June 6th, 2011
- Atopic dermatitis in children
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Allergies - Hypersensitivity of the immune system to the effects of some environmental factors, called allergens. An allergic reaction can occur at any substance previously sensitized body with repeated exposure to it. Prolonged or frequent allergen entry into the body, causes an accelerated reaction to a foreign substance, and leads to the development of allergic diseases.
Expression "Allergy" It was first used in 1906 by Austrian pediatrician K. Pirque . The term denotes the change, an unusual body's response to diphtheria serum administered to children for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Later, the term "allergy" has become more widespread designation. But long before the classification as a separate allergic diseases have been described disease caused by allergens: hay fever . Food intolerance .
To date, 20% of the world population suffers from allergies. The disease tends to increase over the last 50 years, significantly, the cases of allergic diseases. The reasons for this growth are the rapid development of the chemical industry, a broad and virtually uncontrolled use of antibiotics, the use in everyday life large number of industrial and household substances such as synthetic polymeric materials, dyes, preservatives, chemical detergents and other substances can be allergens.
The disease does not develop in all cases, the body contact with the allergen. A major role in causing the disease plays a hereditary factor. This is not an allergic disease is inherited and predispose the body to respond to the increased reaction of some substances. The child, whose parents have allergic disease, a reaction to the allergen is manifested in a different form, different from the parents. In families where both parents are prone to allergies, the risk of disease of 70% if only one sick of the parents - 50%. Besides heredity significant contribution to the development of allergic diseases are making state of the endocrine and nervous systems.
Allergens Various substances can be both simple and compound bromine or iodine And complex - proteins . polysaccharides and combinations thereof. There are allergens exogenous Ie falling outside the body, and Endogenous Which are formed in the body. Depending on the group developed different responses to allergens and allergic diseases that require timely and proper treatment.
The exogenous allergens
The substances causing allergic reactions when ingested or in contact with it, can be both infectious and non-infectious origin. The exogenous allergens from entering the body which causes damage to organs and systems are divided into several groups.
- Biological allergen. This group includes bacteria, viruses, fungi, worms, serum and vaccinal preparations. Diseases caused by biological allergens belong to the group of infectious-allergic. The source of the disease may be source of infection in the body - carious teeth, cholecystitis , Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Helminthiases acts as an allergen in connection with a hit in the blood and life of the decay products of worms, there is a reaction during intoxication.
- Household allergens. This group includes house dust, dust mites, fungi, formed in damp areas, pieces of household insects. When injected into the body through the respiratory tract, they cause allergic diseases such as allergic (vasomotor) rhinitis, bronchial asthma.
- There is a reaction and epidermal allergens - Hair, wool, dandruff animals. The cases of occurrence of the reaction to household chemicals, and in particular to detergents and cleaners.
- Pollen exogenous allergens. Allergic reactions to pollen are the most common. Allergenic pollen has properties of certain types of wind-pollinated plants not exceeding 35 microns in diameter. There are symptoms of hay fever - conjunctivitis, runny nose, swelling, skin rashes. The totality of these reactions is called hay fever . The strongest pollen allergen is ragweed pollen weed. In order to prevent allergies is held annually the mass destruction of the plant.
- Food allergens. This group can be attributed almost all foods. More often than others food allergy cause such products milk, eggs, meat, fish, tomatoes, citrus fruits, chocolate, strawberries and crayfish. When the allergen enters the gastrointestinal tract appears vomiting, diarrhea, and later allergy symptoms - hives . fever . In children, food allergy is manifested in the case of overfeeding, a sign of her rashes, diathesis. In some cases, the intolerance of some products is not an allergic reaction. It is related to the lack of certain enzymes in the gastric juice, which leads to disturbances in the digestive system similar to a food allergy.
- Industrial allergens. Reactions to this group of substances appear as skin lesions - occupational allergic contact dermatitis. Such allergens include turpentine, mineral oil, nickel, chromium, arsenic, tar, tannins, varnishes, insectofungicides. Also, in some cases, groups of allergens industrial protrude substances which include bakelite, formalin, urea, epoxy resins, detergents, aminobenzene derivatives, quinoline, chlorobenzene. Often there is an allergic reaction to cosmetic chemical composition is for coloring hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, perfume substances, shampoos and others. Allergies can occur with prolonged contact with any of the industrial substances, so it often occurs in people who work in the chemical industry.
