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Menstruation after childbirth

June 25, 2012

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 Menstruation after childbirth  After such an ordeal for the woman's body, as the birth of the baby, takes a certain time period in order to return to normal functioning of all organs and systems, which at the time pregnancy   It has undergone changes. In most cases this alteration takes about 6 - 8 weeks. But to restore the functioning of the hormonal system   Women take longer time. The menstrual cycle resumes after childbirth is the restoration of hormonal balance in the body of a young mother.

What happens during pregnancy and lactation?

After the baby is born, the woman gave birth in the body there is a sharp decline in proteins Previously Yields placenta . These proteins provide the regulation of a number of metabolic processes in the female body. After birth, there is a change of the endocrine system of the female body. So, pituitary   produces the hormone prolactin Responsible for milk production. However, another function of this hormone is the production of hormones in the ovaries. Because this process is suspended oocyte maturation, and ovulation . Therefore, most of the women's lack of menstruation observed throughout the period breast-feeding   baby. If a woman after the birth of their baby feeds exclusively breastfed, then the first month after birth only appear after the end of the period Lactation . In mixed feeding (alternating breast-feeding and artificial) restoration of menstruation in young mothers occurs in most cases, about 3-4 months after birth.

However, in this case, it is not without exceptions, therefore, even in mothers who exclusively breast-feed the baby for a year or more, menstruation can occur as 3-4 months after delivery.

This information should become a kind of warning to women that even the absence of menstruation for a certain period after childbirth can not guarantee that pregnancy will not occur. Since this period can occur ovulation, conception, too, probably.

If a woman for some reason do not breastfeeding, ovulation the first time after giving birth has been going for about 10 weeks. Therefore, menstruation after giving birth for the first time comes to 12 weeks.

However, in some cases, the appearance of the first menstruation may already 7-9 weeks after birth. But with the first monthly cycle usually happens anovulatory as egg from the ovary does not come out.

Concerned about the issue when starting month after giving birth, women who have had cesarean section Must be remembered that all the changes taking place in her body as well as after natural childbirth. Therefore, the restoration of menstruation depends on the specific feeding.

Features postpartum discharge

 Menstruation after childbirth  Immediately after birth the woman has genital discharge. This process may take approximately 6-8 weeks after birth. However, not to be confused with menstruation such allocation. Postnatal release called lohiyami . Their origin is different from menstrual. After the placenta is in the process of labor is separated, in its place there is an extensive wound. Initially, immediately after childbirth, a woman appear a few days spotting. Later, the wound heals slowly and with about 4 days these discharge becomes serous-sukrovichnymi. Later, they have become a white-yellow color and occur in smaller amounts.

Establishing menstrual postpartum

Very often the first few monthly cycles after the birth a woman has a regular menstrual period less than in the period before pregnancy. So, menstruation after delivery may be delayed for a few days or begin earlier. It is also possible increase or decrease the number of days duration of the month. However, despite the fact that such phenomena are usually considered normal, women should still consult a doctor because these symptoms may also indicate the beginning of an inflammation of the internal organs of a woman.

The normal menstrual cycle can vary from 21 to 35 days, but on average it lasts 28 days. The duration of menstruation - 4 to 6 days. The most abundant hemorrhage observed in the first and second day of menstruation. During the menstrual cycle, a woman loses approximately 35 ml of blood. If there is more than 80 ml of blood loss, then we are talking about the presence of a particular disease.

Each young mother must understand that the postpartum period may be changes in the duration of the interval between periods, and the duration of menstruation itself. It is important to ensure that all these measures do not exceed the limits of the rules mentioned above.

Often, after the birth of the nature and characteristics of menstruation in women drastically changed. In some cases, irregular menses earlier after childbirth become regular. If earlier the woman during menstruation there is a noticeable pain, after the birth, she can disappear. These changes are explained by changes in the location of organs in the abdomen during pregnancy and labor, which contributes to more physiological position of the uterus.

Menstrual disorders after childbirth

 Menstruation after childbirth  After giving birth, a woman can celebrate the manifestation of certain disorders of the menstrual cycle. One of these disorders may be hyperprolactinemia . Sometimes the secretion of the hormone prolactin, which increases considerably during the childbearing and lactation, a woman does not decrease after the cessation of breastfeeding. In this case, we are talking about a condition called pathological hyperprolactinemia. Because excessive prolactin is able to suppress menstruation, hyperprolactinemia after cessation of breast-feeding provokes amenorrhea in the young mother.

This phenomenon is usually associated with too high a function of pituitary cells that produce prolactin. Furthermore, the reason for this phenomenon may be prolactinoma   - adenoma   the pituitary gland, which also produces the hormone prolactin. Prolactinoma is a benign tumor of the pituitary gland, which appears in women after breast feeding because of insufficiency Thyroid . This condition is easily corrected by treatment with thyroid hormones.

