Monday, November 26, 2018

Ankylosing spondylitis

November 18, 2011

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 Ankylosing spondylitis  The disease is also known as ankylosing spondylitis   or ankylosing spondylitis , Inflammation of the joints in the spine. There ankylosing spondylitis for reasons until now unknown exactly. However, it is known that factor heredity As well as failures in the immune system greatly affect the inflammatory processes in the spine. Often, the disease manifests itself after prolonged stress, prolonged inflammatory processes in the body. Today there is an opportunity to do a blood test for the detection of hereditary factor, which determines the risk of developing the disease. However, there is a category of people who are carriers of the disease gene, but they - completely healthy people. For people who are carriers of the disease gene, but do not have relatives who suffer from Bechterew's disease, the chance to get sick of only 2%. In turn, those with similar patients have such chances increase to 20%.

This disease is directly related to chronic inflammatory process sacroiliac joints   and longitudinal ligaments of the spine. During prolonged inflammation in the ligaments of the spine occurs calcification . Inflammation affects the transverse processes of the thoracic vertebrae, intervertebral and intercostal joints. The patient has been reduced mobility of the chest, as he manifested pain during deep breathing.

The disease is common in men. It manifested the disease in adolescence, towards the youthful. Ankylosing spondylitis occurs as a chronic illness, with symptoms and time of onset of disability are absolutely individual. If you diagnose the disease as early as possible and apply the right approach to treatment, it is possible to not only relieve pain, but also to prevent the process of changes in the joints. Much less ankylosing spondylitis seen in women, which is why it is quite difficult to diagnose. Approximately 5% of cases, the disease begins to manifest itself in childhood. In children, the disease begins to hit knee   and hips . five . the big toe . Later, the disease already affects the spine.

The symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis

 Ankylosing spondylitis  Manifested ankylosing spondylitis fuzzy appearance of pain in the sacral spine, sometimes pain can also occur in the groin and on the outside of the thighs. As a rule, the greatest intensity of pain appears at night and in the morning. Patients complain of restless sleep, morning, the patient feels in the back "stiffness", it is rather difficult to get out of bed. After years as pain arises in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, and in the morning there is a feeling of discomfort and "stiffness". The patient is very difficult to bend forward, backward, to the side: at the same time as there is pain. The most severe is the pain at rest.

The symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis is also manifested in the form of limiting the mobility of the spine, which eventually progresses. In the process of developing the disease periodically pain appear less pronounced. In the most severe cases of ankylosing spondylitis leads to a state completely immobile spine . This cervical and thoracic reside in the so-called "position of the applicant." Today there are a number of medicines, and has developed a set of physical exercises that can be used successfully to prevent stiffness of the spine.

To establish the correct diagnosis, should identify symptoms that are characteristic of the disease. This pain in the spine and the joints of arms and legs, feeling of stiffness in the spine in the morning, strain the physiological curves of the spine - kyphosis   in his thoracic, lumbar smoothing lordosis . Because ankylosing spondylitis - a systemic disease, when its course often can detect abnormalities in other organs. Thus, it can be chronic colitis . psoriasis . conjunctivitis . negonoreyny urethritis   with relapses.

Complications of ankylosing spondylitis

Very dangerous complications that can result from ankylosing spondylitis. Among the possible complications provoked by disease, can be identified heart disease   and aortic . According to statistics, these comorbidities, which are characterized by breathlessness , Pain behind the breastbone, disruptions in the heart.

About a third of patients suffer amyloidosis . This disease is characterized by degeneration of the kidneys, resulting in the renal failure .

Due to the low mobility of the chest often patients may develop pneumonia   and tuberculosis . To avoid the complications mentioned, it should be time to diagnose the disease and to take action to cure it.

Diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis

 Ankylosing spondylitis  For the effective therapy of the disease is primarily required to establish a correct diagnosis. The specialists always take into account that symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis are very similar to symptoms of other diseases - for example, Reiter's disease , Inflammation of joints and of the intestine, psoriasis . To make sure that the diagnosis is correct, it should carry out a physical examination, X-ray examination. If there is doubt about the data from these studies carried out computed tomography . Also as part of the diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis conducted a survey for the presence in the body gene HLA-27 .

Treatment of ankylosing spondylitis

For the treatment of this disease are primarily used methods that allow you to stop inflammation. For this purpose it is used extensively nonsteroidal drugs Having anti-inflammatory action. It is also prescribed to patients glucocorticoids And subject to a very severe illness may apply immunosuppressants . More recently, for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis began to apply sulfasalazine   as a basic drug.

However, the most effective tool in the fight against this disease is considered to be special physiotherapy . To achieve good results, kinesitherapy , I.e. therapy with motor activity, and special therapeutic exercises should be continuously engaged once or twice a day for thirty minutes. It is very effective at reducing the impact of functional insufficiency of the spine and joints. Remove the pain in the spine, lower muscle rigidity   well to a special massage of the back muscles. Well established in the treatment of physical therapy apparatuses, which are used for electromyostimulation . They help develop and relax the muscles, relieve pain. Because of these manipulations can be significantly increased mobility in the joints, which are affected by the disease. Very good on the condition of the spine affects the regular swimming. If all the steps to drug treatment, as well as independent conduct of physical education classes will be conducted properly and regularly, the risk of complete immobility of the spine, or changes in other parts of the skeleton will be the smallest.

Prevention of ankylosing spondylitis

 Ankylosing spondylitis  Prevention in this case should be aimed at, to prevent complication of the disease. Therefore, the most important steps to be considered timely diagnosis and immediate commencement of appropriate treatment of ankylosing spondylitis. Patients who put such a diagnosis should be regularly observed in orthopedics and rheumatology.

It is important to follow some preventive measures to avoid the occurrence of this disease. Pay attention to the following points. It is important to wash your hands after coming off the street and before eating. All fruits and vegetables should also be thoroughly washed by spraying hot water. Do not use poor quality and stale products. It is important to exclude promiscuity And in the case of contracting sexually transmitted infections, it is important to treat the disease under the supervision of a specialist. After all, even with complete disappearance of the external manifestations of a risk that bacteria in the human body remained. In the case of certain conditions can occur re-attack the body. Should be avoided, and the conditions that trigger the appearance of the inflammatory process.

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