Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Premature ejaculation

February 10, 2014

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 Premature ejaculation  Premature ejaculation in men   - Is a condition where a man can not sufficiently control the process of ejaculation, that both partners have reached the ultimate sex.

What are the symptoms of premature ejaculation?

Rapid ejaculation is defined when it occurs due to minimal sexual stimulation. According to various sources, premature ejaculation in men is a common sexual disorder and to a certain extent occurs in approximately 30% of men. This is especially the violation is noted in young men.

Too fast ejaculation provoking the emergence of psychological problems in men, because the problem of premature ejaculation affects the sex life partners. Therefore, the man slowly going low self-esteem, there are complex and problems in dealing with women. The quality of sexual life at the same time seriously violated.

Experts are divided on the premature ejaculation absolute   and relative . Absolute premature ejaculation marked if intercourse lasts no more than two minutes. The relative early ejaculation is determined if intercourse lasts more than 2 minutes, but the duration does not allow both partners to get sexual satisfaction.

Thus, in the most modern medicine is taken into consideration two definitions premature ejaculation. This is a situation in which more than half the time during intercourse ejaculation occurs before the onset of orgasm with a partner. Also, early ejaculation occurs in the event that one or both partners is not available as a sexual and emotional satisfaction and well-being.

It is considered that the normal duration of sexual intercourse, in which both partners can have the satisfaction is 7-15 minutes.

The duration of the sexual act is influenced by several factors. This is a person's age, and frequency of sexual intercourse and the fact how fast ways to get satisfaction of both partners in a couple.

Causes of premature ejaculation should be sought in the event that a man can not control the process of ejaculation when ejaculation occurs even before intercourse begins immediately. With regular repetition of such phenomena can be suspected the existence of health problems or the influence of other factors.

Why appears premature ejaculation?

 Premature ejaculation  In modern medicine, the causes of premature ejaculation are not determined precisely. As a rule, experts individually consulted diagnoses and determine what factors affect the health of a particular case. Accordingly, the treatment is carried out depending on the causes and characteristics of human health.

Reasons for such a state can be either psychological And physiological .Psihologicheskie Factors significantly affect the quality of the sexual life of men. Often manifestation of premature ejaculation in young men is associated with lack of sexual experience. Gradually, the man gets the necessary experience and learning to control the onset of ejaculation. In some men, early ejaculation appears with age as older men is often difficult to control the approach of ejaculation. Therefore, this problem can affect even those men who had never celebrated early ejaculation.

In particular ejaculation may strongly influence and psychological reasons. Being able to depression , Anxiety, feeling guilt, the man can not completely ignore the event and to devote himself to sexual contact. However, in most cases, men underestimate the emotional state of the connection and the ability to fully commit a sexual act with a partner.

Another serious problem is the lack of harmony in the relationship between the partners. Early ejaculation in men may be due to constant conflicts, grievances, the inability to find a common language with a partner. As a consequence, gradually emerging difficulties during intercourse, in particular, early ejaculation. Doctors are advised not to leave the problem unattended, as with time, men can experience severe form sexual dysfunction . In addition to the above causes of the problem in the process of sexual intercourse can also occur due to misperceptions among young people about the normal duration of sexual intercourse. They may feel that full sexual intercourse should last a very long time, whereas in fact this statement is a myth. As a result, a man believes that he is not able to full satisfaction of partner and experiencing psychological discomfort, leading to the appearance of premature ejaculation.

 Premature ejaculation  Physiological factors associated with both the disease and the peculiarities of the structure of the reproductive system. Early ejaculation can occur in people who have a very high sensitivity of the genital area, in particular, increased sensitivity of the glans penis. Determined congenital and acquired sensitivity of the glans penis. The acquired form of this condition develops in the background balanoposthitis   or phimosis   and is a relatively uncommon disease.

Premature ejaculation is sometimes a consequence of chronic vesiculitis In which there is inflammation of the seminal vesicles. Vesicles always develop in patients prostatitis .

Cases of early ejaculation is sometimes associated with inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system male, neurological diseases and traumas. During the survey, be sure to pay attention to the function of internal organs, as they are sometimes associated with sexual dysfunction. Also, premature ejaculation is often seen in men who abuse drugs and alcohol. Sometimes it is impossible to carry out a full sexual intercourse causes poisoning toxins, nicotine, the negative impact of the environment, and others.

Hormonal Imbalance   in the body - is another reason, which defines in some cases, the manifestation of premature ejaculation in men. Hormonal disorders are related both to the lack of Testosterone And endocrine disorders with nature, which lead to very active production prolactin .

How to get rid of premature ejaculation?

 Premature ejaculation  If a man seriously thinking about how to get rid of premature ejaculation, he should not try to solve this problem. Treatment of premature ejaculation can be qualitatively carry out only after an expert andrologist to ascertain the cause of this condition. If you know exactly what factors contributed to the violation of sexual function of men, we can talk about what to do and how to avoid such problems.

A scheme of how to treat premature ejaculation, your doctor may suggest to use during sexual intercourse condoms with special lubricant that prolongs the sexual act. Even an ordinary condom is to some extent reduces the sensitivity, so it may be useful to those who are interested in how to prevent the occurrence of such problems.

Treatment of premature ejaculation in case of hypersensitivity of the glans penis is carried out through the implementation of circumcision, that is, removal of the foreskin. Such treatment of premature ejaculation allows several times to extend the duration of intercourse. Circumcision - the most optimal way, if a doctor determines how to treat premature ejaculation at phimosis . balanoposthitis .

Your doctor may recommend how to deal with premature ejaculation, young people who need to gain experience to overcome this problem. You can practice some exercises that promote the attainment of control over the process of ejaculation. For example, a man may be a while practicing mental distraction from the process at the moment when he feels ejaculation approaching. Sometimes reduce the sensitivity allow certain poses during sexual intercourse.

 Premature ejaculation  How to get rid of premature ejaculation using other techniques will tell the expert during a personal consultation. If a man is looking for the most effective remedy for premature ejaculation, your doctor may recommend specific drugs for the treatment of premature ejaculation. Taking pills premature ejaculation should be for a long time. In the treatment of this condition is also practiced by the use of local anesthetics. In no event it is impossible to do so uncontrollably as the administration of drugs may be administered in combination with other treatments.

In addition to the above methods of treatment for premature ejaculation is practiced administration hyaluronic acid The use of a gel with an anesthetic. When the impact on the health of male psychogenic cause him shown psychotherapy. In some cases, appropriate use of herbal medicine, acupuncture, physiotherapy. If all methods of conservative therapy ineffective, the physician may decide to apply surgical treatment.

Prevention of premature ejaculation include compliance with the general principles of a healthy way of being, and ordered sexual life.

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