Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Intervertebral hernia

February 6, 2012

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 Intervertebral hernia  Intervertebral hernia   - A condition that occurs due to the ejection the nucleus pulposus   through the gaps the fibrous ring . Intervertebral disc separates the vertebrae in the human spine. Its function - providing cushioning movements of the vertebrae. The structure of the disc as follows: it consists of a nucleus pulposus (gelatinous mass character) and the fibrous ring of fiber that it surrounds. Fixed annulus in part to the vertebral bodies near, and partly it is fixed - for intervertebral ligaments lying nearby. On the free areas of the fibrous ring is sometimes tension, and eventually, as a result of too much load the kernel breaks the annulus and formed intervertebral hernia.

This disease is one of the most common causes of back pain. Intervertebral hernia often occurs in humans due to the insufficient number of motor loads on the spine, due to too strong physical exertion, and also because of age-related changes. For example, a herniated disc - a disease of people who are constantly sedentary lifestyle or too often lift heavy loads.

The most common herniated discs occur in lumbosacral spine . In more rare cases, a herniated disc arise cervical spine Very rare cases of the appearance of hernias in the thoracic region.

Symptoms of a herniated disc

Herniated disc   - One of the most severe manifestations of osteochondrosis . As a rule, the protrusion of the hernia occurs in the spinal canal. Because of this pathology occurs compression of the spinal cord or nerve root. In this case, the patient manifested pain radicular syndrome Which accompany paresis   or paralysis of the legs, sensory disturbances. About one fifth of patients with herniated discs require surgical treatment of the disease.

In the presence of degenerative changes in the intervertebral disc in the lumbosacral region, there are certain symptoms of a herniated disc. In the area of ​​the affected disk there are pains that during exercise become stronger. Pain is often given in the buttock, thigh and lower leg from defeat. The patient feels tingling and numbness in the area of ​​innervation of the affected roots, at the feet of a recurring feeling of weakness, impaired sensitivity. In the development of human disease may interfere with the function of the pelvic organs, resulting in possible manifestation of the problems with defecation, urination, potency. In the area shown perianogenitalnoy numbness.

In the presence of degenerative changes in the cervical spine pain manifests itself, which gives in hand, shoulder. The patient may experience periodic dizziness , He recorded jumps of arterial pressure. Often headache , Dizziness and high blood pressure are observed simultaneously, with these phenomena are also accompanied by numbness of the fingers.

In the presence of degenerative changes in the thoracic spine person feels constant pain at the site of the hernia while working in a forced position. Often pain in the thoracic spine combined with kyphoscoliosis   or scoliosis .

Diagnosis of a herniated disc

 Intervertebral hernia  To establish a diagnosis, physicians initially use the most simple techniques: apply special tests to identify the symptoms of the disease, checks tendon reflexes . This review determines how amazed spine. However, without the use of hardware diagnostics to determine the presence of intervertebral hernia patient is hard enough.

The most common method of diagnosis of this disease is the spine MRI   ( Magnetic resonance imaging ). Also for cross-images of the spinal canal CT scan is used. Radiography method in this case is intended to exclude the presence of fractures, tumors or infectious diseases. Based on the survey results the doctor prescribes the optimal therapy.

The most thorough examination must take those patients who complain of pain in the back, which appeared under the following circumstances, and meet these characteristics:

  • Recently, people have been tangible back injury;
  • the patient continuously increased body temperature;
  • with the movement of pain is not related;
  • pain reminiscent of electric shocks;
  • pain, manifested in the back, give to his feet, abdomen, genitals;
  • back pain dramatically manifested after meals, during sexual intercourse, during the patient's stay in the closet;
  • in the presence of constant back pain are manifested menstrual problems;
  • in lying posture is more intense pain when walking, it subsided a little;
  • pain is growing in nature, with each passing day it is amplified;
  • the patient feels weakness in the legs when walking this feeling becomes more pronounced.

Treatment of a herniated disc

 Intervertebral hernia  Often, all the symptoms of a herniated disc alone disappear after about six weeks after they occur. After that, the patient a state of remission.

Treatment by using surgery   used only as a last resort, that is, if all methods of conservative therapy proved to be in vain, and the pain can not be removed.

It is also important in the treatment process to involve the possibility of physical therapy: for patients with herniated discs, a special set of gentle exercises.

