Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Types of cough and treatment

 Types of cough and treatment  You started to cough recently or continue for a long time? Do not rush to treatment before will not understand the reasons. Here's how to deal with different types of cough.

Chronic cough   - It comes and goes, but never disappears completely. Until recently, doctors could not even name the exact reason for its occurrence. Now there was a theory that the cough in some cases caused by upper airway hypersensitivity to the gas in the stomach.

Cough treatment - Some antihistamines, small doses of morphine only by prescription. For rapid relief of symptoms, use candy with menthol.

Dry, hacking cough   - If it does not stand out phlegm. Most often a consequence of colds, flu and other respiratory infections.

In most cases, it requires no special treatment, and is held by itself after a few weeks. Can to treat a cough   lozenges for cough, as they stimulate the production of saliva.

Dry cough with spasms . It can cause some drugs, especially ACE inhibitors, which are issued against high pressure. Such cough   It occurs in 15% of hypertensive patients, and they just need to change medications. In 90% of cases, the cough will disappear for a week

A painful, hacking cough . Most often a consequence of bronchitis. It is necessary to comply with bed rest and drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. To treatment this   Cough   There are special medicines.

Painful cough, difficulty breathing . The most alarming appearance Cough , Which may be a cause of lung cancer. Rush to the doctor.

Breast Cashel s - if it produces a large amount of phlegm. The main reason for the cough - COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). This group of diseases includes chronic and bronchitis, and emphysema. Most often it occurs in smokers (90%).

The treatment does not exist, but you can slow down the development of COPD. Therapy is conducted by the doctor.

Treatment and prevention

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Gynecologist for girls

 Gynecologist for girls  The child - it's not a small copy of an adult. Urogenital girls and adult women are fundamentally different. Gynecological examination of the child should hold a specially trained physician. In addition, the doctor should be familiar with child psychology, to find an approach to the little girl.

Examination of a healthy child

For the first time the girl inspects pediatric gynecologist   shortly after birth - at the hospital. Scheduled Scans Children's gynecologist predusmtreny:
- Six or seven years, when the child is made to the school
- Eleven or twelve years old, when most girls begin to menstruate
- 14 years old girl is recommended to visit the doctor once a year.

Possible health problems girls

Newborn girls can grow breasts, there are bleeding from the genital tract. This is due to the arrival of female hormones (estrogen) levels, which are obtained from the mother. This phenomenon is normal and soon extends itself.

Girls up to 2 years   there may be so-called adhesions   (fusion of the labia minora). There are difficulties with urination, genital tract is easily infected.
Causes adhesions   is unclear. But doctors have learned to deal with them with the help of therapeutic treatments and only rarely resorted to operational.

First signs adhesions : Severe redness of the strip from the clitoris to the coccyx, and then (if you do not treat the child) - stick the edges of the labia minora.

Girls 6-7 years   most often colpitis   (inflammation of the mucosa of the vagina), vulvitis   (inflammation of the external genital organs)   vulvovaginitis   (an inflammatory disease of the vulva and vaginal walls).
They can be caused by parasitic infestation, be a manifestation of allergic reaction or weakened immunity. There are times when the baby themselves administered small foreign objects (toys, nuts), not only in the ear, but also in the vagina, infecting pathogens themselves. Rarely, but there are congenital tumors and malformations of the sexual organs.

Complaints child: a burning sensation, itching, painful and frequent urination. There are selection (with or without odor) from the genital tract.

Girls under 14 years It meets sluggish inflammation of the appendages, which in the future is fraught with infertility.

Complaints child: not strong, but often recurrent abdominal pain. It may be dull or oppressive, but always gentle and seemingly not a concern.

Girls between the ages of about 12 to 14 years (when normal menstruation occurs) may be signs of abnormal development of sex organs, chronic inflammation of the appendages, tuberculosis, genital endometriosis.

The child complains of pain in the abdomen during menstruation and menstrual disorder: prolonged periods, irregular, accompanied by a large loss of blood.

A premature or late appearance of menstruation should also cause anxiety in the mother.

This can be caused by organic and endocrine disorders, mental illness, low birth weight baby (ie when she "sat" on a diet and lost 10% over the last month or more of the initial weight). We can not exclude early pregnancy.

If the mother notices that her daughter, first-grader growing pubic hair and armpits, breasts grow (ie were secondary sexual characteristics), or there is no such a girl reaches the age of 14, it should immediately see a doctor. Such a state is under severe endocrine disorders and diversified.

What to teach her daughter Mom

1. Daily hygiene of the external genital organs.

2. Protect from traumatic situations: use the bike only "ladies' saddle, neatly out of the bathroom, and if in the forest little girl wanted to sit down, it has to look around, so as not to" land "on a twig sticking out.

3. After a swim in the river or the swimming pool must be perodetsya in a dry and clean underwear

4. Keep a diary of their own menstruation. Girls should know that normal "monthly" come in 20-30 days. They have to go from 3 to 7 days and be normal almost painless. Separately, talk about hygiene during menstruation.

5. Mom - the best friend and the baby to trust his mother and rasskzyvat about the most intimate problems.

How is a visit to the children's gynecologist

1. Mom baby should be properly set up and be very quiet. Explain girl that doctor visit perfectly natural event, the doctor did not hurt.

2. The doctor conducts a visual inspection of the genital organs only with complaints. The girl in this moment can be a mother on her knees on the couch as her own convenience. With the city offer the child lie on his back or take Bozeman's position.

3. Only in case of serious damage to health inspection carried out internal genital organs. But the doctor uses special children's instruments. They do not hurt and did not break the hymen.

4. If a mother with a child came to the consultation is about specific complaints, ie rinse cabinet able to finish a check, Mom should make preliminary daughter enema.

Healthy Child

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Nervous food

 Nervous food

Gluttony for centuries was considered one of the seven deadly sins. Perhaps that is why people suffering from bulimia, hide their illness and rarely seek medical help

Our expert - psychologist Marina Serebryakova .

About eating disorders - anorexia and bulimia - widely spoken recently. But most of us are aware of these diseases is very superficial. For example, it is believed that anoreksiki eat nothing and so terribly thin, and people who suffer from bulimia, on the contrary, all the while absorbing buns and burgers and therefore terribly fat. But it turns out, one of the victim and other disease externally almost indistinguishable from each other, since most of the victims had an average or underweight. The primary risk for bulimia include girls of 13 years and young women up to 35. But among the patients and men. The peak of the clinical manifestations of the disease accounts for 15-16 years, 22-25 years, 27-28 years.

Carouse carouse so!

Bulimia - a mental disorder in which the patient periodically arises unnatural, downright "ravenous" appetite, which are a consequence of repeated food "binges." Attacks rabid appetite can occur sporadically throughout the day, or to overtake its prey only at night, but in some cases people who suffer from bulimia, eating constantly, literally closing the mouth.

During these "fits of gluttony" gastronomic addicts in a short time to absorb a huge amount of high-calorie food (a favorite food of victims of bulimia - ice cream, sweets, pastries and fast food). At this point, patients completely lose control of themselves and often simply do not realize how much eaten.

After the end of the attack unfortunate start to feel a strong aversion to him and a great sense of guilt for their behavior, which, in addition, joins and panic recover. Therefore, people cause vomiting, taking laxatives or diuretics to excrete both adored and hated the food. Getting rid of food eaten only brings hunger, and further increases the likelihood of another "binge." Over time, resort to cleanse the stomach falls more and more.

