Description overdue on 09/12/2014
- Latin name: Viburcol
- ATC code: R05X
- Active substance: Chamomile ordinary, Belladonna, Plantage Major Solyanum Dulcamara, Pulsatilla pratensis, Calcium karbonikum Hahnemann
- Manufacturer: Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH (Germany)
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Candles Viburkol, instructions for use (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Babies
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Analogs
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
Active substances in a candle Viburkola contains:
- Chamomilla recutita - 1, 1 milligram;
- Atropa belladonna - 1, 1 milligram;
- Plantago major - 1, 1 milligram;
- Solanum dulcamara - 1, 1 milligram;
- Pulsatilla pratensis - 2 2 milligrams;
- Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni - 4 4 milligrams.
As auxiliary substances used solid fat (lat. Adeps solidus ) - 1089 milligrams.
Product form
Homeopathic rectal suppositories with a smooth surface of white or yellowish torpedopodobnoy form a sufficiently weak as a "not rancid" smell. The packaging 12 candles - 2 blisters of PVC film accommodating 6 supp. in a cardboard bundle.
Pharmacological action
Homeopathic. It has sedative . analgesic . anticonvulsant . and detoxification antispasmodic action.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Mode of action and properties anticonvulsant based on the activation of protective forces ( immunity ) Of the body and normalize the disturbed functions by vegetable and mineral components of the drug.
With feverish conditions has pyretic and lytic effect unchanged circulatory as hypotension .
Apply in the complex therapy as antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of respiratory diseases children, as well as candles at Viburkol eruption teeth relieve the clinical manifestations of the effects in the symptomatic treatment dyspepsia syndrome with children flatulence , at state seizure and nervous excitement .
Also used in adults - at inflammatory processes of genitals women.
Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the formulation.
Side effects
Allergic reactions.
Candles Viburkol, instructions for use (method and dosage)
Dosing - rectal. Assign SARS (acute respiratory viral infection) in disease and the eruption of primary teeth. Instructions on candles Viburkol for children under 6 months suggests 2 suppositories a day, from 6 months (if the body temperature above 37.5 ° C) 4 suppository per day (38 ° C) - 6 suppositories per day. When the body temperature returned to normal, reduce the dose to 1 suppository 1-2 times a day for 3-4 days.
Viburkol like candles pregnant - The best option in inflammatory processes genitourinary system Because they have a vegetable origin. With pregnancy treatment and the frequency of use is determined by the doctor depending on the nature and course of the disease. Usually one course varies from 3 days to 2 weeks.
No case of overdose Viburkolom was not registered.
Treatment with other acceptable drugs.
Terms of sale
Over the counter.
Storage conditions
In the dry dark place, is not accessible to children, at a temperature between 15-25 ° C.
Shelf life
Validity is not limited.
Admission homeopathic remedies may temporarily exacerbate existing symptoms, so
In this case, stop using the product and contact your doctor.
Candles Viburkol children used in the treatment of not only flatulence and teething, but also as an auxiliary component of comprehensive treatment Mumps . Measles and chickenpox .
Viburkol during pregnancy and lactation
Q: whether to use candles during pregnancy should be settled privately by the attending physician taking into account the benefits and possible risks.
Broncho Rinikold
Currently structural analogs spark Viburkol (same active substance) exists.
Reviews Viburkole
Numerous reviews of candlelight Viburkol most positive: many mothers believe that these candles for the children should be in every home medicine cabinet. Many have made sure that they help not only at elevated temperature, but these candles are essential for teething.
In gynecology, the popularity of candles Viburkol during pregnancy due to lack of safety and adverse effects on the body as a whole, and most importantly - on the liver.
Price Viburkola where to buy
The price of candles Viburkol for children in Ukraine ranges from 88 to 115 UAH. Buy candles in Kiev can be at your local pharmacy, as more than 150 pharmacies in the city of drug availability.
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