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June 15, 2012

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 Rhinitis  Rhinitis   - An infectious disease in which a person takes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. In fact, rhinitis - is the medical name for the common cold. All rhinitis occurs in two forms - acute   and Chronic . One of the most common illnesses are acute rhinitis, which can manifest itself as an independent disease, but also occur as a state, accompanied by other infectious diseases.

Causes of rhinitis

In medical practice are several types of rhinitis, which differ depending on factors provoking them.

At   catarrhal rhinitis   the patient is standing catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity. This condition occurs as a result of frequent respiratory infections, acute rhinitis, high bacterial contamination of the mucous membrane, the general decrease the body's defenses. Besides, catarrhal rhinitis may be a consequence of the severe air pollution by dust or combustion products. The reason for this form of rhinitis is also smoke.

Manifestation Allergic rhinitis   - A consequence of contact with the body, in particular the nasal mucosa, substances that provoke the development allergic reactions . In some cases, the development of allergic rhinitis is characterized by seasonality, but some people are prone to the manifestation allergies , This form of rhinitis is present throughout the year. Seasonal rhinitis often seen as a reaction to the impact of pollen in flowering plants. Also, allergic reactions can cause the food, dust, animal dander.

Very often, this condition is shown in parallel with the hives . allergic conjunctivitis . asthma And other manifestations of allergy. In some cases, long-term course of allergic rhinitis in patients develop polyps, hypertrophy and lower nose shell.

The consequence of receiving a number of drugs are sometimes becomes drug-induced rhinitis . Basically, this disease develops during treatment with drugs that reduce arterial pressure . neuroleptics . tranquilizers . Also, medical rhinitis can trigger drinking. However, most often the cause of rhinitis drug becomes frequent use of nasal drops with vasoconstrictor effect. These drops should not be used for a long time. The latter is especially true for the elderly and those suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, as these medications can trigger high blood pressure and expression tachycardia .

 Rhinitis  Atrophic rhinitis   It occurs in humans as a consequence of a lack in his body minerals . vitamins . This disease often affects people who work where there is exposure to harmful factors such as dust, heat, dry air. Sometimes atrophic rhinitis is caused by the presence of genetic predisposition to this disease. Also this form of rhinitis sometimes manifested after as radical surgery performed on different structures of the nose.

  Development vasomotor rhinitis Associated with vascular disorders, often occurs in patients who suffer from neurocirculatory dystonia . hypotension At asthenovegetative syndrome And also due to some diseases of endocrine nature. Vasomotor rhinitis is shown as a consequence of swelling of nasal turbinate tissue. This phenomenon is due to impaired vascular tone in general, as well as violations of vascular tone mucosa of the nasal cavity. This shape rhinitis develops due to changes in the excitability of the autonomic nervous system. This phenomenon causes the inadequate response of the nasal mucosa even normal physiological irritation. Is changing the structure of the epithelial layer, reduced absorptive capacity of the mucosa.

Symptoms of rhinitis

Accepted subdivide several stages of the acute form of the disease, which manifest different symptoms of acute rhinitis. At first, dry stage   disease symptoms of rhinitis manifested characteristic dryness and feeling of tension in the nose. Gradually, the patient swells the mucous membrane, there is nasal congestion.

On the second, wet stage   a feeling of nasal congestion becomes more intense, a man almost can not breathe through the nose, there are strong separation with a slimy character.

The third stage - fester   - Characteristic manifests reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa. At the same time the patient becomes easier to breathe through the nose, and the allocation of mucous gradually transformed into mucopurulent. Initially, such allocation is still abundant, but their number is gradually decreasing. After 7-10 days of illness recovery occurs.

Symptoms of chronic rhinitis form somewhat different from the above symptoms. For chronic rhinitis of different types characterized by some common symptoms. First of all, it is noticeable nose shortness of breath, worsening sense of smell, constant runny nose. In addition, patients with chronic rhinitis are often worried about burning sensation and itching in the nose, constant sneezing Manifestation of headaches, dryness in the nasal cavity. Man can also celebrate severe drowsiness   and a constant state of fatigue. May appear brown nose, sometimes have small nasal bleeding And in the nasopharynx can accumulate very thick mucus, sometimes there is an unpleasant smell. In chronic rhinitis and irritated skin on the wings of the nose, irritation can also grab the upper lip. The person gradually worsening sleep, he always snored.

Symptoms of rhinitis differ depending on what type of disease developed in a patient. At catarrhal rhinitis all major symptoms are expressed moderately. For allergic rhinitis is characterized by a permanent form tickling and itching in the nasal cavity. This person often sneezes, he observed increased lacrimation, red skin on the nose and underneath view of a permanent separation of watery fluid.

 Rhinitis  Vasomotor rhinitis nasal appears alternately: as a rule, laid down one or the other half of the nose. Sometimes there is congestion in a patient only in the supine position. In addition, the patient may feel a general weakening of the body, had lost appetite, sleep is difficult due to nasal congestion.

Sometimes the result of a long nose breathing disorders as a result of the deterioration becomes ventilation, blood flow is disrupted. Consequently, the more pronounced are disorders of the nervous system.

In atrophic rhinitis in the nose appears a lot of dry crusts, due to their drop-mucous sometimes injured. Sometimes, the patient feels the odor, but surrounding it do not feel. Epistaxis, which may occur occasionally, mostly on their own are sometimes required to enter into the nose a cotton ball soaked Vaseline .