Drug allergy. An allergic reaction can occur at any drug, in each case develop various reactions, represented by all four types of immune system hypersensitivity to drugs. The reaction occurs only after a mandatory pre-sensitization of the organism, and the ability to hide sensitization. Drug allergy differs pronounced polymorphism manifestations sudden development, increasing the severity of symptoms. The severity of the reaction is not related to the dose of the drug causing the reaction. May develop anaphylactic shock . bronchial asthma , Urticaria, angioedema . nasal allergy as a response to penicillin . analgene . novocaine Vitamins. Serum sickness occurs when exposed antibiotics , Sulfonamides, hormones , Medicines containing derivatives of nitrofuran. Hemolytic reactions cause drugs pirazolonovogo series. Perhaps the slow development of allergic reactions, such as contact dermatitis .
Endogenous allergens
In some cases allergens can act tissues of the body tissue of the eye lens, myelin nerve tissue, the tissue of the thyroid gland and testicles. A special group of endogenous allergens account for physical factors, in which the substance produced in the body to cause allergic disease. Such factors may include heat, cold, mechanical irritation, burns, radiation exposure, and exposure to microbial products or viruses with body tissues. Under the influence of external factors in the body produce proteins with altered confirmation, and for which there is an allergic reaction. Such changes may also occur in some diseases, the most frequent response in rheumatoid arthritis . systemic lupus erythematosus , Autoimmune diseases.
Allergy Treatment
Allergy Treatment aimed at reducing the body's sensitivity to an allergen when administered in repeated interictal period. The method is based on the fact that the repeated gradual introduction into the body of the allergen in increasing doses causes the formation of specific blocking antibody. These antibodies bind to the allergen and prevent its contact with allergic antibodies, and therefore do not give cause allergic reactions and damage cells. This method of treatment is quite effective in some cases it is possible to get rid of allergies forever, but more often simply loosen the reaction to the allergen. Softer action the popular treatments of allergies and allergic diseases. But many of them have symptoms, which traditional medicine can not cope, so is used as a symptomatic treatment .
Allergic rhinitis
One of the first symptoms of allergies, which are amenable to unconventional treatment is allergic rhinitis . It can be regarded as neuro-reflex disease or local anaphylactic reaction to the allergen. The slightest irritation of the nerve endings of the nasal cavity leads to a violent reaction of the nasal mucosa. The reaction can be caused by a pungent odor, pollen and indoor allergens. As allergy symptoms appear watery mucus, sneezing , Nasal congestion but no inflammation of the mucosa that is called allergic rhinitis. Vasomotor rhinitis can be seasonal - hay fever, or allergic rhinitis, vasomotor round.
For medical treatment of allergic rhinitis used calcium supplements and antihistamines - diphenhydramine . pipolfen . suprastin . Treatment of alternative medicine has a positive effect when receiving infusions of herbs. Allergic rhinitis caused by indoor allergens, are well treated in the broth, which includes St. John's wort. To prepare the broth take 5 parts of St. John's wort, 4 of the centaury, 3 parts dandelion root, and 1 part of horsetail, chamomile and corn stigmas. Plants pour a glass of cold water and bring to a boil, 1 hour, use 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
If hay fever is recommended to gargle and wash out the nasal passages weak infusion of Leonurus or clean water. This procedure should be performed after each exit to the street.
Allergic disease occurs by ingestion of certain drugs, insect bites, exposure to physical factors. It is characterized by itchy skin rash blisters Which are swelling papillary layer of the skin. Medikamentozno hives treated antihistamines . In severe cases apply glucocorticoid agent. After the relief of acute symptoms is carried out desensitization. Traditional methods of allergy treatment is used as a topical treatment and blood cleansing remedy.
The positive effect of hives and other allergic rashes have infusion of nettle , Popularly called the deaf nettle. To prepare 1 tablespoon. spoon flowers nettle pour a glass of boiling water, to insist, encased in 20 minutes. Drink infusion 4 times a day ½ cup or 1 cup of decoction three times a day.
