Tuesday, December 13, 2016


December 14, 2011

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 Myasthenia  Myasthenia   - It is a disease that affects muscle   and nerves . The main characteristic feature of this state is muscular weakness . Myasthenia gravis is called myasthenia gravis . Primarily for this disease affects muscle person . eye . lips . language . Neck . throat . However, the defeat could overtake any muscle of the body.

Developing the disease due to the difficulty of nerve transmission signal which should result in muscle movement. There is a pathology as a result of disturbances in the body metabolism acetylcholine . If we consider the human body, in general, it is quite a complicated electrochemical mechanism that moves with the help of the muscles. So, the work provides a human limb skeletal muscle , The activity of internal organs and blood vessels - smooth muscle . For muscle skeletal muscle signals are transmitted through the motor nerves. The electrical impulse at the site where the nerve is attached to the muscle is transferred via acetylcholine - special chemical. Acetylcholine nerve passes from the gap between nerves and muscles, so that there is an electrical discharge, which allows muscle contraction. In the case of symptoms of myasthenia gravis in the body changes occur in the synthesis and release of the chemical. As a result, the next pulse each time sophisticated approach to the muscle, so to produce human movement becomes more difficult. Later movement muscles cease completely. This state is called the syndrome of abnormal muscle fatigue.

Causes of myasthenia gravis

To date, experts have no clear information about what it provokes in man symptoms of myasthenia gravis. Myasthenia gravis is a autoimmune disease , As found in the serum of patients with multiple autoantibodies. Doctors have fixed a certain number of familial cases of myasthenia gravis, but evidence of the influence of genetic factors on the manifestation of the disease is not present. Quite often it manifests itself in parallel with myasthenia gravis hyperplasia   or thymoma . Also myasthenic syndrome may occur in patients who complain of organic disease of the nervous system, polidermatomiozit . onkozabolevanija . Most suffer from myasthenia female. As a rule, the disease manifests itself in people aged 20 to 30 years. Overall, the disease is diagnosed in patients between the ages of 3 and 80 years. In recent years, scientists have been showing a substantial interest to the disease due to the high frequency myasthenia manifestation in children and young people, which leads to a subsequent disability. For the first time the disease was described more than a century ago.

The symptoms of myasthenia gravis

In most cases, the disease begins to emerge from the gradual lowering the age of . Later in the afternoon a man begins to divide in two eyes, his voice is changing. Also, the voice may change after relatively from yl voice traffic . It is often manifested myasthenia gravis increased fatigue Thus, patients often notice that after getting out of bed feeling quite well, but after the morning toilet elementary actions they feel tired after the hard work. In view of the weakness of the eye muscles in humans manifests itself in time diplopia   and strabismus , With the most pronounced symptoms of this condition to the end of the day. Quite often when patients have myasthenia gravis muscle weakness   - Facial and chewing. This person also feels weakness of muscles of the tongue . During the progression of myasthenia sometimes affects striated muscles and limbs and neck. As a result of these changes observed generalized weakness .

For myasthenia feature is the dynamism, lability symptoms. They are amplified in the process of reading, trying to stare at a specific subject, as well as strong physical exertion. To distinguish generalized   and local gravis . In a generalized form of the disease may occur respiratory disorders .

A person with myasthenia gravis, a better feeling during the cold season, and in the warmth of his condition gets worse. After a certain time set aside for rest, recuperation takes place as quickly as their loss. Very often, myasthenia gravis occurs over several years, while a person is unaware of his condition. Yet due to the progression of disease myasthenia eventually reassert itself.

In patients with myasthenia gravis in children are observed complaints about the high level of fatigue. Children can often cover unusual eyelids, fall in too fast walking or when running, drop the portfolio because of the inability to hold it in your hand. Muscle weakness in children progresses rapidly.

