Sunday, July 24, 2016

After a stroke polite pensioner began to swear like a trooper

This 65-year-old woman was always polite, respectable and highly educated, since for many years worked in the service of customer support. But after suffering in January this year a stroke, she began to swear like a trooper, and has nothing to do with it so far.

 After a stroke polite pensioner began to swear like a trooper  after stroke

Doctors and scientists have repeatedly pointed out that the identity of the person after stroke   may vary to some extent. With Englishwoman Pam Preston something similar happened. For many years she worked in customer service Bank where the utmost courtesy and kindness are essential qualities. Now, however, this elderly woman swears by saying that It had not even occurred to her.

Insults sypyatsya and address 66-year-old husband, Michael, and daughter in the face, and his little grandson, in which Pam doted woman recently called obscene word for girls prostitute. The fact is that after stroke   in the brain of the patient is somehow disconnected constraining centers, and she began to pour out all the emotions out.

Today the house is Pam "box of curses," where a woman puts money in an fine for obscene words. As long as the box is replenished punctually, though the pensioner would very much like to prevent this from happening. Pam goes on regular meetings with psychologist. "When all is quiet, then I behave normally, - says Pam. - But if I get excited at the slightest about how I cease to restrain myself and I start to swear. I had no idea, that stroke can thus change the personality of a person. My friends and members families still can not get used to it. "(Read More)


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