Description overdue on 12/08/2014
- Latin name: Mexicor
- ATC code: C01EB
- Active substance: Emoxypine (Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate)
- Manufacturer: EkoFarmInvest (Russia)
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications Mexicor
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Mexicor - application instructions (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Analogs
- With alcohol
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
One capsule contains Active ingredient: oksimetiletilpiridina succinate - 0, 1 g and adjuvants - succinic acid, lactose, potato starch, and magnesium stearate.
The ampules of 2 ml contains oksimetiletilpiridina succinate - 100 mg, Trilon B and water for injection.
Product form
The drug release capsules to 0, 1g of active substance and 2 ml ampoules, which contain 50 mg / ml of the main component.
Pharmacological action
Mexicor has antihypoxic, neuroprotective, nootropic, anxiolytic and antioxidant effects .
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
In the treatment with this drug reduces symptoms of oxidative stress, inhibited lipid peroxidation and increased activity of antioxidant enzyme system. Also improves cellular energy exchange, activated energosinteziruyuschie mitochondrial function and compensatory activation of aerobic glycolysis, decreases the degree of inhibition of oxidative processes.
Furthermore, marked improvement of cerebral metabolism and cerebral circulation, microcirculation and blood rheology, reduction of platelet aggregation and so on.
The absorption of the active substance in the body comes from the digestive tract quickly and fully. Maximum plasma concentration is reached within an hour. In this formulation sufficiently rapidly distributed to tissues and organs.
Displayed Mexicor glyukuronokonyugata advantageously in the form in urine. The most active process observed during the first 4 hours after taking the drug.
Indications Mexicor
The drug capsules administered in combination therapy with:
- coronary heart disease;
- ischemic stroke;
- light and moderate cognitive disorders regardless of their origin;
- vascular encephalopathy.
When administered injections Mexicor, indications may be similar, as well as the acute phase myocardial infarction.
- acute disorders of the liver and kidneys;
- patient age of 18 years, as the effect of the drug is not established;
- lactation, pregnancy;
- sensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug.
Side effects
When treating mexicor may suffer digestive system, which is accompanied by dyspepsia, dry mouth, nausea, diarrhea . Usually these symptoms disappear spontaneously after drug withdrawal. Long-term use of the drug often leads to flatulence.
It is also possible sleep problems and the development of allergic reactions.
Mexicor - application instructions (method and dosage)
Medicine in ampoules intended for intravenous drip, or intramuscular administration. The course of treatment on a background of basic drug therapy of acute myocardial infarction at 14 days. To obtain a rapid therapeutic effect in the first 5 days of drug administered intravenously is recommended, then go to a local application.
Perform intravenous drip should be slow enough with physiological sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution volume. For example, 100-150 ml solution should be administered within 30-90 minutes. You can also put the injections, it is allowed to slow jet intravenous administration, which is carried out not less than 5 minutes.
According to the instructions for use Mexicor tablets They must be taken every 8 hours 3 times a day. The average single dose of 2-3 mg per kg body weight, and daily - 6-9 mg per kg body weight. Permissible maximum single dose of 0, 25 g, and daily - 0, 8, the capsule usually appointed interior in the complex therapy.
For each disease treatment regimen and the necessary dosage of the drug determined by the doctor. This takes into account nosological form of the disease and the patient's individual sensitivity to the drug. The duration of treatment mexicor can also be different, for example, coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disorders, it is 1, 5-2 months.
Treatment Meksikortom need to end gradually decreasing daily dosage of 0, 1 g
In case of overdose with this drug may show symptoms of insomnia, drowsiness, a slight increase in blood pressure. Such cases do not require special care, as they usually pass on their own.
If there is a significant increase in blood pressure, it appointed a tablet to reduce it, in addition to the antianginal drugs.
Admission capsules and injections Mexicor enhance the effect of anti and anticonvulsants, and benzodiazepine anxiolytics. In addition, the increased activity of antianginal drugs, increases the hypotensive effect of beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors and the effect of antiarrhythmic drugs.
Terms of sale
The drug prescription.
Storage conditions
The storage area should be dry, dark and protected from children, with temperatures up to 25 ° C.
Shelf life
3 years.
Analogs Mexicor
Tivortin Aspartate
Deprenorm MB
Vero Trimetazidine
Note that Mexicor and its analogues have the same active substance, and, therefore, indications. Therefore, these include: Medomeksi, Meksidant, Mexidol, Meksipridol.
Alcohol and Mexicor
Because this medication may be used for relief alcohol withdrawal syndrome , The consumption of alcohol in the treatment of mexicor not prohibited.
Reviews mexicor
This drug, like its counterparts are often discussed at medical forums. At the same time reviews of doctors mexicor least Diverse as the opinion of the patients. Often, professionals reported that the treatment of this drug no noticeable effects. In addition, some experts effectiveness of the composition of the drug and its metabolites - components that are formed after the dissolution of the drug in humans is questionable. Therefore, they argue that the mono-treatment mexicor should not expect a particularly beneficial effect on health.
With regard to the views of patients on this drug, many of them really say that mexicor treatment did not have any effect on the body.
Price Mexicor where to buy
The medicine of any shape can be purchased at pharmacies in Moscow and other Russian regions. The price Mexicor tablets offered from 122 rubles, ampoules 2 ml of 265 rubles.
Buy capsule in Kiev can be over 94.40 USD., 2 ml vials for 253.55 USD.
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