Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Balanitis (inflammation of the glans)

August 28, 2011

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 Balanitis (inflammation of the glans)  Balanitis   - A disease characterized by inflammation of the glans penis. Usually, the inflammation extends to foreskin And then the disease is called balanoposthitis . This is a very common inflammatory disease in men, which may occur in certain diseases of the skin (eg, psoriasis ) And also due to traumatic causes, for example, irritation urine smegma, clothes or various bacteria, viruses, against decrease immunity, diabetes, urethritis And when the health standards are not met as the prevention of balanitis.

There are several types of balanitis:

  • traumatic balanitis   It manifested in the formation of cracks, redness and swelling after coital or other trauma;
  • balanitis caused by irritation from the accumulation of smegma, urine, exposure to detergents, manifested by edema of the glans penis and its redness;
  • infectious balanitis .

The latter type, in turn, is divided into several types according to the infection:

  • candidiasis   is a manifestation of urogenital candidiasis   in men, and is caused by sexual intercourse with an infected partner, but it can also appear as a result of antibiotic treatment, and patients suffering from diabetes . cachexia . It is characterized by swelling and redness of the glans penis, with a slight peeling, can form spots of various sizes. Observed cheesy discharge with an unpleasant odor, burning and itching of the glans and foreskin of the penis;
  • chlamydial That usually accompanies chlamydial urethritis ;
  • mycoplasmal   most often develops at the same time mycoplasma urethritis ;
  • Trichomonas   usually occurs in men who have a long foreskin, and manifests itself in the form of erosions and erythema of the glans penis;
  • tsirtsinarny balanopostit   It manifested in the formation of large smooth bright red spots on the glans penis, and is often accompanied chlamydial infection ;
  • xerotic balanitis   It is also a manifestation of chlamydial infection, as well as Reiter's syndrome And is characterized by peeling head and its increased dryness and itching;
  • Anaerobic balanitis   (gardnerella-associated balanoposthitis) caused by anaerobic gram-negative bacteria, is manifested in the form of erosions and edema of the foreskin, sticky coating on the head and an unpleasant odor;
  • herpetic balanitis   It manifested in the formation of herpes rash on the penis.

Separately, it is worth mentioning Allergic balanoposthitis Which represent symptoms of genital allergy. They are characterized by the appearance of swelling and itching of the skin, spots, rashes. Often occurs after condom use local contraceptives.

Causes of balanitis

Causes of balanitis, in general, are not diverse. The main reason for the emergence and development of the inflammatory process is the accumulation of smegma under the foreskin, which is developing the infection.

Local factors balanoposthitis disease include:

  • phimosis ;
  • at urethritis   or other infectious diseases of the urethra pus, which leads to inflammation and balanitis;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules, which leads to the accumulation of smegma under the foreskin, which develops an infection;
  • chronic irritation of the glans penis with urine, which is typical of patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • coital   or other trauma, excessive masturbation   (traumatic balanitis);
  • irradiation of the skin due to radiation therapy.

 Balanitis (inflammation of the glans)  By the occurrence of infectious agents include various balanitis viruses . mushrooms . bacteria For example, yeasts, mycoplasmas, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and others. Most are the result of complications of balanoposthitis sexually transmitted diseases   - trichomoniasis . Chlamydia . gonorrhea . Syphilis . Also cause balanoposthitis are skin diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis . psoriasis . contact dermatitis . Keira erythroplasia That appear on the skin of the penis. In addition, among the causes of balanitis, doctors distinguish genetic and autoimmune factors.

Symptoms of balanitis

Symptoms balanoposthitis are very diverse and depend on the variety of the disease. Local symptoms of balanitis are:

  • swelling and redness of the glans penis;
  • erythema of the prepuce;
  • burning and itching;
  • purulent discharge from the opening of the foreskin with an unpleasant odor;
  • dryness and irritation;
  • sores, erosions on the glans penis;
  • nodular rash;
  • cracks and crusts;
  • tenderness at the opening of the head, and during sexual intercourse;
  • premature ejaculation .

Common symptoms of balanitis are:

  • malaise, weakness;
  • increase lymph nodes , Including in the groin;
  • eruptions in the mouth.

If you delay treatment of balanitis, it can appear ulcers, which are accompanied by painful sensations when walking and when urinating. As balanitis complications may develop swollen lymph nodes of the penis, as well as gangrene of penis .

Diagnosis balanitis

Diagnosis "balanitis" is placed on the basis of laboratory and clinical tests. The doctor assigns testing for diseases that are sexually transmitted. Externally balanitis detected without difficulty, harder to figure out the cause of its occurrence. To do this, the patient undergoes a serological test for syphilis, bacterioscopic screening for gonorrhea and trichomoniasis, a survey on genital herpes , PCR on fungi causing candidiasis, and anaerobic flora. In addition, consultation with an allergist is assigned and the level of blood sugar.

Treatment of balanitis

 Balanitis (inflammation of the glans)  Treatment depends on the cause and stage of the disease and is conducted under the supervision of an urologist. Mandatory activities are the daily washing with soap and warm water penis. To reduce irritation during sexual intercourse can use special creams. If the diagnosis reveals the cause of the balanitis, the efforts of the doctors focused on treating the underlying disease and the symptoms of balanitis. Generally, treatment is limited to a twenty balanitis cool baths with a solution furatsilina   and potassium permanganate , Or with saline solution, held 2-3 times a day. After the bath the glans penis and the foreskin is lubricated zinc ointment . tetracycline . sintomitsinovoy ointment . garamitsinom As well as preparations containing fish fat . Anaerobic balanitis   treated metronidazole At mycoplasma balanoposthitis appointed large doses tetracycline . Corticosteroid ointments treated xerotic balanitis . At the same time appointed a course of antifungal or antibacterial agents.

If the cause of the disease is phimosis, surgery is carried out balanitis, namely, circumcision of the penis.

Appointed as physiotherapy Namely ozone therapy, heliotherapy, termomagnitoterapiya, elektroferez, infrared laser, UHF inductothermy penis, which have anti-inflammatory effect and contribute to the elimination of inflammation.

Prevention of balanitis

The main preventive measures are strict compliance with the rules of hygiene and the treatment of phimosis and other diseases that can lead to balanitis. Wash the penis should be 2 times per day, and before and after sexual intercourse, with warm water to open the head and cleaning it. Preventive measures also include the treatment of diabetes, protected sex, proper antibiotic treatment. Upon detection of the first signs of the disease an urgent need to address to the urologist.

Complications balanitis

Complications may be balanitis and phimosis miatalny stenosis, which manifests itself in narrowing meatus, leading to micturition disorders, as well as cystitis . urolithiasis . Also, it balanoposthitis if left untreated, may reduce the sensitivity of the penis, which leads to reduced quality of sex life. In case of transition of the inflammatory process into the urethra may begin urethritis. Some forms lead to balanitis necrosis of the glans penis .

1 comment:

  1. Hello :
    I have had recurring balanitis over my years. This is what works,,,, stay clean... daily and after sex. Use mupirocin ointment twice daily in combination with an antifungal such as clotrimazole. After application and ointment is absorbed apply nystatin topical powder once daily. After 7-10 days your condition should vastly improve.