Bulimia is not only depletes the nervous system, but also the whole body. Particularly affected the gastrointestinal tract. When an excessive amount of food intake of the stomach wall is excessively stretched (up to fracture), and frequent vomiting and dehydration cause esophageal irritation. Furthermore, from the stomach acid damaged tooth enamel. Extreme bulimia may even cause acute heart failure and death (proof - the story of the king of rock 'n' roll Elvis Presley).

Live to eat

Seeing how happy and relaxed smiles in his sleep just pokormlenny mom breast baby, you know that the absorption of food - it's not just the satisfaction of natural needs, but also one of the greatest pleasures in life. Unfortunately, sometimes it's fun supersedes all others, and eating becomes an obsession for a man, a drug, a remedy for all ills, and the key to solving all problems.

Humans have two reactions to stress: some of the experiences of a piece in the throat does not climb, while others actively "seize" any psychological discomfort with something tasty. A second group just to be at risk for bulimia. Initially, a lot of these people only eat when stressed, but later any trouble or just banal boredom causes food cravings. Thoughts of food are the main content of life. Man is no longer able to focus on work, school, family, he can not even think about his personal life.

In addition to the already known nervous and secondary bulimia - it occurs in certain diseases of the central nervous and endocrine systems, as well as some mental disorders. The most common among organic causes of bulimia is called diabetes, one symptom of which is an increased appetite. Also, the need to over-absorption of food can occur in people suffering from toxic lesion of the brain, brain stem tumors, genetic diseases with damage to brain structures.

The disease of dislike

It is known that the earlier the treatment of bulimia, the higher the efficiency and the way below the cost (you can do only qualified psychotherapy). In severe cases, patients may require hospitalization, the remaining patients may well be on outpatient care.

In fact, this disease is treated by two specialists: therapist (or psychiatrist) and a nutritionist. Manage only via specialist in clinical nutrition is impossible, because bulimia nervosa - is not synonymous with food debauchery. This is not a fault, but the misfortune of the patient. The disease lies deep psychological trauma, constantly disturbing experience. It may be a feeling of rejection or non-compliance, nedolyublennosti a child, or the trauma of bereavement or other tragic event.

Cure this disease, just took himself in hand, unfortunately, impossible. Therefore, it is important that family members be understanding and patience and not accused person suffering from bulimia, in the absence of willpower and helps to fight disease. The ultimate goal for the patient -Take yourself for who he is, and return to normal life.

The therapist is required to work with the patient's family. The problem of family therapy - to adjust existing relations among family members, so that the patient does not feel alienated, but love and respect from loved ones. When the patient is recovering very effective group therapy. Communication in a group allows participants to share experiences, to talk about how to overcome the disease and find out about similar experiences of others.

Besides, helping others improves self-esteem of the individual. The best results are given by a combination of psychotherapy (individual and family), diet and medical treatment (usually prescribed antidepressants).


Industry News

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Description overdue on 10/17/2014

  • Latin name: Zhenale
  • ATC code: G03XB01
  • Active substance: Mifepristone (Mifepristone)
  • Manufacturer: Izvarino Pharma Ltd., Russia
Photos of the drug
  • Composition
  • Product form
  • Pharmacological action
  • Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Instructions on Zhenale (method and dosage)
  • Overdose
  • Cooperation
  • Terms of sale
  • Storage conditions
  • Shelf life
  • Cautions
  • Analogs
  • Reviews
  • Price, where to buy



One tablet contains: active substance mifepristone   - 10 mg plus additional ingredients ( potato starch, carboxymethylstarch sodium, lactose monohydrate, povidone, magnesium stearate ).

Product form

The drug release in the form of circular, convex tablets. Color - yellow with green. The containers or cans on a single tablet, in unit 1 or 2 tablets.

Pharmacological action

Contraceptive . antigestagens .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The active ingredient of the drug - mifepristone   - steroid   synthetic tool that significantly reduces sensitivity progestin receptors . The substance does not have a progestin activity It is antagonist of glucocorticoids   on competitive mechanisms.

Effect of the drug depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle, during which he entered the body. The tool increases contractility myometrium   and stimulates output IL-8   at horiodetsidualnyh   cells, wherein the degree of sensitivity of the myometrium to prostaglandins   greatly reduced.

As a result, ovum   derived from decidua . ovulation   not happening, endometrium   It becomes thin and weak. And if there is already a fertilized egg   its implantation becomes impossible.

When administered orally at 1, 5:00 reaches its maximum drug concentration in blood, bioavailability - about 70%. Almost 99% of the active ingredient binds to proteins in the plasma.

Excretion of the drug is carried out in two phases, first slowly and then 12-72 hours faster. The half-life - 17 hours.


The tool is used as a Emergency Contraception   after already having sexual intercourse (unsuccessful termination, the condom broke, the error in the calendar method, spolzshey condoms, etc.). The maximum effective period of time when the drug exactly podeystvuet- 72 hours.


The pill should not be used:

  • if carried out before long-term treatment GSK ;
  • at porphyria ;
  • for liver or kidney problems;
  • at   anemia ;
  • gipotrofirovannoy function adrenal ;
  • at pregnancy ;
  • during breast-feeding ;
  • allergies   on the components of the drug;
  • in violation homeostasis   organism;
  • in severe extragenital   pathology.

Side effects

The most common side effects are:

  • pain and discomfort in the abdomen, bleeding, worsening of chronic inflammatory processes;
  • dizziness   and headache ;
  • allergy Weakness, hives ;
  • hyperthermia , Nausea and diarrhea.

Instructions on Zhenale (method and dosage)

The drug is taken orally, 2 hours after a meal or 2 to.

Before taking you should consult with your doctor.

According to the instructions for use of the pill must be taken within 72 hours after NLA .


In case of overdose can occur adrenal insufficiency .


Within 8-12 days after the pills are not recommended NSAIDs .

Alcohol greatly reduces the effectiveness of funds.

Terms of sale

To purchase medicines in pharmacies need a prescription.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry, cool place.

Shelf life

3 years.


Zhenale - means of emergency contraception, it is impossible to use several menstrual cycles in a row. In subsequent sexual acts that take place within a month after admission, definitely use barrier methods of protection.

The drug does not protect against a variety of STD   and AIDS .

There Zhenale tablets containing 50 or 200 ml of the active substance (for medical abortion ), They can be used only under medical supervision. employee and strict doctor's advice.

The drug has no effect on the reaction rate and concentration.

Dosage 10 g is not capable of causing abortion . In connection with this pre agents should ensure that no pregnancy. If the use of the drug after the pregnancy, it is better to abort any recommended by your doctor. In the event that woman decided to leave the child, there is no guarantee that he will be born and grow up healthy.

Efficacy depends on body weight, while overweight efficiency is reduced.


Match code ATC 4th level:
  •  Zhenale  Esmiya
  •  Zhenale  Mifegin
  •  Zhenale  Miropriston
  •  Zhenale  Ginepriston
  •  Zhenale  Mifepristone
  •  Zhenale  Penkrofton

Common analogues Zhenale: Ginepriston, Agesta, Mensofta, Mifegin, Mifepreks, Mifolian, eskapel, Postinor, Gynestril administration, Miropriston, Mifepristone, Penkrofton .

Zhenale or eskapel - which is better?

Eskapel relates to preparations containing progestogens   (hormones). Means, unlike the original, effectively only the first 24-48 hours after NLA . Also, when receiving analog increases the likelihood ectopic pregnancy . The cost of drugs is about the same.

Postinor or Zhenale - what to choose?

Postinor also contains progestogens . Efficiency means is highly dependent on the patient's body weight (from the original, the figure below). After receiving analog greater the likelihood of unwanted side effects - bleeding, general ill health, delay the next menstruation. Both products are in the same price category.

