Saturday, December 3, 2016


Description overdue on 30.10.2012

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 Movalis  Non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory agent . The active substance acts meloxicam . The drug has antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects. The main component of the drug is a derivative enolievoy Movalis acid belongs to the class oxycam . The active substance inhibits the process of synthesizing prostaglandins through selective inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2. Selectivity decreases during prolonged treatment with meloxicam in high dosages. The drug is less likely to cause development erosive and ulcerative lesions   in the digestive tract. Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis is noted most in inflammatory foci, compared with the tissues of kidney and stomach. Movalis available in tablet form and as a solution, a suppository.


Movalis prescribed for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis , Ankylosing spondylitis, degenerative and inflammatory lesions of the joints accompanied by pain.


Movalis does not apply to severe pathology of renal system, breastfeeding, pregnancy, with "aspirin" triad (includes a combination of recurrent polyposis, asthma, intolerance pirazolonovyh medicines and acetylsalicylic acid), intolerance to drugs of NSAIDs in ulcer disease of the digestive tract the acute stage. Movalis candles not apply to the anal, rectal bleeding , Inflammatory processes in the anal and rectum department. Older patients meloxicam administered with caution.

Side effect:

The digestive tract: hyperbilirubinemia , Increased levels of liver enzymes, flatulence, epigastric pain, vomiting, tonshota, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the digestive system, disease, hidden or obvious gastrointestinal bleeding. Nervous system:   increased sleepiness, dizziness, headaches. Allergic reactions such as blisters   the skin, itching and rashes. Bodies of blood: thrombocytopenia , Anemia, increased white blood cells. Cardiovascular system:   heart palpitations, "tides" of blood flow to the chest, neck, face, raising blood pressure. Urinary system:   increase in urea and creatinine, swelling. Less registered interstitial nephritis , Nephrotic syndrome, renal medullary necrosis and glomerulonephritis. Some patients reported tinnitus in patients receiving the drug.


Manifested increased severity of these side effects. The specific antagonist, and the antidote to be developed, we recommend an emergency gastric lavage, administration enterosorbents .

Mode of application:

Movalis take pills during the meal inside. The daily dose of meloxicam is 7, 5-15 mg. For patients on hemodialysis, the pathology of the renal system prescribed minimum amount of medication - 7, 5 mg. Movalis suppositories are administered 1 time per day (15 mg).

Special instructions:

With the development of side effects from the mucous membranes and skin, the formation of peptic ulcers , The development of gastrointestinal bleeding Movalis overturned. The clinical picture of chronic renal failure may develop in patients with impaired   glomerular filtration   (cirrhosis of the liver, with dehydration , In patients receiving diuretics, after surgery, during dehydration, with renal disease, with   nephrotic syndrome ), With reduced BCC. Movalis affects the execution speed of psychomotor reactions, to control vehicles.

Drug Interactions:

The risk of bleeding increases with use of heparin anticoagulants , Thrombolytic agents, ticlopidine. Simultaneous treatment with NSAID group of drugs increases the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. Severity gematotoksichnosti meloxicam increases the appointment myelotoxic agents. Mielodepressivny effect enhanced by appointment Methotrexate . Under the influence of cholestyramine accelerates the elimination of the drug from the body.

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