Herniated disc is treated primarily with conservative therapies. Thus, the treatment involves the use of a herniated disc non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . For some patients, it can be an effective topical corticosteroids. Most often, the treatment of intervertebral hernia specialist assigns the administration of drugs diclofenac . Indomethacin . Ibuprofen . However, it should be noted that people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, assign these drugs to be very careful. Duration of use of drugs of this group depends on how pronounced pain syndrome in the patient. In order to eliminate acute pain can also use anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of gels and ointments. However, they can not always be a full replacement pills.

In some cases, patients with herniated doctor may prescribe conduct of the blockade. For its implementation in the tissue adjacent to herniated discs, introduces a solution lidocaine . novocaine   anesthetics or other solutions.

It is important to bear in mind that in the early days of acute illness in any case can not be massaged. It can cause spinal instability and worsen the patient's condition. Massage and fizprotsedury   the most favorable impact on the patient's condition, when applied for about 4-6 weeks after the formation of a hernia, that is, during the recovery period.

Around the sixth week begins the late recovery of the patient. A damaged intervertebral disc begins to heal, the spine becomes more stable. In this period about for six months should be excluded completely heavy exercise, apply massage courses and periodic fizprotsedur.

Surgeries in patients with a herniated disc is prescribed in the case of the presence of neurological disorders and pain, which are resistant to the drugs and methods used in the conservative treatment.

Earlier treatment of intervertebral hernia surgically performed using laminectomy . Today, thanks to the use of the surgical microscope can significantly reduce the injury, which is required for access to the tissues. Thanks to the use of microsurgical technique to remove a hernia can be through a significantly smaller burr window . It is also possible to remove the hernial protrusion by endoscopic removal .

Method microdiscectomy Ie microsurgical removal of a hernia is a particularly effective way to get rid of a herniated disc. As a significant advantage of using this method, doctors determine the presence of possibility to remove the intervertebral hernia, located anywhere, having any density. The operation issue with the use of general anesthesia, with minimal risk of complications. After such an operation, the patient is in a hospital for about a week.

First aid for a herniated disc

 Intervertebral hernia  Education intervertebral hernia happens very quickly, and at the same time a person feels pain. At a time when the formation of a hernia, the patient feels the crunch of a mouse in the back, and then immediately manifested severe pain.

Especially intense pain in the first few days after the formation of a hernia. So, a person can spend a sleepless night, suffering from severe pain. Around the fourth day of a pain to get a little less pronounced. Herniated disc in the acute phase of the disease should be treated in a hospital. In the presence of such symptoms before going to the doctor is necessary to have a person suffering from pain relief. The patient must be laid on a hard flat surface. He can impose a corset, fixing the lower back. Such a corset or belt can be made from a piece of cloth or sheeting. It is also the place where the pain is localized, it is possible to make the heat - mustard, hot-water bottle.

Prevention herniated

In this case all relevant preventive measures are used to prevent osteochondrosis . So, it is important to pay special attention to the state of the muscular system, which is responsible for the functioning of the spine.

The load on the intervertebral discs is significantly increased in the course of flexion and extension of the spine, ie, when the slopes. Therefore, performing the slopes, it is necessary to tighten the abdomen, stretch the muscles of the buttocks and the back rounded. It is important to generate correct gait: back when walking should be straight, the neck should not be pulling ahead. You need to keep the back straight and in a sitting position, with his feet firmly on the floor. When sedentary work optimally legs put on a special stand, so that the hip was below the knees.

What is important Proper sleep : Bed must be flat and moderately hard. The best option - a quality mattress.

It is important to prevent the emergence of overweight Which is a strong additional load on the spine. Healthy eating not only provides protection against obesity, and promotes correct the flow of metabolic processes in the spine. The diet should contain a lot of protein, as well as a sufficient amount of calcium, which strengthens bones. Potassium ensures optimal water-salt metabolism, vitamin C strengthens the tendons and ligaments.

Given the structure of the central core, which consists only of a protein substance, it is essential to the body of sufficient amino acids. The protein substance accumulates quickly loses moisture, so the synthesis of proteins provide amino acids Contained in foods of animal origin.

Preservatives have a negative impact on the spine. Also adversely affect the skeletal system savory products, salt, sugar, meats.

As a preventive measure is important not smoking, because nicotine constricts blood vessels, and the intervertebral discs are not undernourished.

The most useful kind of sport for the prevention of herniated discs - swimming, are also suitable yoga, pilates.

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