Reviews Zhenale

Zhenale - reviews of doctors

Experts believe that the drug is more effective than its predecessors, containing progestogens . Gynaecologists Reviews of Zhenale positive, it is not a hormonal drug. Experts say high performance, regardless of the time elapsed since the   NLA   (not later than 72 hours). But mifepristone   often causes a delay in menstruation.

Reviews Women .   taking pills, good. Many people write that are not observed nausea, pain and bleeding as when taking other medications. However, there were some minor irregularities in the menstrual cycle. One of the women after taking the drug still pregnant, but she could not bear a child. If it is not the use of this emergency contraception doctors recommend unwanted pregnancy.

Price Zhenale

Price Zhenale the pharmacy - about 300 rubles per pack.

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Description overdue on 06/18/2014

  • Latin name: Xarelto
  • ATC code: B01AF01
  • Active substance: Rivaroxaban (Rivaroxaban)
  • Manufacturer: Bayer Pharma AG., Germany
Photos of the drug
  • Composition
  • Product form
  • Pharmacological action
  • Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • Indications for use drugs Ksarelto
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Instructions on Ksarelto (method and dosage)
  • Overdose
  • Cooperation
  • Terms of sale
  • Storage conditions
  • Shelf life
  • Analogs
  • With alcohol
  • Reviews
  • Price, where to buy



Tablet contains:   Rivaroxaban micronized in an amount of 10, 15 or 20 mg, and auxiliary components: microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, hypromellose 5cP, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, sodium lauryl sulfate and.

Film coated tablets consist of: iron oxide red dye, Valium 15cP . Titanium dioxide   and macrogol 3350.

Product form

Ksarelto available in tablets, film-coated with different contents of active substance. They have a round biconvex shape, pink-brown or reddish color, double-sided engraving - on one hand - and the triangle symbol dosage, on the other dealt a brand Bayer cross. Sales package offered from 5 to 100 pieces.

Pharmacological action

Inhibiting preparation Factor Xa , An anticoagulant of direct action .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

For active substances of the drug -   Rivaroxaban , Characterized by a rapid impact, predictable dose response and high bioavailability. It does not require monitoring of coagulation parameters, there is practically no risk of incompatibility with other foods or medicines.

The drug is used as a prophylactic against stroke   in patients suffering Atrial Fibrillation , Displaying a good efficacy and tolerability. This anticoagulant can be administered once a day, following a fixed dose.

Rivaroxaban   It has a high absolute bioavailability is 80-100%. The main component is rapidly absorbed with the onset of the maximum concentration after 2-4 hours. Once in the body, there is a significant relationship with the main part of the rivaroxaban plasma proteins, namely, plasma albumin . Withdrawal is carried out mainly in the form metabolites .

Indications for use drugs Ksarelto

The main indications are:

  • prevention   venous thromboembolism After large-scale orthopedic surgery of the lower limb;
  • prevention stroke   and systemic thromboembolism   at non-valvular atrial fibrillation origin   and so on.


  • active bleeding, especially affecting vital organs such as the gastrointestinal tract, and other intracranial region;
  • liver disease accompanied coagulopathy Causing the risk of bleeding;
  • lactation, pregnancy;
  • age of patients less than 18 years;
  • congenital lactase deficiency or intolerance, galactose malabsorption glucose;
  • high sensitivity to rivaroxaban and other excipients.

Side effects

Treatment Ksarelto (Xarelto) can cause a variety of adverse events affecting virtually all organs and systems. It is often they occur moderately.

The most common side effects include:

  • anemia;
  • nausea . transaminases . increased activity of GGT ;
  • hemorrhage   after treatments, including post-operative anemia   and bleeding from wounds.

Less frequently occur:

  • thrombocythemia, increased platelet count;
  • tachycardia, hypotension;
  • constipation, diarrhea, pain and abdominal discomfort, dyspepsia, dry mouth;
  • dizziness, headache, short-term loss of consciousness;
  • bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, nose, hematuria, bleeding from the genital tract;
  • Local edema, general health deterioration, fever, allergic reactions   and so on.

Instructions on Ksarelto (method and dosage)

According to the instructions for use Ksarelto, during the prevention of VTE after major orthopedic surgery, the patient is prescribed a daily reception of 10 mg of the drug. The duration of treatment is 2-5 weeks, depending on the scale and complexity of the intervention.

This drug may be taken at any time, regardless of food intake. Xarelto is necessary to begin treatment after 6-10 hours after surgery if reach hemostasis .   When you miss a dose you should immediately take medication Ksarelto, and the next day you need to continue treatment as usual.


In case of overdose rivaroxaban   usually develop hemorrhagic complications associated with pharmacodynamic characteristics of the drug. Currently specific antidote Rivaroxaban   It has not been developed.

To reduce suction Rivaroxaban   Recommend for 8 hours to accept Activated carbon.


Simultaneous use of the strongest Ksarelto   inhibitors of CYP3A4 and P-gp can cause a decrease in hepatic and renal clearance, resulting in a significant increase in systemic exposure and pharmacodynamic drug action.

Determined that Clarithromycin, erythromycin   and Fluconazole   may result in different changes in the concentration of Rivaroxaban But it is considered a normal variation procedure and clinically insignificant.

It should refrain from joint application Rivaroxaban   and dronedarone As clinical data about such a combination no.

Admission and Ksarelto rifampicin Which refers to the strong inducers of CYP3A4   and P-gp It leads to a lowering of the pharmacodynamic effects of the drug. Therefore, treatment with this drug with other strong inducers should be done with caution.

Terms of sale

Medicine sell only on prescription.

Storage conditions

Tablets should be stored in a location protected from children at less than 30 ° C.

Shelf life

If you comply with the conditions of storage, the drug can be used for 3 years.

Analogs of the drug Ksarelto

As is known, analogs Ksarelto represented only by its active substance or Rivaroxaban INN - anticoagulant of direct action . Therefore, it is considered its main substitute. The price of the analogue package at 14 pieces of 1956-2000 rubles.

Ksarelto or Pradaksa   - what's better?

This question is asked by many patients who are concerned about a possible thrombus formation. As shown by recent studies, and Ksarelto Pradaksa   have practically the same efficiency in preventing blood clots   and Risk bleeding   at atrial fibrillation . Acceptance of each of these drugs does not require constant monitoring of INR. Thus the cost of these drugs is quite high, compared to other anticoagulants.

Alcohol and Ksarelto

Clinical studies have shown that treatment with this drug is categorically not compatible with alcohol, as this may lead to undesirable consequences.

Reviews Ksarelto

In general reviews about Ksarelto include discussion of the risks of active or latent bleeding affecting any tissues or organs, which often leads to anemia hemorrhagic nature.   At the same time reviews of Ksarelto patients who took the drug, contain information about the frequent hemorrhagic complications in the form of: weakness, dizziness, paleness, shortness of breath, swelling   and so on.

Also, feedback on the forums are a vibrant debate over the high cost that is affordable for all patients.

Price Ksarelto where to buy

This medicine is available in tablets, coated tablets, with different contents of active substance. Buy Ksarelto in Moscow at any pharmacy on prescription. The price Ksarelto 10 mg of 10 pieces in the package is from 1226 rubles, the cost xarelto 20 mg 14 pieces - from 1564 rubles, and 15 mg of the drug for 28 pieces ranging from 2857 to 3020 rubles.

If you want to buy in St. Petersburg these tablets, it should be noted that the price Ksarelto 20 mg significantly higher than at the drug dosage. Pharmacies in Kiev offer the medicine for as low as 188 USD.

