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May 4, 2012

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 Barrenness  To date infertility It suffers from a lot of people around the world. According to medical statistics, it is believed that about 14% of couples have problems conceiving children. Each year, the number of pairs that are infertile, increases by two million.

The forms of infertility

In medical practice, there are four different forms of infertility. It male infertility . anogyny . combined infertility . "Unexplained" infertility . To determine which form of infertility occurs in a particular pair, a number of special tests.

If we evaluate the causes of infertility, it is necessary to allocate these types of conditions: Royal . endocrine . hormonal . immunological . psychological . peritoneal   infertility.

Infertility in women also produce primary and secondary. On primary infertility can say that if a woman was not pregnant any time in life. Secondary infertility is diagnosed if earlier pregnancy   advancing, but then the next conception does not occur within one year.

If it is a combined form of infertility, in this case there is also a female and a male factor. This form of infertility is diagnosed in about a quarter of all cases of this condition. In some cases, infertility manifested in pairs, which are incompatible partners. Sometimes, after a thorough examination of the men and women of no apparent cause of infertility can not be detected. In such a case there is unexplained infertility (the so-called unexplained infertility).

Diagnosis of infertility

Infertility is diagnosed in women or men if there is no pregnancy within one year of constant sexual activity without the use of tools Contraception . This period has been determined, guided by the following statistics: Approximately thirty percent of pregnant women in the first three months of regular sexual life. Another sixty percent of couples will learn about pregnancy for six or seven months, and ten percent of women conception occurs within one year. Therefore, one year - enough time to assess the fertility of the spouses. To date, the majority of infertility cases can be successfully treated using modern methods of reproductive medicine.

To assess fertility   a married couple, a doctor inspects and examines in detail the history of the disease, and particularly sex partners.

Men are not necessarily required to pass a semen analysis, which allows to evaluate the mobility and sperm count.

During the survey of women necessarily determined by the presence of her ovulation. The wire ovarian ultrasound, a special blood test for hormones. When a woman has normal ovulation is assigned a holding hysterosalpingogram   - X-ray examination of the fallopian tubes and uterus. Furthermore, appointed and other surveys ( US . gisterosonografiya . lapraskopiya ) That can detect the presence of other pathologies.

In addition, if necessary, carried out a study aimed at assessing the interaction of sperm and egg. Also, it is determined generation antibodies   to the sperm, because sometimes the immune system attacks the sperm, perceiving them as a hostile substance.

Female infertility

 Barrenness  Infertility in women - a woman's inability to conceive due to various kinds of disturbances in the reproductive system of her body. So, very often the cause of infertility in women is becoming ovarian cyst Pathology of the fallopian tubes, a violation of the interaction of the mucus in the cervix to sperm.

Very often, a woman can not be conceived in view of the violations of oocyte maturation. As a rule, this state provokes a hormonal imbalance that occurs in women more often than men. Hormonal nature and have a negative impact on the process of egg maturation and triggers ovulation disorders, as well as the function of the corpus luteum. As a rule, problems in the functioning of the ovaries occurs as a consequence of violations thyroid . pituitary . adrenals . If it is endocrine disorders are the cause of infertility, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment means that restore hormonal balance and stimulate oocyte maturation.

Another cause of infertility in women - polycystic ovary syndrome . Often women infertility causes ovarian many small cysts . These cysts are vesicles in which fluid collects. Generally, this disease develops on the background of the high content in the blood of men hormones . In this case, infertility in women, usually manifests itself as a consequence of disorders of maturation of oocytes. As treatment of the disease applied stimulation of ovulation using FSH.

Among the reasons for the impossibility of conception in women is often diagnosed as tubal infertility . In normal sperm move through the fallopian tubes and eventually get to the egg. Moving through the pipes into the uterus fertilized egg. If there is a bonding of the fallopian tubes, or otherwise they are clogged, the process of movement of eggs may be hindered or they are not able to move. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes is sometimes provokes an inflammatory process or endometriosis That is, proliferation of the endometrium outside the uterus. Today there are many methods to determine the permeability of the fallopian tubes. If this conception of pathology can be made with the help of IVF.

Often a woman's pregnancy does not occur directly because of endometriosis, ie growths outside the uterus its mucous layer. To this day it is not known the reason why there is this illness. If endometriosis are located in the fallopian tubes, the tubes due to the appearance of scars lose their function. If a woman diagnosed with endometriosis, such a diagnosis in some cases is an indication for IVF.

Sometimes infertility in women is the result of and Changes the uterus and cervix . Such changes may occur as a consequence of the operation. Also, pregnancy can not walk due to the immune abnormalities of the cervix. To overcome this problem using artificial insemination.

 Barrenness  In addition, female infertility can be a consequence of the development uterine fibroids And a number of malformations pipes . uterus   or ovary , The presence of disorders of the immune system . In the latter case we are talking about the so-called biological incompatibility Due to which a woman's immune system considers the sperm or egg a foreign body, and thus destroys them.

Sometimes infertility in women occurs as a result of genetic factors. However, female infertility seen for genetic reasons are much less likely than male infertility.

Male infertility

Under male infertility is commonly understood as a state of the male body in which it is impossible to conceive a child. There are three different types of male infertility: secretory . obstructive . immunological . About infertility in men when it comes, if a woman has no problems, while men have been violations of the fertilizing capacity of sperm, or there is a pathology of sexual function or the function of ejaculation.

If a man is diagnosed secretory   form of infertility, the problem lies in the fact that, due to various reasons, the testes are unable to produce healthy sperm motile, the concentration of which is sufficient to fertilize the egg. This pathology occurs in men due hormonal nature . testicular torsion . genetic causes . hydrocele . Also, a similar phenomenon can trigger chronic diseases, diseases of the genital organs, and others. In addition, among the factors that can cause this type of infertility in men is determined beriberi , Lack of food protein, testicular trauma, some professional factors.

