that some of them are more common among women, and the other - in men.

Structure and function of the circulatory system

The man enters the circulatory system heart . artery . veins   and capillaries . The anatomy to distinguish between big   and small circle   circulation. These circles are formed vessels that come from the heart. Circles are closed.

Small circle human circulatory consists of the pulmonary trunk and the pulmonary veins. Large circulation begins aorta That comes out of the left ventricle. The blood from the aorta enters the large vessels, which are sent to the head bound man, his torso and limbs. Large vessels branch into small, passing in intraorgan artery, and then - in the arterioles and capillaries. It capillaries are responsible for the metabolism between the tissues and blood. Further, there is an association in the post-capillary venules capillaries that merge into a vein - originally intraorganic, then - in vneorgannye. The blood returns to the right atrium through the upper and lower vena cava. In more detail the structure of the circulatory system demonstrates its detailed scheme.

Human circulatory system in the body ensures the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and is responsible for the removal of harmful products of metabolism, transports them to recycling or disposal of the human body. Also, the blood system moves between the intermediate products of metabolism.

Causes Diseases of the circulatory system

Because many experts distinguish diseases of the circulatory system, there are a number of reasons, they are provoking. First of all, the manifestation of this type of disease affects too much nervous tension as a result of serious trauma, or prolonged strong emotions. Another reason for diseases of the circulatory system - atherosclerosis That provokes coronary heart disease .

Diseases of the circulatory system are manifested as a result of infections. Thus, due to the impact of beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A person develops rheumatism . Infection viridans streptococci, enterococci, Staphylococcus aureus provokes septic endocarditis . pericarditis . myocarditis .

The cause of some diseases of the circulatory system are a violation of the fetus in utero. The consequence of such violations is often a congenital heart defect.

Acute heart failure can occur in humans as a consequence of injuries that result in profuse blood loss.

Experts identify not only the listed reasons, but a number of factors that contribute to the manifestation of predisposition to illnesses of the cardiovascular system. In this case, it is a hereditary predisposition to disease, bad habits (smoking, regular alcohol consumption, physical inactivity ), The wrong approach to nutrition (too salty and fatty foods). Also diseases of the circulatory disorders often manifest themselves in the lipid metabolism, when there are changes in the endocrine system (menopause in women), and overweight. It may also affect the development of diseases such diseases of other body systems, intake of some medical preparations.


 Diseases of the circulatory system  Human circulatory system is operated so that the applications for diseases can be varied. Diseases of the circulatory system may manifest symptoms that are not specific to diseases of certain organs. The physiology of the human body is such that many of the symptoms in varying degrees and in varying intensity may occur in a variety of ailments.

But it should be taken into account and the fact that in the initial stages of some diseases, circulatory system even when relatively normally performs its function, the patient does not feel any change in the body. Accordingly, the disease can be diagnosed only by chance, when applying to a specialist for a particular occasion.

In diseases of the circulatory system of the patient characteristic symptoms are present: disruption of the heart , and pain . breathlessness . choking sensation . cyanosis . swelling   and etc.

An important symptom is the presence of changes in heartbeat. If a person is healthy, at rest or light physical effort he does not feel his own heartbeat. People with certain diseases of the circulatory system palpitations can clearly be felt even with little physical exertion, and sometimes alone. It is about tachycardia - Manifestation of heart palpitations. This symptom occurs as a consequence of reducing the contractile function of the heart. In the process of contraction of the heart sends blood into the aorta is less than usual. To ensure the normal blood supply to the body, the heart should be reduced with greater frequency. But such a mode of operation for the heart may not be favorable, because when tachycardia becomes shorter relaxation phase of the heart in which the heart muscle are processes that have a positive impact on it and restore its performance.

In diseases of the circulatory system and often manifest faults, that is spasmodic work of the heart. Arrhythmia   patient feels like a sinking of the heart, followed by a strong short putt. Sometimes, there are sporadic interruptions, sometimes they take a certain time or are ongoing. In most cases, failures occur during tachycardia, but also for rare heart rhythm, they can also occur.

Pain in the region of the heart very often worried about patients suffering from diseases of the circulatory system. But this symptom at various illnesses has different meanings. For example, in ischemic heart disease is the major symptom of pain and other disorders of the cardiovascular system may be a secondary symptom.

When coronary heart disease pain occur as a result of lack of blood supply to the heart muscle. Pain in this case lasts no more than five minutes and a compressing character. There seizures, mainly during exercise or at low temperature. Pain stoped after taking nitroglycerin . This pain is called angina pectoris. If the same pain occurs in humans during sleep, it is called angina   rest.