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Using olive oil helps prevent stroke

July 27th, 2011

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 Using olive oil helps prevent stroke  As shown by recent studies of the Academy of Neurological Diseases (USA), eating olive oil preventable stroke   in the elderly.

Doctors sent all their knowledge on what to develop dietary recommendations for the prevention of stroke in men and women who have reached 65 years of age. Stroke   It is very common in people in old age, and olive butter - A simple and relatively inexpensive way to prevent it, or at least minimize the risk.

The researchers studied the medical records of more than 7000 patients aged over 65 years living in 3 French cities - Dijon, Bordeaux and Montpellier. The subjects never experienced any symptoms of a stroke. People have been grouped into several categories: "low consumption", "moderate use" who used olive oil in food preparation, and "intensive use", which made the most of his food.

The subjects consumed olive oil, cold pressed essentially as in France, it is 98% of the total quantity produced. The results showed that the more of such oils used in foods, the smaller the percentage of strokes for the next five years of life of the study participants.

Progestin-only contraceptives

December 4, 2012

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 Progestin-only contraceptives  Progestin-only contraceptives - A type of hormonal oral contraceptives. As part of such tablets is the only component - progestin. Shorten contraceptives are called POCs.

They comprise a relatively low dose hormones   - About 30 micrograms. Packaging such tablets contain 28 or 35 tablets.

Choosing a suitable method of protection for themselves against unwanted conception, a woman should always consult with a physician. It is especially important to get professional advice when it comes to hormonal preparations, as there are a number of contraindications to their use. Therefore, it is often women who are contraindicated for some reason the reception combined oral contraceptives Are selected on the advice of a doctor is POCs.

Progestin contraceptives contain only progestin Which is an analogue of the hormone progesterone . This hormone is produced in the ovaries. The tablets contain a very small dose of the hormone - 300-500 mg. FTC considered to be less reliable means of protection than the COC, as the combined oral products contain analogues Estrogen   and progesterone   at higher doses. But at the same time on the female body progestin drugs act much softer.

This shows progestin contraceptives?

With the above features of the variety of contraceptives are recommended for women who are contraindicated COCs.

So called minipill   It is recommended in order to protect women who feed the baby breast milk, as its composition and taste of the drug has no effect.

 Progestin-only contraceptives  Progestin pills also shows women who suffer from cardiovascular diseases in which there is a growing intravascular coagulation. COC use in this case is not allowed, since they enhance the intensity of blood clotting and increase the risk of blood clots in the vessels.

POCs doctors recommend to select those women who smoke and their age at the same time over 35 years. The fact that the COCs and simultaneous effect of nicotine on the body can enable the formation of clots in blood vessels.

Today a group of progestin-only oral contraceptives includes the following products: Ekslyuton . Kontinuin . Ovret . Mikronor . Charozetta . Primolyut Nord . Mikrolyut .

The mechanism of action

Preparations of this group act on a woman's body differently than COCs. They suppress ovulation. Therefore, while receiving FTC does not change a woman's monthly cycle, and menstruation occurs.

When receiving the mini-pill changes the quality of cervical mucus. Under the influence POCs its consistency becomes more dense. It is a barrier to sperm, which thus does not meet with the ovum. But if this obstacle is still not working, and fertilization by sperm, it has been running for a second protection mechanism pregnancy . Progestin activity contributes also change endometrium, so attachment of the embryo in such conditions is impossible. Also under the influence of mini-pill slows peristalsis of the fallopian tubes, which prevents the egg in the uterus.

If you compare the effectiveness of this method of protection from the COC, the progestin-only contraceptives have lower contraceptive effect - 95%. At the same time the effectiveness of COCs is 99%.

How to receive?

 Progestin-only contraceptives  The peculiarity of this type of contraceptive is that their performance impact depends on strict adherence to the method of application. Taking such Tablets needed every day and, at the same time. The woman should take pills, despite the presence or absence of bleeding during the menstrual period. It is advisable to drink a pill between ot18 to 19 hours, for maximum effect appears after about 4-5 hours after eating the pills, and sexual contact, usually occur in the evening and at night. However, when sexual acts at other times the effect of protection is maintained.

During Lactation the use of POCs is justified. The fact that breastfeeding is suppressed ovulation, and there is the so-called lactation amenorrhea. But before the start of menses, can mature follicle and thus ovulation. Thus, a woman can get pregnant even before the onset of menstruation. In view of this it is recommended to use contraception during breast-feeding . Mini-pill suitable for this optimally. Yet after the lactation period and the resumption of the full monthly cycle of women is desirable to switch to COCs.

Admission minipill woman should begin the first day of the menstrual cycle. After the birth of a child receiving progestin contraceptives begins six weeks from the date of delivery. After the abortion   mini-pill taken immediately.


 Progestin-only contraceptives  As an advantage of this method of contraception should be noted with respect to the high efficiency of its contraceptive effect, the absence of a part of the synthetic estrogen analogues, no negative influence on the process of lactation, rapid achievement of the effect due to the absence of sexual contact. Moreover, these pills do not cause discomfort in the form of female headaches and nausea, and does not become a cause of increasing the pressure in women who are prone to hypertension . When receiving POCs no risk manifestations thrombosis   and other violations in the process of circulation. These drugs do not have a negative impact on the psychological state in contrast to the COC. In very rare cases, taking them can trigger depression. On the libido of women use these contraceptives are not affected.

In addition to these advantages when taking progestin preparations woman noted a decrease in pain during the menstrual period. Mini-pill may have some therapeutic effect when a woman has inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. In contrast to the combined oral contraceptives such drugs can be used in preparation for surgery.

Taking the mini-pill, a woman can count on the fact that its ability to conceive after taking the pills will recover very quickly. After graduating from the use of tablets woman can become pregnant within a month after the last dose POCs.


But in addition to these advantages, there are some significant disadvantages that women suffer when using progestin preparations. Very uncomfortable for some women is the need to comply with very precise mode of taking the pills. Consequently, the mini-pill is strictly not suitable for those who find it difficult to organize their time. The disadvantage is noted and lower efficiency compared with the efficiency of COCs.

While receiving the mini-pill, some women say they can gain weight. At the same time, there are cases of loss of body weight.

When using this method of contraception is completely absent adequate protection from contamination diseases that are transmitted sexually , and AIDS . The contraceptive effect may be reduced if POCs are accepted in parallel with the preparations that have anticonvulsant effects, as well as with an anti- TB .

Side effects

 Progestin-only contraceptives  While receiving the progestin-only contraceptives in women sometimes changes the menstrual cycle that can be expressed in amenorrhea And an increase in bleeding. In most cases there is no need to cancel the drug. Approximately one month later, these side effects disappear on their own. Also, when taking a mini-pill increases the risk of ovarian cysts . Once the drug is canceled cyst disappears after a few months without treatment.

When receiving POCs in women may be exacerbated thrush If there is a predisposition to candidiasis . Patients diabetes   sometimes using kotratseptivov this group manifested nausea, dizziness, weakness, that alone stopped about a month without discontinuation.

Sometimes it is possible to increase the amount allocated sebum, more rarely - the emergence of acne .

In the early days of receipt minipill woman can celebrate that the sensitivity of breast increased. Discontinuation of the drug is required, symptoms disappear on their own.

Sometimes it develops a strong sensitivity to ultraviolet light, which leads to the appearance of age spots. With this phenomenon in the first months of taking the pills, doctors recommend not to sunbathe or visit a solarium.

In addition to these side effects in women may swell feet, in rare cases - increased growth of body hair.

