Tuesday, August 8, 2017


March 1st, 2012

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 Baldness  Baldness - A condition in which a person takes hair loss. In medicine, all types of hair loss called alopecia accepted. The hair can fall out in connection with many diseases. Hair loss can trigger a genetic problem, a number of diseases, taking certain medications, and other factors. Hair loss is always a fairly serious psychological shock for everyone. It has long hair is considered a symbol of human energy and vitality. Today, the hair - a symbol of attractiveness of a man and his sexual attraction to the opposite sex.

Types of alopecia

The most common among the population meets the so-called androgenetic alopecia   (ie balding male or female type). This type of hair loss is about 95% of all types of hair loss. About half of the men to the age of fifty complain about the presence of visible signs of baldness. One-third of women in the same age also showing some signs of alopecia.

Amongst neandrogennyh forms   Baldness often observed manifestations: telogen baldness . alopecia   ( focal ) alopecia . ringworm . cicatrical alopecia As well as hair loss as a consequence of the abuse of cosmetics. Less frequent are other types of alopecia, but they are very difficult to diagnose.

Causes of alopecia

There are many reasons due to which a person can fall out hair. However, all these factors can be divided into internal and external reasons. Speaking about the internal reasons, it should be noted changes in the hormonal balance in the body, problems in the process of metabolism, genetic predisposition to baldness, autoimmune processes. External causes is stress, infectious diseases, skin damage of a physical nature, the impact on the body of harmful substances. Very often hair loss in humans is due to several factors influence the complex.

Each type of baldness occurs due to the impact of certain factors. Thus, when loss mature hair observed scattered hair loss. As a result, it decreases the density of hair growth, but complete baldness in humans is not observed. Mature hair fall out as a result of a number of different reasons. A similar phenomenon may occur after birth due to major changes in the body during pregnancy And as a result of certain medications (hormonal contraceptives, drugs that inhibit blood clotting, beta-blockers, Interferon , Means with antitumour activity). Hair loss may occur as a result of strong stress , Both mental and physical. Endocrine disorders and poor diet can also lead to loss of mature hair. Thus, such problems provoking lack of iron, zinc.

With growing hair loss   Broken hair loss is observed as the mature and those that grow. In this case, the hair falls out due to mushroom mycosis , Radiation therapy, medication ( allopurinol .   bromocriptine ). Also, the reason for the growing of hair loss can be poisoned by certain chemicals.

When cicatrical alopecia   on the scalp appear smooth shiny areas where there are no hair follicles. Scar alopecia seen in humans because of the presence of developmental abnormalities and congenital malformations of hair follicles character. This problem can cause a number of infections - syphilis . juccuya . herpes infection . The causes of scar alopecia is the presence of age spots, basal cancer disease. Also similar to the pathology of a number of factors can trigger a physical nature: alkalis and   acids . chilblain . burns . radiation . Several ovarian pathologies . Scars pemphigus . pituitary hyperplasia   are the causes of this form of alopecia.

Alopecia   (another name - alopecia ) alopecia   It is an acquired disease and manifests the appearance of nude rounded foci of various sizes on the skin of the head, beard area, eyebrows. In this cicatrization is observed. In the centers there is absolutely no hair, but other changes were observed. At the edge of the hearth hair easily pulled out, and if the centers expand, then later a person may experience complete baldness. Until today, the exact statements about the causes of alopecia areata does not exist.

Traumatic alopecia   It arises due to chronic injury. In this case, the cause of this disease sometimes becomes trichotillomania, tight hairstyles, use tightly tied bows and barrettes.

With tinea   scalp lesions, which do not have hair, occur due to exposure to the fungus. Usually, the cause of this disease are fungi   kind mikrosporum   and trihofiton .

Features alopecia

 Baldness  Each person, each day you get a hundred hair. Today it is the relationship with the level of androgenic alopecia in a person's blood of male hormones. So, there is even a theory that bald men hypersexuality. Yet alopecia is a consequence of the sensitivity of hair follicles particular person to the amount of male hormones in the blood. Thus follicles in females that exhibit a high level of sensitivity to androgens They are uniformly on the surface of the head. At the same time the representatives of the stronger sex, they are located mainly on the top and on the border of hair growth. That explains why the characteristic bald men and women expressed in the androgenic alopecia bald head is missing.

