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February 25, 2012

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 Toxemia  Toxemia - A pathological condition of the body, which occurs as a consequence of exposure to exogenous toxins or harmful substances of endogenous origin.

For the state of toxicity characteristic manifestation of neurological disorders, disorders of peripheral blood flow, tachycardia . skin discoloration , Lowering blood pressure. In view of the dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract manifests toxicosis nausea . diarrhea . vomiting . anorexia . When toxicosis occurs permanent damage to the kidneys and liver. Violated the water-electrolyte metabolism, there is a number of deviations in acid-base status.

Types of toxicity

To distinguish several different types of toxicity. Thus, for toxicity with acute adrenal insufficiency Which is most often seen at meningococcemia , Characterized by a sharp increase in body temperature - it can be up to 39-40 degrees. The skin turns white a man, showing signs of anxiety. The skin can act reddish spots of different shades. Later on the skin appears polymorphic rash. After a while, a man overcomes common slackness , Lethargy, respiratory distress, then may develop stupor, later turning into whom . With this type of toxicity in humans manifests itself early circulatory decompensation.

At toxicosis with hepatic insufficiency Which develops as a result of exposure to viruses, the initial extent of disease goes like SARS   or gastro-intestinal infection. This disease is most often seen in children under the age of three. As symptoms often have bouts of uncontrollable vomiting, increased muscle tone, seizures. Somewhat later manifested neurological symptoms: lethargy, confusion, convulsions, too frequent and deep breathing. A few hours later may develop coma. Gradually increases tachycardia , The body temperature can be raised.

At toxicosis with acute renal failure   there is a characteristic triad of symptoms: acute renal failure manifested, acute acquired hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia. This form of toxicity can occur as a consequence of viral respiratory and gastrointestinal viral infections, vaccination. Among other symptoms of this condition should be noted the presence of swelling in the face, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, oliguria. Later markedly impairs the function of the cardiovascular system, gradually increased initially low blood pressure. Available as signs and symptoms of dehydration gastroenteritis . The disease is easily identified by the results of the blood test.

Effective treatment of toxicity requires an integrated approach. It is important to bring poison   from the body, find out the causes of poisoning and enter specific antidote.


Gestosis   - It is a complex nature of the pathological changes in the body of a pregnant woman. Typically, these changes take place in the first half pregnancy . Most often, the main manifestation of early toxicity is vomiting. This condition arises from completely healthy women, but for those who have previously suffered from diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas, the manifestation of toxicity is more pronounced than in a healthy person. In the development and progression of toxicity in the pregnant woman's body goes violations carbohydrate . fat . protein . water-salt exchange . Later depletion may occur, reduce weight. At the same time the patient continues to lose fluid. Sometimes it is also possible noticeable manifestation of degenerative changes in a number of internal organs, as well as in central nervous system.

The manifestations of toxicity to the pregnant or less characteristic for approximately 90% of women. Toxicosis may appear small, transient vomiting and morning or evening sickness. This state continues until about the thirteenth week of pregnancy. In this case we are not talking about the pathology.

To determine the severity of the condition of the pregnant woman, applied classification stages vomiting. Thus, the first step in the overall woman feels well and vomiting occur no more than five times a day. Typically, vomiting is a reaction to food or a smell. In the second stage gestational toxicosis vomiting occurs frequently - up to ten times per day. Woman loses weight quickly, it appears periodic tachycardia, sometimes appears in the urine acetone. At the third stage of toxemia pregnant vomiting may occur up to 25 times a day, a woman feels very bad. This vomiting may occur from the smallest movements. Pulse rate up to 120 beats per minute, and can increase the body temperature. Found in the urine acetone, there is also a high content of creatine.

Treatment of gestational toxicosis

 Toxemia  Treatment of gestational toxicosis in most cases is done on an outpatient basis, it is very important to constantly monitor the dynamics of the body weight of women. However, with vomiting while the second and third stage it should be treated in the hospital. Fault severity of toxicity is performed according to the analysis of blood and urine, by means of electrocardiogram, and by a detailed survey of the patient.

It is important to a comprehensive approach to the treatment of early toxicity. Sometimes, the doctor prescribes a woman taking medications that affect the central nervous system, vitamins, antihistamines. In addition, a woman should observe the regime prescribed by the doctor. Sometimes serious condition is an indication for abortion: this is possible with a very serious condition and poor health of women, with the ineffectiveness of the methods proposed by the doctor over the next 6-12 hours, as well as the development of acute liver disease. As a rule, all the manifestations of toxemia of pregnancy be terminated immediately after the birth, or abortion .

