Sunday, November 13, 2016

The epidemic of childhood obesity: Interview with Professor

 The epidemic of childhood obesity: Interview with Professor  With a light hand grandmothers, many believe that the fullness of the Child - a sign of health. And few people think that overweight "pulls" for a whole string of diseases. And that's not all the problems of children with obesity.

Not all children grow plump in obese adults, but almost everyone full child   He is suffering from psychological difficulties. Insulting nickname, isolation from peers translate into loneliness and inferiority complex. Especially sharply react girls aspiring to always look attractive. If your child is overweight, try to understand his problems and to give it more attention. If he feels your support, it will be easier to avoid psychological problems and adapt to the team. Explain that childhood obesity   is a disruption of the normal ratio between height and weight, and thus a temporary phenomenon: the child is growing. But this, of course, is not enough, you need to help him lose weight.

How to help your child lose weight, says the deputy director for scientific and medical work and the head of the Institute of Nutrition, professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences Boris Samuilovich emperor.

- How much is now urgent problem of childhood obesity?

- The problem of obesity among children and adults around the world every year becomes more and more urgent .  For example, Moscow obese more than 8% of girls and 10% of boys .  Growth in the number of overweight children these days is explained, mainly, unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle .  In recent decades, in most countries has increased the standard of living, it has changed the structure of supply due to an excess of high-energy, refined foods that contain excess fat and sugar but poor beneficial nutrients .  Most contemporary children do not receive the necessary physical activity, resulting in an imbalance between the high-energy intake and reduced energy expenditure, resulting in the accumulation of fat in the body .  In addition, poor diet and lack of exercise lead to slower metabolism when obesity progresses even when the power normalization .

- How important is the hereditary factor? Because in our country a huge number of overweight people.

- Hereditary predisposition plays an important role in causing obesity, study the genetics of obesity continues to this day. An obese often suffer the whole family. However family eating habits and wrong food habits can influence the development of obesity in children greater than genetic predisposition.

- What are the causes of childhood obesity do you consider the most frequent?

- The most common causes Obesity in children are overeating, excessive consumption of refined and fatty foods, violation diet (rare and abundant meals, especially in the evening hours, constant snacking), sedentary lifestyle (overreliance on computer, watching TV), a genetic predisposition.

- At what age can and should teach the kid to eat healthy food?

- Since birth. The first and the most important and healthy food for your baby is breast milk. Then 4-6 months is necessary to introduce complementary foods, as recommended by a pediatrician, not to exceed the recommended amount. It should not be added to food infants excessive amounts of sugar and salt. Fried, fatty foods, including dairy products high fat, mayonnaise should not be present in the diet of a child up to school age.

- Whether it is possible to minimize the harmful effects of fast food?

- Eating out should not be in the habit of; worth eating outside the home only if a regular meal is carried by more than two hours and your child is very hungry. In fast food restaurants most dishes are extremely high-calorie due to the high content of fat and / or sugar. It is important that the food in a fast food restaurant was not associated with a child's socializing or holidays: enjoy the habit of fast food can be preserved for years to come. Especially, do not "reward" the child for any campaign contribution in this restaurant, and it is better not to go there. Feed your child at home!

- How to determine if the child obesity? And how do parents: keep an appointment with a doctor or "planted" on a diet?

- The most simple and reliable diagnostic criteria Obesity in children   indicators include: measurement of body weight, height and waist circumference .  Body mass index, which is calculated to assess obesity in adults should be assessed taking into account the age and sex of the child, adult ratios are not suitable for children .  The evaluation of the child's weight should annually physician during routine inspections at the kindergarten, school or out-patient department .  There percentiles table and scales to assess compliance with the normal indicators of the child's weight .  A very rough calculation of normal weight can be made according to the formula: 10, 5 + 2n (where n - number of years) .  Parents, especially grandparents, often incorrectly assess the child's weight and normal weight tend to believe even with its substantial excess .  It must be remembered that the diagnosis of obesity or overweight is not authorized in children under 2 years .  If parents think that the child's weight, you need to discuss this with your pediatrician or dietitian .  Attempts to make the appointment a child's diet is almost always harmful - need to lose weight very slowly, so as not to disturb the normal development and growth of the child .  Some children with obesity is enough to stabilize the weight - with the growth of the problem of excess weight will disappear .

 The epidemic of childhood obesity: Interview with Professor  - Whether rights psychologists who argue that if the child's meal was a consolation or encouragement, in the future it offers a weight problem?

- Food for the child should not carry "non-food" functions, ie provide a sedative, reward, punishment, etc. In addition to psychological problems, this situation almost inevitably leads to eating disorders, and as a result, to the development of obesity. Such patients for weight loss need help not only the dietician, but often, and psychotherapist.

- It is clear that the fullness of the child faces a lot of problems with health. And then, when he grows up, it can go unnoticed?

- To answer this question it is necessary to recall the most frequent causes of obesity - it is overeating, excessive consumption of refined and fatty foods and a sedentary lifestyle. Thus, if the child and his family will be able to change your eating habits and your lifestyle - they will not threaten diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension and many other diseases associated with obesity. It is important to know that the older the child is overweight, the more he risks becoming a full adult. Therefore, the detection of overweight and, even more so, the child obesity , Treatment should be started as early as possible. But to carry out this treatment should be a pediatrician, as only he can properly assess all aspects of diet therapy and give correct recommendations.

Questions were asked Oksana Herasymenko

Healthy Child

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