Sunday, April 28, 2019


Description overdue on 08/19/2014

  • Latin name: Biovital
  • ATC code: A11AB
  • Active substance: Multivitamins (Multivitamins)
  • Manufacturer: End Sailly Nattarmann GmbH, Germany
Photos of the drug
  • Composition
  • Product form
  • Pharmacological action
  • Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Instructions for use (method and dosage)
  • Overdose
  • Cooperation
  • Terms of sale
  • Storage conditions
  • Shelf life
  • Cautions
  • Analogs
  • Reviews
  • Price, where to buy



The composition of vitamins Biovital includes:

  • at 0, 25 mg folic acid . Vitamin B1 . riboflavin . vitamin B6 ;
  • 2, 5 mg nicotinamide ;
  • 0, 5 mcg cyanocobalamin ;
  • 500 IU vitamin A ;
  • 50 mg iron sulfate ;
  • 16, 5 mg ferric iron ;
  • 20 mg vitamin C .

Also, the drug comprises extracts of the leaves and flowers of hawthorn (2, 5 mg), hawthorn (4 mg), motherwort herb (1 mg).

The means comprises auxiliary ingredients: sucrose, magnesium stearate, povidone, butylhydroxytoluene, dextrin, water, stearyl alcohol, gelatin, stearic acid, corn starch, glucose syrup, silica, talc, magnesium oxide, calcium carbonate, gum arabic, sodium phosphate, potassium dihydrogenphosphate, titanium dioxide, montan glycol wax, isopropyl alcohol, indigo carmine.

Product form

Drops Biovital produced in blister packs of 15 pieces, in cartons of 2, 4, 6 blisters.

Pharmacological action

Tonic, sedative.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The medicines were well-chosen set of vitamins   and vitamin-like substances, has a beneficial effect on the heart, nervous system and the human body as a whole. The complex supports the heart muscle and circulatory system, increases efficiency.

B vitamins Are known to contribute to the restoration of nerve fibers, are directly involved in metabolic processes (transformation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy).

Iron   perform hematopoietic and metabolic functions.

Vitamin C   is involved in important redox reactions, it facilitates the absorption of iron, improves the immune response.

Motherwort extract , Which is part of the complex, has a calming effect, reduces heart rate.

Thanks nicotinamide   phosphate transfer reaction occur, and oxygen.

Cyanocobalamin   He has been actively involved in hematopoiesis, tissue repair processes.

Due to the relatively harmless drug pharmacokinetics was not studied.


Biovital prescribed for:

  • prevention and treatment of avitaminoses Especially when iron deficiency ;
  • prevention of complications during amplification of mental or physical exertion;
  • for toning the body and strengthen the heart, nervous system, restore circulation.

The complex is administered after an illness, in the postoperative period, after the loss and (or) Blood Transfusion .


Means to receive contraindicated for children under six years. Also, the complex is not prescribed for allergies   components for medication hemochromatosis   and sideroahresticheskaya anemia .

Side effects

Typically, the drug is very well tolerated.

Occasionally there indigestion in the form constipation   or diarrhea . allergy skin .

Instructions for use (method and dosage)

Drops drinking entirely without sharing and without chewing before meals or with food.

According to the instructions on Biovital, he was appointed as prevention:

  • Adults and adolescents 3 tablets a day, divided into 3 admission;
  • children from 6 to 13 years, one tablet a day.

For the treatment of welcome:

  • 2 pills 3 times per day (for adults and adolescents);
  • 1 tablet, 2 times a day (students).

The course of treatment depends on many factors and must be determined by a physician.


If during the treatment of complex observed receiving therapeutic doses, the effect of overdose is unlikely.

Hypersensitivity reactions are most susceptible children. When receiving more than 30 tablets, the phenomenon can be observed Iron overdose . Manifest specific symptoms: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, circular collapse , Disorders of blood clotting process, acidotic breathing . It should wash out the stomach, maintain circulation, specific antidote   - bicarbonate   or phosphate buffered saline . Diferal   (5 grams). Within a few hours after the treatment the patient should be monitored in connection with violations of the processes of blood coagulation.


When combined with Tetracycline   and its derivatives, the efficiency of the antibiotic.

Absorption is reduced when complex combination with antacids   and cholestyramine .

Terms of sale

The recipe is not necessary.

Storage conditions

Keep away from children. Store in a cool, dry place.

Shelf life

3 years.


The complex should not be taken simultaneously with other vitamins.

During the reception, feces can be painted in black and yellow urine.

Means are allowed to receive patients with diabetes .

If there are allergic (eg, hives ), The drug should be discontinued.

Analogs Biovital

Match code ATC 4th level:
  •  Biovital  Neyromultivit
  •  Biovital  Revalid
  •  Biovital  Gerimaks
  •  Biovital  Vitrum Vision
  •  Biovital  Vitrum Beauty

Analogues are other vitamin complexes, containing a similar set of active ingredients: Vitrum Cardio, Vitrum Energy, Vitrum Beauty, Gerovital Dr. Theiss, Ginton, Kvadevit, Optics, Pharmaton, Multimaks, Dekamevit, Ginvit .

Reviews Biovital

Reviews are not many, but those are all positive. Many take medicine as prevention of certain drugs prescribed by a doctor. Patients are happy with the result. Write that less concerned about the heart, pressure is no longer jump, the complex should be taken long-term, courses, to achieve the desired effect.

Price Biovital where to buy

Price Biovital is about 300 rubles.

Buy Biovital Tula and other Russian cities can be 250 rubles.

Get the best price and buy

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