To understand the causes of heartburn, recall the physiology. Food enters the stomach through the esophagus. In place of its transition into the stomach has a special valve (lower esophageal sphincter), which transmits the contents of a gastrointestinal tube to another. It is necessary to ensure that the food was just a top-down and does not come back.
Another function of the sphincter - control of gastric juice, because it should remain within the stomach. If the work of the sphincter is disrupted, he spontaneously begins to open, then thrown gastric contents into the esophagus. Since the secret stomach contains hydrochloric acid, esophageal mucosa fired by the substance. Then comes the painful burning sensation, or heartburn. Among the many reasons for the weakening of the sphincter is, those that are associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, hiatal hernia and so on. And there are factors relatively less dangerous, they often cause heartburn for many of us, due to violations of the rules of a healthy lifestyle.
The most common of these factors - overeating. The normal volume stomach 0, 5-1 liters. The same amount of food should come to him in one of her reception. If the amount of food more the stomach is stretched. Physiological norm stretch - up to 3-4 liters. After that, in the case enters the sphincter: it opens to free additional space for excess food. Therefore, part of the gastric juice into the esophagus, causing heartburn. If until now we talked about very strong overeating, occurring most often during holiday feasts, even slight overeating can cause heartburn in the following three situations:
1) Eating later than 2 hours before bedtime. When a person is lying down, food in the fullness stronger pressure on the sphincter, and hence the greater the likelihood of erroneous opening than when we sit or stand.
2) Exercise immediately after a meal. Abbreviations abdominal muscles that occur during training, squeeze distended stomach, and the food, breaking the resistance of the sphincter, rushes up, causing heartburn.
3) Tight clothing. To a greater extent this applies to women, but due to wearing tight clothing burning sensation behind the sternum may also appear in men. Many men wear suits, tight tightening the belt of his trousers. Women are often smaller buy clothes to accentuate her figure. In both cases, compressed by the internal organs. Stomach to enroll in a food or liquid is not enough room to stretch and then its contents have no choice but to put pressure on the sphincter muscle, which in turn opens - as a result there is heartburn.
Of course, there are many drugs for heartburn, different ways of neutralizing the scorching effect of gastric juice on the esophageal mucosa. But is it worth to take them in cases where the heartburn caused by overeating? After all, excessive food intake, in addition to heartburn, there are other unpleasant results coming. This belching, abdominal bloating, nausea - and this is an incomplete list of the painful symptoms of overeating. And medicines for heartburn does not affect them.
But can you just quickly eliminate all the consequences of overeating and not only one heartburn? According to gastroenterologists, is best suited for that purpose preparations intensify and accelerate motor skills, ie peristaltic contractions of the stomach and duodenum, and thereby accelerating the movement of food in the event of delay in the process. Among these the most affordable medicines - Motilak. He is a Russian analog of expensive imported drugs. Under the influence of such funds heartburn problem, and together with it and all the painful "bouquet" symptoms of overeating solved, not only because the food is quickly removed from the stomach, but also by increasing the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter. Therefore acid from the stomach longer thrown into the esophagus.
To avoid the unpleasant effects of overeating, including heartburn, you must also adhere to the following rules:
- The last meal should be carried out for 2-3 hours before bedtime. Immediately after a hearty lunch or breakfast is also not recommended to lie. And if you are very sleepy, then immediately after a meal before you go, take a little walk - so the food will be digested faster.
- Cut down on your menu, sharp, salty, smoked products. They enhance the secretion of gastric juice and hydrochloric acid, and thus not only increasing heartburn, but also increase the appetite, which leads to overeating.
- Do not use tight clothes, especially when you are waiting for the holiday table.
Finally, the most trouble-free way to reduce the effects of overeating - it does not prevent it. To reduce hunger drink 1, 5 cups of water for half an hour before meals. So you will create a feeling of fullness of the stomach.
Healthy eating
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