Saturday, December 3, 2016


Description overdue on 12/18/2014

  • Latin name: Vacta
  • ATC code: J07BC02
  • Active substance: Hepatitis A vaccine (Hepatitis A vaccine)
  • Manufacturer: MERCK SHARP & DOHME, Corpjration, USA
Photos of the drug
  • Composition
  • Product form
  • Pharmacological action
  • Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Drug Usage Waqt (method and dosage)
  • Overdose
  • Cooperation
  • Terms of sale
  • Storage conditions
  • Shelf life
  • Cautions
  • Analogs
  • During pregnancy (and lactation)
  • Reviews
  • Price, where to buy



Waqt for children and adolescents contains 25 ELISA units   (in 0, 5 ml) of the inactivated virus Hepatitis A   + Extras ( sodium tetraborate, aluminum hydroxide is possible to detect traces of formaldehyde ).

The vaccine for adults contains 50 ELISA units   (1 ml) of the inactivated virus Hepatitis A +   sodium tetraborate, traces of formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide .

Product form

Release means in vials of 0, 5, or 1 ml of a transparent glass or a disposable syringe of the same capacity. In cardboard packs of 1, 10, 25, or 100 bottles, 1 disposable syringe.

The suspension   for administration by intramuscular injection - a slightly opalescent liquid. Over time, some vaccine precipitates (white, homogeneous), and the other part becomes a colorless transparent liquid. After shaking the appearance and structure of the suspension is reduced.

Pharmacological action

Immunostimulatory .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The vaccine is prepared by growing the virus on the cells fibroblasts   Rights ( MRS-5 ). Then, the virus purified and inactivated by formalin . Then, the resulting micropreparations   adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide .

The immunization is carried out in two stages, Stage Vaccination   and revaccination .

Within 2 weeks after the procedure, about 97% of vaccinated receive strong immunity to the virus Hepatitis A .

Immunity   after inoculation Vakt maintained for 6 years.


Waqt tool used for the prevention of Viral Hepatitis A   in adults, adolescents and children older than 2 years.


Vaccination should not produce, if:

  • after the previous administration was observed pronounced reaction, the temperature rose above 40 degrees, at the injection site hyperemia   more than 8 centimeters;
  • patient allergy   on the components of the means;
  • patient aggravated a chronic disease or a potential new;
  • developed after the first injection anaphylactoid   or anaphylactic   reaction.

Side effects

In children and adolescents from 2 to 17 may:

  • raising the temperature to 38, 8 degrees;
  • pain in the abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea ;
  • pharyngitis . headache Various respiratory tract infections, laryngitis ;
  • level increase liver enzymes Protein in the urine, eosinophilia ;
  • soreness hyperemia   at the injection site, swelling and bleeding under the skin.

In adults, the incidence of adverse reactions is somewhat higher than in children and adolescents.

The observed side effects:

  • weakness, fever, tiredness;
  • stomach ache, diarrhea , Nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the back, arms, muscles, stiffness in his movements;
  • pain, swelling, burning sensation, and a burning sensation, bleeding at the injection site;
  • nasal congestion, infection prevailed. respiratory tract, dizziness, and headache;
  • failures menstrual cycle ;
  • hives , Skin rashes and itching.

Reaction temperature increase and pain at the injection means have been observed for 5 days after vaccination. The remaining 14 days may occur reaction of a systemic nature.

Drug Usage Waqt (method and dosage)

The vaccine is suitable only for intramuscular   administration. It is best to introduce the drug in deltoid . It is strictly forbidden chopping tool   intravenously, subcutaneously   or VC .

Immunizations carried out in two stages: vaccination   and booster .

For children and teens single dose of 0, 5 ml (corresponding to 25 ED   vaccines). After six months or 18 months produce revaccination   the same amount of money.

For adults during the vaccination dose is 50 units. Revaccination   performed after 6 months of the same dose.

The drug should not be diluted or in any way prepare for use.

Before use, shake the bottle until the inside of a homogeneous liquid.


Cases of overdose have not been described.


It is not recommended to combine Waqt with other types of vaccines. The exception is the vaccine yellow fever   and typhoid fever (inactivated vaccine). Interaction between the drug occurs.

Terms of sale

To acquire funds may require a prescription.

Storage conditions

Temperature range: 2 to 8 degrees. Do not freeze.

Shelf life

3 years.


If vaccination was carried out during incubation period   (20 to 50 days), it is possible that the patient is ill Hepatitis A .

It is not recommended to use the drug in patients with malignant neoplasms , Reduced immunity   (from the reception immunosuppressants ), The expected response of the body may not occur.

The product does not protect against other types of hepatitis .

During the administration should be aware of the possibility of anaphylactic   or anaphylactoid reaction Keep at the ready set for its relief.

If the patient is an urgent need to go to the area Epidemic Or is he in contact with the pathogen might prompt administration vaccine immunoglobulin   in different areas of the body, without mixing formulations.

Not established safety and efficacy of the use of funds for children under 2 years.


Havrix, AWACS, Vaccine hepatitis A, GEO-A-in-WAC .

During pregnancy and lactation

Not to conduct research on the impact of funds for reproductive and fetal development.

Maybe the drug is excreted in breast milk, so to produce the vaccine during lactation is not recommended.


Reviews about the drug Waqt bit. Experts note the high quality of the vaccine, it can be purchased in almost any drugstore. Because adverse reactions most frequently raised body temperature.


The approximate cost of 10 vials of the vaccine Waqt 25 units is 8300 rubles.

Price Waqt, 50 units, 10 units - 5600 rubles.

Get the best price and buy

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