Violation of menstruation can be a symptom of pituitary prolactinoma - a woman can greatly reduce the amount of menstrual blood or a reduced period of bleeding. It is also possible amenorrhea   - Complete cessation of menstruation. Women suffering from such phenomena after childbirth, also concerned about frequent headaches. Even after breastfeeding has been completely phased out of breast milk continues to stand out a bit. Women with this disease may develop later disease of the breast , Appear excess weight .

Treatment of pituitary prolactinoma conducted using oral agents that prescribed by the physician. Most often used in therapy drugs bromocriptine . lisenil . metergolin . abergin and other tools that normalize the amount allocated prolactin. Accordingly, the menstrual cycle is gradually recovering.

Another complication that leads to certain violations of the menstrual cycle in the postpartum period is postpartum apituitarism   (so-called Sheehan's syndrome ). The disease occurs in women as a consequence of necrotic changes in the pituitary. If a young mother developed severe bleeding after childbirth too heavy process, such a state could be their consequences.

Sheehan's syndrome is also evident after sepsis   and peritonitis . preeclampsia   second half of pregnancy. Sheehan's syndrome should be suspected in the case, if a woman has no periods after delivery. The absence of menstruation or reducing the amount allocated to the small allocation of blood smearing the character - one of the manifestations of the syndrome Sheehan. Even before the first period begins after childbirth, the woman in the development of the syndrome Sheehan notes fatigue, weakness, frequent headaches, low blood pressure. It can greatly reduce the weight of the body, it is sometimes seen dry skin and swelling of the extremities. For the treatment of this disease is used hormone replacement therapy.

Heavy menstruation after childbirth

 Menstruation after childbirth  Enough common problem in women are heavy periods after childbirth . Heavy menstruation lead to the fact that a woman's body very quickly running out of gland . Therefore, when such a pathology is necessary to periodically receive drugs that include iron.

In the first months of the female body is subject to changes that are associated with the restoration of the normal structure and function of the uterus. In parallel, there is a normalization of hormonal background. During this period, heavy menstruation occur very often. However, it is important to take into account the fact that as the recovery time of the menstrual cycle, and its character has individual characteristics.

Duration heavy menstruation after childbirth depends on several factors. Very often heavy menstruation occur in young mothers, childbirth which were long and heavy. The menstrual cycle returns to normal more quickly in women who ate full during pregnancy, did not allow aggravation of various chronic diseases, sufficient time allocated for rest and had no physical strain. No less important is the normal psychological state of women during pregnancy and after childbirth.

To determine whether the normal state of women during menstruation, can be guided by the following rules. Considered normal monthly in the first months after the birth of the child in the event that their duration does not exceed seven days, and in those days, when the allocation of the most intense, the woman grabs a pad for 4-5 hours. It is important to monitor and so do not differ whether the discharge from that observed prior to delivery. It is necessary to assess their texture, color and other features. Therefore, sometimes the doctor may ask a woman to show a lining. When heavy menstruation may increase the duration of menstruation. Moreover, there may be failures in the menstrual cycle.

With abundant monthly gynecologist sends a young mother on a pelvic ultrasound to rule out the development of inflammation, the presence of tumors and other abnormalities. Also, an expert assigns supplementation with hemostatic influence and drugs containing iron. It is especially important to consult a doctor promptly to those women who during menstruation there are very copious with red color.

According to the norm, monthly, which lasted more than ten days and are thus abundant, require consultation with a doctor. This is considered to be menstruating and bleeding may indicate specific problems in the body. Therefore it is very important to find and eliminate the cause of the failure. Sometimes women are prescribed holding scraping the uterus, as heavy bleeding occurs in some cases because of the presence of residues of the placenta in the uterus.

For female body plentiful monthly pose a risk in terms of iron deficiency, as the bleeding significantly reduce levels of iron. A similar phenomenon is fraught with the deterioration of the physical condition of the woman: it can disturb the lethargy and weakness, tachycardia , Recurrent shortness of breath. In addition, when iron deficiency anemia   woman becomes more irritable. Appearance is also suffering: pale skin, worsening the condition of nails, hair.

Recovery of iron deficiency involves the appointment of a course of iron-containing products, as well as an introduction to the daily diet of those foods that contain large amounts of this trace element. Because iron is absorbed in the gastro-intestinal tract, drugs optimally take into tablets. Your doctor will recommend the drug, which also contain other minerals that contribute to the formation of Hemoglobin .

Thus, every new mother should clearly follow the recovery features of the menstrual cycle and when there is doubt in the normal process required to apply to a doctor.

In addition, women should not forget that the absence of menstruation for a long period after birth may be a sign of a new pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to consult a gynecologist and about an adequate method of contraception.

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