Pain in other diseases of the blood supply is aching in nature, it can go on a different time period. After medication pain usually subsides not. This symptom is observed when myocarditis . heart defects . pericarditis . hypertension   and etc.

Often in diseases of the circulatory system of the patient suffers from shortness of breath. Dyspnea is manifested as a consequence reduce the contractile function of the heart and blood stasis in vessels which is observed in this case. Shortness of breath is often indicative of the development of heart failure patients. If the heart muscle is weakened slightly, then shortness of breath will occur only after exercise. And in severe illnesses shortness of breath can occur and patients lying.

Swelling considered characteristic symptom of heart failure. In this case, as a rule, it is a right ventricular failure. In view of reducing the contractile function of the right ventricle is a stagnation of the blood, increases blood pressure . Because of congestion it falls into the liquid part of the fabric through the walls of blood vessels. Initially swelling usually appear on the legs. If heart function is weakened further, the fluid begins to accumulate in the pleural and peritoneal cavities.

Another characteristic symptom in diseases of the circulatory system - cyanosis . The lips, the tip of the nose, the fingers on the limbs at the same time acquires a bluish tint. This is due to raying of blood through the skin. Blood thus contains many restored Hemoglobin What happens when the slowing of blood flow in the capillaries due to the slow heartbeats.

Cerebrovascular insufficiency

 Diseases of the circulatory system  Currently cerebrovascular accident   It is one of the main causes of disability. Every year the number of such patients is rapidly increasing. This cerebral circulation often worsens a person in the middle years.

The deterioration of the cerebral circulation often occurs as a result of hypertension and cerebral arteriosclerosis. People with disorders of cerebral circulation are satisfactory condition, being in normal conditions. But the need to increase their circulation being rapidly getting worse. This can happen at a high temperature, physical exertion, overstrain . The person begins to suffer from the noise in my head, dizziness , Headaches. Reduced work capacity, deteriorating memory. If these symptoms are present in the patient for at least three months, and repeated as often as once a week, then we are talking about the diagnosis " cerebrovascular insufficiency ".

Cerebrovascular insufficiency leads to stroke . Therefore, once a person has early symptoms of the disease requiring immediate treatment to improve cerebral circulation.

After conducting a comprehensive diagnosis and detailed consultation the doctor will determine the treatment regimen and to decide how to improve blood circulation in the patient as efficiently as possible. Beginning treatment and take prescribed medications needed immediately. The treatment includes not only drugs that improve blood flow, but also a complex of vitamins, sedatives. Preparations for the improvement of blood supply is also required to enter into a course of treatment. There are a number of funds that have antihypoxia, vasodilator, nootropic effects.

In addition to medical treatment the patient should take measures aimed at changing the image of his life. It is very important to sleep enough time - about 8-9 hours, avoid heavy loads, take regular breaks during the working day. What is important is peace and the absence of negative emotions. It should as much as possible to be outdoors, ventilate the room where the patient. Another important factor diet : In the diet is necessary to limit carbohydrates, salt and fats. It should immediately quit. All these recommendations will help stop the progression of the disease.


 Diseases of the circulatory system  Many of the symptoms the doctor can identify the patient during the examination. Thus, during the inspection revealed the presence of sometimes convoluted temporal arteries, strong pulsation of the carotid arteries, aortic pulsation. With percussion define the boundaries of the heart.

During auscultation can hear the sound of the altered tones, noise.

In the process of diagnosis of diseases of the circulatory system used instrumental methods. The simplest and most frequently used method is the electrocardiogram. However, the results obtained in this study should be evaluated, taking into account the clinical data.

In addition to the method of ECG vectorcardiography . Echocardiography . phonocardiography That evaluate the status and functioning of the heart.

In addition to studies of the heart are also conducted a variety of research on the state of blood flow. For this purpose, determined blood flow velocity, blood volume, the mass of circulating blood. Hemodynamics is determined by examining the cardiac output. In order to adequately assess the functional state of the cardiovascular system, patients underwent exercise test, apnea, orthostatic tests.

Informative method of research is also an X-ray of the heart and blood vessels, as well as magnetic resonance imaging. Also taken into account laboratory tests of urine, blood biochemical analysis.


Treatment of circulatory disorders carries only a specialist, selecting a strategy, depending on what kind of disease symptoms occur in the patient. Cerebrovascular accident and acute circulatory disorders of other organs should be treated immediately after diagnosis, depends on the outcome of therapy. Dangerous condition is transient circulatory disorders of the brain, which increases the risk of stroke.