Complications rhinitis

Complications rhinitis often become more serious infectious diseases. So, against rhinitis may manifest laryngitis . tracheitis . pharyngitis . bronchitis . pneumonia . Sometimes chronic rhinitis enters sinusitis . It is also a complication of rhinitis may be some form of otitis . dacryocystitis . dermatitis nasal vestibule . Vasomotor rhinitis is very often a predisposing factor for later development sinusitis . sore throat . chronic laryngitis   and pharyngitis . Rhinitis children provokes aggravate the same as that of the adults.

Diagnosis of rhinitis

 Rhinitis  Determine the development of rhinitis easy, guided by the presence of the described symptoms. But in the process of diagnosis, exclude specific rhinitis, which manifests itself as a symptom of certain infectious diseases - Measles . Diphtheria . pertussis . scarlet fever . Rhinitis may also appear at gonorrhea . syphilis And other diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact.

If there is a suspicion of allergic rhinitis, it is important to be sure to conduct allergy tests. To do this, take a skin test allergens And conducted special tests.

Vasomotor rhinitis is diagnosed by examining data from medical history and blood tests, which is isolated from the nasal cavity.

To determine the exact form of rhinitis is used rhinoscopy   - The study of upper respiratory tract. If there is a suspicion of a manifestation of complications, the doctor may prescribe conduct X-ray examination of the lungs, sinuses, middle ear. In addition, the possible appointment of inspection and consultation with other professionals - allergist, pulmonologist, ophthalmologist. Also, sometimes it is advisable to conduct instrumental examination of the pharynx, ear, larynx.

Treatment of rhinitis

Treatment of rhinitis, which occurs as a symptom of an infectious disease should be performed at bedrest. It is particularly important to adhere to this regime people who greatly increased body temperature. If the body temperature exceeds the figure for acute conditions in 39 ° C, it should abandon the recommended rhinitis hot tubs for the feet, which are shown in the low-grade fever. These baths help to alleviate nasal congestion and significantly improve the protective function of the nasal mucosa.

For the treatment of rhinitis patients were administered nasal drops with vasoconstrictor effect. This solutions ephedrine . galazolin   et al. Once there is an influence of such a drug, it is advisable to introduce the nose 2% Protargolum Which acts as a disinfectant and astringent. Sometimes the doctor may also order intake of antibiotics. Most of these drugs are used in the form of sprays.

In the treatment of rhinitis should always take into account the fact that too prolonged use of vasoconstrictors in the end may have some side backfire. It might appear edema of the nasal mucosa, allergic reactions. In the course of treatment is required to regularly clean mucus from the nose. The process of blowing your nose at the same time must be right, because the wrong actions can trigger the development of certain complications. Nasal mucus should blow, opening his mouth, and the considerable effort to make it is not necessary. We need to blow your nose, covering his nostrils in turn. If the dry peel nose formed, they must be first softened by boiled vegetable oil or petrolatum. Then peel are carefully removed and otsmarkivaetsya nasal mucus.

In the treatment of rhinitis it is important to regularly drink warm liquids. In this case, suitable milk and tea with honey. If the patient suffers from a temperature exceeding 38 ° C, then it is recommended to take the drug with antipyretic effect. However, in some cases, these drugs can trigger the development of complications and lower the body's resistance to the attacks of human infections.

The patient rhinitis is important to fully eat, including in the diet of foods high in vitamins .

 Rhinitis  Treatment of chronic rhinitis differs depending on its variety. Patients with catarrhal rhinitis commonly prescribed agents, similar drugs in the treatment of acute rhinitis. For the treatment of catarrhal rhinitis is important to initially rid of the factors that affect the process of its development. In addition to treatment with antibacterial drugs effective local impact on the patient's condition as a number of physiotherapy treatments that prescribed by the physician. When treatment failure is sometimes used moxibustion mucosa or cryotherapy.

For treating atrophic rhinitis prescribe the use of ointments and straw which have softening and disinfecting effect. For the treatment of rhinitis of this form is also used oil solutions of vitamins A and E for instillation into the nose. Good effect of aloe juice, rosehip oil. Also appointed by conducting alkaline oil inhalations

For the treatment of allergic rhinitis especially important to eliminate the influence of the factors that provoke an allergic reaction. Sometimes it is enough to avoid close contact with pets, avoid secondhand smoke constantly wet cleaning rooms. It is also important to adjust its own power supply, eliminating possible allergens from the diet. It should be used with care and medical drugs.

As drugs which are used for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, it is primarily used antihistamines having both local and general effects. They block histamine receptors of the nasal mucous membrane, which allows the process to stop the sneezing, itching, and eliminate the appearance of nasal secretions. But this condition nasal congestion persists. Consequently, used for the treatment and vasoconstrictors. However, they are not recommended for use for more than ten days. In the treatment of antihistamines, it is important to consider that as a possible manifestation of the side effects severe drowsiness, weakness. May fail to coordinate and overcome periodic headache . It is important that antihistamines picked doctor, appointing them, depending on the individual patient.

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis should primarily be aimed at reducing the reactivity of the nervous system. Therefore, it is important to apply the regular procedure for the hardening of the body, use the drugs used to stimulate the body's defenses. Sometimes, for the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis is recommended acupuncture   and laser therapy . If the effect of all these methods of treatment is not available, a doctor may prescribe conduct TCA cauterization of inferior turbinates, cryoablation procedure, and sometimes - surgery. Sometimes it is necessary to conduct septoplasty   - Operation allows to correct a deviated septum.

Prevention of rhinitis

As the prevention of rhinitis allocated general hardening of the body, a healthy diet, regular life. Do not supercool body. It is also important to ensure that working and living in areas with clean air and normal levels of humidity and temperature.

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