Saturday, December 24, 2016

We prove harm houseplants

It is known that among the benefits that brings a lot of houseplants - their ability to remove various volatile organic compounds, toxic to human health. Much less, however, it is known to harm that carries an excessive planting space, and that is that, besides oxygen, some indoor plants also produce a number of toxic organic compounds.

 We prove harm houseplants

American scientists from the University of Dzhorrdzhii conducted an experiment to measure the amount and intensity of volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions spatifillyum, sansevieriya, ficus and betel nut. All four of these plants - popular inhabitants ordinary flats and houses. It was found that 23 spatifillyum allocated volatile compounds in air, betel nut - 16, ficus - 13 substances and sansevieriya - 12. However, some compounds were not isolated plant itself, and by the reaction of soil microorganisms.

Thus it is possible to take for granted that some compounds produced unpretentious and harmless-looking plants adversely affect the health of animals, including humans. The damage is particularly high, given that most of the substances produced by plants during the day rather than at night (as the presence of light provoked effect synthesis). It turns out that the house plants bring not only benefit (clean air), but also harm (because the sources are not always useful chemical combinations in air). However, he harm from toxic volatile compounds has not yet been thoroughly measured. (READ MORE)

Clean house

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