The drug is canceled only if the woman is having prolonged bleeding with copious. Also cancellation is suitable if the above-mentioned side effects do not stop for longer than 2-3 months.

Who should not use the progestin-only contraceptives?

 Progestin-only contraceptives  No admission of progestin-only contraceptives in women who have been diagnosed of breast cancer . cirrhosis of the liver . liver tumors . You can not take in the mini-pill hepatitis   in the active stage, bleeding from the genitals At lesions of the brain and the cardiovascular system At epilepsy . severe kidney disease . You can not simultaneously use drugs with anticonvulsant action.

To choose the right medication, as well as to determine the presence of contraindications, a woman should consult a gynecologist. Before the final choice of the drug should be required to undergo an ultrasound pelvic exam to rule out pregnancy. You also need a gynecological examination and analysis smears to eliminate cancer pathologies and determination of the microflora.

Features progestin contraceptives

Using the contraceptive progestin is recommended for women of childbearing age, as well as those who are in the period peremenopauzy. FTC also shown nursing mothers, who says regular sex life; women who have recently given birth, but refused to breast-feeding; women who had an abortion; Women who smoke; those who suffer from hypertension or a bleeding disorder.

When using the mini-pill, women need to do everything possible to avoid interruptions in the pill. A woman must build for itself a certain regimen of pills and a reminder of this action. If the tablet has not been adopted on time (more than three hours after the time at which it was necessary to take a pill), then for seven days, a woman should use an additional method of contraception. Similar actions are necessary if after taking the pill for two hours there was a vomiting or diarrhea.

When the manifestation of certain symptoms in women, used as a method of contraception minipill required treatment to the gynecologist. These symptoms are too heavy or prolonged periods (about two times higher than in the normal situation). In the absence of menstruation after a few regular cycles a woman requires examination by a gynecologist to rule out pregnancy. It is also important to exclude ectopic pregnancy If women are recurrent abdominal pain.

In violation of the regularity of reception mini-drank, as a result of which the woman becomes pregnant, you should stop taking the drug. Pregnancy interrupt is not required, as the tablets of this type contains a small dose of the hormone has no effect on the fetus negatively. Prenatal care in the normal mode.


Description overdue on 29.01.2012

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 Plavix  Antiplatelet antiplatelet drugs . Main, an active substance - clopidogrel Which it is metabolized in the body to form the active form oksoklopidogrela (thiol derivative). The last binds to receptors on the surface Platelet . Normally these receptors sensitive to ADP ( adenosine diphosphate ), And after interaction with platelet ADP runs aggregation process Ie begins blood clotting   When oksoklopidogrelem bound receptors, platelet activation occurs, the processes of coagulation inhibited .  Clopidogrel platelet receptor interaction is irreversible, ie throughout the life of the platelet is inactive .  This explains the stable and reliable antiplatelet effect of the drug Plavix, which is achieved by the seventh day of the drug .  Later, as we update our pool of platelets to inhibit blood cells are replaced by new, and platelet activity is recovering at the same level .  Normal platelet aggregation is already fixed on the fifth day after the drug Plavix .  The drug is taken orally, its concentration in the blood plasma does not reach high numbers .  The metabolism of clopidogrel is carried out in the hepatic system, with urine and feces in about equal proportions .  The half-life oksoklopidogrela - 8:00 .


Plavix is ​​widely used in neurology to prevent   thrombosis   patients with ischemic stroke . In this case, long-term clopidogrel is appointed, therapy lasts for about six months after suffering a violation cerebral circulation   (applies only in ischemic stroke!). Plavix is ​​widely used for the treatment of vascular disease ( peripheral arterial disease ). In cardiology actively include drug therapy in acute coronary events: in the treatment of myocardial infarction, acute coronary syndrome   no segment elevation on the electrocardiogram ST. In combination with aspirin, clopidogrel is used in the treatment of myocardial infarction without pathological Q wave on the electrocardiogram and in therapy unstable angina .


Plavix is ​​contraindicated under the age of eighteen, when expressed allergic reactions to clopidogrel during pregnancy, breastfeeding a child. It is impossible to prescribe a drug for severe liver disease. As Plavix has a direct effect on the blood clotting system, assign it in the presence of acute bleeding ( peptic ulcer Complicated by bleeding, hemorrhagic stroke ) Is absolutely contraindicated. In addition, you may not assign Plavix in the first seven days (acute phase) ischemic stroke , Therapy can be started only after a week.

Side effect:

While taking Plavix may cause bleeding . Typically, they are found in the first 30 days of therapy. It was several deaths due to gastrointestinal and   intracranial bleeding . Registered bleeding into joints ( hemarthrosis ), Bleeding in the eyes (conjunctive, retinal, ocular), from the respiratory tract. On the part of the digestive tract   may develop side effects such as epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, abnormal stools - how constipation And diarrhea . As severe complications can be called peptic ulcer, duodenal ulcer, inflammatory changes in the liver and pancreas. Nervous system   may respond to therapy with Plavix headaches, dizziness, dysgeusia in very rare cases confusion . From the blood   there may be a decrease in blood cell counts (as some of their species, and pancytopenia ) May develop arthralgia The appearance of the skin erythematous rash . itching . In some cases, there is violation of the urinary system.

Mode of application:

In order to prevent ischemic conditions in patients after myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke Plavix is ​​prescribed at a dose of 75 milligrams. Take once, the meal does not. A similar scheme is used in the treatment of peripheral arterial disease. In cardiology in acute coronary syndrome without ST-segment elevation receiving Plavix should start with a dose of 300 milligrams, and then you can move on to the standard dosage of 75 mg per day. At the same time prescribed acetylsalicylic acid . The course of treatment - up to one year.

Special instructions:

In case of overdose increases bleeding time. In order to quickly eliminate the effect of Plavix used a transfusion patient   platelets . No antidote. In the presence of patients with severe liver disease need to be vigilant, as the possible development of   hemorrhagic diathesis . Before surgery of any degree should stop taking Plavix for seven days in order to avoid complications and massive blood loss.

Drug Interactions:

In combination with warfarin use Plavix is ​​not recommended. Clopidogrel potentiates the effect of aspirin to reduce platelet aggregation induced by the interaction of platelets Collagen . At the same time, acetylsalicylic acid does not increase the inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation Plavix. Reception of both drugs at the same time during the year did not lead to negative effects. When receiving the drug Plavix heparin dosage adjustment is not required. Thus there is no data on the safety of the combination of heparin and Plavix, for simultaneous treatment with these drugs should be implemented very carefully. Heparin does not strengthen or weaken the effect of Plavix antiagregatine as fundamentally different effect on the coagulation system units. The combination of Plavix and naproxen   It increases the risk of developing gastrointestinal bleeding. Data about how dangerous it is in terms of bleeding in the digestive tract co-administration of adrenocortical hormones, and Plavix, no, but NSAIDs during treatment with Plavix must be assigned carefully. Drugs that reduce gastric acidity on the absorption of clopidogrel have no effect.


Description overdue on 07/28/2014

  • Latin name: Mlecoin
  • ATC code: G02CH
  • Active substance: Pulsatilla pratensis (Pulsatilla) C200, Urtica urens C200, Vitex agnus-castus (Agnus-castus) C50
  • Manufacturer: NPF Materia Medica Holding Ltd., the Russian Federation
Photos of the drug
  • Composition
  • Product form
  • Pharmacological action
  • Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Instructions on Mlekoin (method and dosage)
  • Overdose
  • Cooperation
  • Terms of sale
  • Storage conditions
  • Shelf life
  • Analogs
  • Reviews
  • Price, where to buy



The composition of the package weight 1 '10 includes active substances Pulsatilla pratensis (meadow chamber)   C200, Urtica urens (nettle)   C200, and Vitex agnus-castus (Vitex sacred)   C50.