At the same time, alopecia areata equally often diagnosed as adult men and women, and children. It develops in different ways: sometimes a few centers of baldness appear on the head, otherwise they affect other parts of the body covered with hair - eyebrows and beard. These lesions may be some time later overgrown hair, or to merge into a coherent bald head or move. The exact causes of the disease are not known, but it is believed that this form of alopecia is an autoimmune nature.

Hair growth slows down at times due to strong stress, then it may worsen hair loss. Due to the effects of stress hair follicles enter the resting phase, and after a while they throw the hair follicles. This situation leads to thinning of hair.

At the same time the impact estrogen   - The female sex hormones - increases the life cycle of hair. Therefore, during pregnancy the hair is thicker. But after birth, a sharp decline in estrogen and as a result, the hair falls out actively.

Diagnosis of alopecia

In order to correctly diagnose when alopecia, a doctor must conduct a complex study that will help determine the cause of such problems. So, this complex includes a study of the functioning of the thyroid gland, to conduct a full analysis of the blood to determine the possible violation of the immune system, identifying the level of androgynous serum. You should also be reacted von Wasserman to eliminate syphilis. When alopecia is also necessary to find out the number of T and B lymphocytes Because in people with alopecia areata their level sometimes drops.

In the process of diagnostics specialist also produces a test with pulling on the hair: the hair of stretching rod is made without effort. If the hair is removed easily, the doctor may suspect the presence of alopecia areata. In addition, a study of the hair shaft under the microscope, the research centers of peeling, the possibility of Biopsy   hairy part of the head skin, by which to determine the presence of the patient ringworm . sarcoidosis . lichen planus .

Treatment of alopecia

 Baldness  First of all, patients with similar problems should be aware that the availability of a variety of different products that claim to provide relief from these problems are mostly cosmetic. Therefore, an independent selection for the treatment of alopecia may be ineffective, therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo all the prescribed study.

Regardless of the form of alopecia patient shows the use of iron and zinc due to the lack of these elements in the body of a person suffering from hair loss.

When mature hair loss is necessary, first of all, to eliminate the cause of this phenomenon. As a rule, after the cause has been eliminated, the hair grow and acquire the usual form. Similarly, should act, and on a roll of growing hair.

Patients with scar alopecia we recommend the use of surgical treatment of the disease. During the operation areas with scars excised or they transplanted skin flap.

With androgenic alopecia are used as medication and traditional medicines. Typically, when ADT result is the suspension of hair loss. However, the former density of hair is not restored. To date, the most effective drug for the treatment of androgenic alopecia is considered Minoxidil . This tool acts on hair follicles and effectively prolongs the growth phase of hair. In addition, when this form of alopecia applies massage, electrical stimulation, hypnotherapy, electrophoresis of a number of substances. However, in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia should be noted that the treatment process will be very long, and the first results will be seen only after a few months. There is also a surgical method for the treatment of this disease by transplanting their own hair. To do this, the hair follicles are taken from the sides and back of the head surface of the head, that is, with androgen-independent zones. They are transported to a place where there is severe hair loss. But the operation does not fit all people to the same positive result is not always observed.

With alopecia areata disease often resolves on its own within a few years. However, possible re-emergence of the disease. In the treatment of disease are used sedatives. As a topical treatment used annoying rubbing alcohol solutions (eg, tincture of cayenne pepper ), Hormone drugs. They are also used drugs, which contribute to increasing the sensitivity to light. They are used locally and combined with ultraviolet irradiation

Cure traumatic alopecia only after stop hair pulling. In this case, sometimes need help with a psychologist or psychiatrist. Ringworm of the scalp are used antifungal agents with influence. It is important to observe hygiene: wash hands, wash all hats and bedding.

Today in the world are developing new treatments for baldness and restore hair. So, the most high expectations associated with the expectation of the results of research and development related to hair cloning, as well as methods of stimulating the emergence of new hair.

Preventing alopecia

To date, no specific methods for the prevention of alopecia. However, of great importance in this case it is healthy and nutritious diet. It is important to use products that contain the desired active microelements of hair growth, ie foods rich in zinc, iron, selenium. No less important is the right time and to cure all diseases, which can cause alopecia. Also avoid hairstyles in which the hair are in much tension.

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