Saturday, May 13, 2017

Introduction to yoga. Part I

 Introduction to yoga. Part I  To one man came to the Master and asked:

- What should I do to become wise?

The teacher said:

- Go out and wait there.

And the street was rain. And the man was surprised:

- How can it help me? But who knows, anything can happen ...

He went out and stood in the rain. The man is completely wet. Ten minutes later he returned and said:

- I stood there, now what?

Master asked him:

- What happened? When you were there, was it given you any discovery?

The man replied:

- Opening? I just think I look like a fool!

Master said:

- This is a great discovery! This is the beginning of wisdom! Now you can start. You are on the right road. If you know that you are a fool, the change has already begun.

* * *

Optional feel a fool. You can still feel like a failure, successful enough, smart enough, or beautiful, etc. Take these observations for solely as a positive impulse, stimulus to future changes on your unique path of life.

Is there someone who really has the right and can objectively evaluate the unique experience that you get in life? In your wonderful, unique life. Any human mind - is subjective. So whether you need to resist the temptation to relax and flow adrift subjective strangers rotten dogmas? Is it time to take responsibility for themselves? If you think that you can not answer for himself, then read no further. It is not for you.

It is said that to gain the appearance and shape of your dreams - is very difficult. We need many years of training and perseverance, and a good coach. And you read my recommendations. I have a lot of experience and high qualification. But be aware that not all of my clients achieve the desired. Woo only those accepting my recommendations, make their own choices and to change work. Those who are not seeking - you do nothing, and rely only on me, but I'm not God.

They say that the world is cruel and unjust. Do you agree? Then remember his last visit to the doctor. About what you asked? You complain. And you were hoping for his qualifications and experience. And you have taken for granted all that he will recommend. All do so. Why do some recover, while others - not? Because some make their own choices recover, while others rely on a physician.

I - is what I think of myself. The world around - is what I think of him. Change the thought to change the world. The idea - the work of the mind, emotion - body reaction to what the mind busy. The spirit controls all this stuff. Do you think someone in your home owners - the spirit or the body? Answer yourselves.

To keep you just go. To change yourself, you just have to change ourselves. To change the world, you just have to wipe his eyes from prying rotten dogmas and see the world in a new light. Change your attitude to the world, pomenyatsya yourself and the world will change. You already heard somewhere? No doubt. What has changed in your life since you enjoyed this stranger undoubtedly brilliant Ilea? Answer yourselves.

For all your questions you can answer for yourself. Any coach will offer you a direction - where to look for answers, but you will look for themselves. If you are tormented by the thought, "I need change, but it seems like I'm standing on the spot", then you are already active in monitoring, then you make a move! Make this step. Once you do this step, you will immediately come to the aid of various wise, time-tested philosophy of the school system and practices. In essence, they are all focused on the same thing: the development of inner harmony, balance and ballansa. Which of them will be your interpretation? I do not know. I can only show you the direction of where to go to find. You light the light that you are not looking to Potma ignorance.

I'll tell you about some of these practices, only for those who believe in through our own experience. First of all, yoga: Himalaya and Altai. About Himalayan yoga, you probably have heard something. But Altai yoga, most likely - a new concept for you. Although the practice of the ultimate aim to see the same thing: a deep conscious internal and external balance. This detail next time.

Believe in yourself.

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