Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Shot in the back

 Shot in the back

Lumbago, or, quite simply, a chamber in the lower back - is not a disease but a syndrome, which can be privately unpleasant episode, and may indicate a serious disease of the spine. How to sort out which is which, and the time to protect your own back?

Our expert - neurologist Helen Yureneva .

Oh, tsvetochki- berries!

The morning began with a change in the suburban flower bed. When finished, I lift heavy watering can with water - and suddenly, like a dagger blow to the back, and then penetrating, arching pain. Again cross ...

For gardeners is business as usual. But in the city of reasons to run into similar trouble at least: the child in his arms lift, the heavy bag from the store brought ...

Pinched nerve, spasm of the lumbar muscles - hence the attack of severe pain, which doctors call "lumbago". But many of us to the doctors with such a "trifle" not seek - a sore spot smeared with ointment, wrapped waist warm scarf, lay a day or two - and then everything is in order. For the time being. Because any pain - a wake-up call about the problems with health.

Interesting position

 Shot in the back

However, there is a "special version": pain experienced and many expectant mothers. Firstly, because during pregnancy femoral-sacral joints begin to relax under the action of the hormone relaxin, a child can easily pass during birth. Secondly, during the growth of the fetus changes the center of gravity of the body of a pregnant woman, curved spine, tense muscles and aching lower back.

Back pain necessarily need to be treated - otherwise there is the threat of an attack during childbirth, and it is dangerous for the mother and for the baby. There are non-drug methods - physiotherapy and chiropractic. Get rid of back pain also help special exercises, strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, back, thighs and buttocks, as well as water aerobics, swimming.

Why bother

 Shot in the back

To what doctor to go, if the sore lower back? A neurologist. After the inspection you get a pack of destinations on the survey. And go they must be to make the correct diagnosis. Minimum - a general analysis of blood and urine tests, x-rays of the spine.

When osteochondrosis, it is desirable to make a computer or magnetic resonance imaging - not too much to clarify the degree of damage to the intervertebral discs (find out whether hernia) and check the condition of spinal roots.

Consultation will also need a nephrologist, gynecology, urology and other professionals. Causes of pain may be different - the defeat of the great vessels, kidneys, infection, benign and malignant diseases of the pelvic organs: in women - endometriosis, uterine fibroids, inflammatory disease of the ovaries; men - chronic prostatitis, and so on. d.

From the beginning to the final

When attack of lumbago especially important to limit the distribution area of ​​pain. Two or three days (at least!) Will have to stay in bed - flat and rigid. Lying on his back better, raising his bent knees, under which you need to put a couple of high pillows.

Relieves NSAIDs: gels and ointments, and in severe pain and prescribe pills that need to take 5-7 days.

The pain is gone? But this is not the end of treatment. Secure effects help physical therapy (magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, phonophoresis), massage and physiotherapy. If lumbago complicated by the displacement of the intervertebral discs, is a manual therapy.

At the same rake

Usually, the pain receded slightly, we are back to work, tackling the chores. And stepping on the same rake, we doom ourselves to even greater problems: often develop chronic lumbalgia or sciatica. When lumbodynia appear aching pain, which intensified when sitting, leaning, coughing. This complication is often develops in elderly people with osteoarthritis of the facet joints that connect the vertebral arches.

A sciatica will wear not only back pain, but in the course of the sciatic nerve (it runs down the leg being divided into smaller ones, which are in the hip, knee, shin, foot). And have not treated a week or two, and three months, or even longer.

Particularly dangerous "workaholism" for people with spinal osteochondrosis - against the background of the disease often have persistent pain symptom appears in the back and waist.

The defense for the spine

 Shot in the back

The best defense of the spine - prevention. After 30 take care about how long to maintain a direct and healthy back. Our main enemy today - lack of exercise. Strengthen the spine to help swimming, properly fitted load in the gym, try to walk more.

And, to protect their own spine, it is important to learn how to:


the main thing - to create a support for the neck and lower back - do not lean forward or lean back on your chair or stool far back;
if you have a sedentary job, every 15-20 minutes, try to warm up, to change the position of the feet;
adjust chair under her seat in a car, use a massage chair cushion to relieve tension in the muscles.

Lie down and get up

bed should help relax muscles, but do not let the "sagging" of the back to keep the curves of the spine in a physiological position;
even the best mattress - not a 100% solution to the problem, a lot depends on the posture in which you sleep. It is better to lie on your side - it helps relieve the spine. The height of the pillow should fit the width of your shoulder;
waking up in the morning, several times a good stretch in bed, get up, making no sudden movements.


If you have a standing job, change your posture every 10-15 minutes, moving the weight from one foot to the other;
try at least once in half an hour ago to sag, pulling his arms up, taking a deep breath and exhale, to relieve fatigue from the muscles of the back.

Lift and carry weights

distribute the weight carried by gravity - do not wear a heavy bag in one hand, separate the contents into two, with a different weight. Periodically change bags in hand, to regulate the tension of the muscles of the body;
wear a baby in her arms only with straight backs.

Do homework

when cleaning, use a mop and a vacuum cleaner extension handle;
Use the ironing board and fit it at the height of its growth;
do not wash clothes, leaning over the bath, a basin to stand on a high pedestal;
Do not forget to be careful when working in the garden: the spine should be upright. Try to bend over as little as possible - get up on his knees or on his heels. Digging, do not pick up too much ground to shovel.


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