Friday, April 28, 2017

Male potency

January 16, 2012

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 Male potency  Potency   (from the Latin word potentia Indicating the "power") is the ability of the body to the product intercourse . As a rule, sexologists, the term usually refers to the Sexuality   the stronger sex. Therefore the potency determines the male sexual performance. This term is used for the characteristics of the voltage level of the penis, and to indicate the speed of the appearance of erection, and to determine the presence of sexual excesses, as well as the opportunity to lead a normal sexual life is intense. However, a person does not determine the potency of them used the rhythm of sexual activity, because in fact the potential of a particular male sexual performance may be higher than the number of sexual acts, which he usually is. As a rule, in relation to women's sexual performance, the term "potency" is used less frequently and mainly in the determination of the ability to experience orgasm .

Features potency

As a rule, most of the sexual possibilities of man can achieve with the full relaxation and abstraction from everyday problems and troubles. Increased potency possible during the honeymoon, after a change of sexual partner or after a relatively long period of sexual abstinence.

However, there are a lot of normal everyday situations that may adversely affect potency. So, it may be psychological conflicts in everyday personal and professional life, the presence of an unsuitable environment for sexual intimacy, the wrong attitude partner and a number of other conventions. Typically, the ability to fertility   It does not always depend on the ability of men to make a full sexual intercourse.

When the manifestation of the inability to achieve sexual arousal manifests health problem, which is called impotence . To determine how to improve the potency, it is necessary first of all to pass a comprehensive examination by a qualified specialist.
Most of the stronger sex potency believe a very important point of their lives. Hence, when the manifestation of these problems a lot of attention is drawn to the increase in potency. Very often, the occurrence of problems with potency may cause symptoms of uncertainty, and as a result, the person becomes more withdrawn, he is subject to certain complexes.

Potency and age

During the life of the potency of men is changing. The level of sexual activity, the highest at a young age. However, age can not be considered a major factor in the decrease or increase potency.

According to the results of several studies to date by men 20-50 years of age have an average of eight sexual acts per month. In this case, the age factor is not decisive for the state of potency. However, the induced average survey results can not be attributed to a specific person, because the potency is affected by a number of different factors: the general state of health, psychological climate in the relationship with his partner, the existence of certain external circumstances. For couples who have a harmonious, happy relationship, the sexual act is much more likely.

Increased potency

 Male potency  To determine how to increase the potency should be, above all, not to engage in elimination of problems without the help of doctors. Problems with potency in any case can not be solved independently with the help of drugs. First of all, it is recommended to increase the potency of a detailed analysis of particular lifestyle and change that can cause decreased sexual desire.

So, to maintain a high level of potency important regular sexual intercourse. It is the constant sexual activity stimulates an increase in allocation Testosterone Which is responsible for libido.

Equally important is an active lifestyle and constant exercise. Sports are extremely important due to the stimulation of blood circulation in the male body. Especially important are physical exercise and sports for people who suffer from overweight . Exactly obesity   It is one of the main factors leading to male impotence problems.

For those looking for information on how to increase the potency, it should be noted that the rejection of bad habits - smoking, drugs and alcohol - will be one of the founding moments in the process of achieving positive results in the process of increasing potency.

If possible, avoid stressful, disturbing situations, as in the case of too strong excitement - quality relaxing, getting rid of unnecessary tension. To do this, experts recommend to resort to the use of massage.

On the methods of increasing the potency doctors recommend to consider in the case of some evidence of reduced sexual desire. Such are the decreased interest in sexual side of life without the presence on the specific reasons for the loss of erections during the night and the morning, poor hardness of the penis during erection. Today, it is assumed that at a strong enough erection and other problems in sexual life associated with potency, complaining every second representative of the stronger sex.
There are many methods you can use to improve the potency and, therefore, the quality of sexual life.
To improve the potency is important to eliminate those diseases, which have become the root cause of problems with sexual desire in men. Especially have to problems with potency obesity . diabetes . cardiovascular diseases . attrition .

Also, the level of treatment affect the potency of the problems with the help of medication, special exercises, proper, balanced nutrition, non-traditional methods ( yoga . acupuncture . fragrant bath ).

There are also a number of recipes of traditional medicine, which are used to improve potency. For a long time for relaxation and as a consequence, improve potency, we used special relaxing bath - chamomile, bay leaf and other herbs.

Products that increase potency

 Male potency  No less effective in enhancing the potency and the food can be: special products, which increase the potency, has long been known and have been used successfully to improve the quality of sexual life.

Products that stimulate the sex drive in men is called aphrodisiacs .

However, the principles of a balanced diet is as important for the proper functioning of the body man. First of all, it is essential in the diet of men to present sufficient protein. The daily diet should be a dish of fish, meat, nuts, eggs, beans and other foods high in protein.

Aphrodisiacs are not only exotic products, but also the simplest dishes. For example, the famous recipe useful for men is the usual fried food, fried onions, which also has a positive effect on male potency.

Vegetables also apply to products that increase the potency. They contain a large amount of vitamins and therefore has all kinds of vegetables needed each day.

Meat - a useful product, but it must be properly rotated with fish. In order to increase libido is to use sea fish (particularly strong positive impact on virility has flounder), seafood. Periodically, it is appropriate to be dishes from oysters, rapanov mussels. In the process of cooking, you can use the sauce, cooked with celery, parsley, lemon, which are no less useful to increase potency.

It was established that gonadal function significantly enhance tomatoes. However, they should be used without pre-heat treatment.

As an aphrodisiac is consumed and foods containing Vitamin E . This is primarily seeds, nuts, sesame. They can be equipped with the addition of honey, but is less useful. By the way, a mixture of equal parts of honey and walnuts are invited to eat every day several spoons as a means to enhance male potency.

It has long been some peoples to improve male sexual potency used coriander, cloves, saffron, ginger, pine nuts, figs. By the way, figs, strengthens the cardiovascular system, which directly affects the quality of sex life. No less useful and other dried fruit - prunes, raisins, dried apricots.

As a stimulating beverage can be consumed dairy products, tea and spices. Dairy products - yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, and should be regularly included in the diet. It has a good effect of olive oil, which should be consumed every day.

About products, enhancing potency, said in his writings even Sigmund Freud, referring to a similar effect mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, rye bread, nettle. In addition, many experts say that particularly positive effect on male potency affects dandelion. The leaves of this plant as a salad or supplements to the main dish should be consumed during its flowering. Dressing for this salad can become wine vinegar, which is also a positive effect on the libido.

At the same time a negative effect on male sexuality clearly have energy drinks, sodas, foods with a high content of "useless" carbohydrates (potatoes, pasta, flour products, pastries). Soft white bread should also be replaced by wholemeal bread, and instead eat sausages and sausage dishes of natural meat.

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