Saturday, May 13, 2017

Altai yoga. Part II

 Altai yoga. Part II  Against the background of the fact that there are significant similarities in the training system of the Altai yoga, and Agni, and Kundalini yoga, the Altay practices are very similar also to the east, such as qigong, Sufi dance and other areas aimed at the spiritual growth of man. In fact, whatever we do, whether it's fitness, dance, yoga and other practices - the overall goal of basically one - the achievement of internal harmony and stability of deep feelings of happiness. Finding a healthy body, clear, calm mind and strong spirit - this is happiness - hence a good mood and good spirits - this is happiness, and peace of mind here - also the happiness, etc.

Altai yoga - what is it?

Unfortunately, doing practices of personal growth, we do not always understand what we are looking for and why, often - it's just a passing fad. Everything we do - mostly whispers of our fears! Fears childhood, sitting in the back of our minds, fear of being misunderstood, fear of public opinion, fear to fall out of the system and to be unclaimed, fears, lack of love, fear of being abandoned by a loved one or the loss of the former youth and beauty, the elastic body, fears fall from the usual comfortable life and can not cope with the new circumstances, the fear that we can not instantly adjust to the situation if something goes wrong, the fear of disappointment and loss, etc. - all these infinite number of our fears.

To see this connection, it is necessary to slightly change the angle of view on the world around us. But here's the paradox - as soon as you change the angle of the prism and its perception - just change all of that 3D projection that you previously created! It's hard to realize that all that surrounds us, everything that we see - this is just an illusion created by us! 1000 people will take place on the same track, and everyone will see it in their own, and thus reality existing in a rigid, fixed form, even as such does not exist! In this world there is only you and your thoughts and feelings! Everything that surrounds you and everyone around you - it's you.

So fundamental Altai yoga and Motion Itu-Tai , Based on the understanding that you, with your ego, ambition, claims, fears and the question "Why is this happening to me? "Turns its gaze inward, open my heart to fear and doubt, absorbing the new and unpredictable feelings, feeling the buzz from any rotation, knowing that turns bad in your life, just can not be! If there occur negative "system Your estimates" things, - First - this is why you need something, and secondly - you "It" created by myself and, thirdly - this is just your mirror! All the trials of life - it is a challenge that the world throws a person not living in harmony with it. And you either consciously understands and accepts this challenge in order to finally wake up and start living, or dismisses it, not wanting to change anything and keep burn their days, each of which may be the last, is not planned, the last day in this reality. .

That's the way people - we do not live here and not now. We never consciously perceive the flow of information completely, because we supposedly no need for this, in contrast to the animals ... This is why, again, unlike animals, we often wandered the wrong way. In most cases, losing the original motion vector, presented to each of us at birth, we walk in darkness, and later realize that we are not living and not for the fact that we are not holistic in. Very often, choosing a soul mate, we are guided by common sense (money, social status, prospects, self pride, an example of his father, and so on - at least for women), and in rare cases, the call of the heart beats social standards (except that in adolescence or in a nice movie and books).

We all know that we get information about a person in the first 30 seconds. But due to the fact that we have never been here, and now we can not understand and remember this is the first 30 seconds! And then the rescue comes a set of patterns, then it turns out that it was not what they wanted - perhaps what some of the errors was not a true partner becomes uninteresting and responsible for all the failures and misfortunes of your life, "but if he had not, I would I lived very differently! ...

In animals, unlike the «homos sapiens-u» (there are reasonable), all very different!

Practices Altai yoga   help to learn how to focus on the state here and now, to find, understand and feel your way of the heart, by virtue of its kind, which leads each of us our karmic study, which is intended for each person who has come to Earth by the gate to the entrance into the world .

However, the similarity of practices and training, Altai yoga has a number of advantages.

Traditionally, the essence of yoga is embedded ability to stop the internal dialogue through various respiratory and physical practice.

Qigong - awakening and distribution of qi energy to strengthen the vitality of man (blow, or other medicine, peace of mind and spirit).

Dancing - Have you noticed that when a person is dancing, it can move very active for quite a long time! This is due to the fact that during the dance, energy is released, which has "animal nature," dormant in man. In Altai there is a powerful yoga exercise - called "Dance of the Beast." Those who have learned to produce his "beast" does not want to "lock" it back into the frame of the body, because it gives a huge, incredible burst of energy health, acute senses and instincts.

Aerobics and fitness - healthy beautiful hardy and strong body!

But the body is not in itself! The body - is a shell of our essence, which is weakening, stout, ill or losing weight, if there is no balance between the body, mind and spirit. Any disease or injury - it is only a consequence ... the cause is always in!

Catching   Altai yoga We get a great chance to learn how to understand and feel, and as a result, eliminate the cause, together with the investigation. Minimize the occurrence of unpleasant situations and negative thought forms in life.

For example, you notice that the majority of people living on the planet - no dreams and no goal (I'm not talking about understanding the purpose or mission)? And if we decide on a choice, as a rule, sparing yourself to completely surrender your choice! A wise man said: "If you stand at the precipice and are ready to jump to the other side, then you can be a long time deciding whether or not to jump. But if you have already decided - that 99 per cent can not be. "
  People do not live on 100 per cent. Whatever we do, the main task - skhalyavit)))
I wonder why?

In short, the Altai Yoga captures all aspects that help make life in this world is full of wonders, magic, interest, happiness, energy, depth and harmony. Building on all 4 sides of the body and spirit, balance and the ability to relax, we are gradually entering a new stage in the evolution of its Ya

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