The easiest way to treat the disease in the early stages of its development. Treatment can be both medical and surgical. Sometimes the desired effect provides a basic lifestyle changes. Sometimes the success of treatment is necessary to combine several methods. It is also widely practiced spa treatment of circulatory disorders with a number of physiotherapy, physical therapy.

How to improve circulation

 Diseases of the circulatory system  Unfortunately, how to improve blood circulation, most people think at the time when they have the specific disease or diagnosed with poor circulation.

Meanwhile, all of the recommendations to improve the blood circulation can perform each person. First of all, it is important to provide daily physical activities that allow to activate blood circulation. It is especially important to do physical exercise for those who work sitting down. In this case, the blood supply is disrupted pelvic organs, and other organs are affected. Therefore it is best for the common condition of the body, in this case affects a brisk walk. But between work that should be done at least once in 2-3 hours, you can do all kinds of exercises. When circulatory failure, brain exercises should also be done regularly, but with less intensity.

Equally important it is to maintain a normal body weight. To do this, it is important to adjust the food, the menu vegetables, fruits, fish, dairy products. But the meats, fatty foods, pastries, sweets should be excluded from the diet. It is important to include in the diet of natural food and artificial foods is better to exclude completely. If a person has a place of circulatory failure, is contraindicated smoking and drinking. Peripheral blood circulation are also able to improve some medication drugs, but they should be appointed solely by the doctor. Sometimes these funds are also prescribed to pregnant women to enhance the circulation of the fetus.

To strengthen the nervous system is important enough sleep, positive emotions. Improving the condition occurs in people who are able to implement all of these recommendations into practice.


All the above-described methods are effective measures for the prevention of diseases of this type. Methods of prevention of diseases of the circulatory system should be aimed at lowering cholesterol levels, as well as to overcome inactivity. There are a number of scientifically proven facts that lifestyle changes can effectively reduce the risk of diseases of the circulatory system. In addition, it is important to promptly treat all infections that can cause complications.

Propolis from the cold

June 4, 2011

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 Propolis from the cold  Colds - very unpleasant and frequently used, and they can get sick at any time of year, even in summer. Often in the heat of the diagnosis can be "catch" was in his own car, the reason for this can serve as a air conditioning . Particularly susceptible to these diseases children whose immune system is unable to resist the infection.

Many parents resort to antibiotics, so they'd surely kill bacteria quickly. And not many people realize that antibiotic, bacteria-destroying pathogens and kills the beneficial microflora, thereby causing even greater harm to the immune system of the child's body. In addition, the scientists found that the use of antibiotics in early childhood   leads to asthma .

A kind of alternative to antibiotics is one of the oldest folk remedies - propolis tincture.

Use of propolis

For the treatment of colds and elimination of their symptoms require an empty stomach to take half a teaspoon of sugar, dropping 1 drop propolis tincture   and drink any drink during the day to repeat the reception means 5 more times. Last admission exercise right before bedtime. In addition, during a meal in any drink you can not drop more than 2 drops of tincture and drink.  Propolis from the cold

It is also necessary gargle , A solution of 3 drops of propolis tincture in a glass of warm water. To achieve a greater effect can lubricate the tonsils and back of the throat with a mixture of 1 tablespoon of 10% alcoholic extract of propolis and 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil.

When catarrh of the larynx or trachea are also used steam inhalation Which operate only at night: In a saucepan put 3 tablespoons of crushed eucalyptus leaves and 3 tablespoons of lime, pour 4 cups boiling water and boil on low heat for 5 minutes. Then, add 7 drops of tincture of propolis and begin to breathe in pairs, cover with a towel or a thick cloth. After inhalation necessarily take a warm drink.

Furthermore, to get rid of Cough will help such a mixture: Grate black radish, through a fine sieve or cheesecloth to squeeze out the juice. Next, mix 250 ml of juice and 200 g of liquid honey. Take a mixture of two tablespoons before meals and at bedtime.

In the early days of the appearance of cough and such a method is effective. In the morning, after washing, type in the palm of room temperature water and rub well thorax (at first hand, and then with a towel). Repeat this procedure is necessary and at the back.

Shoot down the heat   colds help sponging the body with a towel dipped in water - vinegar solution (1 teaspoon of 3% vinegar per 1 liter of water).

During his illness, regardless of the time of year, be sure to twice a day is necessary to ventilate the room in which the sick. And in any case, do not overheat. Therefore, as it is easier to move the patient cool than hot.