Similarly, action has grass succession tripartite, the infusion is prepared from 4 tbsp. tablespoons chopped herbs per liter of boiling water, drink, as well as the infusion of nettle, ½ cup 4 times a day.
To facilitate the condition of the skin using a bath with a decoction of wild rosemary marsh. 1 liter of decoction or infusion of rosemary to the bath water. These baths help to get rid of the itchy rash.
In folk medicine, with a strong allergy mummy used high quality. It has a fast action with strong allergies, relieves swelling of the mucous membranes in the throat, thus prevents the development of angioedema . Qualitative mumie dissolves without residue solution is used in a proportion of 1 g mumie 1 liter of warm water. Take the solution should be 1 time per day with milk. Children of preschool age the dose should not exceed 70 ml. for adults and children over 8 years of daily dose of 100 ml. Allergy treatment carried out courses for 20 days twice a year.
Antiallergic properties are plants such as the silver birch, meadow knapweed, nettle, dandelion, horsetail, common chicory, licorice. Infusions and decoctions fees of these herbs can to stop allergic reactions. But we should not, apply folk remedies to consult with experts. Since allergies can manifest strong reactions that require emergency care. In particular, some allergy symptoms lead to anaphylactic shock. Shock may cause allergic diseases such as hay fever and angioedema with the defeat of the pollen allergen or drug.
Angioedema (angioneurotic edema)
The disease is very difficult with a strong suffocation In connection with angioedema throat extending to the larynx, skin, mucous membranes and subcutaneous. The first signs of edema are hoarse voice, barking cough, difficulty inhaling and exhaling, shortness of breath.
After that is developing rapidly stridor , The person becomes cyanotic And then fades. The patient requires emergency care, until the tracheostomy, as death can occur as a result of asphyxia . In some cases the swelling occur in the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract or in the meninges. In this scenario, you experience a headache, cramps, vomiting. It may be anaphylactic shock.
Pollen disease
Manifested of acute conjunctivitis, rhinitis, acute inflammation of the airways. It happens quite often cross alimentary allergy . If you have hay fever, after drug use can occur anaphylactic shock. In most cases, such a reaction occurs without prior sensitization, the first administration of the drug. Unlike other allergic reactions to drugs with pollinosis plays an important role dose medication caused the reaction.
Serum sickness
Allergic disease develops within 1-2 weeks after the administration of horse serum, which is part of the tetanus toxoid. Symptoms of allergies are increasing rapidly, involving many systems and organs. There are high fever, lymphadenopathy, skin rash polymorphic, bronchospasm, and severe emphysema, leading to anaphylactic shock. Often there is hemolytic anemia, mucous membranes and joints.
Symptoms of anaphylactic shock is a whistling sound while breathing, wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath - similar to an asthma attack. With the development of shock, the patient feels a panic attack fear, pain in the heart, tinnitus, nausea. After that comes a loss of consciousness and seizures.
Allergy Prevention
Different people are allergic to various substances appears, so allergy prevention for each patient must be strictly indvidualnoy. When reactions to household allergens should install air conditioning at home, which perfectly cleans the air from dust and various particles. It is mandatory to get rid of carpets and other soft surfaces that absorb dust. You should also minimize the amount of upholstered furniture. When response to epidermal allergens should not keep animals at home, if you can not get rid of the dog or cat, you need to isolate them from their bedroom and not in contact with the animals.
Working with substances for which there is an allergic reaction you need to use a mask or respirator, gloves. The house must be a humidifier protivopyltsovye and small screens on the windows. When propensity to hay fever should not go out in windy, dry weather. The best solution is to change their place of residence on the wind-pollinated plants flowering season if this is not possible, you can go for a walk, just early in the morning and late at night.
Drug allergies also requires prevention, always include the medical personnel of the previous exhibit reactions to any drugs, whether it was the antibiotics or vitamins. It should also be made aware of the presence of a doctor of allergic diseases in parents. An important method of prevention is immunotherapy .
Strengthen the immune system can be and with the help of folk remedies. Alternative medicine is used to strengthen the immunity Allergy therapy fruit and vegetable juices. Juices to help get rid of toxins and cleanse the body, and plenty of vitamins and enzymes contained in them promote health. Good effect gives citrus juices and fruit diet in combination with treatment enemas. .
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