Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Nervous food

 Nervous food

Gluttony for centuries was considered one of the seven deadly sins. Perhaps that is why people suffering from bulimia, hide their illness and rarely seek medical help

Our expert - psychologist Marina Serebryakova .

About eating disorders - anorexia and bulimia - widely spoken recently. But most of us are aware of these diseases is very superficial. For example, it is believed that anoreksiki eat nothing and so terribly thin, and people who suffer from bulimia, on the contrary, all the while absorbing buns and burgers and therefore terribly fat. But it turns out, one of the victim and other disease externally almost indistinguishable from each other, since most of the victims had an average or underweight. The primary risk for bulimia include girls of 13 years and young women up to 35. But among the patients and men. The peak of the clinical manifestations of the disease accounts for 15-16 years, 22-25 years, 27-28 years.

Carouse carouse so!

Bulimia - a mental disorder in which the patient periodically arises unnatural, downright "ravenous" appetite, which are a consequence of repeated food "binges." Attacks rabid appetite can occur sporadically throughout the day, or to overtake its prey only at night, but in some cases people who suffer from bulimia, eating constantly, literally closing the mouth.

During these "fits of gluttony" gastronomic addicts in a short time to absorb a huge amount of high-calorie food (a favorite food of victims of bulimia - ice cream, sweets, pastries and fast food). At this point, patients completely lose control of themselves and often simply do not realize how much eaten.

After the end of the attack unfortunate start to feel a strong aversion to him and a great sense of guilt for their behavior, which, in addition, joins and panic recover. Therefore, people cause vomiting, taking laxatives or diuretics to excrete both adored and hated the food. Getting rid of food eaten only brings hunger, and further increases the likelihood of another "binge." Over time, resort to cleanse the stomach falls more and more.

Bulimia is not only depletes the nervous system, but also the whole body. Particularly affected the gastrointestinal tract. When an excessive amount of food intake of the stomach wall is excessively stretched (up to fracture), and frequent vomiting and dehydration cause esophageal irritation. Furthermore, from the stomach acid damaged tooth enamel. Extreme bulimia may even cause acute heart failure and death (proof - the story of the king of rock 'n' roll Elvis Presley).

Live to eat

Seeing how happy and relaxed smiles in his sleep just pokormlenny mom breast baby, you know that the absorption of food - it's not just the satisfaction of natural needs, but also one of the greatest pleasures in life. Unfortunately, sometimes it's fun supersedes all others, and eating becomes an obsession for a man, a drug, a remedy for all ills, and the key to solving all problems.

Humans have two reactions to stress: some of the experiences of a piece in the throat does not climb, while others actively "seize" any psychological discomfort with something tasty. A second group just to be at risk for bulimia. Initially, a lot of these people only eat when stressed, but later any trouble or just banal boredom causes food cravings. Thoughts of food are the main content of life. Man is no longer able to focus on work, school, family, he can not even think about his personal life.

In addition to the already known nervous and secondary bulimia - it occurs in certain diseases of the central nervous and endocrine systems, as well as some mental disorders. The most common among organic causes of bulimia is called diabetes, one symptom of which is an increased appetite. Also, the need to over-absorption of food can occur in people suffering from toxic lesion of the brain, brain stem tumors, genetic diseases with damage to brain structures.

The disease of dislike

It is known that the earlier the treatment of bulimia, the higher the efficiency and the way below the cost (you can do only qualified psychotherapy). In severe cases, patients may require hospitalization, the remaining patients may well be on outpatient care.

In fact, this disease is treated by two specialists: therapist (or psychiatrist) and a nutritionist. Manage only via specialist in clinical nutrition is impossible, because bulimia nervosa - is not synonymous with food debauchery. This is not a fault, but the misfortune of the patient. The disease lies deep psychological trauma, constantly disturbing experience. It may be a feeling of rejection or non-compliance, nedolyublennosti a child, or the trauma of bereavement or other tragic event.

Cure this disease, just took himself in hand, unfortunately, impossible. Therefore, it is important that family members be understanding and patience and not accused person suffering from bulimia, in the absence of willpower and helps to fight disease. The ultimate goal for the patient -Take yourself for who he is, and return to normal life.

The therapist is required to work with the patient's family. The problem of family therapy - to adjust existing relations among family members, so that the patient does not feel alienated, but love and respect from loved ones. When the patient is recovering very effective group therapy. Communication in a group allows participants to share experiences, to talk about how to overcome the disease and find out about similar experiences of others.

Besides, helping others improves self-esteem of the individual. The best results are given by a combination of psychotherapy (individual and family), diet and medical treatment (usually prescribed antidepressants).


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