Male potency

January 16, 2012

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 Male potency  Potency   (from the Latin word potentia Indicating the "power") is the ability of the body to the product intercourse . As a rule, sexologists, the term usually refers to the Sexuality   the stronger sex. Therefore the potency determines the male sexual performance. This term is used for the characteristics of the voltage level of the penis, and to indicate the speed of the appearance of erection, and to determine the presence of sexual excesses, as well as the opportunity to lead a normal sexual life is intense. However, a person does not determine the potency of them used the rhythm of sexual activity, because in fact the potential of a particular male sexual performance may be higher than the number of sexual acts, which he usually is. As a rule, in relation to women's sexual performance, the term "potency" is used less frequently and mainly in the determination of the ability to experience orgasm .

Features potency

As a rule, most of the sexual possibilities of man can achieve with the full relaxation and abstraction from everyday problems and troubles. Increased potency possible during the honeymoon, after a change of sexual partner or after a relatively long period of sexual abstinence.

However, there are a lot of normal everyday situations that may adversely affect potency. So, it may be psychological conflicts in everyday personal and professional life, the presence of an unsuitable environment for sexual intimacy, the wrong attitude partner and a number of other conventions. Typically, the ability to fertility   It does not always depend on the ability of men to make a full sexual intercourse.

When the manifestation of the inability to achieve sexual arousal manifests health problem, which is called impotence . To determine how to improve the potency, it is necessary first of all to pass a comprehensive examination by a qualified specialist.
Most of the stronger sex potency believe a very important point of their lives. Hence, when the manifestation of these problems a lot of attention is drawn to the increase in potency. Very often, the occurrence of problems with potency may cause symptoms of uncertainty, and as a result, the person becomes more withdrawn, he is subject to certain complexes.

Potency and age

During the life of the potency of men is changing. The level of sexual activity, the highest at a young age. However, age can not be considered a major factor in the decrease or increase potency.

According to the results of several studies to date by men 20-50 years of age have an average of eight sexual acts per month. In this case, the age factor is not decisive for the state of potency. However, the induced average survey results can not be attributed to a specific person, because the potency is affected by a number of different factors: the general state of health, psychological climate in the relationship with his partner, the existence of certain external circumstances. For couples who have a harmonious, happy relationship, the sexual act is much more likely.

Increased potency

 Male potency  To determine how to increase the potency should be, above all, not to engage in elimination of problems without the help of doctors. Problems with potency in any case can not be solved independently with the help of drugs. First of all, it is recommended to increase the potency of a detailed analysis of particular lifestyle and change that can cause decreased sexual desire.

So, to maintain a high level of potency important regular sexual intercourse. It is the constant sexual activity stimulates an increase in allocation Testosterone Which is responsible for libido.

Equally important is an active lifestyle and constant exercise. Sports are extremely important due to the stimulation of blood circulation in the male body. Especially important are physical exercise and sports for people who suffer from overweight . Exactly obesity   It is one of the main factors leading to male impotence problems.

For those looking for information on how to increase the potency, it should be noted that the rejection of bad habits - smoking, drugs and alcohol - will be one of the founding moments in the process of achieving positive results in the process of increasing potency.

If possible, avoid stressful, disturbing situations, as in the case of too strong excitement - quality relaxing, getting rid of unnecessary tension. To do this, experts recommend to resort to the use of massage.

On the methods of increasing the potency doctors recommend to consider in the case of some evidence of reduced sexual desire. Such are the decreased interest in sexual side of life without the presence on the specific reasons for the loss of erections during the night and the morning, poor hardness of the penis during erection. Today, it is assumed that at a strong enough erection and other problems in sexual life associated with potency, complaining every second representative of the stronger sex.
There are many methods you can use to improve the potency and, therefore, the quality of sexual life.
To improve the potency is important to eliminate those diseases, which have become the root cause of problems with sexual desire in men. Especially have to problems with potency obesity . diabetes . cardiovascular diseases . attrition .

Also, the level of treatment affect the potency of the problems with the help of medication, special exercises, proper, balanced nutrition, non-traditional methods ( yoga . acupuncture . fragrant bath ).

There are also a number of recipes of traditional medicine, which are used to improve potency. For a long time for relaxation and as a consequence, improve potency, we used special relaxing bath - chamomile, bay leaf and other herbs.

Products that increase potency

 Male potency  No less effective in enhancing the potency and the food can be: special products, which increase the potency, has long been known and have been used successfully to improve the quality of sexual life.

