Wednesday, December 28, 2016


December 4, 2013

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 Ataxophemia  Ataxophemia   - The change of speech, which is characterized by the violation of pronunciation. This violation is directly related to the central nervous system of an organic nature.

How does dysarthria?

If you compare with other species dysarthria changes in speech person, in this case not violated human pronunciation of certain sounds and articulatory aspect of speech in general. Patients suffering dysarthria, limited mobility of which participate in the formation of speech ( soft palate . language . lips ). Consequently hampered articulation .

An adult person who suffers dysarthria, is not observed reading disorders . letters . auditory speech perception . The patient noted a violation of the child's pronunciation of words. Therefore, it is possible not only a violation of reading and writing, but also the general underdevelopment of speech. That is, if an adult dysarthria only prevents him from properly speak, dysarthria the child interferes with its normal development.

People with dysarthria mimic muscles and speech has limited mobility. A child with symptomatic says blurred, unclear. His voice can be quiet or very sharp. It is not smooth, impaired breathing. In some cases, it either slows down or, on the contrary, accelerated. A person suffering from dysarthria, marked violation of phonation It may change the intonation of speech. The manifestations of dysarthria depend on where in the CNS   or in Peripheral nervous system   localized damage, as well as the severity of the violation, and others.

Children dysarthria can have both mild and severe forms. Dysarthria severe usually occurs in children Cerebral Palsy . In mild form of the disease your child has moderate disorders of articulation, so that it is clear we are people around, however, it remains unclear.

With erased dysarthria   a child can be observed   poor diction . gibberish . replacement of certain sounds   in difficult to pronounce words. Children with the erased form dysarthria often eat poorly, as they find it difficult to chew, especially solid food. They find it difficult to perform certain actions related to hygiene standards For example, to rinse your mouth. Such a child may be awkward to carry out certain actions, particularly those associated with the need to use fine motor skills of hands.

However, quite often subclinical form of dysarthria unnoticed by parents as a child with this symptom is not drastically different from his peers. However, these children need individual assistance, and a speech therapist prolonged correction. Can diagnose erased dysarthria in children 3 years But more often a diagnosis is a child after the age of five, when the symptoms become more pronounced. It is important to consult with an obituary, which will tell you whether you need to carry out medical treatment, and will announce the forecast.

Why appears dysarthria?

 Ataxophemia  To conduct adequate treatment and to save the child from those expressed manifestations of dysarthria, determine the causes of this condition. Experts have always associated this speech disorder with a specific pathological processes in the central nervous system of humans.

In most cases, motor dysarthria develops in those children who are still in utero exposed to certain factors affecting the development of the brain. This can be a strong toxemia . viral diseases   mother long fetal hypoxia   and others. Therefore, pregnant women should be screened regularly and strictly follow the doctor's advice.

Dysarthria speech is sometimes a consequence of Bleeding in the brain Occurring in a child when rapid or prolonged labor. Hemorrhage can later trigger innervation of the muscles that determine the formation of sounds.

Dysarthria at preschool and early childhood can occur as a result of past infectious diseases and severe inflammatory processes in the body. Sometimes, under the influence of these factors in a child developing subclinical form of dysarthria. It is important to promptly detect the symptom and, together with a specialist to determine a clear plan of correction of speech problems.

Dysarthria in adults and in some cases develops as a result of the transferred severe illnesses. Such a speech disorder is often manifested as a consequence of infectious diseases of the brain and its membranes.

To improve the condition of the patient, it is important to promptly and correctly establish the diagnosis and implement the treatment regimen, which is prescribed by a doctor. Parents with special attention must refer to the fact that the therapist recommends, as a modern speech therapy in the arsenal of many methods to improve the state of the child suffering from dysarthria.

In adults, dysarthria is often a consequence of suffering stroke . vascular disorders of character . brain tumor . Alzheimer's disease . Parkinson . Huntington . Dysarthria also sometimes observed as a symptom   multiple sclerosis   and myasthenia gravis . In more rare cases dysarthria appears after the poisoning, trauma, drug overdose, the systematic use of drugs and alcohol.

How to cure dysarthria?

 Ataxophemia  In the process of diagnosis therapist necessarily conducts research features zvukoproiznoshenija violations, and draws attention to the general state of the question.

Generally, treatment of dysarthria in children practiced as a complex effect on the cause that provoked this symptom. Also includes a comprehensive therapy the use of special techniques of speech therapy . exercises Contributing to the development of fine motor skills. The practice of regular physiotherapy exercises. The detailed scheme of how to treat dysarthria in each case, is developing a physician.

If your child has a severe form of dysarthria, it must observe professionals in the specialized institutions for children. Erased dysarthria can be treated on an outpatient basis. However, regular monitoring is required by different specialists - speech therapist . Neurologist . Psychologist . Medication, which can significantly improve the condition of people with speech impairments, to date, does not exist.

Parents should not rely solely on the doctor. Speech always encourages them to make every effort to encourage the child to speak correctly dysarthria. Therefore, exercises And massage And special classes   you need to perform regular and at home. Experts recommend starting treatment of children with dysarthria as soon as possible to the period of admission to a school child can feel confident and adapt in a group of children.

Sometimes children with the symptom is shown in special education speech therapy groups in kindergarten or school. The team can get a noticeable effect on the use of special gaming techniques. Also modern speech therapists are widely used special computer programs.

Treatment of dysarthria in adult humans is in the treatment of the disease, which it provoked. Practitioners also training articulation with the help of special exercises and massage.

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