Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Thoughts about female infidelity make sperm infertile

Suspicions of female infidelity is not just men deliver an emotional experience, but also make changes in the biological functions of the body. In particular, the changing composition of the male sperm, which loses a large amount of sperm that can fertilize the egg.

 Thoughts about female infidelity make sperm infertile  infertility

With such a resounding statement on the TV show SciShow made famous sexologist Lindsey Doe tell what changes occur in the sperm of men who think that the partner is unfaithful. According to the expert, it begins to dominate the sperm count, the main task is not fertilized, and the extermination of "competition."

According to Lindsay led the Dow, up to 40 percent of the male ejaculate is composed of so-called cells - the "kamikaze" or "fighters sperm", intended to crack down on the sperm of another man. Worth had an idea about female infidelity - and the number of these aggressive cells begin to grow in order to deal with the perceived threat. In the course of this "war" aggressive sperm use their tails, twisting them and creating "walls and barricades" on the way to a woman's egg. To break through this barrier fertilizing sperm can no longer.

As explained by the sexologist due to suspicions of treason composition of ejaculate changes: instead of the 40 percent of the cells become far more fighters. Since these sperm do not have the ability to fertilize an egg, sperm, male, in essence, becomes barren. At the same time the Dow has admitted that although this theory is known as sperm competition, actively discussed in the scientific world, some scholars deny it completely. (READ MORE)


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