The auxiliary substances are homeopathic granules made from sugar semolina .

Product form

10 g spherical granules of white color, without foreign smells and impurities in the package of a combined three-layer material. Each bag is placed in a cardboard box with instructions for use.

Pharmacological action

Homeopathic medicine, stimulating lactation .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The main active ingredient in a homeopathic remedy is Mlekoin I cross the meadow Which increases vascular tone, which significantly improves the flow of milk during lactation. Nettle   responsible for stimulating the secretory function of the mammary glands and the presence in the preparation Vitex sacred   It contributes to the preparation of breast milk production.

As a result of these substances Mlekoin prolong periods of breastfeeding by increasing the amount of breast milk. Particular attention to this homeopathic remedy should be paid to women with hypo-   and agalorrhea Which has a psychosomatic nature.

Due to the fact that the preparation contains ultralow doses of the active ingredients, it is impossible to conduct pharmacokinetic studies.


  • hypogalactia   and agalactia   (lack or absence of breast milk) at any stage;
  • prevention mastitis ;
  • It is used in complex treatment postpartum hemorrhage .


Hypersensitivity to the homeopathic remedy.

Side effects

When using the drug in these dosages on these indications and side effects for the moment we have not been identified.

Instructions on Mlekoin (method and dosage)

In accordance with the instructions for use Mlekoina granules should be taken under the tongue (sublingual) 5 granules for 1 reception and kept under the tongue until they are completely dissolved. It is advisable to use Mlekoin morning for 30 minutes before a meal. If necessary, the preparation is applied also at night.

For the best effect of treatment is recommended to start from the first week after birth. Duration of use must coincide with the period of lactation.


At this point in medicine no cases of overdose.


This homeopathic remedy does not adversely affect the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of other drugs and interacts well with them.

Terms of sale

Mlekoin can be purchased over the counter without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

Shelf life

Mlekoin kept for 3 years when stored.


Mlekoin or Apilak - which is better?

The main analogue drug is Mlekoin Apilak Which comprises dry native royal jelly   (secret allotroficheskih glands working bees). The main advantage to apilak Mlekoinom is the presence in its composition mineral substances   (iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus) microelements   (manganese, copper, zinc), vitamins   ( folic acid . inositol , H, C, B6, B8, B12, B1, B2, B5), amino acids And other biologically active substances.

Nevertheless, Apilak often causes allergic reactions and has more contraindications. It can not be applied to women suffering Addison's disease   and persons under 18 years of age.

Reviews Mlekoine

Average rating Mlekoina forums is 4, 2 to 5-point scale.

The advantages of the drug Visitors forums include:

  • low price;
  • efficiency;
  • administered once a day;
  • pleasant taste.

The disadvantages of the drug panellists are:

  • inconvenient packaging;
  • low efficiency during lactation crises.

Detailed reviews of tablets for lactation Mlekoin can be found on specialized sites with reviews and recommendations. After analyzing the responses about Mlekoine, we can conclude that it is indeed an effective tool for lactation, which does not cause side effects and works well with any other medicines. On the forums, many experts to improve the efficacy of the drug are advised to alternate it with apilak.

Information about the preparation Mlekoin Wikipedia there.

Price Mlekoina where to buy

The average price of a drug for lactation Mlekoin in Ukraine is 65 UAH.

Price Mlekoina in Moscow is 115 rubles.

Get the best price and buy

Monday, August 28, 2017

After the strike in the eye of the star burns

We got hit in the eye cataract men formed in the shape of a star. Doctors say that nature has created the perfect beauty of the clouding of the lens.

 After the strike in the eye of the star burns
55-year-old resident of Austria to a certain household fight received a punch in the eye, but the doctors did not apply. When the bruise came down, a man and completely forgotten about the incident. But six months later he started having problems with his vision - surrounding objects lost their former sharpness. Just then the man decided to consult an ophthalmologist, as reported in the journal New England Journal of Medicine.

Its experts visited the Medical University of Innsbruck. They diagnosed him cataracts   - Clouding of the lens, causing visual disturbances with characteristic vagueness. Most often the disease develops in old age (cataract has a one in three over 65), but it can also be the cause of the injury and the eye.

In fact, Cataract   often develop after an eye injury. As ophthalmologists say, in this case, "nature can create something truly beautiful." It happened at the Austrian men. In his eyes clouding formed in the shape of a star almost perfectly correct. Austrians rescued from the disorder of applying a technique called phacoemulsification - microsurgical technique cataract surgery In which to destroy the nucleus of the lens on the principle of "pneumatic hammer", a special needle.

"Whenever the eye is applied to trauma, such as stroke, his energy causes shock waves that pass through the eye - says ophthalmologist from New York Dr. Mark Fromer. - It can damage the lens of the eye, which will cause its turbidity, which is called a cataract . The main symptoms of cataract: problems with vision in bright light, color change, the emergence of yellow hues, blurring of vision. " (READ MORE)

Industry News

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Vaccination against whooping cough - money down the drain

 Vaccination against whooping cough - money down the drain  Adults are not the distributors of pertussis, as established researchers. Consequently, widely propagated by vaccination of adolescents and adults - a waste of time and money.

To a large extent it is the children spread whooping cough   in their environment, so that the vast adult pertussis vaccination and adolescents from the disease is absolutely not necessary as the researchers from the University of Michigan, led by Professor Pedzhmanom Rohani. Their study was published in the prestigious scientific journal Science.

It is popular in the United States rejects the view that the infected adult pertussis   have caused outbreaks of the disease in California and elsewhere. As is known,   whooping cough   caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Last month, the Medical Council has recommended to the US authorities to conduct an all-out vaccination   people older than 65 years against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough to protect children younger than a year, which is due to such a young age can not be vaccinated yet.

But Professor Rohani says he does not adults are the main carriers of bacteria pertussis . This disease is spread almost exclusively by children. Every year boleznporazhaet 30-50 million people, killing 300 of 000 victims of the disease in the majority of cases are children from developing countries.

But even in developed countries, too, when the flash, like the one that affected more than 6 400 people in California, killing at least 10 children. Vaccination against pertussis   in the United States was halted in 1978 and was not carried out in 17 years because of concerns about the impact of vaccines on children's health.

Treatment and prevention

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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Rattling in the chest

September 23, 2013

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 Rattling in the chest  Wheezing   - Sounds that occur as a result of intensive passage of air through the airways, which is currently narrowed.

As manifested wheezing in the chest?

Coughing and wheezing in the chest appear in various diseases, particularly for diseases of the bronchi, trachea. Sometimes hear while breathing in the chest wheezing can be a doctor, using a stethoscope. Explicit strong wheezing in the chest can be heard from people who for a long time and a lot of smoke. Sometimes wheezing distinguishable, if you put your ear to the man's chest.

Doctors are divided on wheezing dry and wet . Dry wheezing may be whistling and bass . Wheezing Usually occur when inflammation occurs due to narrowing of the bronchial tubes. Bass wheezing   It occurs when there are fluctuations in the bronchi thick mucus. As a consequence, there is a resonance and wheezing.

Dry wheezing formed without the direct involvement of the liquid. They often accompany laryngitis . bronchitis . pharyngitis . Observed during the dry wheezing asthma . In such a case there is a spasm of bronchial smooth muscle. It should pay special attention to wheezing in asthma. They are often present in an acute attack of the disease. However, if during the attack rattles suddenly disappear, it is possible that there was a complete closure of the airway narrowing. Therefore, it is a very dangerous sign.

