Thursday, April 6, 2017

Heavy bags cause depression

 Heavy bags cause depression  Be careful with the shopping trip this holiday season! Psychologists have found that carrying heavy shopping bags can cause a feeling of stress.

Physical exercise   cause psychological stress, the authors believe the study of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the National University of Singapore. They found that carrying heavy objects ability to affect the mental state of a person, causing him to unconsciously immersed in depressive thoughts.

The researchers decided to trace how physical activity affects stress. To do this, they needed to observe consumer response. One group of volunteers was requested to vilify some time heavy bags   with a large number of goods, and only then express their views on a particular issue, not related to the purchase. Another group was asked to wear a light bag and also to speak on the same issue.

It turned out that people in the first group this occasion evoked more emotional and personal reaction than those who wore a light bag. According to the study's authors and Ksiupinya Zhanya Meng Lee, physical weight affects the "psychological weight."

"We found that the physiological sensation of carrying heavy loads can affect a person's ability to express their opinions in public do not have to do with topics such as the importance of certain events - say the authors of the study. - However, the negative emotions of these people managed to eliminate when we asked them to think of light weight objects such as balloons and feathers. "


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