Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Severe muscle weakness

March 26, 2014

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 Severe muscle weakness  Severe muscle weakness   manifest severe fatigue and muscle weakness. Often this symptom is one of the first signs hyperparathyroidism .

What are the symptoms severe muscle weakness?

Muscle fatigue It characterized by a marked decrease in muscle strength in one or in several. It is important to clearly distinguish between muscle weakness and general fatigue, weakness and lethargy. Chronic muscle fatigue is experienced as a certain limb or in any other area of ​​the body.

In medicine it is determined objective   (in this case, in the course of the study confirmed the fact of reduction of muscle strength) and subjective   (a person feels fatigue in the muscle, but the results of the study indicate that the power saved) muscle weakness. Classification practice relating to the lesion area. Varies localized for   and Generalized   forms of this disease.

This state is characterized by striated muscle fatigue, which will determine the functioning of the musculoskeletal system of man. Quite often people feeling weak in the muscles of the arms or legs, just suffering from total exhaustion So the doctor must be very careful in the process of diagnosis.

Often, muscle weakness in the hands or muscle weakness in the legs is a symptom myasthenia   - A disease that causes the body's autoimmune attack . This disease usually manifests itself periodically. Exacerbations of illness are followed by periods of remission. In patients with myasthenia gravis muscular system loses its ability to contract, as people gradually lose muscle strength. In most cases, the disease affects young and middle-aged, and men after 50 years.

Proximal muscle weakness It manifested mainly in the arms and legs, but sometimes it can be observed in both the upper and the lower extremities.

The patient with such symptoms are often difficult to move over long distances, take the stairs. In some cases, such people even difficult to stand and sit. Often, their gait becomes signs of so-called "duck" walk - they walk as if rolling from side to side. If the affected muscles of the foot, then over time a person develops flatfoot . Subsequently, a person can manifest hyperparathyroidism - A disease associated with a very active production of the hormone parathormone And thus lead to the development of hypercalcemia . In these patients, in addition to weakness in the muscles marked disorders of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, signs of change in the nervous system.

Why manifested pronounced muscle weakness?

 Severe muscle weakness  It causes muscle weakness associated with different diseases and the factors that affect the human body. Severe muscle weakness in the elderly and younger patients may develop on the background of both muscle and mental illness. It causes muscle weakness in the legs and arm often associated with the development of myasthenia gravis. The disease has an autoimmune nature. In myasthenia affected synapses   - The place where the nerves and muscles are connected. Consequently, this process leads to the innervation. Myasthenic syndrome often develops in the background thymoma . hyperplasia And in some diseases of the nervous system. The symptoms of muscle weakness associated with myasthenia gravis, are more common in women. Sometimes this disease is the result of severe stress or infectious diseases. Muscle weakness is sometimes seen in children. As a rule, the manifestation of the symptoms indicate the development degeneration of muscle tissue . A child with this symptom frequently reported violations of various kinds to the central nervous system, muscle malformation or the presence of certain genetic disorders character.

However, the reasons for the weakness in the arms and legs are not always associated with myasthenia gravis. If a person feels well, but noted severe fatigue and weakness in the legs, in some cases, the manifestation of this symptom is due to overwork, constant work in a standing position, or even a regular wearing not very comfortable shoes. In this case, the patient is suffering from fatigue, hum in the legs, fatigue. The most common symptom of this is seen in older people, but women who choose shoes with heels, often noted fatigue and a feeling of weakness in the lower extremities. Furthermore, this phenomenon may be a sign at arikoznogo veins, diseases of the spine .

 Severe muscle weakness  The weakness of the muscles of the neck, back, pelvic, limbs, etc. Is shown not only by self-autoimmune disease, but it can also be a symptom of certain diseases and pathological conditions. Often the weakness in the muscles is marked with a constant shortage of protein, the active development of inflammatory or infectious diseases, intoxication and dehydration. In the weakness of the muscles of arms and legs occasionally complain of patients with diabetes . illnesses of the thyroid gland . Muscle pain and weakness is a symptom of severe poisoning, overdose of certain drugs. Weakness in the muscles of the legs is typical for rheumatoid arthritis . It will be appreciated by the fact that in some cases, causes weakness in the muscles associated with the development of asthenic syndrome . Expressed a sense of fatigue in the calf muscles person sometimes he says after experiencing stress, serious emotional surge.

Weakness of the heart muscle leads to the development Heart Failure   and it occurs on the background of many cardiovascular pathologies.

How to get rid of severe muscle weakness?

Treatment of muscle weakness is always dependent on the underlying disease and assigned only after a complete diagnosis and determine the cause of the disease. Patients who suffer from myasthenia gravis, it is important to establish the diagnosis as early as possible, since the early stages of the illness more effectively treated. In the process of diagnosis practiced as laboratory and instrumental methods of research.

 Severe muscle weakness  During treatment the doctor prescribes a symptomatic treatment, as well as a course of physiotherapy treatments, contributing to the restoration of the normal state of human muscles. However, as a rule, the disease is chronic, so get rid of the symptoms is not possible. Of drugs and their admission scheme for patients with myasthenia doctor prescribes individually, as must always take into account the characteristics and symptoms of the disease. Most patients received drugs that block destroyers acetylcholine   - A substance which is formed in the body, and taking part in the transmission of impulses to the muscles.

If necessary, designate a radical treatment, particularly in the surgical removal of the thymus or tumor. In some cases, the radiation effect is shown. With proper treatment, most patients notice a marked improvement in overall condition. However, periodic maintenance therapy is necessary throughout the life of the patient.

The question is how to remove muscle fatigue is relevant for people who are tired and pain in the extremities   - A consequence of the effects of other factors. If the constant pain, and fatigue associated with general fatigue, it is imperative to review the way of life, ensure a regular full relaxation, reduce stress. Often, fast and very severe pain and fatigue in the muscles after a workout appears. It is important to take responsibility for the selection exercise, bear in mind the general condition of the body, the presence of chronic diseases. Nevertheless, adequate physical activity a person must practice constantly.

It is important to balance the diet, drinking constantly observe the correct mode to prevent dehydration. If you want to be concerned about the change of shoes for a more comfortable. Effectively helps relieve fatigue massage, a warm relaxing bath.

If muscle weakness associated with other diseases, be sure to tell your doctor the symptom that will adjust the scheme of therapy. Particular attention should be paid to the state of health of those who have observed the weakness of the heart muscle, as in the absence of proper treatment, this condition can be life-threatening.

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