Forming moist rales associated with the accumulation of fluid in the lumen of the bronchi. This may be sputum, blood, edematous fluid. Crackles are sonorous and nezvuchnye . Rales can listen in when surrounded by dense bronchi pulmonary tissue. In that case, can we talk about the development of pneumonia. Nezvuchnye wheezing doctor listens in the lower chest if there are congestion.

When coughing wheezing character is always changing. However, a person does not cease to rattle, even after he cleared his throat. They can either enhance or temporarily disappear. The specialist should be distinguished from wheezing crepitus . This phenomenon occurs when there is razlipanie terminal bronchioles departments .

Pitch, tone and volume of wheezing can be very different depending on how the bronchi are narrowed, and what kind of amazed bronchus. Dry wheezing usually are extended.

If the patient is tapped rales in the lungs and cough, these symptoms may be accompanied by other phenomena. This shortness of breath, severe agitation, tension in your neck. Can inflate the chest, a man worried periodically dry cough.

Why manifest wheezing in the chest?

 Rattling in the chest  It provided a number of diseases of the respiratory system, as well as other ailments for which may arise wheezing in the chest. It Pulmonary   and   heart failure . pneumonia . emphysema . tuberculosis . Rales can be heard at laryngitis and pharyngitis , Their appearance is typical for asthma .

Wheezing with bronchitis are heard clearly. Particularly well discernible wheeze at acute bronchitis . After a period of treatment of the disease the doctor listens necessarily not present any wheezing after bronchitis. In patients with both acute and chronic bronchitis tapped wet nezvuchnye wheezing. If such a phenomenon is assigned to additional therapy.

Rattling occur in severe allergic reactions that threaten human life. Also, wheezing may indicate that the respiratory tract has got a foreign body.

Wheezing often occur in children under the age of three. Since kids are relatively small airways, the bronchi muscles in spasm, swelling or inflammation patency quickly broken. Coughing and wheezing in a child occur even when he stays a long time in the air pollution. Therefore, smokers in no event should not smoke in the house, so as not to provoke a child wheezing and coughing.

Cough with wheezing in a child, as an adult, is shown in diseases of the respiratory system. If only coarse crackles heard during inhalation of air, in this case it is possible to suspect the development groats . You should always consult your doctor.

How to get rid of wheezing in the chest?

 Rattling in the chest  As with any other symptoms, the presence of wheezing in the chest, you must first install the correct diagnosis, and only then proceed to the treatment of the disease. Specialist wheezing listens with a stethoscope, if necessary, the x-ray and others.

Particular attention should be paid to the parents of the child who has observed wheezing in the chest. It should, without delay, summon emergency help if your child turns blue skin around the lips, there is difficulty in breathing, severe retardation, the child can not speak properly.

When the manifestation of wheezing in the chest among adults is recommended if possible warm the body and makes the procedure that can get rid of phlegm.

If patients have trouble breathing, he may be in the hospital for a while to connect to the respirator . Treatment wheezing chest is medication, which allows to open the airway anti-inflammatory agents. When applied dry cough suppressants it. For sputum discharge assigned to receive funds that liquefies phlegm. The patient in the early days of the disease should adhere to bed rest while lying in a comfortable position in which it is easier to breathe.

If the cough lasts for several days, and phlegm is not coming off, be sure to consult your doctor so that he appointed the right regimen. If a sputum is yellow or greenish, then it is a serious infection. During treatment, it is important to take all measures to fully clear the mucus from the bronchi. In parallel with the treatment prescribed by the doctor can practice the use of certain folk remedies, for example, receiving infusions of herbs, warm compresses, inhalations. It is important to drink plenty of warm fluids.

During active therapy should be completely abandon Smoking Area Limit contact with allergens . It is important to take care of the strengthening of the immune system. This is facilitated by intake of vitamin complexes, proper nutrition. During treatment your doctor may recommend to perform a special breathing exercises.

Once a disease associated with wheezing in the chest and cough, you need some time to stick to gentle treatment, not to go out in the winter, and to take all measures to prevent overcooling of the respiratory tract.

To prevent diseases associated with wheezing in the chest, you should avoid colds, try not to be in crowded places during epidemics, not supercool.

Dry eyes

September 20, 2013

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 Dry eyes  Dry eye   - A condition which manifests itself if eyes are not moistened or lubricated by tear fluid. This condition is also referred to as dry eye syndrome a . dry eye . Most women suffer from dry eyes.

How does dry eyes?

Symptoms of dry eye in humans appear, first of all, a sense of persistent eye irritation and burning sensation. The patient may feel that in the eyes there is a foreign object - appears so-called feeling of "sand in the eyes." This may be a reddening of the eyes, and even feel dry eye. Periodically, when dry eye syndrome occurs in humans the emergence of a blurred image. Vision can sometimes worsen by the end of the day, but permanent visual impairment are not observed. When dry eyes at the person develops photophobia - in bright light appear discomfort.

In humans, the tear film is three layers. Basically, the middle layer contains water as well as salts and proteins. His produce lacrimal gland Which are located on the outer edge of the eye. Tear fluid during blinking distributed on the ocular surface is moistened eye manner. The outer layer of the tear film is lipids That set meibomian gland . Through this layer the moisture evaporates and the tear film remains smooth. The conjunctiva   It covers the inner surface of the century and highlights the silent slimy substance that helps distribute evenly the tear fluid.

Dry eye is more common in older people. As a rule, older people worried about dry eyes in the morning. But in recent years dry eyes - a characteristic phenomenon for those young people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor. Particularly suffer from dry eye, those who spend many hours at the screen without interruption. Causes of dry eye may be other - a phenomenon often occurs when wearing lenses, especially if the person with contact lenses is in a room with air conditioning, a wind flow. This may also occur under dry eyes.

The man's eyes moistened and lubricated due to the presence of the tear film, which is formed by the tear fluid. If the tear film becomes thinner or violated its normal composition, the cornea dries up, and as a result, develop dry eyes. It exhibits high sensitivity of eyes to different stimuli - to smoke, dry air, bright light.

Why manifest dry eye?

 Dry eyes  The reasons that disrupted the normal process of dry eye may be very different. Dry eyes occur with age. The reason for this phenomenon - age reduction allocation tear fluid. As a result, it lacks sufficient moisture to the eye. There have also age changes the composition of the tear film. As a result, any adverse conditions provoke the manifestation of dry eye in older people.

Dry eye syndrome in children and adults, developed under the influence of certain drugs. A number of medicines with prolonged use causes the side effect of dry eye syndrome. Symptoms of dry eye may occur after administration diuretics . Antidepressants . antihistamines . oral konratseptivov . beta-blockers   and etc.

Sometimes dry eye is a common symptom of illness. This sometimes occurs when rheumatoid arthritis . lupus erythematosus . syndrome Segrena   and others. Some people have observed partial cover for centuries in certain diseases of the eye. This too can cause dry eye. Another cause of dry eye syndrome - age damage, the outer surface of the eye, which appeared as a result of injury, surgery, inflammation of the eyelids.

Private extensive cause provokes dryness of the eyes, - adverse conditions leading to too intense evaporation of tears. Dry eyes occur in those who are constantly in conditions of low humidity too, spends a lot of hours in front of a TV, monitor, microscope. When you work with these devices people blink less frequently than usual, so the amount of lacrimal fluid decreases. Dry eyes can disturb the person in windy conditions.

In some cases, doctors can not determine the reason why the people younger allocated fewer tear fluid and accordingly appears dry eye.