Causes of gestational toxicosis

The main cause of symptoms of toxemia during pregnancy is a violation of adaptation to this condition, as well as the manifestation of a pathological reaction of the organism to a new position. The main reasons that lead to the manifestation of toxicity, number of experts designated disorders in women. This is inflammation of the genital organs, the uterus; pathology of the uterus in a state of endometrium; endocrine disorders. Also, morning sickness can occur as a consequence of changes in the central nervous system, which does not allow the right to process the impulses emanating from the ovum. These changes provoke violation of physiological changes in the endocrine glands, metabolism, the work of a number of body systems. Because metabolic disorders of tissues in the blood enter the intermediates causing toxemia body in general.

More often manifested toxemia of pregnancy in women who have previously suffered a serious illness, do not eat, overworked, did not fully comply with the regime of rest and sleep.

Classification of gestational toxicosis

The most appropriate and feasible today considered toxicosis division into two groups. Thus, in the first half of pregnancy manifested early toxicosis In the second half - late toxicosis . As a general rule, late toxicosis occurs in the last few months of carrying a child. In turn, subdivided into early toxicosis vomiting of pregnancy . excessive vomiting . ptyalism . Late toxicosis may manifest as hydrops pregnant . neuropathy . state preeklampssii   and eclampsia .

Sometimes manifested as a rare form of toxicosis, which include asthma . Medicine . tetany . jaundice . Similar phenomena occur at any time during pregnancy.

In early toxicosis, which usually occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, there are a variety of symptoms. The symptoms of this condition are weakness, strong salivation, reluctance to eat, changes in taste. Vomiting provokes dehydration, a woman loses weight, her skin droops. The pulse becomes more frequent, blood pressure   decreases.

About all the symptoms of a woman must be sure to tell your healthcare gynecologist. Important weighed regularly to monitor whether the jumps in weight in one or another direction.

Late toxicosis appear more serious symptoms. Typically, this condition occurs in about the twentieth week after conception and continues until the day of delivery. In this case, nausea virtually no symptoms, but the woman has swelling of the extremities, and later - face. Sometimes swelling occur throughout the body. Raised blood pressure, and reduce it fails, even with drugs. If time does not seek medical help late toxemia of pregnancy may cause serious damage to internal organs. At the same time a woman will experience a number of symptoms that negatively affect its overall vitality: possible dizziness   and headache Problems with hearing and eyesight. Status eclampsia - the most severe late toxicity. In this case, the woman faints, her convulsions. This condition can cause even death as a consequence of a cerebral hemorrhage, acute respiratory, renal, cardiac insufficiency. Also there is a good chance of placental abruption.

Treat late toxicosis should be exclusively in the hospital, observing strict bed rest and the recommendations of the doctor. It is important to eliminate stress, drink a minimum of salty foods, taking drugs that lower blood pressure. Sometimes, late toxicosis pregnant appointed administration of protein drugs.

But in severe cases, treatment failure eclampsia can be prevented only terminate a pregnancy.

Prevention of pregnancy toxemia

 Toxemia  On prevention of toxicity should be remembered before conception. To do this competently approach to planning pregnancy: get rid of overweight , Stick diet   with a small amount fat , Lead an active life, to physical form it was as perfect as possible. It is proved that the physical form of a direct impact on the manifestation of toxicity: the more comfortable feel and the better a woman looks, the less the risk of pregnancy toxemia.

Already in the first weeks of pregnancy should be examined by a doctor and get all the necessary consultations. It should take vitamin complexes, containing vitamin B6   and vitamin C Minimize the amount of salt in the daily diet, consume at least 75 grams squirrel   everyday. Women who feel the onset of toxicity, should enter into the diet more protein.

There should be a pregnant woman often, but portions should be relatively small. Food should not be much hotter. No less important every day to drink a lot of fluids: to prevent nausea and vomiting help peppermint or green tea with lemon, broth hips.

If nausea still overpowered, you should always carry candy, crackers, fruit, a small portion of which will help stop the nausea. To toxicosis has not progressed very important restful sleep and daytime relaxation. At the same time it is desirable to have a rest in ventilated, cool area.

Exercise can also help to cope with bouts of nausea. However, you can only do light exercises or yoga. But even mild exertion must necessarily endorse the attending physician.

Expectant mothers should avoid secondhand smoke, which can also trigger the development of toxicity.

For the prevention of late toxicosis during the second half of pregnancy should be somewhat reduced intake of fluid to avoid delays in its tissues and, as a consequence of edema. The diet should prevail lean protein foods, vegetables, cereals. Sleep should be no less than nine hours a day. Pregnant woman in late pregnancy should carefully monitor the weight. Too strong and sharp increase may signal the beginning of toxicity.

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