During the course of the disease can manifest myasthenic episodes - disorders that take place within a short period of time, and subsequent spontaneous remission. Characteristic and myasthenic conditions in which the symptoms occur steadily over the long term. The condition of patients can deteriorate sharply sometimes occurs crisis   with generalized muscle weakness. This manifested as oculomotor   and bulbar symptoms , Breathing problems, psychomotor agitation, which replaces the state slackness , Autonomic disorders. This condition threatens the subsequent development of acute hypoxia   brain and disorders of consciousness .

Complications myasthenia

 Myasthenia  By using acetylcholine as described above, and the respiratory function of human muscle. Therefore, due to problems with the operation of these muscles can cause sudden respiratory failure, until it stops. Consequently, it may occur fatal. Particular attention adult should always be complaints of the child. With the development of children's myasthenia child often complains that he can not pedal a bike, climb on the platform, etc. It is important to understand the causes of this condition, because when children have myasthenia respiratory failure develops suddenly.

Diagnosis of myasthenia gravis

Typically, the process of diagnosis of the disease begins with the complaints of the patient on a high level of fatigue, the progression of symptoms by the end of the day and in the process of active exercise. To set the exact diagnosis in such cases, experts spend prozerinovuyu sample. The patient is injected subcutaneously with 1-2 ml of 0, 05% solution neostigmine Then in the case of 30-60 minutes of myasthenia symptoms dramatically reduced. For myasthenia gravis is also a typical state changes electroexcitability muscles. To determine the state of the muscle stimulation carried out using the current, with a rapid depletion of muscle contraction during repeated stimulation. After a certain time allotted to rest, muscle excitability again restored. Also one of the most informative methods of research experts believe electromyographic examination.

During the diagnosis, it is important to conduct a differential diagnosis with a tumor of the brain stem, stem encephalitis . basal meningitis . myopathy . blood circulation in the brain . polymyositis .

Treatment of myasthenia gravis

 Myasthenia  Primarily all therapeutic measures are directed at correcting deficiency of acetylcholine as well as the suspension of the autoimmune process. To compensate for the disorder of neuromuscular transmission used anticholinesterase drugs. Specialist studies for disease individually and assigns the optimum compensating dose guided by the severity of symptoms, the clinical form of the disease, a reaction to a specific drug.

If a patient is diagnosed pharyngoesophageal-facial or ocular myasthenia form, it will be an effective means of treatment drugs neostigmine methylsulfate . pyridostigmine . oksazil . Also, in some cases appointed veroshpiron . chloride or potassium orotate . ephedrine . Doses of receiving these drugs the physician selected individually. It is important to bear in mind that high doses anticholinesterase drugs   can provoke cholinergic crisis . In case of myasthenic crisis urgently patient intravenously neostigmine methylsulfate .

In addition to traditional medical treatment methods for patients with myasthenia appointed thymectomy, radiation therapy and hormone replacement therapy. Thymectomy   - A surgical treatment that is used for the treatment of patients who are under 60 years old. The main condition for the application of this method is that the human condition is satisfactory. If you have a tumor of the thymus, this method has the absolute indications. After the partial thymectomy in the area of ​​the thymus prescribe radiotherapy. Also, this method is used in patients with ocular form of the disease, and those who in the presence of contraindications to surgery (mostly elderly patients). In severe generalized myasthenia applied therapy with immunosuppressive drugs . Basically, patients prescribed corticosteroids, the dose and duration of treatment specialist determined individually.

In patients with myasthenia gravis may occur occasionally spontaneous remission, but in most cases the illness escalates again. The disease can be changed during pregnancy . Sometimes the condition improves, but in some cases the symptoms and aggravation.

Prevention of myasthenia gravis

To date, no definitive information on the causes of symptoms of myasthenia gravis. Therefore, adequate measures of prevention does not exist. However, there are some data that causes the development of this disease often borne infections . traumatic brain injury . stresses . mental stress . Therefore, preventive measures should be considered as myasthenia protection from the conditions described above.

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