Products that stimulate the sex drive in men is called aphrodisiacs .

However, the principles of a balanced diet is as important for the proper functioning of the body man. First of all, it is essential in the diet of men to present sufficient protein. The daily diet should be a dish of fish, meat, nuts, eggs, beans and other foods high in protein.

Aphrodisiacs are not only exotic products, but also the simplest dishes. For example, the famous recipe useful for men is the usual fried food, fried onions, which also has a positive effect on male potency.

Vegetables also apply to products that increase the potency. They contain a large amount of vitamins and therefore has all kinds of vegetables needed each day.

Meat - a useful product, but it must be properly rotated with fish. In order to increase libido is to use sea fish (particularly strong positive impact on virility has flounder), seafood. Periodically, it is appropriate to be dishes from oysters, rapanov mussels. In the process of cooking, you can use the sauce, cooked with celery, parsley, lemon, which are no less useful to increase potency.

It was established that gonadal function significantly enhance tomatoes. However, they should be used without pre-heat treatment.

As an aphrodisiac is consumed and foods containing Vitamin E . This is primarily seeds, nuts, sesame. They can be equipped with the addition of honey, but is less useful. By the way, a mixture of equal parts of honey and walnuts are invited to eat every day several spoons as a means to enhance male potency.

It has long been some peoples to improve male sexual potency used coriander, cloves, saffron, ginger, pine nuts, figs. By the way, figs, strengthens the cardiovascular system, which directly affects the quality of sex life. No less useful and other dried fruit - prunes, raisins, dried apricots.

As a stimulating beverage can be consumed dairy products, tea and spices. Dairy products - yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, and should be regularly included in the diet. It has a good effect of olive oil, which should be consumed every day.

About products, enhancing potency, said in his writings even Sigmund Freud, referring to a similar effect mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, rye bread, nettle. In addition, many experts say that particularly positive effect on male potency affects dandelion. The leaves of this plant as a salad or supplements to the main dish should be consumed during its flowering. Dressing for this salad can become wine vinegar, which is also a positive effect on the libido.

At the same time a negative effect on male sexuality clearly have energy drinks, sodas, foods with a high content of "useless" carbohydrates (potatoes, pasta, flour products, pastries). Soft white bread should also be replaced by wholemeal bread, and instead eat sausages and sausage dishes of natural meat.


Description overdue on 10/26/2014

  • Latin name: Co-Renitec
  • ATC code: C09BA02
  • Active substance: Enalapril maleate (Enalaprili maleates), hydrochlorothiazide (Hydrochlorothiazide)
  • Manufacturer: Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V. (Netherlands)
Photos of the drug
  • Composition
  • Product form
  • Pharmacological action
  • Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Instructions for use Co-Renitec (method and dosage)
  • Overdose
  • Cooperation
  • Terms of sale
  • Storage conditions
  • Shelf life
  • Analogs
  • Reviews
  • Price, where to buy



Co-Renitec contain active ingredients such as enalapril maleate   and hydrochlorothiazide . Furthermore, it has additional components such as dye yellow iron oxide . pregelatinized corn starch . corn starch . lactose, water . Sodium Bicarbonate . magnesium stearate .

Product form

The medicine is available in tablets which are in the blisters contained therein.

Pharmacological action

The drug is ACE inhibitor   and diuretic .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The medicament reduces the sodium ions in the vascular wall, arterial pressure , The tone of blood vessels, PR As well as increases diuresis . The antihypertensive effect lasts for days.

Thus, the drug is effective in the case of hypertension . Antihypertensive   effect of the active drug components complement each other. Therapy data means more efficient in most cases, hypertension Than using enalapril maleate   and hydrochlorothiazide   separately.

Enalapril   It is ACE inhibitor . After Absorption   he metabolized   at enalaprilat . Its action reduces the level Angiotensin II   in plasma, because of which the activity is increased Renin   blood plasma and reduced   secretion aldosterone . Besides that, enalapril   prevents destruction bradykinin .

Reduction Blood Pressure accompanied by a reduction in total peripheral vascular resistance and a slight increase cardiac output.   The drug increases renal blood flow . This does not change the speed glomerular filtration rate Unless patients it was not initially lowered.

Hydrochlorothiazide   It is diuretic   and antihypertensive   a tool that enhances the activity Renin . Thus, in combination with enalapril   it leads to a significant reduction Blood Pressure . Cancel the drug does not cause him a sharp rise.