Dry eye syndrome rarely leads to complications, but they still can eventually develop. Occurrence of inflammation of the conjunctiva or cornea. In severe inflammation of the cornea ulcers appear. If the eyes are constantly red, felt pain in the eyes or develop persistent blurred vision, the patient should immediately consult a doctor.

How to get rid of dry eye?

 Dry eyes  The ophthalmologist determines the dry eye syndrome, guided by the presence of the main symptoms. But sometimes it can be suspected that dry eye is a symptom of another disease. In this case, patients received additional examinations. There is a special test ( Schirmer test ), By which to determine the dry eye syndrome. Under the lower eyelid man inserted a narrow strip of paper. She stays there for five minutes. Depending on the degree of wetting the doctor can determine if there is enough tear fluid is released.

Treatment of dry eyes is done after exclusion of all common diseases that could cause this symptom. If the patient's disease is determined which provoked the symptom, treatment of dry eye is provided together general treatment of disease. Generally, treatment of dry eye syndrome is performed using preparations of artificial tears and eye ointments. In more severe cases, deciding how to treat dry eye syndrome, the doctor may recommend therapy with a potent cure for dry eye syndrome. The fact how curable dry eye syndrome, it becomes immediately clear in the course of therapy.

Drops of dry eye are preparations of artificial tears Which, as a rule, perfectly removes all the symptoms of this syndrome. Buy eye drops from dryness can be without a prescription. Initially, these drugs should be used often, almost every hour. But if a man says that his health is improving gradually the number of instillation reduced to 3-4 per day. Some people to eliminate symptoms of the disease have to accept a drop in the dry eye syndrome regularly.

If the eye drops of dry eye cause irritation or allergic reaction, it is necessary to replace the drug to another. Formulations containing the composition benzalkonium hexachloride , With prolonged use can damage the cornea. When it comes to long-term use of these drops, replace them with the best preparation, which included no benzalkonium hexachloride.

To remove the irritation of the eyes, the practice of oculentums Which should be applied to the eyelid at bedtime. These ointments are useful, if a person has dry skin around the eyes. If such an ointment used in the daytime, they can trigger a manifestation of lack of clarity and to reduce the effect of the eye drops.

In the treatment can also be applied drugs that activate the process of development of the tear fluid. In more severe cases, the doctor prescribes blocking the outflow of tear fluid surgically.

If dry eye is shown at the person wearing contact lenses, it is on this issue it is necessary to inform the doctor that conducts routine inspections. In some cases, replacement lenses contact lenses or another type of replacement solution for care can solve this problem. Reduce the symptoms of dry eyes when wearing lenses can sometimes use moisturizing eye drops.

 Dry eyes  If you work long hours at a computer it is shown not only dry eyes, and headaches, fatigue. All this leads to a marked reduction in performance and a strong sense of discomfort. To avoid exacerbating the problem should adhere to certain rules that can reduce these symptoms. Wherever possible, to minimize the work at the computer, at least at the time when it is possible. It is advisable to take a break every hour at least 15 minutes. At this time, it is best to take a walk or do exercises for the eyes.

Treatment of dry eye folk remedies   It involves the use of lotions of infusion or decoction medicinal herbs . For example, conventional cotton pads can soak in the fresh tea leaves of strong tea and apply to the eyes for about 20 minutes. Treatment of folk remedies suggests a similar use of chamomile decoction. No less useful folk remedies for dry eyes - these are special exercises. It should take a break from work and 10 times to do eye movements from side to side, up and down. Useful much zazhmurivat eyes looked from one corner to another. Such actions in complex exercises should also be done for 10 times.

Another way to overcome the symptoms of dry eye - the use of a conventional candle. We must light a candle and watch for 10 minutes on a hot flame. With such a relaxing exercises can relax your muscles and to overcome the fatigue and stress.

Doctors advise necessarily walk in the fresh air, it should be done several times a day, and in the event that there is a strong eyestrain.

Unique anti-snoring pillow

December 7, 2011

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 Unique anti-snoring pillow  Experts from the Japanese Waseda University have come up with a new tool to combat snoring . They turned out to cushion a teddy bear, which was called "deep sleep." In order to cushion acted, the head of the bear must be put on the stomach during sleep.

The essence of the new method is as follows. Pillow in the form of a bear track sounds emitted by a person during sleep , With a special built-in sensor. If sleep begins to snore, clever turns bear paw the man's head so that his breathing returned to normal, and as a consequence, he has ceased to snore.

In addition to its basic function of a smart device has several positive aspects. Finger sleeping attaches a special device that measures pulse   and blood oxygen level. At the same time, under the human body during sleep put the device that connects the pulse sensor and the very anti-snoring pillow.


September 28, 2013

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 Euphoria  Euphoria   - It is the human condition, which occurs against the backdrop of positive emotions and shows rapid mood, bliss, delight. It resembles that of a state of euphoria affect .

How does the euphoria?

The euphoria does not involve a significant physical activity. A person in a state of bliss and happiness, can move very little, and sometimes he even stays in " Locked "State, which is characterized by slowing of intellectual processes. In a state of euphoria man shows pathologically benign and joyful mood . It was like looking at the world and people around him through rose-colored glasses, showing optimism that nothing can disturb. Pathological nature of euphoria characterized by the fact that even the negative and tragic events in the life of a man in a state of euphoria, happily accepts. There has also been criticism reduced to illness: the patient does not agree with the fact that his condition is not normal. Aspirations to active thinking and accelerate at the same time is not observed.

Doctors note that the euphoria of some manifestations reminiscent of the beginning mania . But when mania develops constantly and independently, it causes euphoria are always specific and they determine its duration and severity.

At first glance, it can be assumed that the euphoria indicates that the patient feels very good. However, this symptom may indicate a serious pathological conditions and diseases ( migraine . epilepsy and etc.)

Why appears the euphoria?

 Euphoria  Pinpoint the cause of the euphoria may specialist after thorough examination. But the sudden manifestation of this condition should alert the person and his family, as sometimes a state of euphoria is evidence of a very terrible disease. For example, when the euphoria is sometimes oxygen deficiency Which causes serious internal blood loss.

But in most cases the reasons for euphoria have psychic character. Most often pronounced euphoria develops in affective disorder . manic syndrome .

Euphoria characteristic of alcohol and drug intoxication. Also, the euphoria seen after administration psychoactive substances   and preparations. While taking narcotic drugs raises the emotional background of the person. However, when taking a certain type of narcotics observed individual manifestations of euphoria. Opiates provoke the manifestation of the feeling of emotional calmness and physical pleasure. The man who used stimulants in a state of excitement. Hallucinogens cause disturbances of consciousness and perception disorders of the world. If the person abusing substances from the group morphines   or hypnotics, the manifestations of euphoria may be accompanied by difficulty and uncharacteristic mental processes and raising the threshold of perception.

In patients with oncological illnesses euphoria is sometimes observed in the terminal phase of the disease. This symptom is sometimes accompanied by some somatic illness.

How to get rid of euphoria?

 Euphoria  If a person for some time in a state of euphoria, it is necessary to consult a specialist psychiatrist. Initially, the doctor who determines the patient's state of euphoria, inspection and investigation, to prevent drug abuse, alcoholism.

Treatment directly manifestations of euphoria is impractical. Doctor prescribes intramuscular injection benzodiazepines Only if the patient is pronounced motor excitation or misconduct. The manifestations of euphoria is possible to stop only if the expert is completely sure that they are not a symptom of a serious disease.

If the euphoria - a manifestation of mental or physical illness, then the complex therapy of disease, which provoked the symptom.