Saturday, December 24, 2016

Breastfeeding affects the mental development of the child

According to foreign researchers, breastfeeding increases intelligence of children. The thing is anti-stress effect of the female hormone estrogen. In the body of the child with milk, it protects against stress, which subsequently increases the child's IQ. But in general, breast milk - this is an ideal, complete and very tasty food for newborns.

 Breastfeeding affects the mental development of the child  Breast-feeding

The benefits of breast milk
Human milk and colostrum - is not just a drink and food for infants, is the strongest immune protection. When a baby is born only in his present body protective antibodies, which he inherited from the mother through the placenta. But after a few months, these antibodies disappear, because no longer perform its protective function. However, immunity shall continue to be formed due to breast milk, which in the body of the child receives antibodies and good bacteria.

The composition and the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, breast milk is perfectly suited for the body of the child and meet the functionality of its digestive system. Milk creates optimal conditions for the life of the normal microflora of the large intestine of the child. And the sooner the baby will make to the chest, the better. Studies have shown that if a baby's mother is feeding milk in the first 24 hours after birth, infants bifidobacteria found in 50% of cases. If you put the baby to the breast later, the useful flora found only in every third or fourth child.

And breastfeeding is beneficial for the youngest mothers, since, according to doctors, is a powerful prevention of breast cancer.

Problems are solved with a lack of milk
Many mothers complain that they have little breast milk. Indeed, such a problem as hypogalactia, ie decrease production of breast milk, women often face. In most cases, this is due to lifestyle, stress, malnutrition. Lactation process can be improved.
- Observe mode and try to find time relaxing.
- Keep track of your diet, it should be varied and include all the basic food groups.
- Use tools to stimulate lactation. Pediatricians recommend time-tested drugs, which include royal jelly, for example Apilak Grindeks. Royal Jelly - a storehouse of biologically active substances and vitamins. They restore the mother after childbirth and establishing feeding process.
- Feed your baby on his or her request. Try to establish contact with him.
- Do the exercises included in the set of physical therapy for the upper body muscles. They provide blood flow to the breast, contributing to successful lactation.

How long do you need to feed your baby?
WHO recommends that, together with lure continue breastfeeding up to two years of age or older. However, Russian experts believe that everything should be in moderation. Year-old child is quite enough breastfeeds   twice a day, to gradually transfer it to food with a common table.

Healthy Child

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