Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Night blindness (night blindness)

October 24, 2013

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 Night blindness (night blindness)  Day-blindness   (another name for the disease - night-blindness , Popular name - night-blindness ) - A disease that often develops on the background of deficiency in the body vitamin A .

What are the symptoms of night blindness?

Vitamin A is part of the visual purple. This light-sensitive material of the retina of the human eye, which is responsible for the adaptation of the eye to stay in the dark. As a result, a shortage of vitamin A leads to the development of disease in which a person can not see properly if the lighting is insufficient. Day-blindness   popularly known as night blindness. This name stuck due to the fact that the structure of the retina chicken allows her normal color vision, but in the dark and under poor light chicken almost can not see anything.

As a rule, a person who is celebrated night blindness, does not suffer vision problems in the light period of time or under normal light in the room. There is only discomfort and reduced vision at dusk. Man begins to see things fuzzy, can not distinguish color and clear form. Typically, a person with a particularly difficult day-blindness   distinguish objects blue.

From the above description should symptoms and the fact that in this case there is poor coordination of movements. The man, who was worried about night blindness, gently moves in the twilight slowly down the stairs, checking for initial steps. Most patients who suffer from this disease, can not distinguish the glow of stars in the sky. Especially dangerous is the disease for drivers of night blindness - it is very difficult to recognize objects in the night road, as well as to react to the environment with the head lights of a vehicle that is approaching.

If a person starts to disturb reduced vision at dusk, it is necessarily necessary to consult a doctor, since this symptom may indicate development of some serious diseases. Sometimes night-blindness   It may be a symptom of a disease that leads to complete loss of vision. Moreover, we should not forget that the decline of the evening washes result in serious injury, as well as a car accident, if night-blindness   It is seen from the driver of the vehicle.

Why shown night blindness?

 Night blindness (night blindness)  In modern medicine, is determined Congenital and Acquired night blindness. If a person is diagnosed with a congenital disease of night blindness, then we are talking about genetically caused diseases. The acquired form of the disease is a functional disease.

Acquired day-blindness   It develops in humans due to the influence of several factors. First of all, the causes night blindness may consist in retinal diseases. It pigmentary degeneration and retinal detachment , and inflammatory processes . Night blindness in humans may develop as a result of degenerative macular choroidal disorders, inflammation of the optic nerve, shortsightedness . Sometimes the treatment of night blindness is carried out for patients who later found cataract or glaucoma . Sometimes reduction of the evening there is a person who has recently received a head injury. Also, like blurred vision may occur when a person is constantly running at very low light, reading light when correctly spotted. In some cases, it can cause night-blindness impact of UV on the eye. This is due to stay in the bright sun, the impact on the eye blinding snow.

Another important factor that can trigger night blindness, is the lack of in the body of vitamins A and B2. This explains the fact that night blindness is often seen in people with a common beriberi .

When it comes to risk factors night-blindness , In this case, noting the age factor. After forty years of a person marked slowdown in all the processes that occur in the body. As a consequence, the power of the retina deteriorates, and vision in the twilight falls.

How to get rid of night blindness?

 Night blindness (night blindness)  If a person has marked symptoms of night blindness , You must be sure to immediately consult a specialist ophthalmologist. The doctor performs a detailed survey and conducts a series of tests. Make sure the test is on the field of view, the test svetovospriyatie . Also held electrooculography . This study allows to determine the condition of the eye muscles and the surface of the retina in the eye movements.

Congenital night blindness can not be disinfected. If night-blindness is a symptom of underlying disease, it is necessary to initially detect it, and then carried out a comprehensive treatment. When symptoms of night blindness patient and prescribe a course riboflavin . vitamin A . In this case, it is important to adjust the power of man, prone to eye problems. It is important to be sure to include a diet of fresh fruit, dairy products, eggs, carrots, greens.

There are also some traditional recipes that are used for the treatment of night blindness. But they can only be auxiliaries. Most of these recipes help to restore the body of sufficient vitamin A . If the propensity to night-blindness   useful everyday use fish fat . It is also useful broth hips (2 cups water 3 tablespoons rosehip Insist broth need for 12 hours ) Which should be used twice daily.

To avoid the development of night blindness is desirable to balance the diet, protect eyes from bright light - sun glare on the water, the light snow. People who are constantly working at the computer, be sure to pay attention to the lighting of the workplace. Another important measure is prevention - timely access to a specialist in the development of diseases associated with vision.

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