Description overdue on 06/11/2014
- Latin name: Famvir
- ATC code: J05AB09
- Active substance: Famciclovir (Famciclovir)
- Manufacturer: Novartis Pharma (Switzerland)
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use Famvir (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Analogs
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
The active ingredient of the drug Famvir (Famvir) - famciclovir . Additional components: hydroxypropyl . starch sodium Valium . lactose anhydrous . magnesium stearate .
The shell consists of hypromellose . polyethylene glycol 4000 . Titanium dioxide . polyethylene glycol 6000 .
Product form
The drug is sold in tablets. One package may be a blister 1-4. In one blister can be from 3 to 10 tablets.
Pharmacological action
The drug has antiviral action.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
After oral administration, the active ingredient of the drug is converted to penciclovir Which affects Cytomegalovirus , and Epstein-Barr virus and viruses Herpes human. It gets into infected areas of the body, where it is converted to monophosphate, rolling in triphosphate. From the infected cells for more than 12 hours, it inhibits the replication of viral DNA. Its content in the cells with no virus, minimally, so they will not affect triphosphate.
Penciclovir It acts against the resistant acyclovir strains Herpes simplex with altered DNA polymerase .
The drug reduces the manifestation and duration postherpetic neuralgia in people with herpes zoster .
Him bioavailability - 77%. The maximum drug concentration achieved after approximately 45 minutes. Penciclovir characterized by a degree of association with plasma proteins less than 20%. Plasma half-life of up to 2 hours. The active substance of the drug is excreted primarily in the urine.
The drug is assigned a doctor if:
- varicella ;
- suppressive therapy of recurrent infection Associated with Herpes ;
- primary infection with herpes simplex Herpes ;
- shingles ;
- oftalmogerpese ;
- viral infections due Herpes simplex and Varicella zoster ;
- postherpetic neuralgia ;
- aggravation associated infections Herpes .
The drug should not be used when:
- special sensitivity to penciclovir components and drugs;
- viral infectious diseases in children;
- pregnancy ;
- breastfeeding .
Side effects
Adverse reactions when using the drug are rare. Sometimes patients complain Headache or nausea, but these symptoms are mild. In addition, the following are known possible side effects:
- hematopoietic system - thrombocytopenia ;
- digestive system - vomiting, jaundice;
- allergy - hives , Severe skin reactions;
- central nervous system - the confusion, drowsiness . dizziness . hallucinations ;
- skin - rash . itch .
Instructions for use Famvir (method and dosage)
Instructions on Famvir reported that the tablets should be taken orally . Time of reception does not depend on the food, while they can not be chewed but can be washed down with water. Dosages depend on the pathological condition and other factors.
When an infection provoked by virus Varicella zoster (this patient normal immunity ), It is recommended to take three times a day 250 mg, 2 times a day or 500 mg 1 time a day at 750 mg. With postherpetic neuralgia give 3 times a day for 250-500 mg. With oftalmogerpese administered 3 times a day at 500 mg. When an infection provoked by virus Herpes simplex Type 1 and 2 (the patient lowered immunity ) Taken 2 times a day at 500 mg. Instructions for use Famvir reported that in all four cases, the rate of application is designed for a week. It is advisable to begin therapy immediately after onset of symptoms.
For infections that are caused by a virus Varicella zoster , Patients with immunocompromised for 10 days give 500 mg of the drug 3 times / day.
When infection provoked by virus Herpes simplex Type 1 and 2 (the patient normal immunity ) Give three times / day 250 mg. In recurrent chronic infection of patients in adulthood prescribed medication 2 times / day at a dosage of 125 mg. In both cases, it is desirable to begin therapy at the first symptoms of the disease, the drug is used for five days.
When recurrent herpes infection take 2 times / day 250 mg. The course of treatment is prescribed individually in each case, depending on the severity of the disease.
In order to assess possible changes recommended once a year to discontinue the use of the tablets.
The effective dosage for HIV-infected Patients usually 2 times / day 500 mg.
The daily dose in accordance with QC (mL / min / 1.73 m2) may be as follows:
Infections triggered by a virus Varicella zoster When figures QC:
- greater than or equal to 40 - 3 × 250/500 mg;
- from 30 to 39 - 2 or 3 times 250 mg;
- from 10 to 29 - 2 or 3 times 125 mg.
Infections triggered by a virus Herpes simplex (this patient lowered immunity ) At rates QA:
- greater than or equal to 40 - 2 x 500 mg;
- from 30 to 39 - 2 x 250 mg;
- from 10 to 29 - 2 x 125 mg.
Infections triggered by a virus Herpes simplex (this patient normal immunity ):
- the first episode - figures QC greater than or equal 30 - 3 x 250 mg; QC indicators 10 to 29 - 3 x 125 mg;
- recurrent infections - figures QC greater than or equal 10 - 3 x 125 mg.
Suppressive therapy of recurrent herpes infection When figures QC:
- greater than or equal to 30 - 2 x 250 mg;
- from 10 to 29 - 2 x 125 mg.
People with renal failure Which are at hemodialysis you should take the medication as soon as Hemodialysis . Recommended intake of 125 mg for genital herpes and 250 mg for herpes zoster .
At higher dosage in the case of chronic renal failure may develop acute renal failure .
In case of overdose, symptomatic and supportive treatment. The active ingredient of the drug can be derived through Hemodialysis . The content famciclovir reduced by 75% within four hours.
Clinically significant interaction famciclovir with other drugs are not marked. Medications that block tubular secretion May increase the plasma concentration penciclovir .
Terms of sale
Sold by prescription specialist.
Storage conditions
Optimum temperature 30 ° C. The medicine should be stored out of the reach of small children.
Shelf life
Three years.
Analogs Famvir
Analogs of Famvir in the pharmacies you can get the following:
- Proteflazid ;
- Zovirax ;
- Geviran ;
- Ribavirin ;
- Acyclovir ;
- Imunofan ;
- Immunomax ;
- Erazaban ;
- Izoprinozin ;
- Ferrovir ;
- DrayVir ;
- Viferon ;
- Allokin Alpha ;
- Fenistil Pentsivir ;
- Panavir ;
- Lavomax ;
- Agerp ;
- Laferon ;
- Valtrex .
Last often prescribe medication if necessary replace Famvir.
Price analogues may be different. Most of them are cheaper Famvir, so many patients prefer these funds.
Which is better - Valtrex or Famvir?
Often the doctor to consult people ask what is better Valtrex or Famvir. The unequivocal answer experts do not give. In fact, the effect of both drugs is similar. However, the cost of Famvir above. So that patients who want to save money, often choose Valtrex Since its price is much lower.
Reviews of Famvir
Reviews of Famvir can meet different. Someone enthusiastically talks about how this tool has helped him, but not rare, and cases in which a course of the drug proved to be inconclusive. In addition, some reviews about Famvir reported adverse reactions in the form of allergies .
Price Famvir where to buy
This tool is considered very expensive among his peers. Its value depends on the release form. Price Famvir 500 mg of at least 1250 rubles, and the price of 250 mg pills - from 1200 rubles. The same minimum value and means 125 mg.
Price Famvir in Ukraine, on average:
- 320 hryvnia per pack with tablets of 125 mg;
- 1200 hryvnia per pack of pills of 250 mg;
- 1500 hryvnia per pack with 500 mg tablets.
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