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How fast to lose weight after giving birth

July 3rd, 2012

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 How fast to lose weight after giving birth  Almost every young mother after some time after the birth of the baby starts to think about how to lose weight after giving birth. However, to regain those forms that are pleasing before the baby is actually quite easy. After all, to conduct a correct way of life, actively engaged in sports and stick diet   it is very difficult because of the need to take care of the baby all the time. As a consequence, a lot of mothers of newborns over a period of notice that the indicators of body weight rises steeply. But we should not despair, as there are many methods of losing weight after childbirth, proven by many generations of women.

Pregnancy and weight

Under existing rules, the period of carrying a child pregnant woman should gain no more than 12 additional kilograms. If this figure is not exceeded, the extra weight will disappear during delivery And in the first few weeks after their recovery. However, those women who are too recovered during pregnancy , Gaining more than 20 kilograms, as a rule, is much more difficult to return the same, familiar forms for them. Therefore, the coming recovery, you need to think in the period of gestation of the child, not trying to eat too much. There is at the root of misconception that pregnant woman should eat for yourselves, and for your baby, that is a double portion. Psychologically, this statement sets the future mother of the fact that the excesses of the period of gestation the baby is quite acceptable.

At the same time, eating a lot more calories, the woman moves less because of his position. As a consequence, the power consumption obtained with food, does not occur.

In addition, during pregnancy the female body is undergoing tremendous stress due to major restructuring. In the body, run special mechanisms to protect the unborn child. It is for this purpose an active layer of accumulated fat on the abdomen and thighs, and on the sides. Features figures and, in particular, its changes during pregnancy depend on genetic predisposition. Consequently, if excess weight   Parents have a woman, then she has his appearance more likely. Besides the distribution of fat in pregnancy there is something like it was her mother.

A strong increase in weight occurs during the development of a woman preeclampsia   and other pathologies precipitating fluid retention.

As a result, statistics show that obesity is at 40% of women who are over 30 years old. And after the age of forty have half of women have excess weight.

Thus, if a woman gained during pregnancy more than 13 kg overweight and saved her for six months after the birth of a baby, in this case we are talking about long-term obesity   and possible follow-up endocrine disorders .

Factors influencing the weight loss after childbirth

 How fast to lose weight after giving birth  Experts identified a number of important factors that affect the process of losing weight women after childbirth. First of all, motivation is important: the young mother should clearly define its purpose and to facilitate the path to it using some of the important attitudes. Psychologists are advised not to set sky-high goals, such as losing weight by tens of kilograms. It is best to plan the loss of several kilograms in a given time or opportunity to try to achieve a certain thing to put that woman wore before pregnancy. There are simple methods of motivation, for example, to record your goal on a piece of paper and hang the sheet on the refrigerator, to constantly introduce this idea into the subconscious.

Mental attitude is crucial to losing weight after childbirth, since at this time the young mother can suffer from symptoms postpartum depression . Her mood changes dramatically, appears self-pity, and against this background the food often becomes a kind of "consolation" factor. Such desirable to avoid, as in the forms of postpartum depressive state, it is desirable to consult a doctor who will help to overcome the problems and come to the fight against excess weight with the right attitude.

Two main factors - proper nutrition and sports. A balanced diet - a key factor in the process of getting rid of excess weight. Performing simple exercises a few days after birth to help get in shape faster and, moreover, will help women overcome postnatal depression. Later, you can move on to more serious training.

Experts also recommend that women wear a postpartum bandage To help pull the stretched skin on the abdomen and to overcome recurrent back pain.

In addition, passive way of parting with excess weight is dialed long period of lactation.

Features weight loss after childbirth

 How fast to lose weight after giving birth  Lose weight after delivery is possible if to take into account some features of the period of breastfeeding and recovery after labor. It is important that during the breastfeeding mother does not apply to radical methods of losing weight. Consequently, neither medication drugs nor compliance various strict diets, neither surgery at this time should not be practiced. Furthermore, such methods generally adversely affect the body, the skin condition. In addition, over time, once the weight comes back.

Do not during lactation drink tea with laxative effect, which promote excretion of fluid. Therefore, every new mother should realize that losing weight after childbirth should take place smoothly and gradually. The best option - a loss of 250 to 400 g per week. Thus, the weight will come away with the same speed with which and gain during pregnancy. It should be noted that the stabilization hormonal   It occurs about two years after the birth of the child, so the process of losing weight can be difficult.

Slimming process presupposes respect for two basic principles: the need to eat less food and at the same time to move actively. But a nursing mother is too strong exercise is not suitable as exhausting charging may adversely affect the process of feeding the baby.

The very first load after childbirth, which can be used as a kind of daily exercise is walking with a stroller. In order to feel the effect of these walks, need to move quite rapidly, going every day for several kilometers. Walking on the clean fresh air not only contribute to the training of the muscles, but also have a positive effect on the production of breast milk. Effective weight loss occurs when the heart rate increases to 120 beats per minute, and this can be achieved, if you go fast enough pace. Walking with your baby should last at least two hours every day. So a quick walk with a straight back will ensure burning the same amount of calories as when jogging or training on the simulator.

A kind of "charge" can be performed with the smallest child. For example, if you carry a baby in a kangaroo pouch, you can improve your posture, strengthen your abdominals and back. To make such a charging more diverse, wearing a baby in a backpack should be the front, then from behind. Weight of the child will be gradually increased, and the load on the muscles will also increase.