With obstructive   form of male infertility in the male body is present obstacle preventing free fall sperm from the testes to the urethra. As such obstacles can act adhesions after infection or inflammation, postoperative scarring or narrowing of the absence of the vas tract area, the presence of a tumor or cyst genital organs or the organs that are located nearby.

If there is a immunological   a form of male infertility, in this case its development usually precedes testicular trauma. In the male body is to produce antibodies to testicular tissue. After an injury testicular tissue and the immune system of human contact, so that there is the perception of the testicles immunity   like foreign bodies.

In the process of diagnosis of male infertility doctor conducts a general inspection and survey of the patient. Thereafter, by laboratory tests to assess the level of hormones in the blood is carried out spermogramma   (ie analysis of ejaculate). Also during the ultrasound diagnosis is assigned male genital organs, and in some cases is assigned holding MAP test.

Semen analysis to determine the following violations: a low concentration of sperm, no sperm in the ejaculate, low sperm motility, or the complete absence of motile sperm, reducing the normal forms of sperm.

Unexplained infertility

 Barrenness  This diagnosis should be made if after a careful and comprehensive examination of the partners - men and women - they had detected no abnormalities and causes for infertility. A situation in which both partners are healthy, but the conception does not occur, there is approximately 5-7% of all infertile couples. In this case, it should be noted the inability of modern medicine to find out all the reasons for the problems in the reproductive system of men. For example, today there is no way to determine the presence of biochemical disturbances egg membrane receptor that later can be found in the process of IVF. Sometimes, in this case possible causes of infertility diagnosis imaginary. As a consequence, the treatment is ineffective.

Sometimes the "vague" Infertility arises as a consequence immunological   or biological   incompatibility of men and women. Such a situation confirms the following developments: over an extended period of time, the couple did not become pregnant. However, once they start to live in a new family, conception occurs very quickly. Today, modern medicine offers various holding samples to determine such incompatibility. The most commonly used so-called "postcoital test" and the sample Kurtsroka-Miller.

Incompatibility partners overcome by intrauterine insemination, which is carried out after the test was performed tubal patency.

Infertility Treatment

After were made all the necessary studies and an expert has a clear picture of the causes of infertility in men or women, infertility treatment is carried out taking into account all the individual characteristics of each individual case. Doctor prescribes conduct or conservative treatment ( hormone . antiinflammatory ) Or surgical intervention is required. Thus, when used hormonal disorders related hormonal agents. If a woman has broken ovulation, it is advisable to stimulation. Violation of tubal patency requires surgical treatment.

If both of these methods have been ineffective, and conception has not occurred, the couple invited to the treatment methods of assisted reproductive technology.

The simplest and most commonly used treatment for infertility is scheduled intercourse. In this case we are talking exclusively about the milder forms of infertility. So, if a woman has a normal patency of the fallopian tube, the endometrium and the state of her man's sperm as normal, this method can be effective. It is important to pinpoint the day of ovulation, and afterwards to attempt conception.

But the presence of tubal infertility requires the use of artificial methods of treatment. The use of intrauterine insemination is advisable if the effect of the planned intercourse is not observed, or there are problems with the cervical mucus.

The method of in vitro fertilization is based on the fact that the egg is fertilized in a laboratory and the resulting embryo is transferred into the womb into a woman's uterus. This is used in the treatment of infertility endometriosis . tubal infertility . cervical pathology .

In the treatment of male infertility, it is important to eliminate the causes of infertility, treat accordingly. You may need anti-inflammatory therapy for inflammation in the genitals, surgery for hydrocele and varicocele . If there is a form of obstructive infertility, then held to determine the level of severity of obstruction and subsequent surgery. If disrupted hormones, the man appointed by the drugs that it corrected. Men are not immune to the form of infertility is a complex therapy, including plasmapheresis   and receive androgenic   and enzyme-   means.

 Barrenness  Also, treatment of male infertility involves a process of stimulation spermatogenesis   (it does not produce in the form of immunological infertility). To do this, the man recommended to lead a healthy way of life, exercise, eat a sufficient amount of protein foods, taking vitamins and other drugs prescribed by the doctor. In the treatment of male infertility, it is important on a regular basis, at least once in three months, carry out test semen.

Man must realize that treatment of this condition is a lengthy process, which involves the implementation of all recommendations of the physician.

Prevention of infertility

Infertility treatment - the process time-consuming, so special attention should be paid to prevent the possibility of manifestation of the condition. Even as a child's parents must take care of prevention of inflammation of the genital organs of a child. Such inflammation sometimes occurs in the background of a variety of children's infections.

It is very important time to treat all inflammation of internal genital organs in women. They often arise as a consequence abortion , Childbirth, operations. Improper or late treatment of adhesions can disrupt cross-pipes.

Women should not allow the possibility of abortion and sexually transmitted diseases, because it may in the future cause infertility.

As a prevention of infertility experts say the timely conception and birth of a child. After all, as a teenager she is not ready to become a mother, and started early in sexual life can negatively affect the function of the female body.

People who suspect the impossibility of conception, should not delay the visit to the doctor. After all, the sooner the treatment begins, the better chance to achieve success.

In addition, to preserve fertility experts strongly recommend not to smoke, abuse alcohol, avoid working with hazardous chemicals. No less important to keep legible sex and use a condom during casual contact.

For representatives of both sexes is important to maintain a healthy weight to prevent the occurrence of hormonal imbalance.

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