The maximum effect usually appears after 2-4 hours after application. Antihypertensive   the effect is visible within an hour. The duration of the drug depends on the dosage. It generally lasts throughout the day.


The tool shown in the hypertension If it considered the most effective combination therapy.


Do not use Co-Renitec at hypersensitivity   to its components, childhood . anurii . angioedema   at history , and hereditary   or   idiopathic angioedema .

The caution is indicated for the tool:

  • bilateral   renal artery stenosis ;
  • coronary heart disease ;
  • aortic stenosis ;
  • severe systemic connective tissue diseases;
  • diabetes ;
  • condition after kidney transplantation;
  • with limited dietary sodium;
  • the elderly;
  • cerebrovascular   diseases;
  • Chronic Heart Failure ;
  • renal failure ;
  • suppression of bone marrow hematopoiesis;
  • states that are associated with a decrease in blood volume;
  • hepatic insufficiency ;
  • hyperkalemia ;
  • artery stenosis of a solitary kidney .

Side effects

The negative side effects, according to research, as a rule, are moderate. Usually they do not need treatment withdrawal. Side effects may include:

  • respiratory system - the appearance of shortness of breath, cough;
  • CCC - palpitations, orthostatic   effects, fainting, hypotension , chest pain, tachycardia ;
  • musculoskeletal system - the appearance of muscle cramps, pain in the joints;
  • Kidney - Development renal failure Problems with the kidney function;
  • laboratory parameters - hyperglycemia . hyperkalemia . hypokalemia . hyperuricemia , Reduction hematocrit   and Hemoglobin ;
  • CNS - dizziness , Irritability, asthenia . paresthesia , Fatigue, drowsiness . headache . sleep disorders ;
  • digestive system - dyspepsia . diarrhea , Nausea, flatulence , Dry mouth, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation . pancreatitis ;
  • allergy - itch Rash;
  • reproductive system - Development Impotence , Decreased libido;
  • Other - tinnitus, gout .

In addition, in rare cases, when taking medication are possible undesirable effects as angioedema   glottis, limbs, tongue, face, larynx, lips, Stevens-Johnson syndrome . intestinal angioedema . hyperhidrosis .

Instructions for use Co-Renitec (method and dosage)

This tool is used orally   on a tablet once a day. If necessary, the dosage may be increased to two tablets per day.

Instructions for use Co-Renitec is recommended to control the data of water and electrolyte balance. If the patient has previously received diuretics , You need to wait 2-3 days before use tablets Co-Renitec. In cases where there is an increase urea   and creatinine   Blood applying means should stop.


At reception enalapril in high doses may significantly decrease Blood Pressure   (approximately 6 hours after consumption) and stupor. Overdose hydrochlorothiazide   It can lead to an imbalance of electrolytes and dehydration   due to excessive diuresis.


Ko Renitek can be applied to other antihypertensive   drugs. Then there is the summation of action. In combination with the additives of potassium, potassium-sparing and potassium-salts diuretics   likely hyperkalemia .

The interaction with lithium reduced excretion of lithium by the kidneys. Increases the likelihood of lithium intoxication .

NSAIDs   reduce the effect of the medicine. And if they accept patients with renal problems, this combination may lead to a deterioration of the kidneys. But these changes are reversible.

Antihypertensive   reduce the effect of the drug Estrogens   and ethanol . Immunosuppressive . cytostatics   and Allopurinol   increase the likelihood of gematotoksichnosti .

Terms of sale

This tool is sold by prescription.

Storage conditions

Temperature - 30 ° C. Store this medication should be in a dry place.

Shelf life

Three years.

Analogs Co-Renitec

Match code ATC 4th level:
  •  Co-Renitec  N Hart
  •  Co-Renitec  Hart Dr.
  •  Co-Renitec  Noliprel
  •  Co-Renitec  Co-Perineva
  •  Co-Renitec  Kaptopres

Analogs Co-Renitec sold in pharmacies as follows:

  • Enalapril-HL-Health ;
  • Berlipril Plus ;
  • Aisne Sandoz Compositum ;
  • Enalapril-H-Health ;
  • Enalozid ;
  • Enalozid Forte ;
  • Enap-H ;
  • Enap-HL ;
  • Enapril-H .

Reviews on Koh Renitek

Reviews on Koh Renitek demonstrate its effectiveness. Adverse reactions reported rarely. Patients generally say that side effects go away and do not require discontinuation of treatment.

Price Co-Renitec where to buy

Price Co-Renitec, in a package of 28 tablets which, on average, about 340 rubles.

Get the best price and buy