Sunday, December 11, 2016


February 2, 2012

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 Neuralgia  Neuralgia   - A condition in which the peripheral nerve. For this disease are characteristic of paroxysmal pain in the area of ​​innervation of certain nerves. If we compare neuritis   and neuralgia , In the latter case there is no motility disorders and loss of sensitivity. Changes in the structure of the affected nerve are also absent. Typically, neuralgia development occurs primarily in the nerves, which are held in narrow channels and holes.

Features neuralgia

To trigeminal neuralgia (facial) nerve   characteristic manifestation of short paroxysms shooting unilateral pain of great intensity in the area of ​​innervation of the branches of the trigeminal nerve. Quite often provoke pain touching the skin trigger points (that is, the skin of the nose, lips, eyebrows). The disease is more prevalent in women, and, the number of cases of facial nerve neuralgia increases in people older than forty years.

Trigeminal nerve   is the fifth among the twelve pairs of cranial nerves. We rely on him to provide the sensitivity function in the face. Trigeminal nerve are located on both sides of the face. Each nerve has three branches. The function of the first - to ensure sensitive eyes, forehead and upper eyelid; the second - the sensitivity of the cheeks, nostrils, lower eyelid, upper lip and gums; Third - the sensitivity of the lower lip and jaw, gums and number of masticatory muscles.

Neuralgia can be subdivided into two different forms of the disease: Neuralgia primary   ( Idiopathic . Essential . typical ), And neuralgia secondary   ( symptomatic ).

Usually, the cause of the facial nerve neuralgia is considered compression of the trigeminal nerve, which is due to compression of the arteries or veins of his posterior fossa. Compresses the nerve can also loop in the case of vascular anomalies of the vessels. By the same branch of the trigeminal nerve, bone channels passing through the base of the skull, they are subjected to compression. The channels in certain cases narrowed from birth, as the restriction of the channel often occurs as a result of chronic inflammation in the adjacent areas (the cause of this phenomenon can be sinusitis . caries ). In more rare cases, the tumor is compressed trigeminal nerve cerebellopontine region.

Symptoms of neuralgia

 Neuralgia  Typically, the symptoms of neuralgia in humans occur spontaneously, without specific reasons .  In more rare cases, seizures begin to appear after injuries, dental care, etc. . P .  Neuralgia of the facial nerve in the patient periodically manifested by episodes of severe, excruciating pain, which is localized in the area of ​​innervation of the trigeminal nerve branches .  These paroxysms of pain may last a few seconds or a few minutes .  The attack is stopped suddenly .  Between bouts of pain does not appear .  Typically, these attacks take place in parallel with a number of autonomic manifestations .  Thus, the emergence of symptoms of neuralgia appear facial flushing, too much saliva, tears flow .  There may be a reflex contraction of the chewing and mimic muscles .  Symptoms of neuralgia is so intense that during the attack the man forced to stand in a certain posture, to move in fear .  To reduce the pain during the attack of the patients have to take a kind of posture,
hold your breath or breathe heavily. Sometimes the area where the pain is manifested, man is forced to rub, squeeze. In the face of a man has several sections, with which the mechanical stimulation or temperature method in patients with neuralgia pain attacks occur.

Pain that occurs during attacks in people with trigeminal neuralgia, are very different. Typically, a person feels a burning, shooting pain, sometimes the pain is burning, stabbing character, manifested a sense of "shock current." In some patients, seizures can occur one after the other, with interval between them is only a few minutes.

Neuralgia symptoms disappear after appropriate treatment, in more rare cases, they may disappear on their own. In this period of remission in patients with facial nerve neuralgia can last for a few months and several years. Method, after which remission is particularly fast, is alcoholization   branches of the trigeminal nerve. However, please note that each successive alcoholism reduces the duration of remission, respectively, the method becomes less effective.

There are at one-way And Two Way   trigeminal neuralgia.