At a time when the baby is resting after feeding, mom can do a little exercise, aimed at strengthening the muscle tone. There are special videotrenirovki for employment after childbirth. However, you can choose some suitable exercises and independently. First day is enough to make two fifteen-minute training session, later, a month after the birth of a baby, the lessons can be increased twice. If the birth went without complications, then after 5-6 weeks you can gradually begin training on simulators. But weight training is used sooner is better to use an exercise bike, treadmill, elliptical trainer. At this time, it is already possible to carry out complex and activities of yoga. Perfect for a young mother is a regular swimming, which is a positive influence on the general condition, and the process of losing weight.

Any exercise should be carried out with an empty stomach, so after the meal must pass at least two hours. By the way, after exercise, you should not eat, because in the course of the mechanism of resistive loads starts burning fat, which lasts about two hours.

Incidentally, after caesarean section And after a very difficult and complicated deliveries before training woman should undergo a pelvic exam to make sure that the recovery process is going well. However, before a month, even light exercise should not be done.

Catching up on sports, the young mother does not have to wait for the first results within a short period of time. Therefore, to control the process of losing weight after childbirth is best once a month by measuring the volume and Weighing

Food for weight loss after childbirth

 How fast to lose weight after giving birth  Relatively quickly lose weight after giving birth is possible only in the event that from the first days after returning from the hospital food, and women would be the most balanced. A nursing mother should not think that the characteristics of its power affect the way the quantity of milk produced. And approval of the misconceptions is that a large number of tea with cream and fat, satisfying foods contributes to the quality of the milk. In fact, the young nursing mother just need to drink a lot, using the liquid before each feeding a child. The total amount of fluid intake per day should be at least two liters.

And for the stability of lactation, and for growing thin woman should split the daily ration of five to six servings. In one meal should be consumed no more than 200 grams of food. Before going to bed should not be there, it is better to eat the last time for 3-4 hours before bedtime. On the night enough to drink low-fat yogurt or fermented baked milk. But skipping breakfast is not desirable: morning nutrition ensures that the body will process food consumed more intensively.

Food fried in a skillet, and a very fatty foods like contraindicated during breast-feeding, and in the process of active shedding of excess weight. It is best to cook in a double boiler: so it retains the nutrients, and the dish is not absorb the excess fat. The most suitable for the "post-natal diet" dishes are steamed and boiled vegetables. They should be about half of the total daily diet. Young mother, which is difficult to take the time to cook a meal, can use frozen mixed vegetables, vitamins and nutrients that are stored at freezing. However, in the first months breastfeeding   do not need to have those mixed vegetables, legumes which have, as it is fraught with the manifestation of the gassing of the baby. But over time, they can be gradually introduced into the diet.

Fruit - a lovely dessert option for nursing moms losing weight. However, to get involved with bananas and grapes still not worth it, since calorie these fruits is very high.

And the process of lactation and proper weight loss after giving birth does not exclude the daily consumption of dairy products. Some of them, however, is very high in calories. But if in the process of slimming cream is best not to drink, it without cheese, which provides the body with calcium during lactation can not do. It is desirable to choose milk products with low fat content. In this case, suitable cheese varieties Cecilia, Adygei, camembert.

But meat for nursing mothers wanting to bring back to normal shape, you can only eat once a day. Thus it should be lean. Frankfurters and sausages are a source of fat, so it is better to exclude in general, preferring poultry, rabbit beef,

Porridge - the product sufficiently nutritious, but still eat porridge from cereals, it is important for the full feeding a baby: it significantly reduces the risk of developing allergies .

Particular attention should be paid to ensure that the habit of mothers are not logged in constant snacking. If there is still very much want to satisfy hunger better fruit, and sometimes help and a glass of green tea.

Slimming postpartum woman should clearly know the entire list of banned products, which are not conducive to dropping the weight and thus can hurt and nourishes the baby in breast milk. Thus, in the diet of the young mother has no place fried and smoked foods, canned foods, spicy and salty dishes, alcohol, chocolate. Useful seemingly seeds and nuts - products are also treacherous: they are high-calorie, very fatty and thus can trigger allergic reactions in children.

Flour muffin - food that is better to use a little, and very rarely. But treat yourself to a small bun every few days nursing mother may still. It is better to eat in the morning.

Experts advise mother properly adapt to the daily routine of the child, without missing at the same time meal. By the way, many women eats delicious mashed potatoes and other food for the baby, making a serious mistake. After all, without noticing it, a young mother constantly consume extra calories, which ultimately can only add a few kilos.

Total caloric intake of young mothers should not go beyond 2,000 calories a day. Significant limitations - less than 1,300 calories a day - could have a negative impact not only on the process of lactation, but also on metabolism As its speed can slow down.

Track the process of losing weight is important because in the absence of weight loss in a woman, exercise and limiting power, possible endocrine disruption. In such a case, you should immediately visit an endocrinologist.

Breastfeeding and weight loss after childbirth

 How fast to lose weight after giving birth  According to the observations of nutritionists, those women who for a long time to feed your baby breast milk is much easier to part with the accumulated during the period of pregnancy weight. After all, during breastfeeding uterus contracts more active and soon comes to the norm. The main thing - to eat with the no-frills, not sitting on a diet, but not abused, and especially oily nutritious food. Slimming nursing mothers need to replenish iron stores, as during childbirth and postpartum hemorrhage its level is significantly reduced. This trace mineral is actively involved in developing an enzyme that affects the fat burning process. Therefore, the young mother must replenish iron by eating eggs, liver, fish, carrots, bread from wheat flour.

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