Description overdue on 02/12/2014
- Latin name: Tyzine Allergy
- ATC code: R01AC02
- Active substance: Levocabastine (Levocabastine)
- Manufacturer: Johnson & Johnson (Russia)
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- For children
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
1 ml contains 540 Tizin Alerdzhi active compound levocabastine hydrochloride And excipients such as: propylene glycol, sodium hydrogen phosphate monohydrate, hypromellose, benzalkonium chloride, polysorbate, disodium edetate and water.
Product form
The drug release in vials nominal volume of 10 ml., Made from polyethylene and equipped for usability nebulizer, and special protection cap. One carton contains one vial of drops that are buried in the nose or eyes.
Pharmacological action
Tizin Alerdzhi belongs to the group antiallergic medicaments Which is often used in ENT practice.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Since Tizin Alerdzhi refers to antiallergic medicaments Drops influence selective blockers of H-1 receptor (histamine) . When using the drug symptoms disappear rhinitis allergic type. Furthermore, drops eliminate itchy, runny nose And the drug prevents attacks sneezing .
The drug used as nasal drops, and eye, for example, allergic conjunctivitis. When applying droplets effect occurs after 5 minutes and lasts for about 12 hours.
Drops are recommended for use in allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis And when rinokonyunktivalnom syndrome and exacerbation of hay fever .
Tizin Alerdzhi contraindicated in hypersensitivity . In addition, the drug may not be used in the treatment of children under the age of 6 years. Precautions should be prescribed the drops elderly patients and people suffering from renal failure .
Side effects
Using the drug can cause such ailments as: fatigue, drowsiness, headache, dry or the redness of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, tearing and blurred vision, sore throat, shortness of breath, dyspnea, cough, urticaria, erythema, nasal congestion, myalgia, skin rash, nausea.
Instructions for use (method and dosage)
Drops are used intranasally at a dose of 100 .mu.g. twice a day in each nostril. With conjunctivitis the drug is instilled directly in the eye at the same dosage. When severe symptoms allergies drug can be used up to 4 times per day. Before using the drug to increase its effectiveness is clear nasal passages.
Although information on drug overdose have been reported, experts do not exclude the possibility of some side effects, for example, tachycardia or lower blood pressure , Non-compliance with the recommended dosage drops.
Sharing Tizin Alerdzhi and preparations containing Oxymetazoline Transiently reduce the absorbent properties levocabastine .
Terms of sale
The drug is available in pharmacies without a prescription.
Storage conditions
Keep Tizin Alerdzhi should be at a temperature of 15 to 30 C in an inaccessible for children.
Shelf life
2 years.
Drops do not affect the patients' ability to drive vehicles. It is strictly prohibited to use the drug after the end of its useful life or change the color of the solution.
In applying Tizin Alerdzhi as eye drops should not be used hydrophilic soft contact lenses. To prevent microbial contamination using the drops should not touch the pipette century, and should be tightly closed bottle.
Gistimet, Reaktin, Vizin Alerdzhi, levocabastine.
During pregnancy (and lactation)
No reliable data on the effects on the body Tizin Alerdzhi pregnant woman experts have been identified. For this reason, the application of these drops during pregnancy excluded, if it is not justified by medical indications and the anticipated benefits will not be greater than the harm.
For children
The drug is not recommended for children under 6 years.
Typically, patients use the drug, leave positive feedback about these allergy drops.
Price Tizin Alerdzhi where to buy
The average cost of a drug packaging (10 ml.) Varies from 220 to 290 rubles.
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