When odontogenic lesions of the trigeminal nerve pain and autonomic symptoms are severe and highly resistant. This form of the disease can last for a long period of time, and does not disappear even if the main stop the disease process, which trigger the development of neuralgia.

Diagnosis neuralgia

 Neuralgia  Usually, the diagnosis of disease specialists, primarily guided by the patient's complaints, as well as the results of a detailed examination of the patient. To determine the cause, which became the basis for the development of neurology, applied research using magnetic resonance imaging . In this case it is possible to detect signs of multiple sclerosis Tumors. But there are many other causes that can not be detected by the method of the survey indicated.

In the process of diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia is important to differentiate it from dental pleksalgii In which the pain is manifested in the jaws. It is also important to distinguish from neuralgia arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint . multiple sclerosis   and etc.

Treatment of neuralgia

Every person who has been diagnosed with "trigeminal neuralgia" need to realize that the disease is not always curable. But with the help of a number of modern pain during attacks can be significantly alleviated. First of all, neuralgia facial nerve doctor prescribes the patient anticonvulsants. For example, often used in the treatment of neuralgia preparations carbamazepine . phenytoin   at doses that are selected individually specialist. To enhance the effects of anticonvulsant often used antihistamines ( Promethazine . diphenhydramine ). Also in the complex therapy using antispasmodic and vasodilators. In the treatment of neuralgia is often an effective means of physiotherapy (with ionogalvanizatsiya novocaine . amidopirinom , Phonophoresis with hydrocortisone , Diadynamic currents). To improve the trophism of the affected nerves present in the complex treatment drugs vitamins B1 , B12, E, and multivitamin. Approximately 40% of patients feel the effect
the combination of different methods of treatment: reflex, physiotherapy and medication.

However, if a comprehensive drug treatment does not have the desired effect, it is necessary to apply the surgical methods. Often treatment involves a microsurgical decompression of the branches of the trigeminal nerve or nerve transection proximal branches gasserova node.

There are also a number of new treatments for neuralgia using modern techniques. But it is still used by some popular treatments that reduce the degree of manifest symptoms of neuralgia.

Neuralgia occipital nerve

When neuralgia occipital nerve persons primarily complains of frequent occurrence of headache in the neck. Neuralgia occipital nerve often occurs as a result of hypothermia, the presence of the patient osteochondrosis Which manifests protrusions and herniated disc. Also, a similar condition is sometimes due to severe emotional stress, spinal injuries, prolonged muscle tension static character.

 Neuralgia  Neuralgia occipital nerve has the following characteristic symptoms: pain always manifest episodic, "shooting" pain. The pain is always there in the back of the head, sometimes given in the ears and the area around them. Typically, the pain arises on the one hand, and the person is difficult to move the head from side to side. When attempting to tilt or rotate it head pain can become even more intense. On the side where the pain appears, it may be a violation of the sensitivity of his head and near the ear.

To diagnose neuralgia occipital nerve, should be examined by a specialist: orthopedics, neurology, and, if necessary, to conduct a survey in the form of magnetic resonance imaging. Treatment of neuralgia is carried out using a complex drug therapy, in which first used drugs, effectively relieves pain. It is enough to have a noticeable effect and physiotherapy treatments neuralgia. So, using massage, medical gymnastics, spinal traction, and others.

Prevention neuralgia

For the prevention of neuralgia it is considered the most important warning strong hypothermia and injuries. As a broader prevention is important to respect the principles of healthy nutrition, the presence of constant physical activity, correct and active lifestyle at any age. It is important to be aware of the fact that people with age increased chances of getting neuralgia. Aggravating factors often become the work is connected with the transfer of loads and monotonous work, in which a person is in the same position for a long time. Neuralgia often manifested in the body as a complication Flu So influenza and other viral infections to be treated carefully and properly.

Patients diagnosed with neuralgia, it is important to undergo regular training and physical therapy to replenish the body's supply of vitamin B.

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