Saturday, May 13, 2017

Fitness for pregnant women yoga of sound

 Fitness for pregnant women yoga of sound  Often, during pregnancy women begin to experience craving for singing. How do you explain this phenomenon? Indeed, many people love to sing, at least by the fact that singing improves mood. Even there the expression "soul singing." A well-known fact that positive emotions so extremely important for women during this period. However, in addition to improving your mood, have some influence on the sound of a man?

Did you know that the sound of your own voice can have healing powers? And your desire for singing may initiate a fascinating process of self-knowledge, in which you through your own voice can find a source of strength, inspiration, physical and spiritual healing.

The teacher of yoga for pregnant Svetlana tells about his acquaintance with singing bowls :

- For the first time I heard singing bowls   a yoga session, recording their amazing sounds of our teacher included in the session at the end of the relaxation session. I could not understand the nature of the occurrence of these sounds, it is difficult to imagine that for the instrument can sound so it was really some kind of "cosmic" sound that stops the flow of thoughts and give a feeling of deep relaxation and integrity. Once in the store of Indian goods, glass case, I saw the cup and the heart pounding excitement. Is that it? The seller showed how to extract the sound, and the sound caused me such a strong response that I immediately bought a bowl, but to learn to play on it, ponabilos awhile. In order to obtain a harmonious sound, you need to immerse yourself in a special relaxed, focused state of meditation, so I can call her singing bowl meditation teacher.

Classes yoga of sound   for pregnant women held in the Moscow Federation of yoga. Their leading Shnyrova Svetlana says:

- During pregnancy, women are most interested in special breathing practices that can then be used in childbirth. Singing of different sounds, or toning - one of these practices. After the birth, my students often thank it for "family singing", noting that it is this breathing practice helps to "turn off the head", "calm", "enter the generic state," "moderate pain", "" to stop being afraid. "

Michel Odent, a well-known obstetrician, promoter of the idea of ​​natural childbirth, wrote: "If a woman gives birth to itself, without medication, then the moment comes when it is clearly trying to break away from the world, as if sent" to another planet. " It allows you to imagine what thoughts would not in everyday life. It can take the most unexpected poses, publish the most unusual sounds. "

The doctor, an obstetrician-gynecologist Daria Streltsov, said that "to help the process of giving birth with the help of voice, voice their feelings - it is a natural, instinctive need of any woman. Woman intuitively picks up the sound of a strength and height to create them in the body vibration helping disclosure tissues. However, living in the modern world, we somehow feel that need "a relic of the past," something indecent. But do not afford such self-expression, we frequently hinder normal delivery activities. "

 Fitness for pregnant women yoga of sound  Singing mothers during childbirth also benefits and child. After all, in order to sound, my mother must adhere to a deep breath, and then the kid will come to enough oxygen to get through the difficult test delivery.

Scientists have found that a newborn baby is able to recognize the mother's voice. However, while in the womb, the baby hears the mother's voice in addition to many more of her body sounds - heartbeat, breathing noise, sounds of circulating blood and intestinal motility. Interesting fact: some scholars of Tibetan culture believe that the sounds of the orchestra of Buddhist monks during religious ceremonies, make an exact copy of the sounds, which can be found in the body in a state of complete rest.

Sing Lullabies - The traditional way to calm the baby, to which mankind uses throughout the centuries. Scientific studies have proven that lullabies around the world are universal, and the main impact that they have on a child - lowering stress levels. But it turns out, a lullaby plays an important role in the child's mastery of speech (hence, they play a significant role in the development of his thinking).

Head of the department of psychology Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Doctor of Biological Sciences Vitaly Leutin argues that there is a relationship between hearing Lullabies   in childhood and human intellectual potential in adulthood. Thus, lullabies through the development of speech contribute to the development of the brain.

Specialists of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences found that lactating mothers who sing to their children lullabies It improves lactation and later established closer spiritually relationships with their children. I own mothers began to sing lullabies to their children even before they are born, are removed manifestations of toxicity, and much easier during pregnancy and childbirth themselves.

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